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So what do you guys think about Quark 2.0?
Who, Q?
Sean did more for the plot than Phi did.
Why didn't you post Mira?
No Quark is actually an adult Quark

He's pretty cool
Let's just get those memes outta the way.
Carlos is the best.
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>protagonist is actually old with a metal eye
>he doesn't know
>never touches his face or glances at a reflective surface (i.e. the readily-available river)
>never wonders why several characters call him old
>eye is never mentioned, not even by blunt jerks like dio
>good twist

>the assumed q team leader is actually an added member and the real q is a (fake) deaf lame and blind man behind your pov
>all characters know this, only the player does not
>characters talking about q naturally describe the lame old man instead of the little boy
>the assumed q is never directly called q
>an offscreen character's presence is heard and his shadow is seen several times
>a wheelchaired old man is mentioned to have been present during the initial project
>bad twist
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Best character in ZTD bar none.
>tfw Santa wasn't Phi
I can't remember, did Sigma hit on Phi at all during VLR?

If so, it's like finding out he's old all over again.
He wanted to see her in a swimsuit
I think so.
>>eye is never mentioned, not even by blunt jerks like dio
>I don't think I can trust your eyes.
More like it's a twist that doesn't really have much impact. I thought it was pretty well done, but overall I feel like the twists in VLR just weren't as good as ZTD's. And I can't fucking believe that Uchikoishi's done the "A character is actually a machine" thing 3 times now.
Sure, but ZTD would still work without the twist. So it's just there to have one. Doesn't change anything in the story at all.
He also wanted her to climb up on his shoulders so he could feel her bare thighs

We should've expected this when Uchikoshi said they'd never be a couple
Harem ending.
So point E from VLR is Payoff 2 right?
I think that everyone knowing he was Sean is just stupid. You never hear this EVER before this. Like why do they even know this kids name when did this happen?
Anon.... there were 2 pods in the transporter, wasn't there?
Just like Luke and Leia
Sorry he meaning Sean.
I just realized the meaning of that biolab decision game.

Fanatic Bio R is 100% mortality rate because a fanatic will wipe out humanity
Radical 6 is 75% because only 6 billion will die
And they cancel each other because Delta killed the fanatic with rad6
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Post yfw Sigma realises he was in the radical-6 apocalypse timeline
>High tier
>ZTD Junpei
>mid tier
>999 Junpei
Your taste appals me.
Lemme crank out some warm gooey opinions.
Perceptive anon
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Post yfw Akane is told by Zero she's in the VLR timeline
Don't kid yourself, ZTD Junpei was amazing.
(Replying to the "Do people really think ZTD is worse than 999/VLR?" question from the last thread)

I really loved ZTD, only because I love Akane, Junpei, Sigma, and Phi so much. And in addition to the returners, I also found myself getting attached to the new characters when I didn't expect to (I particularly loved Q). I thought it was really cool to watch the games click together like they did (i.e. the apocalypse ending feeding directly into VLR and having the characters acknowledge that), I just wish Uchi had given us the answers he knew we wanted. I thought it was wonderful, but I can't say it was my favourite. I can't say any of the games were my favourite. I think they complimented and fed into each other perfectly to create my favourite trilogy - Zero Escape as a whole. It felt more like watching one movie in three parts and loving the whole movie than watching three movies in a series and picking one that was "the best". They all came together to create an incredible experience, and I think ZTD was perfect for that purpose.
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Any of you guys watch that one anime Uchi wrote that was essentially Ghost Trick?
When he started calling Diana Luna and Blue Bird Lamentation kicked in, It got me. Only moment in the game that really got to me, as I'd just witnessed the start of everything Sigma had spent his entire life working against.
Shame they sort of overdid BBL by the end of the game, but this was early enough for me to appreciate it and be saddened.
Do you mean Q or Sean?
>carlos not being top tier
Got a nice ring to it, don't you think?
So I was thinking...Maybe Delta killed Gab because Gab actually did have Kyle's consciousness. Since the game was pretty much over by that time, Delta killed Gab to make Kyle's consciousness go back to his original body.
I don't hate ZTD's twist, but it really does strain my suspension of disbelief.

