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Thread replies: 255
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Fish edition

Slablands: https://www.mediafire.com/?st21pf0nrxsrrwo

Slablands Design Document:

Slablands Bug and Typo Reports:

Slablands changelog:

The demo ends at the desert. More to come soon.

>F.A.Q s
History of /slabg/

>Variable reference and style FAQ

Hey, you, browsing this shit! Consider writing/editing for Slablands to COMBAT THE ANTHROPOMORPHIC, FUTA, FEMDOM MENACE! (note: writing a submission is actually a pretty huge undertaking! Consider adding content for existing contributions or joining other people's projects first before starting your own, we don't need 6576534 half-finished unique NPCs.)
Writing is nice, but if you don't feel up to that task, try editing for one of the projects! Every comment helps!

Project Lists:
General: pastebin.com/qMvXVtXw
Slablands: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YAawzawwvB52hZKiRVhkytMs8HuNjP8IAbY74WxSS8I/edit?pli=1

http://slablands.wikia.com/ It's brand new, please consider adding to it.

Slablands maps:

Music to listen to while browsing the thread:

Previously: >>123537089
Slick cool skin and warm breath would make the best fish girl.
Can't keep a good fish down.
Lili fish Princess when
I can't wait to fuck a shark boy.
Wait, which gender PC was he available for again?
Is she tsun?
All this fishy business reminded me of that slabbed fish streetrat and now I'm sad.
The tsunest
Lily is a weird name for a fish girl.
Falling asleep to the sound of bad skeleton puns being whispered in your ear. Your skeleton husbando is sitting in a chair a few feet away, flipping through a car magazine idly as he waits for you to wake up.
Can anyone argue that Mutio is the best?
I am happy that I have brought about this fishy thread from many fish posts.

No regrets.
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You misspelled his name <3
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It's pretty obvious you did, there's no 'i' in Muto.
Who's your favorite fish girl, feesh guy?
>1-3 celebrate being productive for 30 minutes by goofing off.
>4-6 keep it going!
>7-9 fanfic trash
>0 write those dicks
I historically have posted the Mutio most times I speak of feesh. So her.
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Man, if wanting to read gay sex that may involve castration/zombies is wrong, I don't wanna be right.
I sort've wish there was more of Blue Submarine itself.
Like, the ova/setting. Not pictures of a submarine.
It was actually based on a fairly old manga.
Not sure if there was more based on that setting ever written or not, but it would be kinda cool if there was.
>Downloading a 117 GB torrent
>See time remaining after 5 minutes
>3 years and 8 weeks to finish

Well then.
I already read all the castration/ghoul fanfics I wanted
well shit. Guess I'll have to write more.
>1-3 An Unabashed Evil Within Ripoff
>4-6 Fixed Fanfic
>7-9 Normal Universe
>0 We're Back - A Demon's Tale
Making out with a prince and watching as he turns into a frog boy.
8.0.7, which I got from the mediafire OP. I'll redownload and delete the one I have to see if that works.
I have no idea what these thread are about.
But I lurked on the last one and all I saw were /d/ tier posts about swallowing cum
Is this supposed to be an off-shoot of /mgq/
It's probably a little too late, but don't bother. It's not there for some reason, not that I can see anyway.
wonder if I should help convert everything to scroll window over winter break and tats can just add it then? then again the logistics of how random variables work still have to be fine tuned.
try playing the game and finding out
Just wait until the variables are more solid so you won't have to keep updating the code.
And on that note, I'm giving up on Darby for the time being.
Well, no it's less that. When you write a scene and account for (let's say a giant dick) you use a variable to hold that extra sentence. So it's something like
if dick > 16:
randomVariable = "You pull your pants down and he pales, recoiling in horror."
randomVariable = "He laughs, shooting finger guns at your average dick as he nods appreciatively."

