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/sdvg/ - Stardew Valley General
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Lewd Edition

Latest version 1.051

>Patch Notes


>Steam page

>Mod list and guide

>Portrait Mods Pastebin

>How do I zoom out / downsample from larger resolutions / take those cool giant screenshots?
Guide: http://pastebin.com/7n5Pis5S
Or just wait for ConcernedApe to add it https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/705463810329448448
Or try using your GPU features: Nvidia -> DSR, AMD -> VSR

>Interactive farm planner


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Vincent is bea
Go to the desert
So the gypsy is selling unidentified jelly. Should I buy it?
I can't yet.
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>Silently watches Abigail play and die in the videogame before she notices him startling her
>Silently walks towards Abigail in the rain while playing flute
>Comes out of the bushes when Penny is helping out George
>Spies on Alex talk to his dog
>Comes out of the bushes and surprises Maru while she's looking through her telescope

Our farmer is actually a runaway stalker who was about to face charges, but remenbered the envelope and found an escape in the farm.
You either haven't unlocked that area yet or blind.
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The cutest
See? Good job me.
they're easy as fuck to make
don't bother
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>Have a stack of 5 prismatic shards
>Use them on pillar triangle
>Whole stack is used up
restart your day that's a huge loss.
Remember to pet your animals.
When do I get my dog? currently on 13th of spring year one
Secret Santa event also do that.
it really doesn't matter getting him makes no difference you might as well never get a pet.
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Alright lads, make me proud and let me win
>[Pet name] loves you
feels good man
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> automatic feeding system on all barns
> all fields have iridium sprinklers
> no fences since animals magically return every night anyway and do no major damage


th-thanks hun
Lewis hates fish
You're fucked
I always imagine my wife being cheeky and looking something like >>135610101
>I watered the pet bowl
For what purpose
So much overlap, but
One of those paths
>One of those paths
Are you trolling me?
Those can't possibly be a good choice.
They're just in my inventory from yesterday.
I was actually really surprised about this.
When the game gave me the choice to get a pet or not, I figured it was going to be a minor challenge, having to feed it and give it attention or there would be some kind of consequence.

Instead I occasionally get reminded that it exists when I hear it bark.
Does the star quality of the fruit/vegetable you turn into pickles/jelly affect the final sell price? I know its double the cost + 50 but dunno whether it takes the star into account or not.
>he doesn't know
Pickle starlesses unless they're long growing expensive crops then pickle/wine all of it
> everything set up with iridium sprinklers already
> finally upgrading to iridium hoe
> expect 5x5 impact size on full charge
> matching sprinkler radius
> it's actually 3x6

From my experience, no it doesn't. It's kind of a shame since the artisan good is still worth more than the gold-star item, so it's kind of a waste to find the gold star stuff. But if you won't have any kegs free for a while, obviously use the no-star stuff in kegs and sell the gold-stars.
Because it matching the iridium watering can radius
Does a storm count for getting fish only found in rain? I need a fish in summer that only appears in the rain or so it seems.
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So is the Miniharp just some kind of Ferngill Republic national instrument?
Why the hell was the farmer carrying one around and knew how to play it?
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Nevermind i found it. It does count.
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That's not the point. It's not stating what fruit is it made of.
I would not buy it since its contraband, but i'm also curious
Sounds like the place Harvey got the wine he gave me for not-christmas.
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Do I really need to befriend all the villagers for all the cooking recipes or can I learn them via queen of sauce too?
It's just generic jelly
You can get the same with generic wine from the star festival.
There's some overlap, but I don't think it covers all of them.
where was this written?
One of the gravestones in town
One of the gravestones next to town sewer entrance.
thanks fampaitachi
sooo is there any combat elements left now that i reached the bottom of the mine? haven't done much besides that.
there's a second mine in the desert which is a lot harder
>>Comes out of the bushes and surprises Maru while she's looking through her telescope
i don't remember this event.
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Why's the screen all black?
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>"Today I'm just going to relax and think positively" - Caroline, every fucking day
No wonder Pierre talks about selling seeds and earning shekels all the time, he has to support his lazy ass wife who just sits under a tree or takes aerobic classes and daughter that thinks only about playing vidya
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why are you dating transgendered Michael Jackson?
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>implying you wouldn't date/fuck the king of pop
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dude starfruits lmao
Maybe (s)he had a hobby to keep him sane during hours of Joja drudgery.
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dammit george.
dude lmao dude
i actually laugh at how retarded this humor is
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I just had pam send me a full glass of beer in the mail, saying she had it lying around on a cupboard.
Why didn't farmer just play games on their pc or go on the internet like a normal person
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Happy Thoughts, Kent...
>one little piglet costs more than 20 diamonds
Is this post-apocalyptic world where food sources, especially edible animals, became incredibly scarce while gems and jewellery are nearly worthless?
I'm married.
Do I have to give my wife a bouquet every day and hope for children or is one time enough?
Playing instrument is probably better for relaxing than vidya, especially after a shift of excel spreadsheets or whatever it is he was doing.
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War Economy, Anon.
That's why running the farm is so profitable
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So how is this game? I've watched a couple of streams, and it seems grindy AF. But people are also raving about it.
You only need the third level house for kids, that's all.
give her cheap gift and hug her everyday, she will ask if you want to have children after several days at most
don't get fooled with that 12 hearts bar, after getting her to 12 continue on giving gifts and hugging, eventually something extra nice will happen
It's only grindy if you want it to be. You can move at your own pace and enjoy it, or plan out to become a millionaire from the start.
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So why don't any of the marriage candidates take initiative?
This is especially weird if you play a female farmer.

