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Archived threads in /u/ - Yuri - 49. page
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idk what I'm asking for but post more cute and adorable single strip comic images.
61 replies and 46 images submitted. Click here to view.
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After the wait, two new chapters!


255 replies and 40 images submitted. Click here to view.
Incidentally, the new girl is kinda similar to QT pie. At first I thought it was her, but then remembered she had longer hair.
New there story parts are posted. The newer ones are at top, so scroll down to read from where you left off.
>New girl
Haven't we seen her before? Back when Sun Jing was punished to stand in the hallway and she and her friends came over to invite Sun Jing to her birthday party.

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Continued from >>1811547
96 replies and 18 images submitted. Click here to view.
Ep10: http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=732050
>this episode

Everything is going to be daijoubu, right?

Taroumaru will live!

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>>1701909 previous thread

Official WWOEC thread

Constantly updated archive
255 replies and 110 images submitted. Click here to view.
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Chapter 1
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Post yuris fingering eachother.
80 replies and 72 images submitted. Click here to view.
This is /u/, not /r/.
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Continued from >>1733868

Ongoing manga:

Download/read Saki here: http://dynasty-scans.com/series/saki
Download/read Saki Biyori BG here: http://dynasty-scans.com/series/saki_biyori_bg
Download/read Saki Shinohayu here: http://dynasty-scans.com/series/saki_shinohayu

Completed manga:

Download/read Saki Achiga-hen here: http://dynasty-scans.com/series/saki_achiga_hen_episode_of_side_a
Achiga-hen manga batch torrent: http://bakabt.me/170656-saki-achiga-hen-episode-of-side-a.html
Download Saki Biyori here:...
Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
255 replies and 207 images submitted. Click here to view.
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we need to change that
255 replies and 122 images submitted. Click here to view.
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A lesbian board and no strap-on thread? That's weird.
255 replies and 202 images submitted. Click here to view.

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Continue From>>1897507
Too bad it never caught fire. It was rather /u/, especially that second ending. I miss it.
Anyway, this thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles. Canon and non-canon both welcome.
*News reports about things relevant to our interest
*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics
*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.
255 replies and 54 images submitted. Click here to view.
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Just saiying that this manga is getting gayer
Fuck you Mugino.
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Reply to this post if you hate Mugino

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Sakura Trick anyone?
255 replies and 106 images submitted. Click here to view.
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Fun show, kiss scenes great, bewildering number of people misunderstand the ending, manga scanlations MIA forever.
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I like it, I wish we could get a second season...
How did Haruka get a pic of Yuu naked?

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>Project website


>Mermaid website


>Bhikkhuni website


>Bhikkhuni's OP


>Siren Website


>Siren TV ad


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255 replies and 98 images submitted. Click here to view.
New Bhikkuni scans

HD version

Next episode preview fucking when?
I don't think there will be a preview since episode 2 has been screened twice at special events. Tomorrow we should be getting the episode summary at the site though.

Also, the final shot of the OP

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Previous thread >>1820063

Check the archive for more threads
Discuss, request, and recommend /u/ related /lit/ works.

Please search on google, archive or torrent sites before making a request.
On kat.cr search for "FF" and click on the books section.
255 replies and 8 images submitted. Click here to view.
Didn't see a new thread so I opened one. I'm a dummie so if anyone could change the title (I wrote it in the Name section apparently) that would be great.
>if anyone could change the title
That's not now 4chan works.
Like I said, I'm new.

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Link to scanlation group for the latest chapters of Yuru Yuri and its spin off Oomuro-ke: http://bakkinbakkingamu.com

previous thread
255 replies and 197 images submitted. Click here to view.
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Link to scanlation group for the latest chapters of Yuru Yuri and its spin off Oomuro-ke: http://bakkinbakkingamu.com

S3 has begun!
255 replies and 154 images submitted. Click here to view.
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Link the old thread next time.
I did, it was a great series. Maybe I can adjust my expectations, but this just feels like Miname-ke Okawari all over again.

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255 replies and 84 images submitted. Click here to view.
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>15 years old
is that you /a/
>people who don't even know how this board works
Is this what you wanted mods.

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