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Console-tan Tuesday.
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 244
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Console-tan Tuesday.
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First for vita
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my first get+.png
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cutest couple with cutest girl
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third for spiders
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SNES and Genesis best pair.
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16 gigs
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I love these threads.
Why is PS4 tan so lovely?

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How exactly is this videogames?
Is there some vita vore
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Quick question, why doesn't anybody add skin color to the tans?
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i will wait for u.png
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for the anon who wanted Ouya being treated like a dog.

Proto anon here
we may be onto vita cracking leads.

it may take a bit but we may have found a way into the vita for modding

i wish someone had enough autism to draw dev versions of systems. wardrobe changes are fantastic
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Again, ignore shitposters,also here's a link to the booru.
Less coloring. Everyone's already used to seeing them with pale skin because of black and white drawings.
coloring takes more time/effort and it's better to leave it ambiguous.
dropped pic
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They look really fucking weird with pink skin
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Requesting Xbone doing this once again since it's a new thread.
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There are images where the tans usually have white skin tones, but most artists are use to black&white drawings because it's easier/quicker. There are some color anons, though.
I only like these threads for the lewds
Don't make me sad, anon.

Not because of Ouya but what you're referencing.
>washed out pupils
>you will never make a girl cum so hard from brushing her teeth that she goes blind
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And once again.

Post Tans you would want in a MnF flash
requesting 2ds version as well.
i just want homebrew so i can make lewd games
Hey inkersan I know you're prob here your arts fucking good man.
As many as you can fit in a single game.
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My first console was a NES clone that had a bunch of games pre-installed and looked kinda similar to a NES. It had gems like Super Mario Bros. and Contra so it was pretty great.
anon, they are video games personified :^)

i mean, they may have nothing immediately apparent to do with games, but just because theyre dressed like them they must have something to do with it!
Hey what happened with Rich Anon?
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Don't mind me, just your local writefag shilling some fanfics.
If you haven't seen previous fanfics of mine, check out the pastebin profile for more.
was all a ruse. nothing to say otherwise
Come on man I need some fucking vita-tan vore
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Alien Ware hitting on PC getting rejected and having one night stand with Laptop and Toaster to make PC jealous please.
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Was it really a ruse after all? Say it aint so anon.
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Console-tan Tuesdays.webm
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are there pics of proto vita?
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proto /tiles/ anon here. you the one from last thread that wanted to say hi?
if so im going to bed and will be dreaming about cracked vitas
ill be back in like 6 hours maybe

it is sad but yes
then commission an artist for it if you want it so bad.
yeah theres pics. more than pics in fact, an actual video
it had SD cards


Here's the footage reupped
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The Jaguar solo fic is out, boys. It's pretty vanilla, but I don't think it suffers for it. First time anybody has requested anything, so I hope the guy who came up with it thinks it does his idea justice.


4.2k words because the only way I can get off these days is through excessive backstory
Hey guy. I'm that same anon.
I'll likely not be awake by then cause I've been up since like 2am. I'll try to stay awake for a few more hours, but if not then I'll be joining the after-dark thread at like 2am again.
you got it
im pushing 36 hours right now. dumping that vita game only took up 6 of em
AWWW YIIIISSS, TIME FOR PYSCHBOMB. I'll let you know what I think when I finish reading it, hopefully I don't take forever like I normally do with reading.
>36 hours
Don't die, anon. Because that's how you die. By never sleeping. Nighty night.
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3ds Vita edit.jpg
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Found my stylus so I can draw now. Here's a pic I was working on last week but couldn't finish.
It's that time of the week again. Post requests and I'll try to do them. No lewds please
I wish Vita was "console canonically pure"
Post it and I'll see what I can do
Fuck off cuck
Console-tans cosplaying as popular characters from their system?
SNESxGenesis is shit.
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>E3 is coming this summer

Are you ready for NX-tan?
did you draw this anon?
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Correction: you are shit.
That thigh on GameBoy-tan
I am indeed ready for more stupid gimmicks.
Requesting Mobile-Tan in your art style

or a comfy and cute slightly thick Famicom-tan relaxing in a traditional Japanese house and in her kimono
That's a bit vague, do you have any specific consoles you want?
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>NX and ps4.5 become rivals
>It spawns ungodlyt ammounts of lewd art between them
Yes, yes I am ready.
DL link in the pastebin to avoid spam detection. If you want to try and turn those into Vita edits, be my guest. You've got 49 images to work with.
How about Wii-U, PS4, and Xbone? Maybe they can be cosplaying for E3 or something, booth babes and all.
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GBC either dressed as Shantae or hanging out with her.
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snes has a nice anass.png
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Go make console wars on another thread retard, this is not the place for you.
meh, bland but it was well written. Good work.

I liked the /d/ tier story someone wrote for Vita-tan.
Wow! That's really impressive and cute and also sad.