There are times where Delta being unacknowledged makes sense, because everyone is too busy to take care of the old deaf, blind guy in a wheelchair. But what about the incident where everyone rushes upstairs to hide from the grenade launcher's blast? Did they just forget about Delta?
you have to pick one
if you don't vote then ALL of /v/ team dies
I honestly want a fourth game myself. Even if the ending sort of disappointed me for the unanswered questions, I found the whole experience in ZTD fucking amazing and loved the decision games.
I honestly thought he was just too overemotional and melodramatic.
I don't watch moeshit, so no.
I literally laughed when I heard Carlos saying it in the dice roll fail shift jump. Kinda connected with him a lot after this point
Who's Sigma's Favourite child?
Luna, Kyle, Phi 1, Phi 2, Delta, Lagormorph or the drunk robot?
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I think I'll just pretend C-end is the true end.

True end was so terrible.
Couldn't get very far in. It was basically no developments the anime.
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I can buy it. Certainly makes about as much sense as anything else post 999.
Sean, sorry, should have clafiried. I mean, Q was interesting too, but I don't love him, and I don't consider him to be Q, but Delta.
The name's Delta, but you can call me Zero The Second.
Technically it's every timeline sans the one where Radical-6 is released, but sure, the Point E where everyone makes it out alive the way Akane intended is that one.
The robot with the cockney accent, easily
>implying Kyle is in Gab
Anyway, why shoot the dog, when he can just SHIFT with the explosion like the rest?
They needed to be more conservative with BBL. Felt like every single slightly emotional scene had it playing which just made it less meaningful when actual sad scenes were happening. Really glad I got Sigma calling Diana, Luna scene early on
THE FUCK? was the best scene in the game. They really nailed it with Carlos's reactions.
It was also everything else Uchikoshi ever wrote, too.

Time loops, doomsday cults, robots, protagonists not being who they seem at first, and so forth.

I blitzed through it one weekend. It was okay, but felt derivative of his other works.
Sure, and I noticed how the consciousness-shifting in ZTD looks a lot like it does there.
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>Guessed D Force Quit password before D2 End
>Got Perceptive End before Q2 End
It's about time travel and the world ending

You're seeing it from Delta's POV when you're in Q team, so by that reasoning can't we conclude that they moved Delta, since we see ourselves a safe distance from.the grenade?
Am I supposed to do rooms in a certain order, or are some meant to be completed first?
I am absolutely fucking stumped trying to assign symbols to numbers
>"I love my sister Maria"
>"I'm interested in you, Junpei..."
>"I'm gonna take a 10 month long vacation"
He was unintentionally hilarious
Does getting D force quit get you true end or do you have to do all 3 parts?
>5k owners on steamspy
>100 reviews on steam

Oh god, did it fail miserably? pls no I want more from these devs
Have you played the card battle game yet?
You have to do all three. Just D only spoils the twins
its over

a passionate fan base is not better than a large one

we needed the danganronpa audience
Now I have to go back and do Q team shit to find all the hints for delta's presence because I swear I missed every one. This kinda sucks because I thought Q team was the most boring of the three.
I knew I made the right choice putting the Force Quit fragments off for last. Didn't even bother going to them until they were the last things I could choose.
Yeah but consider the fact that this is split across 3 platforms and it's selling for a fairly high price.
actually yes, payoff 2 ends with the route they wished and with the knowledge to stop a terrorist attack, every other route few people survive, there is no radical-6 but the world is condened to die to the nukes
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what do i do this at this point?
i've reached the door of truth with diana and sigma, but i need a passcode for it
i have all three of the force quit box fragments, but i don't know the passcode for c, one of the mementos for d, and the passcode in the central computer room in q
carlos sent a note with gab to q ward saying to search the family portrait, so i tried going back to the pod room yet it didn't seem like anything change with the portrait there
Laughed my ass off when I got to this.
So to everyone saying why inputting Sean gives you an error during the mexican standoff when "Q" says you can't commit suicide:

His full name is Sean 729
I'm mildly fine with the true ending thanks to the Post play notes.
The only thing that bothers me is Delta.
But I have to ask, weren't there other moments in 999 and VLR where someone mentions a story about someone else being controlled, because I feel like hear those before in the series before this game.
And i forgot again to mention that you can't input numbers during that sequence.
I think I remember doing that but it didn't work. What does it say?
in the same room or a different room? Because the only thing I've gotten out of the thing in that room is that birdman beats everything and sun loses to everything and flower wins sometimes.
Honestly, the only reason I haven't started brute forcing it is because it's a hassle to drag the stupid symbols around
>yfw this starts playing

