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why does /m/ hate ibo so much ?
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why does /m/ hate ibo so much ?
It's a gundam show not made by Tomino.

This is not to say its withouy flaws, but /m/ hates it for that reason.
I'm sure there already is a thread full of complaints somewhere on the board. There always is.
Concentrated shit posting efforts.
Seriously, anti IBO/Greco posters put jidf to shame.
Because its another derivative series, but people, who have never watched another Gundam show, praise as it as something new.
This. Its hilarious how this gets praised while AGE is hated when they both suffer from piss poor execution and general blandness.
/m/ is one of the most hyperbolic boards in existence.
Also they're too used to Tomino's autism to accept any other types.
You see, Tomino's writing flaws are either endearing or actually artistic flourishes to them.
Okada's writing flaws are the worst shit ever and gives them cancer.
Personally, the gunpla piss me off. The models are alright but they're removing stuff from kits to keep the prices down, then selling it back as the Iron-blooded Arms like it's paid DLC. It's annoying as fuck, like when Bandai releases backheavy kits without stands to try and sell the action bases.
The same gunpla over and over with minor changes.
i mean i personally love ibo, one of my fav gundam shows to be honest i will admit it has a couple problems here and there but i like it. i like the more realistic/darker/serious tone as well.
What series is it more realistic/darker/serious than?
i'd probably say a mix of victory (for the amount of deaths) and 0080 (for more realistic stuff)
>i like the more realistic/darker/serious tone
Like only one of the Orphans has died and we're up to 21 episodes now.
what about the hostages in episode 3 ? or the protest group in the colonies in episode 16 (i think it was)
I wouldn't call it realistic, but it's certainly more "grounded".

Gundam has a bad habit of trying to be a war drama but then drifting into one-kid-decides-entire-war pseudo super-robo bullshit.

So far IBO has thankfully cut that shit off.
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He said the Orphans dumbass
Because nothing has happened. How many episodes were spent in space doing nothing?
jokes on you shithead
It's like the Ubisoft of Gunpla.
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Wow, people no one gave a shit about.
Man it's going to be so long before this show is completely released on blu ray. Still, I'm not gonna watch it until then, same as I do with all anime.
you never know more can bite the dust in the next 4 episodes or the next season if it gets one
Because it's just not good for a number of reasons.
I'll list a few;

- Very unfocused direction, feels like the writers aren't really sure what they want to do, which is why we're nearly at the end of the series, or first half, and the show still feels like it has barely gotten off the ground. The 20 episodes we've gotten so far feels incredibly wasted.
If this doesn't get a second season, compare it to Build Fighters at the same stage. If it does, compare it to 00 S1.

- The writing is very weak as well, with both Biscuit and Guts' (can't be fucked to remember his name) brothers suddenly showing up after being mentioned and both arcs go through almost the exact same movements and ends pretty much the same. The "main story" isn't captivating or engrossing in the slightest, it's very dull. There are no thrills or suspense.

- Characterisation, because of the weak writing, suffers. There is not a single character that feels like the "main" character, and the show spreads itself thin over a few too many characters without focusing on any particular ones (Kudelia having gotten the most focus out of any character so far). This results in the characters having their archetypes, but almost none of them have a fleshed out personality or character. The cast feels flat.

- The animation and art quality is absolutely dreadful, especially for its time. It should be, by all means, incredibly easy to make a show that looks good these days. This season and last had a incredibly high proportion of sakuga shows, or shows just look pretty good. Compared to them, IBO looks dreadful. Hell, compare it the Gundam series that came before it (Build Fighters, G-Reco and even AGE), IBO's overall art is a fair bit worse, and the animation is sub-par. QUALITY galore.
>for the amount of deaths
By this point in the story Victory had already a plethora of named character deaths currently IBO has had one from the MCs side die.
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That's gunpla in general.
Isn't that basically the midsection of any Gundam show?
Zeta spends a lot of time in space accomplishing nothing.
ZZ is even larger stretches of nothing with the occasional appearance by Haman to try and get a plot rolling.

The only real difference is that the show doesn't do skirmish of the week stuff which makes the lack of progress a little more noticeable.
I don't hate it. I don't care for it either. I think I dropped it at episode 9?

The first couple episodes were promising, and perhaps even good, but after they started floating around in space the show's momentum ground to a resounding halt. I don't mind slow shows either, but IBO's slow wasn't because of deliberate authorial intent, but rather the shake-up of writers trading in and out with alarming frequency. You can tell too. Characters will have a "thoughtful moment" in one episode, and then the next episode they'll spend an inordinate amount of time mulling over that. The show st-st-studders too much. I blame the director more than anyone. He obviously saw this as an easy way to cash in on his name, and instead of making a competent show, let alone a decent looking one. It's not as if Sunrise hasn't been able to animate Gundam series well in recent years either.