Would make sense for them to do that if you've had them hovering at 8 hearts for a while now, then you can turn them down and get to 10 hearts via friendship route.
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Just pirate it, play it for a hour or so and then decide if you will buy or uninstal it. Has always worked for me.
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I want to protect that smile.
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Oh god, I'm sorry, Robin.
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It's pretty much every Harvest Moon ever
the beginning with the first few seasons are pretty shaky but if you know what you're doing you can start raking in money by midway of your first summer and then ride that money train all the way into fall.

Better not shut Joja down then
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Abigail a slut
What's the fastest way to kill ~700 slimes for the ring?

Alex is truly best boy. I can't wait to knock him up.
A sword
cultivate them in your farm
He actually becomes happier when he loses his job at joja. It takes some time but he gets to like "marnie's chickens"
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Who the hell is Jones?
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Guys, I talk everyday to Abigail and gave her 2 gifts every week, but she is still at 8 hearts for 5 weeks now. What am I doing wrong?
Bouquet needed for 8+
Need to give bachelors a bouquet to get past 8 hearts.
My game keeps crashing every time i try to enter the skull gavern, any ideas?
see >>135614860

You have to show candidates that you're romantically interested in them at 8 stars to progress their relationship points.
Am I retarded or do Artisan goods simply not have a quality at all, period?
I'm pretty new myself but I learned that if you make mayonnaise out of a big egg it becomes a gold star mayonnaise
So it was actually true?
That's why Abigail stands outside the wizard's daughter?
Yes, also explains how there's double Caroline at flower dance while he's there in other events.
How is this possible?
That's a bug desu.

>festival with like 20 people
>nobody notices two green haired shopkeeper wives
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The lore goes deep, man.
Caroline also mentions how she went to secret walks to the wizard's tower when she and Pierre arrived to the valley, asks you not to tell Pierre because he has jealousy issues, and then follows that up with saying Abby was born a year later.

Also, inb4 hairgeneticsposters
And Krobus is a Yoba believer.
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>the war against Gotoro Empire

Copypasta incoming

>televised brutality shown on 6pm news every single night
>rigidly structured ferngill army unable to cope with gotoro guerilla attacks
>foggy, hot, humid and dense border jungles perfect for asymmetric warfare
>gotoro soldiers have half the technology but three times the numbers
>their entire society revolves around obsession and the worship of death
>schoolboys and schoolgirls grow up just to throw themselves into the line of fire
>each poorly-equipped peasant shot is replaced by seven more
>sometimes they'll charge with war machetes in a brutal frenzy. companies sometimes empty whole magazines before being turned into hamburger meat under a sea of hacking knives
>sometimes the only way to drive them back is to burn them all alive
>air force starts napalming whole swaths of jungle in hopes of hitting *something*
>public opinion of government at all-time low
>economy unable to cope with massive deficits due to military spending
>country forced to privatize portions of government and concede them to large companies like joja corp
>joja is actually profiteering off of the war and will ensure that it will never end
>ferngill republic will probably collapse within 5-10 years
Nice try, wizard.
Let's theorycraft about shit other than Abby for a change:

What's with the statues all around town?
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>Pelican Town will be overrun and all men forced into slavery and all women turned into comfort women

Also Hunting when? Deep sea fishing boat when? When can players marry each other?
You can warp to them with the corresponding warp totem.
I don't think that's what he was asking.
Who built them? Why?
>by the way I cucked Pierre with the Wizard but don't tell anyone
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Jas Marriage Mod