I feel you, with the disappointment of the ending people forget that WE ACTUALLY GOT ZE3 for fuck's sake. And overall it's a great game. There's really no reason to skip it if you plahed 999 and VLR because you will like it, even if it's not 100% of the time. Best escape rooms, great twists, some characters got great moments and development. The dialogue is good and the writing is on par overall. The only bad points are aliens, COMPLEX and the stuff we were promised but didn't get. In my book, it's a 8.5 or 9.
Because you can't put in numbers
Let time run out when Eric has a shotgun to your face
There should also be a ! on the transporter timeline where you don't get transported.
don't answer Eric
I didn't see it until the part where they're deciding whether to push the yellow button or not, there's a shadow cast there that isn't present during the other teams
Other hints I also found were How they say they "Need to use force" during the team execution scene, implying they need to lift Delta and use his hand to make a choice.
Didn't check other scenes but I'm sure the shadow is also there at some point, and the angle is very tricky.
Was just in the same situation.

refrain when asked for mira's murderer
Have you viewed all the team executions?
Use all the cards. Try to figure out what beats what to get a relative order
You get an error because you can't input the numbers, so it doesn't recognize Q's name.

It's a moot point since because it won't let you commit suicide.
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the fuck.png
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Yes basically every single shit he wrote condensed into an anime.
And just like the game he jewed us by going "BUY OUR GAME TO GET THE REAL ENDING"
So what do I input for the force quit boxes for D-Team? I know one is Broach but Music box doesn't fit in the other one.
not yet, i've only gotten q
Guess they weren't so lucky after all
blue bird
Blue Bird, I couldn't figure it out for the longest time. Make sure you use a space.
So wait, why would Delta put the DO NOT PUSH THIS BUTTON button in the game? It does NOTHING to serve the plot. At all.
Fuggin Uchi. Thanks.
Try using a space
It also accepts Blue Bird
That's what preventing your progress
Music box works, but you gotta spell it musicbox
blue bird
Pleasant dreams.
AB game still fucking shit
Q? I hardly knew him.
It was hilarious.
You're probably doing what I did and spelling Brooch like Broach.
Music Box works, Brooch has to spelt like that.
His methods are complex
So I'm stuck at the 8 digit code for Team D. I don't have it, but the game won't let me switch to other fragments. What the fuck gives?
Because bootstrap paradox.
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is the revolver execution always live or do I have to keep replaying it until I get a blank?
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i guess this wasnt the answer
The jiggle on Mira's breast though
funniest scene in the series
Seeing Diana's clumsy face and Phi's face of complete, utter shock right before the huge nuclear explosion happens is definitely worth pushing the button for.
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Gonna get Uchikoshi's autograph this weekend at anime expo, what should I say to him while he signs my stuff /v/?
Best scene
All it ever responds with are birdman, sun and flower.

This isn't enough for me to go off of
I am almost tempted to buy this again, on steam this time, just to support the series.
If the rumours about 999 and VLR getting released turn out to be true I will definitely buy the trilogy..
I got a blank the first three times I did it trying to get the live round
Keep getting it wrong until it boots you out
Bitch he jumped through so many fucking timelines for one promise/bad end and is the sole reason Akane/Junpei make it to the VLR line
Also he was a psychic-firefighter that was also a pure soul with a gorgeous sister. H-how could you not say he's top tier?
Where is Kyle
I got blanks twice in a row before getting a live round. So just keep replaying it.
kairu wa dokou da
If you answer incorrectly for who Zero is, Eric fires the gun at Sean, then shoots it 3 times while the camera focuses on someone else.
Life is simply unfair, don't you think?
"You're a fucking hack and when is the Q&A coming?"
is it for a yellow door? You need to get a certain ending for the answer.
And yet answering Sean for the Who Killed Mira question is valid.
this, also when the Q&A is
I did, it still doesn't let me travel to other fragments.
also when you see the dead bodies there is an extra pool of blood coming from out of the screen
Because you're telling it to Eric and he knows Sean as just Sean.
Fuck me that's good.
Did you see the other timeline where the original Diana and Sigma remain after transporting?

Go see that timeline too. You can access it in the flowchart.
Why is Junpei's doll so fucking creepy?
How'd that freaky alien pod sex go down exactly?
Because instead of making a decision of what to DO, you have to TELL someone something. Eric wouldn't have understood if you added numbers to Sean's name
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>We'll never get to play zero escape 4 starring gordain, delta, 1904 phi and left playing a weird cult nonary game on the gigantic and using the transporter for timey wimey bullshit

Why even live?
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Why the FUCK can I experience the middle of the flow chart without going through the first quarter?