I wish Okada was actually scripting more episodes. The premise of the show and general proof of concept are fine, really.
>not using caps or punctuation.
Well, hook'd my friend.
Doesn't that happen in the middle, not at the beginning?
Because you're not allowed to like anything on the new /m/. The only way to post is to be a contrarian asshole who hates any and all shows made after G-Reco and/or Try.

Say that you like any currently airing show, no matter how small your compliment is, and you'll be called out on having shit taste and then be lambasted for liking a show that has so many exaggerated flaws.
>of any Gundam show
Watch X, or gtfo
>I wish Okada was actually scripting more episodes.
The episodes she wrote weren't good to begin with. Not sure why people believe her lack of episode credits is why IBO is crap
Don't bring up character deaths and Victory.
Just because it's on the other end of the spectrum, doesn't make it good.
Or need I remind you of all the characters in that show that received absolutely no characterization until 5 minutes before they kicked the bucket?
Because blu ray rips look a lot nicer than TV rips, and with modern shows the art is sometimes improved. Plus I hate fansubs.
The beginning is long over, buddy.
Hyperbole about how shit it is when it is a average series and that it is popular with realfags and casuals.
They were adequate. My gripe is that at least we'd have a consistent handle on the characters. Shit may still be as boring, but who knows.

Horrible subs are official subs you tard.
Yeah and they were still in space from the beginning until an episode of two or ago. Essentially the beginning until the middle. No dramatic change.
So i'm a realfag then for liking it ? I will admit ibo does have it's flaws
To make an excuse for why the series isn't shit.
Someone with an agenda wants to force fanbase wars.

The show has issues but you'll see most threads are nothing but shitposters efforts to make some contrived fanbase war.
>of trying to be a war drama but then drifting into one-kid-decides-entire-war pseudo super-robo bullshit.
No, it was always a one-kid-decides-entire-war pseudo super-robo series. Did you accidentally stumble onto 08th or 0083 first and felt butthurt that the rest of the series isn't grimdark and edgy?

Even so, IBO is exactly that. We've got a group of kids and a naive princess who suddenly causes a big upheaval in society with their super special Barbados robot and Alaya-Vijnana shit. We're supposed to believe that Mika could actually easily beat Crank, a hardened veteran? We're supposed to believe a ragtag group of malnourished Orphans are capable of essentially steamrolling and outwitting brutal space pirates and Gjallarhorn.
The same Gjallarhorn that single handedly put an end to the Calamity War and basically controls every single economic bloc, ones that they made in the first place?
A group of Orphans beating the armed forces of an organization that keeps THE ENTIRETY OF EARTH IN CHECK.

Yeah, thank god IBO has cut that stupid shit out >_<
>Horrible subs are official subs you tard.
Eh alright, it still looks bad though.
Probably talking about how the setting is visibly grungier and more bleak than others. As in there's visible grime on the ship for a while, when they show where workers live there's all sorts of random debris on the street, random mattress, stray dog, and a drunk guy, looks more like a ghetto would. Having narrative things like having to sell off salvage or buy more paint, get sponsoring to get places. Not having beam-weapon lightshows all the time, but metal melee weapons and conventional ballistics. Touches like that that, on the surface, may seem more grounded than most other Gundam entries.

It's mostly atmospherics though. Kind of like how ep 1 of Stargazer was a barebones story that did well presenting the look and feel of an environmental catastrophe, with the flooding and the people scurrying about, but three kids managing to find, steal, and operate a GINN to rampage the streets was pretty WTF.
I'm really liking it, fuck the haters.

No, it isn't my first Gundam (seen them all except SD Gundam Force). No, I'm not going to get into a futile argument with you trying to "prove" our opinions to each other as if that's even possible.
>until 5 minutes before they kicked the bucket
Just like Biscuit and Fumitan
If you read my post, you'd notice I blame the director, but whatever.
I mean that part of the hate comes from realfags liking it, not that all IBO fans are realfags.

I'm enjoying it myself but it does have some flaws.
How is more "grungier and more bleak than others" when in Gundam X, the world is post-apocalypse?
Is this you? >>13948537
I feel the same. I like ibo but it does have flaws and i love the designs of the show
I was agreeing with you.
The refreshing thing is that IBO feels more like a group effort.
Tekkadan is a trained and hardened military group that functions as a unit.
And the fights they are involved in are small to mid-scale skirmishes, not all out war.
That feels a lot more grounded than having some random kid stumble upon an overpowered mecha, turn out to be a prodigy and decide the outcome of an intergalactic war while trying to sort out some personal issues.
> >_<

Could you fuck off forever?
You are terrible at paying attention then.
No, not me.
I am enjoying IBO more than Destiny, though, but I also didn't find Destiny to be nearly as bad as /m/ made it out to be. Not one of my favorites, but also not in the "I'm glad that's over and I'm never watching it again" pile, either.
> grungier
Because for all the shit that goes on in X the locations are typically spotless. But that's mostly due to a difference in animation eras, I'd argue - the same way people will say 0079 has goofier designs and bad animation, but that it was fairly par for the course of the day.