Make sure to backup your savefile and your Content folder. You'll know the mod is working if, when looking at the Social screen in SV, you see "Single" under Jas' name. It might take you talking to her, giving her gifts or going to sleep to make it show up.
This mod only adds the possibility of dating and marrying Jas, along with a wedding sprite, a kiss sprite and a Flower Dance sprite.
The married personality will still be the default one.
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animu cute worried pomfing.gif
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Why is this game so chock-full of cuck-stuff?
Is ConcernedApe a cuck or what's the deal here?
Because it's 2016.
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Good luck convincing people that bugs and mistakes are bugs and mistakes and not supposed to be taken literally.

It's exactly like abby eating quartz. Hope you enjoy forced memes.
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wake me up inside.jpg
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It's only if you desperately look for it.
Haven't noticed anything by now.
Give me one reason not to waifu Haley, I dare you
The only cuck stuff is Wizard/Pierre/Caroline, and it's only hinted at.

The rest are just forced memes, like Pennyslutposting, and people assuming shit when the game doesn't give any information to work off of, like Seb's Dad/Robin/Demetrius.
Can't stop you from having shit taste anon
Maru exists
So how much older is Sebastian compared to Maru?
> not going for artsy vegan hipster girl

You have noone to blame but yourself.
at least 9 months
Alex exists
>used goods
I don't think monkeys are carried for that long.
Maru's the only one not to kiss you but give you some pathetic friend zone peck on the cheek.

Penny goes full out slut mode removing her top in the bathhouse.
How the hell do you complete the museums collection?
I don't find any new shit anymore but there are still like 4 empty fucking huge tables at the museum.
Git lucky
See? purest waifu
Also she mentions some lewd as fuck cuddling at the dance
But I'm at year 4 or so, desert mine level 60+.
I've dug up a shitload of wormspots and get nothing but mixed seeds, stones, etc.
Also crazy amounts of omnigeodes without new stuff.
There comes a point when you stop getting items you need for the Museum out of the geodes.
> implying leah wasn't just the only to not hide her past
> marrying lying sluts and wonder why they're gone all night
Can I put food in the dog's bowl?
water it
lmao cuck
Did anyone else's slime farms stop slowing them recently?
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Guys, a bunch of my blueberries, that I planted yesterday, disappeared overnight. There was no storm, no witch nor any sort of fairy.

Is this a glitch? I'm less pissed off for the monetary loss than for screwing my farm rotation up.
>being paranoid
>still picks confirmed used goods over unlikely/potential used goods and even confirmed unused goods
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>summer 1 year 2
>already missing spring
Yeah it's totally a bug, it happens to me too and i have the area well guarded with scarecrows.
Also wtf how the fuck do you water all of that with a copper can
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>tfw you will never embrace Penny in thermal pool of a rural bathhouse in the dark of night
>you will never feel her breasts against your skin, softness of her hair against your cheek and her take delight in breathing her scent
>you will never exchange stories of how you will raise your family on the farm in hushed whispers
>you will never make those stories into reality
>you will never spend winter evenings with Penny and the kids, teaching them to play mini-harp, raise crops and create excel macros
>you will never descend into alcoholism and depression as each of your 5 children receive letters of conscription
>you will never contemplate suicide as you receive 5 letters of condolence
>you will never loathe yourself when you see how your wife wastes away, remaining at your side through it all until she eventually passes away in her sleep, unable to shoulder your shared burdens anymore
>you will never don your galaxy sword for one last time, put on your cloak, lift your sack of megabombs and head towards the port to stow away on a trading vessel carrying tribute to the Gotoro empire in a desperate, suicidal attempt to settle your grievances with the cruel fate
>Also wtf how the fuck do you water all of that with a copper can

autism I guess
There's literally nothing wrong with used goods if they're still in good shape.
I'm the minmaxer from previous threads. I spent my entire spring farming pretty much only Tulips. 20g/45+ energy/3 days.

I eat about 11-12 tulips to water all my fields per day, and have like 600 of them.
For the slime hutch? Yeah
Fucking Penny.
Art the start when you are new and have literally 9 tiles of fucking parsnips that you call your farm she is all like
>oh hi
>nice weather right?
once you rake in the money she goes to
>oh boy it sure sucks living in a trailer
>i hope one day I can live in a real house

fucking gold digger haley on the other hand was a shallow cunt at the beginning but getting to know you her whole personality changes, she sees the beauty in nature and farming and becomes a well adjusted human being and a great wife.
Who /maru/ here

Doing nothing but talking to her will also yield the same reaction.

