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Archived threads in /hm/ - Handsome Men - 92. page
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Peeking-out and see-thru.
27 replies and 23 images submitted. Click here to view.
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VIdeos preferably, with boners. No fake stuff. Looking for hidden gems.

I'll post some old classics



16 replies and 5 images submitted. Click here to view.
10/10 desu senpai
I really liked the first video. The others I'm going to watch another day.
loved it,ended up wanking

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can we get some hot wrestlers?
135 replies and 71 images submitted. Click here to view.
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I thought I was alone in thinking cena was kinda hot

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This is in a nearby gay club, seems pretty cool:

"bottoms arrive in advance of the tops and are stripped & hooded ready for the top's pleasure. they can't see who is fucking them nor can they choose!

tops inspect the bottoms and take their pick - no refusals"

Sounds pretty horny, and wearing a white hood means condom so it's pretty save.
As a learning bottom should I go?
111 replies and 14 images submitted. Click here to view.
"Bottoms arrive between 16hr-17hr, one hour before the tops. They are completely naked except for
shoes (preferably boots or sports shoes). Harnesses are allowed.
They are given a hood which covers the entire head (except mouth) and must be kept on at all times
(except during breaks). An ID number is written on them.
Tops arrive between 17-18hr. They are preferably naked but may also wear jocks, underwear,
sportswear, chaps or fetish wear (no street wear).
Bottoms may not refuse a top but must allow himself to be fucked or felt up by him. Bottoms are not
Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

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so, I've been fisting myself for a month or two now


Pic somewhat related I guess

Post porn
12 replies and 3 images submitted. Click here to view.
On what? You fisting? Who gives a fuck?
Yeah I did that a few times when I was 20. My ass is permanently wrecked.

I'm a 26 year old virgin.
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Ive been able to fist myself since I was 17, Im 19 now. Ive always been a size queen and my asshole is pretty loose and willing. One time I hooked up with these two guys who I met in the YMCA locker room and I took both of their cocks at once and it was the hardest I ever came. They were both pretty big but one of them had a really fat cock. It kind of surprises people that I can do it because I'm a tiny little twink.

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215 replies and 151 images submitted. Click here to view.
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Posting what I got, lemme see them cocks flopping around.
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249 replies and 150 images submitted. Click here to view.
Dan Nicki your bobbies
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webm. thread faggots
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czech hunter10 60fps.webm
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Video links preferred but pics, gifs and webms are welcome
29 replies and 14 images submitted. Click here to view.

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You should start your thread off with several examples if you want it to be successful, OP.

But this is a favorite topic of mine, so I'll give it a go.
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> Post your photos of hairy armpits and stories about it if you feel like it.

> No shaved armpits.

> The sweatier, the better.
78 replies and 72 images submitted. Click here to view.
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The subject says it all. I want white trash redneck men naked.
193 replies and 143 images submitted. Click here to view.
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Why don't we have an Evan Peters thread?
55 replies and 21 images submitted. Click here to view.
For literally what purpose.
There's a difference between having an opinion on how someone looks then there's just being delusional.
Because this board is for handsome men.
Aesthetics is subjective.

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Let's start an argentinian guys trend, with all argentinian guys you can find on manhunt, tinder, grindr, manjam, etc. I asure you they're hot
179 replies and 136 images submitted. Click here to view.

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whats up with that pic in the corner, is that a japanese RPG?

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