> bleak
Because despite the world ending everyone's pretty damn hopeful. They show this or that town and it's not people starving in poverty or having to whore themselves out, they're just small towns. IBO's been banging the Okada melodrama 'everything these people try ends badly' drum pretty hard.
>What's X
>I've never heard of X
>haha, I'll just keep enjoying IBO
>stay mad, haters
>That feels a lot more grounded than having some random kid stumble upon an overpowered mecha, turn out to be a prodigy and decide the outcome of an intergalactic war while trying to sort out some personal issues.
But all this has happened in ibo so far
Well except for Mika sorting out his personal issues because the show treats him like a side character 21 episodes and his character has remained as utterly 1 dimensional as he was in the first
Have you SEEN X? Holy shit for half the world having died most everyone's pretty darn genki.
What has Gjallarhorn been doing since the end of the Calamity War? It's been 300 years of peace as far as we know so of course they have no experience and are thus incompetent further compounded by nepotism.
Yeah, I really like it.
I don't feel any hate towards it, the show's just painful boring.
>What has Gjallarhorn been doing since the end of the Calamity War?
Keeping the peace for 300 years?
IBO isn't a trainwreck but its boring and lackluster. It's a mediocre show that will soon be forgotten
Have you SEEN IBO? Holy shit for half the cast being poor downtrodden orphans they all seem pretty darn genki. and buff
After War Gundam X is actually one of the most upbeat entries in the franchise. Yes, it's post-apocalyptic but the whole story is people being optimistic even in that environment.
Highly recommended. When it comes to kicking ass and giving no fucks, Garrod Ran is right up there with Mikazuki. He's more outgoing, but there's no trace of the usual "why do I have to fight all the time?" whining of most Gundam protagonists.
>Highly recommended

Anon, I was imitating a newfag. I guess I did a good job
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Then how about 0083? Villains win and main character narrowly gets away with being executed for being a traitor.
>But all this has happened in ibo so far
Liar Liar, pants on fire!
You must be new here. /m/ shits on everything Tomino that isn't 0079 and if it's not gundam they haven't seen it
While likely, nothing has been said about any rebellions or any other armed conflict. It's also entirely possible that the last conflict was before everyone's time.
"Princesses in Gundam were a mistake."

- Bandai
>The refreshing thing is that IBO feels more like a group effort.
No, the amount of people that do things are no more than any other Gundam series. The important members of Tekkadan that fight or commanding are
>Orga, Mikazuki, Shino, Akihiro, Eugene
5, 6 if you count Kudelia

Now in 0079 on the White Base we had fighting or commanding
>Amuro, Fraw, Sayla, Kai, Katz, Mirai, Bright, Ryu
8, 9 if you count Sleggar
>Kamille, Emma, Reccoa, Fa, Quattro, Apolly, Roberto, Bright
8, 10 if you count Amuro and Katz fighting with Karaba and showing up
>Judau, Beecha, Bright, Mondo, Iino, Elle, Roux Louka, Puru
9, but 10 if you count Fa again

I could go on to Victory, Wing, X, and further as well, if you want.

>That feels a lot more grounded than having some random kid stumble upon an overpowered mecha, turn out to be a prodigy and decide the outcome of an intergalactic war while trying to sort out some personal issues.
I genuinely don't think you've seen any other series if you can say this with a straight face.
Yet for most of the show it's a fairly standard UC gundam romp. At the very end you just get some text that the captain was executed and talk about legal proceedings and a colony hitting north america, but right after you see Kou standing amongst grain, chasing after Keith's new Fed Gelgoog, and reuniting with Nina.
Thankfully the show is almost over and will be forgotten by all.
The moment I heard Mari Okada was making
a Gundam
Then how do you explain people liking G-reco?
Since when is /m/ a hivemind?
>thread is why /m/ hates IBO
>questions one posts that isnt even about IBO
>assumes hivemind !=majority opinion
Oh hey Miku have this gundam we just happened to have in our basement. It on of THE rare 72 gundam frames from THE calamity war. Just hook yourself and proved to mop the floor with everyone grunts and aces alike. Space? No problem! With the hallelujah vagina system you're a master of everything. And remember Miku, remember the bird mans words, that's a GUNDAM, use it to change the course of history, you're a knight of the beautiful maiden of the revolution!
It's fucking boring
>people liking G-reco
epic trolling
no one could unironically like that shit, it's all just an excuse to start arguments on the internet by stating something that is plainly blatantly untrue.
Best Upgrade
It was nice they didn't kill it off for the upgrade to the Double X.
Again how fucking new are you
Ibo has nowhere near the level of shot posting that followed greco
Get over your little persecution complex
/m/ shits on everything. IBOs getting the flak right now because it's airing
Woah ok guy easy on the memetext. Wanna try actually talking?
>no one
Well I guess I don't exist then.
>why does /m/ hate ibo so much ?
Because /m/ is stupidly binary in its opinions. Everything is either GOAT or literally worse then Hitler.
/m/ shits on fucking everything. That doesn't mean there aren't people that like things, the board isnt a hivemind and the fact that people here would argue over quite literally anything is testament to that.
If you'll notice, I was talking about appearances. There's a lot of effort in IBO to portray just how shit the world is, and that lends it a look and feel that can easily -seem- more grounded. Certain elements it uses haven't been used as heavily before, if at all, and having this long string of minor melodramas building up how shit the world is can make it -feel- more bleak. For instance, I can't recall a factory labor union revolt since ZZ, and certainly not one that was purposely set up by the powers that be in order to renew their mandate. At least the Titans had the AEUG to worry about.