I can say the same thing you describe penny with to Haley.
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I can't.
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War is not that hellish.jpg
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This portrait mod is complete:


He also fixed Kent's weird veggy face.
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copy that.jpg
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>all those tumblr noses
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I'd cuddle with her.jpg
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His Marnie looks really cuddly and soft.
ech red noses
I honestly like the default portraits
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I personally don't, but everyone has their own tastes.
But her world sprite is untouched?
They remind me of late-80s or early 90s sitcoms for some reason
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[Spookiness rapidly intensifies]
The only way to get penny to dance with you is by giving her diamonds. This is the proof that she only cares about money.
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sweating guy.jpg
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Beastiality porn with Marnie when?
same, I don't think I've seen a mod for Leah or Sam that I like more than default
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Jenova enhanced?
I hate that fucker so goddamn much
this, talked once to him, saw his face and never talked to him again. Literal cuck. Honestly looks like ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME guy
>The only way to get penny to dance with you is by giving her diamonds.
Uh no. Where did you get that?
I enjoyed reading anon, fanfic when?
You can literally be a fucking bum not doing anything, just talk to her every day for roughly one year and then give her bouquet, she's yours.
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>shitting on best boy
Second. What kills me the most is the portrait mods for Leah that kill the side braid.
He's a fucking omega who won't stop creeping on my waifu even after I marry her
So guys, about that cowgirl mod that you guys were talking about a few days ago, it done yet?
Marry Vincent mod when?!

>Add a doctor as a romantic interest
>Make him an awkward creep

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I'm doing it, lads.
I'm gonna do it.

There's an event happening in three days, is the wedding gonna override it or how does that work?
first you get married then the day starts as normal
and only you and your wife will remember there was a marriage in the first place
Alternate development
>You will never watch your children grow strong into adulthood
>You will never watch your eldest son gradually take over your duties at the farm, further improving it and cultivating finest ancient fruits in the land
>You will never watch your older daughter craft her magnum opus in her atelier built on lip of the cliff above your mushroom cave in attempt to impress Leah's son.
>You will never read your middle son's letters from the city alongside his articles in the national newspaper; his career inspired by insightful and captivating blogs and articles of Mrs Haley, he never forgot his roots and keeps balcony of his apartment transformed into a greenhouse.
>You will never wrack your brain trying to decipher your younger daughter's encrypted letters she manages to smuggle out of her job in military labs as she works on developing military drone technology so that no man has to undergo trials old man Kent had to.
>You will never watch your youngest son as he embarks on life of adventuring spellsword, at first exploring the woods and running errands for the Wizard and the Sorceress, later by keeping the vale safe from monster plague until eventually he sets off with his own troupe of adventurers on a quest for holy relic that would restore peace into the land.
>You will never see efforts of your offspring come into fruition, together with effort of so many other people of good faith and good will, in mending rifts and clefts dividing the nations and ushering in a new golden age across the land.
>You will never see their families come together for village festivities.
>You will never die peacefully in your sleep, with your hand intertwined with that of your wife, even in death united into break of a new dawn in face of Yoba
oh jesus christ you guys weren't joking about needing resin and syrup for kegs and hives
why the fuck
>that many children

Sorry but what is that Portrait mod name?
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Sailor Theme Song.png
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who /drumblock/ here? Anyone make a good beat yet?

>mfw dont know how to share audio
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[Inarticulate Yelling].jpg
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Because it makes sense

It's not the weekend yet stop complaining
>not wanting a big family
what are you, city boy?

irish catholic family
The resin I can understand, but the maple syrup?
Those are the MCMC Portraits. You can find them here:
>irish catholic family
Isn't that kind of family that would encourage going forth and multiplying? Unless you feel you've had enough of that I guess.
What is that collapsed house next to your farm for?
Yes, I have no desire to have a large family.

>youngest of four
>mother second of five
>father youngest of twelve

no thanks
Ah, okay then. Carry on then.

>father youngest of twelve
that's actually kinda impressive desu
he's younger than one of his nephews

and they didn't have me until their mid/late 30s, so I have cousins who have kids who have kids.
You know, you can technically make anyone marriageable by editing the NPCDispositions.xnb in the Content/Data folder.
Just edit "undatable" to "datable" for whoever you want to marry.
They'll lack a wedding sprite, a flower dance sprite and a kiss sprite, so they might not show up whenever you do one of those things though.
What about the room they add to your house? Does it just not show up or default to one of the bachelors'?
Any idea how i get it to record internal sound? I'm holding my mic up to the speaker and it just sounds like ass and every time i try to record it my duck wont shut its fucking beak
I want proof of your pet duck
Post pics of your duck
I like ducks

So getting pointlessly rich involves gradual, satisfying progress.