And the way the game did the scenes before (with it clearing the screen after a couple of paragraphs) you'd just replace the randomVariable whenever you needed to since the old sentence it used to output was cleared and gone. So

randomVariable = "this sentence"
blah blah [randomVariable]
clear screen
randomVariable = "new sentence"
blah blah [randomVariable]

But with the entire scene visible on the screen, it might need a handful of randomVariables so they don't overwrite each other and you get the same sentence in 8 places where it doesn't fit.
Or I could be wrong and it'll work fine. I don't remember testing it. maybe I should just focus on my java projects before messing with hobby shit.
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Congratulations you found my weakness.
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Prehensile vagina.
Jock garudas that bully all the nerds and have totally gone all the way with a human girl, their tits felt like bags of sand it was great.
based edition
Potion-induced sex dream in which you're a senpai whose kouhai is desperately trying to get you to notice them, or vice versa. Trapping him in the infirmary and noticing him for hours on end, until his voice completely gives out from all his moaning.
Jock birds who bully nerds into fucking them haha nerd you're fucking a guy what are you gay
Bullying a nerd elf milf
Bird milfs
Fish lolis
You heard what he said
Bullying bird milfs with fish lolis
you sure you didn't mean that the other way round
You heard me
she wants the fish
An ant bear cat dragon loli huh
>not elf
fuck you mane
>They added an item in a Senran Kagura games shop menu
>It's just asking the shopgirl to smile for you for 0 monies

t-too cute
Sounds gay
And not the good kind
Sounds adorable. All kinds of adorable are the good kind.
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>being a filthy elf lover
Loving an elf girl despite the prejudice and being rewarded with a king and beautiful wife.
jack o lantern
wait, this elf chick is a king
do you enjoy penis anon

>openly fey
fucking disgusting
leo please stop

I know you want an oscar but its not worth this
Seriously though loli ruto when
Having a mermaid boyfriend hold your hand as you walk/he swims along the shallows.
That sounds very awkward
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like this?
I was thinking more where your feet touch the bottom but there's enough water for him to swim, but that looks funnier so let's go with that.
I agree
The default answer is usually "When you write it".
Like totally high bro girl
Sequel when
Last I heard one was being worked on...sorta.
Was weed even a thing
plenty of drugs existed
People have ingested herbs and plants since the stone ages, man. Smoking too. Of course weed and other plants existed.
Making out with a turbo nerd after you stuffed him in a locker.
Making out with a turbo nerd while giving her a stuffing in a locker.
Hiding in it with her while you fuck
Giving him a noogie so you have an excuse to play with his soft hair.
So is this a game about cute fish girls?
Not yet
Having to clamp your hand over her mouth at times to muffle her panting & moaning as you pump her full.
Kissing his eyelids as he tries not to cry.
Having a bad time girl
Kissing her mouth shut is another option.
Gross. I came here to fuck bitches.
Schounds schuspischious.
We schould inveschtegate.
Confirmed, Darby is not in the game. Which makes me wonder which other projects are unfinished.
Anyways, right now I don't have the time to add a big project, so I'm going to try to add short scenes or things that I haven't added yet, like the Darby sex scenes or the cowgirl buffs.
Thanks for checking it though.
Invading enemy armies.
Bartender in a tight shirt and shorts who flirts with you whenever you catch his attention.
Pretty gross.
>tfw playing through CoC the first time as a pure as the driven snow paladin waifu who purges the land of degenerates and meditates with her mouse monk bro

How many free drinks can I get if I fuck him?
We don't talk about that shit game here.
Sorry anon, though your thoughts are pure these generals are made to spite Coc, and make a game in what Coc was suppose to turn into instead infinite furry stratos, part fenoxo cry baby simulator.