But again, all of those atmospherics accomplish little if the story being told is crap. Hence the mention of Stargazer's first episode. It was beloved for having a tank take on a mobile suit and pull out a draw, and it's an engaging spectacle while it's going. But once you stop and think about it, it was still a really silly series of events. It's a lot of set-dressing that portrays a look and a mood, but is only used to tell a farce.
>it's all just an excuse to start arguments on the internet by stating something that is plainly blatantly untrue

>no one could unironically like that shit
Nice, very subtle, poetic. Each stanza rhymes with the last
Because it's more popular than G-Reco, especially in the West, and that triggers Tominofags ' autism.
>people here would argue over quite literally anything
That's bullshit, we will NOT argue over literally anything.
>Ibo has nowhere near the level of shot posting that followed greco
as you said, its shitposting, not a measure as to how much people like something or not
The Harmonica Cannon gets me rock hard.

I like the DX, but it just isn't as cool somehow.
Is this really what it all boils down to? That people were vocal in their love of G-Reco?

You can be just as vocal too you know, you actually have a lot more positive reviews and critique on your side.
>implying that anyone apart from the main Gundam pilot gets to do anything of note unless it's an episode about that character

The reason it feels more like a group effort is because the people actually rely on each other once they are on the field.
In almost every other show it feels a hell of a lot like everyone's just hotdoging around the battlefield only cooperating when it's convenient.

Bright basically sits on the bridge with his thumb up his ass, yelling at the port gunners.
Meanwhile in IBO we've had the ships actually be a vital element of certain fights.

Also it gives the mechanics a lot more love than Astonage ever got.

A victory feels like it's something that wouldn't have been possible without that tight teamplay, while far to often we have the Gundam winning the day while the rest busy themselves with some random mooks but do nothing of consequence or are even a liability the MC.
When did I say I think IBO was good?
Nah, Buddy Complex was alright.
Then what the fuck do you want?
To say why /m/ hates IBO.
Because it's shit.
>That people were vocal in their love of G-Reco?
>You can be just as vocal too you know
I'd rather not act like the Pro-Reco Brigade, really. I can accept people not liking something that I like, I don't feel a need to act like they're mentally inferior for having a differing opinion. Not saying that everyone who liked Reco was like that, but there were some legitimately horrible people championing that show and bashing everyone over the head with it.
>I don't feel a need to act like they're mentally inferior for having a differing opinion.
Love how /m/ managed to turn a meme actually turned into hurt feelings.
But you said its because IBO is shit, not that /m/ shits on anything.
>anyone apart from the main Gundam pilot gets to do anything of note unless it's an episode about that character
Hey, just like how Biscuit did something in the episode about him, or Akihiro interacted with his younger brother in the episode centered around him.

You're fucking delusional, pal.
I am /m/.
not that guy but either reasoning works, even better when you combine both.
I wouldn't say it's "hurt feelings". If you knew me, you'd know that of all of my characteristics the one I'm least likely to be insecure about is my intellect.
It wasn't "WAAAAAHHH THEY'RE BEING MEAN TO ME" it was "Wow, what a bunch of jackasses..."
People in the west also think Cowboy Bebop is good.
>Biscuit did something in the episode about him
dies immediately

>Akihiro interacted with his younger brother in the episode centered around him.
to introduce and obtain a new gundam, the pirate event was never mentioned or relevant again except when they used their ship as shield.
You're an utter pleb if you genuinely believe that Cowboy Bebop isn't good.
What are those little cars called?
Mobile Hotwheels.
Mobile workers are probably what you are asking about.
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PG barbatos when?
I wouldn't say no, but other suits should come before it.
Biscuit provided intel and logistics before, you fucking retard.

And Akihiro has been a credit to the team from the start.

This basically tears it! Some of these Rectards just see what they want to see. There's really no point in arguing with someone so blinded by his own bullshit.
Those guys do as much as any other crew member on other Gundam shows. Also nice job outing yourself as just another fanbasewar forcing shitposter.
Cowboy Bebop is trash. Watch a good anime like Brain Powerd.
This sums it up but I'll add

>The writing is very weak as well
It is not just the events but the actually writing is not very good. Very little of the dialogue feels natural, scenes will just give certain characters info dumps or make them stupid so they can ask for an info dump so they then get a very rehearsed devoid of character just stating facts. There just hasn't been any scene where I fault interaction felt actually personal and not very stiff or staged, even that pub scene which was a great moment for it had Orga in cocky mode and then LOL SEX GUYS OMG THIS SHOW SAID SEX!