Got a handle, anon?
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Here's a delivery for one of the requests I had last week. Next one will come later today.
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Looking forward to it. Really good job on your fic too, by the way. I don't think I explicitly said that last thread, so it's worth just making sure that you know. I had a few prime laughs and it was a nice change of pace to just get right down to business.



Yeah, I was pretty worried about that. The only things that anyone said in last week's thread was that or OUYA taking the knot, so I went with the obvious. I'm always looking for suggestions for stuff like this, so forgive the lack of anything especially kinky this week.

>I liked the /d/ tier story someone wrote for Vita-tan.

Shit yeah. The author of that one gave me a run for my money this week.
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p good
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This week? I'm referring to a story written a while ago, not this week.
where is AMD-tan ?
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Snes-tan was made for lewds
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You bet.

Disregard that, then. I suck cocks.
what is he referencing?
futurama dog?
how do I move a binary brush drawn thing in Sai without ruining the aliasing
uh, yeah
I'm sad because of ouya
Link me the recent one, I wanna see what your definition of '/d/ tier' is.

Nonexistent just like their drivers
Ok, I've got what will happen for the rest of this story down in my head.
What should I write them doing after they're together?
If it takes forever...
ouya matters too!
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This thread got sad quick.
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Wow. Nice.
Console tan visual novel when???
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Is that a real vn?
I know it's not I just want to believe
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It's this one, here >>335612667

>futanari, face-fucking, large penis/large insertions, drunk sex, rape

Nothing outrageously /d/-tier like shitting dicknipples, but there's at least one thread up over there at all times for most of those topics. Plus it's got Vita in it. I just assumed that's what you were referring to. My bad.
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Other request from last week. I'll take up to two more if you guys want anything.
Preferably not lewd.
Tan picnic
Ahh I see.
Let me find the other one I was referring to, it was actually fairly humorous on top of being lewd.
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No. Sorry, anon. Just playing around with lipsyncing.
Did that guy who was making an SNESxGenesis loop from 2 weeks ago say anything?
stop with xp goddamit
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the way of the DS.jpg
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Not the person you requested this to, but I felt like giving that a shot.
Someone in the prior thread said they were making an animation of them scissoring
How come nobody draws PS4 with long hair and glasses (also skin-tight catsuit I guess) anymore? I feel like the only one who likes that design more.
Looks really good.
Not the OR, but it's nice to see the stylus extended like that.
That's the only time someone has drawn PS4 like that. Doesn't help that that's just PS3's design.
OR here, thanks for the Vita in a dress, the hair was a nice touch too.

you magnificent drawfag you
days been pretty ass, gettin home in an hour or two

gimme a feel good request to do

That was the old PS3 design from before /ctt/ was actually a thing. Somebody carried it over to PS4 for that particular piece, but it never really caught on.
Can someone draw PS4 with 4 breasts to mark the new PS4 system?
SNES and Genesis cuddling.
With Genesis wearing SNES' hat and SNES wearing Genesis' scarf
4000 breasts.
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Wasn't there also that old comic about GTA V that also used this design, or was that PS3 too?
I've never followed this console-tan lore before so maybe I'm just an idiot
Ah, makes sense, thank you!
I feel like Wii's face being 30% blue kinda makes her look weird.
Real cute!

Is that Vita dressed up cute?
i want her having fun for once
Draw her in the same dress, holding someone's hand as they spin. Make her laugh

Like link related minus 6 foot 4 living tank and the fact that it's a gif

That was ps3
You're right, I forgot about that one. Still, as mentioned, it's just PS3-tan and that's lazy.
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will vita get a single game shown off at e3 this year? or will she be forgotten like always?
She's been officially abandoned, anon.
Jesus Christ

All flock mod drawings are never recognized to their full potential
pretty sure he stays at tumblr exclusively nowadays or on the senran kagura general
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Doin' it.jpg
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What are you waiting for then?
>SNES bitch not holding Super Mario ice cream

One fucking job
>Tempest 2000
Awww yiiisss, Tempest was my jam as a kid.
>If she knew anything now about what that entailed, it was that they were going to have to fix it for her
>Line 127
>That ending
Pic related was /literally/ my face, I had my hands on my cheeks and was smiling like a little girl. God dammit, Psych, I love your work. You painted the scenery at the beginning so beautifully with your words, the elegant words you chose to associate with Jaguar and her thoughts were spot-on, even if the lewd stuff was brief I was enjoying myself while reading this just from your excellent writing. Consider me your #1 fan because I love your work. I aspire to write as well as you do. Sequels when?
Have you ever actually been on /d/? Nobody actually faps to shitting dicknipples on there.
Also I found the LEWD SMUT that I was referring to. It's certainly sillier than I remembered.
Am I autistic for collecting all this console tan drawn and written smut? Probably.
>good art
>even good personality

Eh, /v/ projects never really seem to go anywhere. We're great "idea guys", but the technicals are something that never really seem to pan out properly. Broquest comes to mind.