Why am I not told where I am jumping to on the flowchart with each fragment instead of guessing?

Why can't I experience the story in a coherent fashion without wondering why the timeline I'm in has C team killed off when I never voted for that?

This shit is not cool, I want to kill myself.
>we will never ever get the answer to "Why were there free the soul robes in the original Nonary games?" and Gordain will forever remain a mystery
You're not trying to kill Sean, you're trying to kill Q. Use Q's name. You can't get this one for a while and it has nothing important, so just do other things.
> Transporter turns on while they're doing the horizontal tango
> They literally fuse together
There's an exclamation point below using the transporter scene on the flowchart. Go there.
You know how they were talking about the aliens having tentacles instead of hands? Well...
I dunno, honestly, how Sigma did anything while packing 18 inches is beyond me.
Diana must be hiding another dimension in her panties.
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I must have skipped through this shit about 10 times now, am I getting trolled?
It's a feature.
Anyone know of the steam version can run on a shit computer? Need to know before I buy it
The cult meeting invitation to Akane at the end of ZTD is 100% a fourth zero escape game if there is ever one.
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Curious about the actual odds for the dice in the Rec Room, assuming it's not scripted. How many tries did it take you?

I got it in 3
Nope, it's tooooootally random
it all makes sense after this first bunch of random fragments! There is a reason why it starts as a guessing game!
So why was Phi wearing glasses in 2028?
Just because?
It's scripted to take 3 tries
I know the most controversial part of the game is the ending, mainly because of Zero's explanations and the unanswered questions from the previous games.

But how does everyone feel about the transporter and its alien origins?
>Why were Free the Soul robes in a Free the Soul-run chapel?
Gee, I wonder.
>"...What are you doing?"
>"Um... I just thought, maybe an important clue would be hidden somewhere..."
>"...Well, there IS something important there."
No, you really can get a blank. You're just getting bad luck.
But the cult ending is the Apocalypse timeline. We know exactly what Akane does, and it's not take part in another game.
That's the best part of the game you boring person.
Go ahead, do it. You won't die.
Was for me.
Use Greater than, Less than or Equal too when you use the use the cards to help.
Also IIRC Picture 2 or 3 in the book should help as well.
Fairly sure it's scripted with what Akane says after it.
3 tries, they cheated the odds big time
Obviously to fuck with you.
They get their happy ending and live together as a family. They deserve it.
it's rigged to get it right on your 3rd try
10 fucking times? Are you Nagito Komaeda by chance?
I'm more curious about the Gas Mask one, is there a way to be unlucky to pick the right one first and change to the wrong one?
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Found this when clicking the ? during the sliding puzzles in the Pod room for Q team.
I'm sure there's other Easter eggs through these, but usually it's not necessary to click the ?s.
deus ex machina that everyone should have expected

origins don't matter but its stupid anyways

base-13 is the dumbest thing of all
It's always three times, Akane is even a cheeky cunt telling Junpei that three ones in three tries aren't miraculous odds.
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What, is having a sense of fashion illegal?
The same reason she dyed her hair

To feel special
Did old Sigma and young Sigma in the future swap back?
Read that in her voice
According to the cinema files, it's random. It's either the one you chose or the other one.
wut. Nigger I'm talking about the ORIGINAL nonary games. Not the 999 nonary game, not the one run by cradle pharmaceutical, the one run by the rich bastard who did it for fun. Also it doesn't make sense for free the soul to be set up by the time of the Gigantic's construction (in 1916) as Brother was only 14 then, and his younger brother died at 16, causing the founding of free the soul. You literally don't know what you're talking about.
No. D2 ending proves this.
Her reasons are compex

In the VLR timeline
Happened to me
You mean in the True ending? I don't think so.
Already happened to someone. It's a literal 1% chance though.
That'd be assuming that Carlos doesn't gun him down first.
>the transporter
Worked pretty good with the game's explanation of the morphogenetic field., so no complaints there.

>alien origins?
So stupid. I think Uchi couldn't find a way to have it appear in 1888 so hand waved that shit
How complex are Delta's motives?
>Sigma and Diana adopt Delta
>Phi is pissed all the time because of this
>the Klims eventually go to Junpei and Akane's wedding
>Delta congratulates Akane
>"I'm so happy for you! Remember that time when one of my subordinates almost burned you alive after my organization kidnapped you?"
It's scripted. Everyone gets it in 3 tries
>I'm more curious about the Gas Mask one, is there a way to be unlucky to pick the right one first and change to the wrong one?
Happened to me on my first go
Delta did NOTHING wrong.
wouldnt it be 10%?