>This results in the characters having their archetypes, but almost none of them have a fleshed out personality or character.
This is most prevalent in the villains. The only ones which seems to have something going on, Not-Char, we have fuck all idea what his plan is and it seems to have been hope the orphans get to earth and then hope I can turn someone into a robot while betraying everyone cause this will stop corruption. NotHaman has been the worst for this as she so far the villain of the last stretch yet feels like early mashymre

>The animation and art quality is absolutely dreadful,
Which isn't helped by awful choreography and set design. Fight choreography rarely makes sense, positioning of units, how they move and the impact they have all just seems done to suit the script. It even fails at simple things like giving landmarks in space (usually ship, enemy ship, colony/moon/earth) because they just flip around wherever at super high speeds

The show also suffers greatly from plot contrivances. One or two is fine as long as it leads to good plot moments but IBO is just constantly full of them and it never leads to anything that interesting
>It's also entirely possible that the last conflict was before everyone's time.
no it isn't. It isn't possible to keep peace not only all over the world but across space at all time. Shit would be going wrong everywhere all the time. It makes no sense that they all wouldn't have faced combat numerous times, especially the commanding officer who protects earth yet she apparently has zero military skill. We have seen their are routes you can take to get to earth and there is no reason others wouldn't use them. We have seen their are multiple criminal groups. Yet the show wants us to believe that none have tried to fly down to earth? None had done show using a shield and a chaff grenade?

If there is such a weakness in the organisation it would have been exploited already, but if they are actually strong then getting steam rolled makes no sense
>flat, uninteresting characters
>horrendously slow pacing
>choppy animation filled with errors
>99% of dialogue is exposition or reiteration of exposition
>one shoddily animated battle every three or so episodes
>rest of the series is just people standing around talking with nothing happening
armed conflict is different from armed piracy, no one would lump them together

earth is apparently home to three power blocs, there is no open war between political states.

>Yet the show wants us to believe that none have tried to fly down to earth? None had done show using a shield and a chaff grenade?
they're not quite as well supplied as gjallarhorn or any proper army, and why would comparatively small-time pirates and criminals want to perform landing operations against a giant nation comprising ~1/3rd of earth?
Regardless of its quality, it's the newest show.

And because of 4chan being the way it is in recent years, that means it'll be shitposted to hell no matter what.
>armed conflict is different from armed piracy, no one would lump them together
What are you even trying to get at here? This doesn't change anything I said. They would have been in combat

>earth is apparently home to three power blocs, there is no open war between political states.
No war or disobedience ever breaking out across the earth never mind the whole of fucking space is ludicrous, especially for 300 years

>and why would comparatively small-time pirates and criminals want to perform landing operations against a giant nation comprising
Oh yeah I guess that is why no one ever does crime in first world countries. No one ever smuggles illegal goods. Also who the fuck said small time? we have seen two large scale criminal organisations
This. The best you can hope for a show is that it's either far enough below the radar that relatively few bother to shitpost the threads, or it has a General with enough of a concentrated following that they shrug off most shitposting.

GBF and G-Reco generals were relatively chill, but Try and IBO are complete shitfests. IBO is so bad that, while there was an /ibog/ the first couple weeks, the threads were literally flamed out.

Fuck, even Cross Ange had more of a dedicated group of fans on /m/ than IBO has.
>/ibog/ the first couple weeks, the threads were literally flamed out.
no it didn't. The thread died quickly, people pointed out that it died quickly and it was never brought back

If flaming meant it couldn't have general threads then it would never have any threads
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It's kinda silly how /a/ has more civil, fun and lively threads on a fucking Gundam show than /m/ manages.
The thing about G-Reco generals was that you could just meme anyone complaining about the show out of the thread and they'd go and make hate threads.

Now 'Stick to A/Z' and 'You just don't get it' have actually stuck to the point that people seem to actually be offended over it, shit is poe's law at it's best.
The only way you couldn't get constant shitposting of a currently airing Gundam show these days would be if WE wrote it.

And even then there would be internal shitposting because people here like different things (personally I would turn Gundam into blatantly Xenogears, complete with the mechs being relics powered by an interdimensional god)


/a/ just needs waifus in the show, then the worst that will happen in threads is waifu wars.
>lively threads
The IBO thread it has right now is dead and over half the posts are that one next episode guy

Plus even they have started bitching when the episodes come out, the most positive it gets is posting fox hair girl
Please. /a/ shit talks the show just as much as /m/

>hallelujah vagina system
My fucking sides.
Yes and? It got a few that don't even have much shitposting if you bothered to look at them and then gave up as the were pointless cause weren't really used

Greco got a general a day, I remember BF was about the same and Try was at first before dying. IBO generals would last 3 days and weren't used much
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I guess I don't exist then. I just jumped into G-reco, had no problems following the story, and had the most fun watching a mecha series in a while.
IBO isn't getting a general throughout the week but it is getting discussed in one thread or another throughout the week.
>it's funny how /a/ doesn't care as much about a mecha show than /m/

Wow, no shit!
meant to reply to
The hell are you talking about?
This >>13933496 isn't a thread about the show, that is actually guys baiting (like you claimed with the generals) and despite being up 5 days isn't at bump. For a currently airing gundam show that is awful

Even if you added up all the random shitpost threads (cause quite obviously one guy spams them when any new info comes out) it gets, it gets fuck all still compared to the last few tv gundam shows
Yeah, no shit it's dead.
What the fuck is there to discuss before the episode actually airs?

