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Thoughts on this game?
Better than /v/ gives it credit for, but still not as good as normies give it credit for.
you tell me
I'm the OP.

this tho >>343878136
If you don't abuse the bugs and can set yourself a goal it's really fun.
I really liked exploring and reading lore, the quests were really nice (of course /v/ will tell you it's just caves but they only played the main quest so you can't really trust them).

Spent countless hours on it, best memories i have. Play it.
>of course /v/ will tell you it's just caves
it's pretty much 70% draugr caves
it's better than the shitpile oblivion, but that's not saying much. still a bad game
Shallow "RPG".
Huge world of Draugurs to explore.
Wasted potential.
Good for 20'ish hours to waste away.
I liked it
It's an okay game, had some good ideas in it but it was somehow rushed despite being 5 years in development.
It got better with DLC's and I enjoyed Dragonborn quite a lot, probably because it had some lore for my lorefaginess.
My gf likes playing it. On novice.
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it is a great classic western rpg game with strong story line.
Couldn't stand the boring as shit combat, just like all the other elder scrolls games
almost every cave has a quest attached to it, which makes it much more than just a cave.
oblivion is fine too i don't know what's your deal.
>20ish hours
opinion discarded, that's less than 10% of the game.
good, let her enjoy the game.
nice bait, main story is shit compared to even other elder scrolls.
better pretend that dark souls comabt is any different.
104 hours, mods and the dragonborn expansion managed to break over the 20h barrier.

Combat is boring, NPC's barely react to your accomplishments compared to Morrowind, aswell as dragons become a chore after the 10th time.

Skyrim made me appreciate Oblivion more, that's how bad Skyrim is.
You'd have to be braindead to think the combat is anything but an irredeemable piece of boring archaic shit

The reason normies like it is because it's so simplistic, it's the Call of Duty of video games
Draugrs were abundant as fuck but it makes sense lore wise I guess.
Still the variety was basically
>Falmer mixed in with Dwemer
>Daedric (and that's like three of them)
>Vampire dungeons which is almost same as Bandit
>Cultist of different kind
This is a lot more than Oblivion had but because of aesthetic similarities it's boring as fuck, Falmer/Dwemer are the only one that are strikingly different.
Morrowind had also a bit less than that but, daedric dungeons, sewers, usual dungeons, forts, sixth house dungeons were so different that it felt more unique.
GOTY when it came out. One of the few games to have a 40/40 from the incredibly racist Famitsu so it's a bonafide masterpiece that transcends race. Turned a lot of people into first time RPG players and has a lasting impact. If this game were to be rereleased this year, it would sell millions of copies, and they know this because it's happening. Face it, /v/ is just full of contrarians who cannot like this game because other people do as well.
It's shit, just like all the other Elder Scrolls games that aren't called Daggerfall.
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>not implying this entire thread is 5 years old bait
>almost every cave has a quest attached to it, which makes it much more than just a cave.
Same linear path, same match 3 "puzzle", same harmless traps and same enemies, after a couple quests everything starts feeling very samey.
>20ish hours
You could sink 1000 hours if you wanted but that doesn't mean you are getting 1000 hours of content, it's only a handful of stuff that repeats itself over and over again.
>better pretend that dark souls comabt is any different.
Skyrim combat is a fucking disgrace, I don't know why you bring Dark Souls into the discussion but DaS combat is superior in every single way, that is a fact.
Spent some time on it stopped enjoying it after 5-10hrs dropped it, i havent played any other elder scrolls game so i cant compare it and i havent tried modding it just cuz that would take hours to do and honestly im just not that interested everything about the game just feels shallow and simple in a bad way, the protagonist is just not interesting and the atmosphere doesnt pull you in like other games do, so if you can enjoy this good for you but its just not for me
Yeah, combat is shit.
They really need to use Dark Messiah combat especially since they got devs, also bring back more varied magic from Morrowind era and it will be GOTYAYAYAY.
>16 posters 22 replies
You are probably a JRPG fagit, because of
>protag doesn't pull you in
Which is a fair point. For good or bad that's usually the case for majority of CRPGs and western RPGs in general, even the good ones. Only games that have unique protag without character creation and a few games that did it in a clever way like Planescape where he is your character and has backstory at the same time.

The only exclusion from this in TES is Morrowind because Nerevar, the person you are mantling has very interesting story tied to him and it affects your decisions and your feeling through the game somewhat as you discover what kind of a person he was and how he affected the world.
I have actually never played a JRPG simply cuz i hate the anime weeb shit, there arent many good WRPGs but i like for example witcher gothic, first risen, Its not just about the character and story but the overall atmosphere and gameplay
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>20'ish hours to waste away.
I come back to it every 1-2 months and start a new character. Occasionally I use my main character and run around, cast Chaos and Harmony in Solitude or Markarth, sneak through caves and kill everything without being noticed using a dagger, bow and arrow or poison, or shout some children through the world. Even though I know pretty much every quest off by heart, I have fun with doing them again, even with the admittedly simple combat system.
I have fun
Play Morrowind if you like Gothic, atmosphere and rich RPG elements like fully fledged spell creation system. Install some basic script extender mods and patch fixes and maybe HD textures mod, this will take you 1 hour tops.
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It's the best game ever made. You'd have to be pretty dumb to think otherwise.
- Writing is bad, quests are mostly much worse than Oblivion
- Over-reliance on radiant quests; they used them as an excuse not to make more hand-crafted quests
- Often feels soulless; characters in the story have very little emotion
- Destruction magic is too weak
- Spell variety is lacking
- As is enemy variety
- Shouts are mostly useless, their cooldowns are too long, and it's a global cooldown to boot
- No quarterstaves
- Dragons are actually wyverns

However, there are good things about it as well.
- Best RPG modding platform out there
- Can be modded into almost any kind of game you want
- Lets you play Enderal
- Having spells in your hands feels better than having them be like a sidearm
- Nice scenery
- Vampire waifu voiced by Laura Bailey
Good porn game
I have a friend whos playing morrowind on a toaster since he cant play anything else, so from what ive heard i do have interest in playing it, tho it takes me pretty long to go through new things since i tend to go back to stuff i know i will have fun with and enjoy instead of experimenting and possibly discovering something even better, but fresh experiences are definately always good so thanks for the suggestion ill definately try it out someday
Well, part of the overall ethos of WRPGs is that YOU are the protagonist. You're supposed to self-insert to one degree or another. The protagonist isn't supposed to pull you in, because the protagonist is you. The world and the NPCs are supposed to pull you in, and you get to decide how you interact with them, what you say to them, and how you feel about them. Where Skyrim fails is that it doesn't let you do this. You can't define your character's personality, opinions, relationships, or anything like that, because neither the quests nor the dialogue allow it.
Best western porn game ever made.

Shit vanilla
Fun with mods
decent game, not as interesting as the previous ones though

great modding playground
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