1/10 chance turns into 9/10 when you switch
They are as complex as Alice's breasts are large.
>The only bad points are aliens, COMPLEX
Neither of those were bad.
>Best escape rooms
Least escape rooms and most of them were not good.
>great twists
I'll give you "twists" not "great"
>some characters got great moments
All the characters felt samey, even though they were returning characters that we had a history with they weren't the ones I, personally, cared about. I prefer Snake, Santa, Quark, K, Clover, Lotus, Dio.
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>I love you
>This feels good
DAE think Phi was gay before the true reveal?
Free the Soul killed Alice's father.
Who's got the best tits, and who has the best ass?
Be weird to adopt your 124 year old son from another timeline, who got you killed in other timelines.
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your opinion is wrong my opinion is right
Who says she isn't?
You can actually get three ones on your first try. A miraculous chance, but one nonetheless.
we are stuck in the same place with a quantum computer having the mind of child simulated perfectly in it and is powered up by an evil orb of energy floating in the middle of nowhere, and still everybody is bothered only by the transporter! this is such a crazy world that it doesn't actually bother me if those are actually alien or someone downloaded how to make all this crazy shit thanks to esper powers
I thought so. She MAY be.
What would you guys rate the games?
999 > ZTD > VLR
999 is still the best.
Both Phi.
fuck, I forgot about this scene
More foreshadowing, kinda
>and the unanswered questions from the previous games.
What do people feel is unanswered besides
-Alice/Ice-9 bullshit
-Why kyle exists/ where he went
I just don't recall anything else.
I don't have a third chapter. Nothing in the room gives me anything new.
>yfw zero escape wiki hasn't redirected phi to phi klim yet
I initially thought Diana and Phi were twins
So lets say you went back to june 1 for the sole purpose of spoiling ZTD to /v/. which things do you think /v/ would consider bullshit? you cannot post proof of you playing it.
>Every game featuring someone named Zero has been done for overall positive reasons
>"Wow, Zero you're such a fucking dick"
why is there always one lady with huge tits?
what did uchi mean by this?
>not in elder god tier
shit list
Why don't you find out and report back?
No I thought it was REALLY obvious she was the daughter of Sigma and Diana. People were calling it before the game even came out.
She was never given a last name. Her name is just Phi.
No but I thought others would thing that
That would only happen in the VLR timeline regardless, it's a dumb question when you think.
In the true end, everyone just lives normally hunting the fanatic. There's no need to make the mars base, and Kyle never gets born. Old Sigma deletes that world's Marty and lives on in that body. He's the only Sigma for that line now.
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>VLR Clover higher than 999 Clover
They still have Q pointing to Sean for what it's worth
This Zero overdid it though, using 3 (4?) fucking gatling guns in the rec room was definitely overkill
None are twisty enough to be considered bullshit. Anything you'd tell me, I'd say "yeah that sounds possible".
>this scene and the incinerator scene
So did she already know somehow or have a hunch? Or was she just gay/bi?
I'm pretty sure either Diana or Phi's X Pass in one history is TWIN
How did Carlos know to there was a family portrait in the Pod Room, and have Q-Team look behind it when he never been there?
> Phi/Santa in top tier.
> ZTD Akane in top tier.
> Luna that fucking low.
> ACE (and lotus) in shit tier.

What the fugggggggg
Yeah, the book. Once you used every card the book should have a chart that explains everything.
Damn. How did I never notice?
he saw Q team being executed
I think it's supposed to be subconscious bullshit.
Santa and Phis are amazing, you shit taste plebeian
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This is fucking bullshit. There's no way Old Sigma would leave Kyle behind.
Akane even states how much he loves Kyle and that we wouldn't leave him behind after jumping back to 2028.
Definitely worse than infecting everyone with a disease that WILL make them kill themself unless they get a cure which can only feasibly happen in 2 or 3 different endings?
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Well that would explain the Back to the Future infodump then
How? He wasn't there.
As standalone games 999 > VLR > ZTD
As a series VLR > 999 > ZTD
I can't adequately explain it, but I feel like being part of the series devalues 999. On its own, it's fantastic, but VLR just throws up so many new fucking things and takes the setting to mad places.
I do love them all though.
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Akane rules supreme as usual.
Phi has never been a lesbian for Diana but Phi is still a lesbian regardless.
he saw
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Thread images: 84

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