That's why the /a/ threads are good. They talk about the shit that matters, max out two to three threads and then keep their fucking mouths shut for a week until the next episode airs.

This is the way one should approach discussing a show, not having autistic week long generals whateverthefuck edition or making a new thread for every single brainfart that some self-important asshole had.
To be fair, he did consider trolls in his post.
Pretty much. The closest thing it gets to a general now is >>13956087 weekly.

Just as general FYI: I'm the guy that started /gbfg/, mainly because there was so much disparate posting running up to and around the premiere. Posted a fair number of those threads myself, even made that photoshop with Rinko and Takeshi as Rain and Domon for the.. 100th thread was it? Was a great time.

Booted it back up for Try, and when G-Reco's didn't materialize at first, initiated those too, but thankfully others took it over and ran it well. /gbft/ went downhill though and mainly became a chamber for bitching about how bad the show was. IBO looked like it might be better, so I made the first one or two of that, but when it became obvious the most it could sustain was one a week, there was nothing to discuss and it quickly grew to be disliked, well. I gave up, and whoever kept them going must have too.
Don't hate it, but it's uninteresting. Just one big 'Meh'.
someone post the pic of the space battle with the 2 copy pasted graze everywhere
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Like I said it is being discussed one way or another, I never said anything about the amount which is low.

It's funny how BF got over 100 discussion topics of mostly positive posting while this show can't get anything going that isn't ranting.
I like it.

It's not the best show I've ever seen, and it's not the worst. It's just another show to watch, and then maybe reference at a later date.

The mobile suits look neat. Some good Gunpla has come out of the show. That makes it a win in my book.
I know right? There for a while it looked like the number was going to catch up to /krg/'s because the threads moved way faster, but between the problems in the second cour slowing the hype a bit, it being made known that the mods would appreciate the threads waiting longer to make new ones, and the show being only two cour, it ended up falling behind /krg/'s pace. Still made it up somewhere near 300 by the end IIRC. High 200's anyway.
There was nothing I particularly disliked about IBO, but I stopped watching out of boredom.
>Booted it back up for Try, and when G-Reco's didn't materialize at first, initiated those too, but thankfully others took it over and ran it well.
Ironically enough G-Reco winded up overcoming GBFT in thread count despite the latter's head start.
They're not discussing shit out of courtesy its because the show is so dull that doesn't is worth bringing a topic on.
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> it's all just an excuse to start arguments on the internet
Exactly. Says a lot about their relative reception.

Might also be why people still shitpost about G-Reco rather than Try.
>ng told is crap. Hence the mention of Stargazer's first episode. It was beloved for having a tank take on a mobile suit and pull out a draw, and it's an engaging spectacle while it's going. But once you stop and think about it, it was still a really silly series of events. It's a lot of set-dressing that portrays a look and a mood, but is only used to tell a farce.

It doesn't matter where the GINN came from, it matters that's a bunch of kids murdering refugees in a giant robot, and the Not-Federation is unstable to stop them.

Only an autist would worry that much about the Batmobile's tires.
So other then the amount of gundams made, and the length of the war do we know anything about the calamity war? I mean things that happened during not what resulted from it. To be honest I would smirk if Barbatos was actually the main enemy suit at the end of the war, by that I mean Calamity wars Char's Zeong.

Be a feared suit of the times that the "good guys" of that era feared and screamed as if it were the red comet. Only to be turned into the suit it is now used for something opposite of its original pilots intentions.
>it matters that's a bunch of kids murdering refugees in a giant robot
which wasn't explained at all, not even who set up such a thing (maybe Zala faction extremists?) or what the purpose of it was

>and the Not-Federation is unstable to stop them
because the army is only there providing relief efforts, the 2 or 3 tanks were acting as a guard for whatever supplies they were bringing in and because they were able to traverse the half-submerged and wrecked city terrain pretty well, not because they were in a state of war or stationed on alert.

seriously, you're handwaving a senseless act of terrorism that was meant purely for shock value (oh no there were little kids inside the ginn murdering civvies)
I wouldn't mind it if it would stop wasting time setting up things that gets dropped for no reason so they can go set up some other thing.
Were that true, it'd actually a lot more damning that the Feds managed to let a GINN continue to exist on Earth in one of their areas during the post-war period, let alone in the hands of insurgents where it got modified, let alone allow one into a metropolitan area toting a gun in each hand.