If you wanna learn more read the faq it will bring you up to speed.
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So, how's is the UI coming along?
Oh wait, you mean for Slablands? ehhhhhh.
I tossed Tatobaguy an email of a few terrible barebones mockups so I don't get my feelings hurt but he hasn't responded to them yet. Probably thinking it over because it's a pretty complex thing.
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>Oh wait, you mean for Slablands? ehhhhhh.
Is there any improvements compared to early September/late August?
Got some UI ideas to my mail.
I need to discuss them with the lead Slablands graphic designer. Besides that, nothing is planned besides changing the click-text NVL screen to scroll-text NVL screen.
Fancy names are awesome.
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>lead Slablands graphic designer
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Well at least the matter is being brought up.
UI is very important for these type of games.
If you got a got a good UI you'll get a good following
drunk girls
Spider girls hopped up on caffeine.
Bad boy competing with a goody-two-shoes boy for your affection. Very tense threesomes.
rip holst
Does Slablands contain tentacle monsters, oviposition and cum inflation?
not in game no and iirc tentacle monsters aren't allowed
there is something with tentacles and cumflation but it's not very good yet so i wouldn't recommend reading it
meh, back to ShitoShit.
>1-5 pass out, you had a big day
>6-0 write about sex with cute boys
Cute poet boy who gets his best ideas after spending the night with you
Supervillain who commits crimes just to get you to pay attention to him.
Garuda that desperately tries to attract mates, but can't sing or dance. All he has left is his plumage, and even his feathers are starting to grow dull.
Getting nailed by a rugged carpenter DILF and screwed by his handsome apprentice.
Gangbanged roughly?
Comes with 4 options for players:
I pick none of the above. Stop trying to force this stuff where the PC has no chance of dominating.
Also 5th option as DLC
Are you retarded?
I don't see a single thing there that says the PC is in charge.
Fishy Friends
so how do i get the cow back to the fortress then?
Doesn't the cowgirl explain it to you? You need to have a mount available for her, and you need the fortress to not be a wreck.
She said something about needing a quicker way back, but nothing about a mount. Don't think I've seen any purchasable horses or anything like that
You need to repair the fortress twice to get the stables, so that you can get the fairy apple, and then get the horse that's in the countryside.
You can repair the castle a second time? Huh
Yep. Didn't you read Beryl's note? She pointed out that there were more rooms.
Yeah, but I wasn't finding any new rooms, just lots of floating skulls. Assumed it wasn't actually in yet
You have to use both exploration options.
And I didn't see a single thing that said this single scenario was the only option or that you weren't in charge. Stop trying to cause arguments for no reason, especially over things people are just talking about.
It was the only one suggested.
Not exactly you in charge.
>Can't take charge of a gangbang
Maybe you're just shit at having sex anon
Feel the burn
Getting smashed with your local cat girl
Fire elemental husbando grilling you burgers on his 6 pack
I'm not sure Sheena drinks.
Not that kind of smashed, anon~
Lolf Wolis
Shota wulfs
She wants the hook
Right or left?
Or a bit of the old one-two?
Cow girl thrills
goat girl
Sneaky snek girl
Mule girls
How snek?
Mute mule girls
very snek
Sticking your dick in a crazy girl
Does she have a snek suit
Sticking your crazy dick in a girl
Not snek enuff/10
Crazy bitch who won't shut up every 20 minutes.
Fooooooooooolish Samurai warrior
Foolish Samurai warrior you repeatedly trick into having sex with you
That's kinda why I mentioned it in the first place.

Also I don't go to /co/ these days. Too tumblr'y.
The Player is technically Samurai Jack
After a time or two she doesn't mind.
Made of bones
Spider husbando who makes cute and sturdy clothes for the player.
Tru, tru...
Promising to do an hourly mood chart two weeks ago but procrastinating until the last day so you have to make up two weeks of bullshit.
Hay makers
I hope so
Tell me about being devastated anon
They gangbang you and take a 15 minute rehydration break and promise to bring you back some food and your favorite drink, since you're fucked to the point you're unable to stand and get it yourself, but when they get back they tell you it was scant pickings so all that was left were burnt pieces and sandwiches made with the heels of bread and the generic brand version of the drink you wanted.
Hmm well I like the bread heel but fuck that they didn't have enough drink, what kind of party is this?

Reminder that Mako is dead.

Its too late Genndy. Just go back to making Adam Sandler movies.
The guy who replaced him in Avatar does a good impression.
Well the annual masquerade ball is open invitation to anyone in costume so there's just an absurd amount of people, the buffet couldn't hope to be able to last the entire night.
I guess rounding up all those monsterboys and getting them ready to pound you would take a while.
yeah, there's a lot of people working behind the scenes to ensure you get the best pounding possible.
At least a ball that size would have plenty of variety
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10/10 games
Nerd girls
Sweaty post-workout sex.
Sweaty peri-workout sex
W-what is this? (And how do I get it?)
>having to take a over-packed taxi carriage and sitting on some dude's lap
>feeling him get hard and deciding to stealthily fuck while on your way to wherever you're going
>every once in a while the carriage hits a pot-hole and slams him balls deep inside you hard enough to make you gasp

