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Archived threads in /hm/ - Handsome Men - 5. page
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Anyone got hot experiences with guys they met on some app they'd like to share? I'll start.

>be me
>sexually confused 18 yo skinny white fag since introverted with no friends
>into older guys
>download growlr
>start chatting with this 54 yo beefy muscled white guy named mike, a self-described "dominant verbal daddy" type
>looks sorta like pic related
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255 replies and 62 images submitted. Click here to view.
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>mike walks over and stands right above my face, and I get a nice view of his hairy balls and ass
>orders me to suck his balls, and I gladly oblige
>he smells and tastes so manly
>he moves up a bit so that his balls now rest on my chin and his ass is right above my mouth
>never rimmed an ass before so tentative for a moment
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>mike slaps his cock on my hole a few times, making me moan
>as white friend walks over, latin friend stops fucking my mouth for a moment
>white friend walks over and places his cock at my mouth, don't really want to cuz I’ve been told you never go ass-to-mouth
>"open up, boy" he says
>"I don't really like ass-to-mouth" I say
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>mike starts fucking me faster and more aggressively, dirty talking like a pro as he fucks me
>I feel so dominated by these men and it feels so fucking good
>they spit-roast me hard for probably 20 or so minutes, and then they both start getting close
>”you want daddy and his friend to cum in both your holes?” mike asks
>latin friend pulls out for a split...
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I'm just going to post beautiful boys I've come across in my Instagram travels.
176 replies and 151 images submitted. Click here to view.
and feel free to join in posting.
>beautiful boys
better watch out for the pedophile police.
*beautiful MEN

Corrected, thanks.

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anybody got uncensored pics of the naked man on times square that was having a psychotic breakdown?

apparently his name is Kit McClean and he is a runway model.
47 replies and 13 images submitted. Click here to view.
correction his name is Krit McClean

would love to see his asian penis

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hot twins and maybe twincest
67 replies and 39 images submitted. Click here to view.
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185 replies and 109 images submitted. Click here to view.
hapas generally come out looking retarded, he's the exception-he looks latino

Anonymous ## Mod Mod Icon 05/14/14(Wed)06:36:39 No.886269 Sticky Closed▶
/hm/ is for sharing porn.

People posting new threads should post several images (6+) to get the thread started. Don't just post one image and expect other people to do the work of making a successful thread.

Hookup, camwhore, and 'rate me' threads should go on /soc/.
Advice threads should go on /adv/. (work-safe).
Discussion of LGBT topics...
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Drop your favorite Tom Wolfe pics
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Naked surfers thread
8 replies and 8 images submitted. Click here to view.

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Can we get a lycra/spandex thread?
Don't really care about size just love guys in stretchy gear. Preferably amateur shots.
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Spandex even makes big guys look good

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Post pics of guys willing to bear it all.
8 replies and 8 images submitted. Click here to view.
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It's time once again to play FUCK, MARRY, KILL!

Please choose your men carefully and remember sometimes the bad boys are much better than the good ones!

Defend your choices (maybe)

125 replies and 58 images submitted. Click here to view.
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1. Kill
2. Fuck
3. Marry (OK, kill him too)
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1. Fuck
2. Kill (that beard!)
3. Marry
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1. Fuck
2. Kill
3. Kill (if wasn't already dead)

(inb4 where's the body?)

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Guys wearing white socks. Bonus points if they're sweaty or dirty.
More pictures coming.
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random sexy gents

retro and modern thread
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famous German wrestler/ bodybuldier

he posed nude many times
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John Daly
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Steve langton
Ryan Lochte
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Danilo Ikodinovic

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hey guys we’ve all been there. Share those stories of a meet ups through Grindr/Craigslist that just ended in shame,awkwardness or, self loathing.

I’ll start
>green text
Be Me
Be fairly attractive, otter, and young also slightly horny
Have a thing for husky/bearish dudes sometimes
Get hit up by guy on grindr 6’2 250lbs sends pic very bear-esque body and hairy
chat for a while, seems like a cool guy, but won’t tell me his age
sends face pic
Crows feet on eyes, humongous beard, like almost a foot long
In hindsight...
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255 replies and 57 images submitted. Click here to view.
I’m in too deep at this point and I’m too nice to just walk out and leave
hesitantly sit on bed, sheets look unclean
chat for a while, talk about scars on our bodies and other shit
actually isn’t bad dude, just uglier than sin
asks if we should take shower
I say sure (fighting my continence completely at this point)
knocks on door to bathroom asks if someone is in there, room mate in bathroom
Oh my fucking god there are people in house,
He did not mention this
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>try to make excuse to leave, say I’m sketched out about roomie being there

just tell him you cut your foot and your shoe is filling up with blood
I almost tried to fake a phone call.

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