But that said, it's not autism to notice flaws, and waving them off as 'oh the basic underpinnings of a scene don't matter' is lazy as fuck. That it put up so much of a competent fight despite being piloted by kids - and not only by kids, but jointly, with one working pedals and another joysticks - is just lousy writing. It was clearly introduced to be a menacing opponent, and then the "but it's JUST KIDS" is thrown in for shock value.

Doesn't make it less of an enjoyable episode, mind, since you CAN just ignore the flaws and have a good time. But just because you can ignore flaws doesn't make them not exist. That was rather the point of the statement - shows can traffic in a string of wonderfully illustrated depictions of a mood or a feeling, but it's completely hollow if the story is boring and/or doesn't hold up to basic scrutiny.
>why does /m/ hate ibo so much ?

Because it doesn't have all the tropes that weebs look for in when they watch anime.
>people pointed out that it died quickly and it was never brought back

They died quickly because the first few legitimate attempts at them kept derailing into two retards fighting over G-Reco causing no one to even wanna bother anymore.
>seriously, you're handwaving a senseless act of terrorism that was meant purely for shock value (oh no there were little kids inside the ginn murdering civvies)

No, the whole point is that Naturals and Coordinators hate themselves so much and the sense fighting on going forever, even as earth is going to shit.

The kids are a counterpart to Sven being brainwashed by the EA. It's a recurring theme.


Is it so hard to believe that one got abandoned or there were coordinator holdouts who jacked some weapons at some point?
>They died quickly because the first few legitimate attempts at them kept derailing into two retards fighting over G-Reco causing no one to even wanna bother anymore.

Funposting comes from having nothing to talk about

t. /vg/
thematic sense != logical sense

>>13956431 is complaining that the setting and details of the battle doesn't make logical sense for it to occur, not about whether it fits the racism and terrorism angle of CE.
No it comes from retards falling for the same crap over and over. Oh well at least this place isn't as bad as /vr/ when it comes to blatant shitposting killing threads.
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>Oh well at least this place isn't as bad as /vr/ when it comes to blatant shitposting killing threads.

>on the board that falls for WHY IS KAMILLE SO AUTISTIC WHY IS CHAR SO OOC IN CCA every day
Those kinds of posts require more effort than the incredibly minute shit that sends half of /vr/ into a meltdown. They're so paranoid over /v/ screwing with them that it's almost McCarthy esque.
>>>13956431 is complaining that the setting and details of the battle doesn't make logical sense for it to occur, not about whether it fits the racism and terrorism angle of CE.

It's a 40 minute long OVA. There are plenty of 1980's OVA's that have huge plot gaps.
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>IBO is more grounded
Yeah 21 episodes and it still hasn't gotten off the ground
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>Yeah 21 episodes and it still hasn't gotten off the ground
because some f/a/ggot came here and started spouting IBO is the best gundam series
"4 eva!!!11!!!xDxD"
I don't think the anti-ibo and anti-greco posters are the same people bruh.
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For me it was the crushed hopes.
IBO was announced right as I finished M3 and by god I loved M3, so I was extremely excited for it. Looking at the director and the main writer I expected something with overblown drama and strong character focus. And honestly, until they took off from Mars IBO was quite a good show, I liked it a lot. Until around episode 7 or 8 I fervently defended it from criticism in threads.
But then the Brewers arc started. That's when I started cracking. Kudelia's "waaah nani mo dekinai" fits started intensifying, the pace screeched down to a halt, the actual Brewers couldn't be any more morally black if they tried and Akihito's brother thing is a special kind of "wait, seriously?".
But if that wasn't bad enough, the Dort arc came right after it. And that's when all good thoughts I had left over for the show disappeared entirely. Kudelia is an idol of the revolution but nobody knows how she looks? Meandering for episodes? Kudelia's completely ineffectual speech somehow rouses everyone to action? Savarin was the only good thing to come from the Dort arc because he added some long overdue grey morality to the show.
Even though the show got less bad during the last few episodes (The descent one comes to mind, that was actually not bad), the damage has been done. At this point the only character I actually give a damn about is Gaelio. At the very least the mecha designs are good. It shows something when during the first few episodes I was constantly thinking "I hope they don't kill off Biscuit, he's cool" and last episode I just looked at the screen, went "eh, okay" and alt-tabbed.
tl;dr I was giddy like a schoolgirl for IBO but then it took my hopes, beat them up, crushed them, grinded them into powder, made coffee from it and then flushed that down the toilet.
>And honestly, until they took off from Mars IBO was quite a good show, I liked it a lot. Until around episode 7 or 8 I fervently defended it from criticism in threads.

I was in the same boat and now I can't even be bothered to keep up with it.
I don't hate it, it was just so fucking boring that I couldn't keep watching it.