It's misspelled.
Human or monsterboy
Either or.
Maybe as a thing where you can choose whose lap to sit on?
So you can choose to sit on a girl's lap and just ride the carriage normally, not realising you could've gotten a good buggering?
Shower sex.
>the same thing but with a lady seating herself on your lap
anon pls that is 2lewd I would never take advantage of a lady also it would be odd if you play as a shota unless it's a loli on your lap
Probably. Or you can luck out and get the scene with the carriage making a stop at the horny, big dick convention that only has a 1% chance of procing.
You seated?
>lady seated on your lap
>loli on your lap
>[THING] on your lap
Sitting on someone else's lap?
Only if that also adds an option to have you reveal what's happening to the rest of the carriage and have them all gangbang you at once, until you're the only occupant of the carriage, left stripped and shuddering on the floor, cum leaking from your exhausted, stretched body
Girl that pumps the iron 'till the end of time
Getting kind of tired of you trying to force your gross fetish so much.
Girl that wants you to admire her abs
I'd admire her abs before she got the time to ask.
>Optional ideas
>"Stop trying to force your fetish nuhhhhhh"
So you're trying to force other people to only talk about your fetishes, anon? Don't be a cunt.
fluffy lolis
You keep shoving it into absolutely everything. It's one note, stupid, and forced. Get new material.
Go be a fucking faggot somewhere else
Is admiring all you'd do?
>Keeps forcing retarded gangbangs into everything
>Calls other people faggots.
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That's what it'd start with...
from a very far distance
because i'm shy
>I'm shy
>Implying that'll stop her from noticing you 'mirin
Do you really not see how pathetic whining about other people's posts is?
Fucking autist
Man, it's funny. I've seen you do this more than once, the minute somebody calls you out on misbehavior out comes your phone.
What happens after she notices?
Let's just say that you're going to an up close and personal look at those muscles.
It's always people who try to police the thread jump straight to the cry of samefaggotry
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W-wow that went fast.
All of us use this thread too, so we have to put up with you shoving the same stupid idea into everything and getting whiny and offended the minute someone points it out. And it's pretty obvious, you've done it more than once where you immediately fire off with the same kind of baby insults at people within a a few seconds. Always two posts. Always the same style. Not even trying.
Reminder to ignore the autist if he complains that you're discussing something he isn't interested in
It's all that adrenaline from working out.
Howdy, Slablads! Shitposter-kun here.

I know I said I'd leave y'all to your weeb game last time I was here, but I changed my mind. As of a day ago I'm working on a Slablands mod where I'm going to completely rewrite everything. And add a few new NPCs, and probably fix up the UI a bit with some minor conveniences (such as fast travel between towns.)

Not much progress yet since I spent the first few hours bumbling through the files trying to figure out how to do basic shit, but I've got the hang of it now and am now in the process of rewriting the background intros.

Est time for slabEPs first release is next week. Should be done with the intros by then.

Aren't you tired of using the same /v/ tier insults?
Cool, sounds good
>Writes something in a week.
>Thinks it'll be good.
>Steals writing from people here, thinks the writers will give him support after he abuses their rights.
>Thinks this thread is going to trust some random person in making the game, especially after they went on a shitposting fest.
>Thinks it'll ever be given official support or make it into the OP.
You're honestly going full retard. It's embarrassing to see.
I'm more tired of you thinking that anybody cares that you don't like something
Nah, it'll probably be great
You're going through a pitiful amount of effort to troll, little anon.
Fast travel would be useful
What npcs you got planned?
Will you be changing the combat at all or just leaving that as is for now?
>All this samefag to try and support his idea.
This is really sad.
>Admits to shitposting
>Somehow thinks he'll get support

Nah, you can fuck off.
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>"I'm Menhiit! Your personal bunny bitch boy! Pleasepleaseplease, let me spill my worthless seed into your superior pussy!"


That was a joke, man. I'm the guy who offered to rewrite the original thing and got BTFO.

I can't program for shit, so mostly just rewriting. Idk, might work with combat if I can figure out how it works.
>Making a shitpost image.
>Stealing people's content.
Gee I wonder.
Technicalmy this is outright illegal.
Nobody seems to discuss stuff here anymore. It's just shitposting and ideas that nobody has any kind of intention to write.
There was UI talk just yesterday.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 64

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