You know, like the entire point of this genre.
I'm pretty sure it just doesn't show up.
I haven't found the file where the spouse room is stored in yet, but I think the guy who made the Marriageable Shane mod found a way to add it/make it show up?
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I named it Mallory.png
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s-sorry anon, its in game, not a real duck.
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>i'm the minmaxer
You're doing the only thing you're supossed to do right, wrong

Nice farm man
he's an ass an anti-duck irl.
Download Bandicam and upload it to youtube, but hidden or something
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I'm the A E S T H I C minmaxer.
Also, doubt you can beat 500 blueberries on the first summer. The farm goes beyond what you see. I'm also at level 85 of the mines, farming 6, mining/foraging/combat 5, fishing 9 and have 72k total earnings in the 2nd day of first Summer.

Oh, also got like 3 or 4 bundles finished already.

I don't doubt someone could do better than I did, but I'd really like to see them try.
Yes but it's shit/pure heresy.
>flat chested cowgirls
He also straight up said he doesn't like mega milk and won't make a version with the right size.


Man, thats a lot just to put audio up.
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Criticism on layout? Dont know what to expand. Probably move the barn or coop to the grassy patch on the right for more grazing area?
Here's my duck

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>>flat chested cowgirls
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If you don't have one million and access to the casino by the end of summer i will be very disappointed
Pic related, my first year
That one part of the road is autism inducing to look at. Try to find a way to not have that there.
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tesla complimenting neon2.jpg
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Insult my husband one more time and I will find you and kill you
I believe it's a bug that has something to do with moving your scarecrows once they've been placed and crop are already down. Once you break them to move them the game thinks they aren't there anymore or something until the next day. First day of the season I moved some around and surely enough a few crops were missing. Haven't moved them since and nothing is missing.
>>flat chested cowgirls
oh damn didn't know that was a thing.
i love it, small tits and milk are great.
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thristy abigail.jpg
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I also like small tits and milk, but some things just don't go together. It's absolutely stupid.
Hey chubby
does the gemologist perk affect neptunite? I'm looking at the wiki and it's telling me neptunite is the best gem for the crystalarium however mine are only worth 520 which is lower than what the wiki says and it doesn't even include the perk.
You sound like perfect match.
Just threw a bunch of shit in the sell-box before my wedding night, woke up today without any dosh.
Thanks, Ape.
tfw the slimes and cat of that mod are great, but the cows are awful.
the merchant lady just had 5 rare seeds in stock in 1 day is this a bug
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>Fish Dino egg
>Fuck yeah, my incubator is gonna be done tomorrow! Hell yes.
>Press OK without actually taking it
no, it's random.
How do we fix artisan?
Hot and nice
>losing hearts with waifu even though I talk to her every day
Hop in Abby?
Fat people are disgusting and deserve all the shit they get for being lazy pieces of shit who can but refuse to do anything to help themselves.

I can say this with confidence because I was a disgusting fat piece of shit who got /fit/ after I decided to stop being a disgusting piece of lard slob and man the fuck up.
she needs gifts. lots of gifts
Just like in real life
Hey chubby
Been talking to other girls, have you?
14% body fat m8
get on my fucking level
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>replying to shitposting with more shitposting
Anyone know a good mod/combination of mods that give all the NPCs more of an anime feel. I loved Rune factory and the loss of the anime look makes me sad.
Why is the green guy licking Monopoly Guy's chin-cock?
The only anime portrait mod with ALL the villagers is this one:

It's pretty nice looking, but it might not be what you're looking for. All other portrait mods are either non-anime or only focused on the bachelors/ettes & fan favorites.
Is there a known bug that prevents Haley's 4 star scene from triggering? I've been trying to get this shit to trigger for like a week (in game not irl)
Do I need to do anything special to get truffles from a pig? I've just got mine sitting outside, but he's fenced in
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That sucks mate. This is where she starts acting cute.

Cat is awful too, just a girl with a cat hoodie.
Needs to feast on some fresh grass.
>grinding out slimes, dust sprites and void spirits for gil
[wake me up inside]
i think its hot.
because its impossible or very unlikely, its like anal fisting, its possible but not something likely to happen.
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