I gave up at episode 10, has anything actually happened yet? Did they remember to actually animate fights again?
A few minor subplots that ultimately didn't add anything to the show and like three episodes building up a colony revolt that was one of the most underwhelming things ever even when you had extremely low expectations for it. Haven't bothered to watch the show since the episode after Fumitan died so I don't know if it picked up or not.
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How many secret lost brothers do you expect until it ends?
My guess is at least that Kudelia and Chocoman are related
Yes, the last two episodes have been par for any other series in terms of animation but they aren't happening on a weekly basis like other series, so I don't know where the money goes. The choreography is much better than the space episodes (which were without exception shit) but still not quite as intense as episode one. The scale is larger now (latest had 5 allied MS vs 10+ mooks) so I can deal with worse 1-on-1 tactics but it's still kind of lame. The good guys barely take damage outside of what are basically scripted events. Hell, even when the battles try to incorporate Mobile Workers, they just seemed really slow. If it weren't for the music at some parts I'd forget it was a battle.
>Did they remember to actually animate fights again?
theres a little more action but nothing memorable.
No the only halfway decent fight is in the second episode
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>Yes, the last two episodes have been par for any other series in terms of animation
I really wish they would have emphasized the gangster theme a little bit more. I would have loved to see that over sparring proxy fights.
There's a lot of things I wish this show emphasized more that were introduced in the early episodes. It drives me mad how big of a deal the show made Tekkadan being a small up and coming faction just to wash it away a few episodes later after getting space harem man to be their aniki.
Look who's talking.
I hate it because mechs should had been twice the height a mobile worker.
Remember AGE episode 6 about Fardain's slums, filled with flashbacks, exposition and lame mecha sequence? IBO is the same but 25 times longer.
Aniki is the worst fucking plot device.
I swear to god, if I had to pick a single thing to scrap from the series, wouldn't be Brewers, Dort, or Carta's rampant, immersion-breaking retardation, it'd be him.
The small group thing annoys me more as they are never seen to have any really issues combating anyone else. They always have new equipment, enough general supplies, can always out smart people and barely ever sustain real damage or lose crew members. They were able to take out one of the most notorious pirate groups very easily and only lost a small amount of no names as they decided to board their ship to take shit they had (they had already taken it out by crashing into it). This isn't helped by how invincible Mika is, sometimes weapons just clink off him like nothing. For a show trying to be more serious it really hurts it and loses tension

In 0079 for the first arc they were constantly worried about supplies, the ship was always getting seriously damaged basically only just working and tension was created as they only got a few supplies on rare occasion. People meme about salt but it works to show they are running out of basic shit.
Mobile workers look like retarded pets next to the mobile suits.
Why is an incredibly shitty and lazy device.
spear and melee instead gun and missile
Well played. But I don't really mind that, the designs in ibo are some of my favorites
>can always out smart people and barely ever sustain real damage or lose crew members.

Flashbacks to the worst aspects of 00 S2 isn't it?

Hell remember Louise in that xbaws huge MA/MS that point blanked the DURRRBLE OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH RAIZA!!!!!!111!!...!!1!

Point blank direct hit with a massive beam cannon and it barely scratched the paintjob dispite the 00 not having its field up.

At least the Orphans arnt shooting rainbows made of pixie dust and UNDERSTANDING at people yet.
>At least the Orphans arnt shooting rainbows made of pixie dust and UNDERSTANDING at people yet.
See at least then the bullshit is justifiable, the reason to justify it is bullshit power but there is something about it

IBO can't shut up about muh poor orphans such a hard life but then with a club and 3 suits and a club they can lay waste to anyone who are total idiots in comparison
Things that would make IBO better:

-More of the 72 gundam frames instead of fucking graze rehashes

-no kudelia

-not make gjallahorns ridiculously evil
How about a better plan than 'Freedom = all problems solved' although i guess that may
be abit too complicated for a bunch of Orphans
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> >people liking G-reco
>no one could unironically like that shit, it's all just an excuse to start arguments on the internet by stating something that is plainly blatantly untrue.

I do want to see more of the Calamity War but that's as likely as seeing Mwu's early war record
The whole thing with the gundam frames is weird

Like when you set up there is a specific number of something that makes you think it is important because they have been so exact. It's not when they mention the calamity war as that is just background to explain the setting, they could go into it or not. But when you say there is a number of these things never mind it being the name of the show you just wonder where the other 69 are at. If they were never going to show that many why give a number? In fact why even link the gundams to the war if it isn't going to mean anything to the plot or any characters? I'm not saying it is bad to link it but if you are going to then have it mean something. It seems to be a common thing in IBO where characters will act like something is big an important telling us so, but then viewers don't question it cause they were told.

What's weirder though is they build them up like that and then they aren't even that good. There hasn't been any moment where one has done something only a really amazing suit could, in fact the most special thing about them seems to be the armour which is all new. Even in the show McPedo points out the specs aren't even that good it is just the pilot
Lack of beam weaponry, everyone knows that concussive weapons are shit. I hope that the final battle involves someone finding lost beam weaponry from the Calamity War era.
>At least the Orphans arnt shooting rainbows made of pixie dust and UNDERSTANDING at people yet.
Wait for Kudelia to fully develop.
She will shit rainbows of UNDERSTANDING.
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Here is a hint
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