Not to mention that this would essentially just become a dev general if it ever did take off the ground.

And the last time we made a VN, it broke 3000 threads on /vg/.

I'd be interested in seeing it work out, but odds are that it would absolutely not work out.
What's the matter anon. do you really want that (you) so hard?
>I dont know how to argue so ill just call out for a (you) post
dumb tumblrites
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>Have you ever actually been on /d/?
Fucker, I originated from /d/ years ago. /d/ is for /d/uckgirls and Charizarding your girlfriend.
I'm the author of the Vita+PS4 fic that got linked; the most /d/ thing I've written so far is the Mobile-tan smut ( http://pastebin.com/zFJMxChW ) but all of my fics so far have been requests from other anons. I just write what the requests outline.
What RPG class would each tan be?
Cry me a fucking river.
you seem to be the one bootyblasted
Oh, I quoted the wrong person. I wasn't questioning if YOU had been on /d/, it was this anon >>335616889

Good stories though, nipplefucking, lactation, and expansion are top tier.
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pls no shitposting
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Sure have. I still do, sometimes. I used to frequent the GTS threads fucking shoot me. I was shooting for a little comedic exaggeration. It didn't go through too well in text.
>Am I autistic for collecting all this console tan drawn and written smut?
Everyone's an autist here, anon.


Thanks! Even if it was a little bland in retrospect, I'm glad that you still liked it.

sequels never
unless i get really good follow-up ideas
Don't think I ever checked out the GTS threads, what were those?
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>Nobody actually faps to shitting dicknipples on there.

Not much worse than literally every thread being futa, involving futa, or being about fucking farts.
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I've thought on this for some time now. For non-specific archetypes:
>PC: Tank/Nuke
>PS4: Melee DPS
>Xbone: Ranged DPS (laser beam helmet) or healer
>Wii-U: Support buffer
>Vita: Debuffer (make the enemies feel sad)
>Genesis: M-DPS
>SNES: Support buffer
>Ouya: Throw-away tank
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I just bought one of the Japan-only THICC Vitas.
Wasn't sure if I wanted the Cosmic Red version or the Sapphire Blue one, but I'm happy with my purchase - just waiting for it to arrive in the mail.
>"He's fast"
I actually did a slightly scientific study on the number of 'garbage threads' like those, it's generally around 30-40 threads in the catalog, judging by my filtering of nearly every variation of 'futa' and 'dickgirl' as well as 'fart', 'diaper', 'scat', and so on.
Filter all that and you have a good board again!

Well I could probably come up with something decent, I actually do editing work for writers on /d/, as silly as that sounds it actually improves their writing a ton.
I have also written my own stuff, but I don't share that, plus there's always ERP

Also reminder that vita is the best tan, despite having NO GAMES
We need to go THICKER
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Vectrex on a date with Intellevision-tan

Just the giantess threads. They were never really anything special, but there was always a fuckload of infighting about the whole stepping on people thing. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but holy fuck was it a big deal. I remember that for a long time people said that we had some of the worst threads on the board. Which, yeah, probably. There was like a 1:1 shitposting-to-art ratio.

Good times.
These might take a while, but I'll try and get 'em done by next week.

Many thanks.
>those sleeves
it's so dumb
I love it.

Oh shit, I've been browsing Amazon for it the last few days.

Which one should I get?
Alright, cool, no problems here then. I take my pri/d/e semi-seriously. And thanks!
Oh yeah, thanks for your compliments earlier, I forgot to say that before.
Even if the Jag fic was vanilla and not entirely lewd focused, I still enjoyed reading it. Your writing is just very enjoyable and admirable to me, so I'm gonna start reading everything you write. Got any ideas for the next fic? I plan to write a fic about Genesis and SNES going on their first date to a carnival.
Just have Jag, SNES, and Genesis have a slumber party that turns lewd. That's another idea I've been sitting on for a while now. Or make a sequel to Taking What You Want, PLEASE make a sequel eventually.
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wii u preggers.png
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Fuck, I wanted to write pregnancy ero over the weekend but I forgot about it.

Oh well, maybe next time
Oh right, those threads.
Why not just make a separate thread then?

Luckily the /d/eviants have kept the drama out of all of my personal favorite threads, while at the same time encouraging an absurd amount of OC to be generated in just the past month.

PS4 and the Xbone fighting in a LEWD wrestling match to win the rights to a VIDEO GAME being exclusive to their console.
Maybe I'll write that if nobody takes it up.
I might make a few comics. Is there a sheet where I can see an example of the go to design for each Tan? Even the less popular ones that is?
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1 MB, 640x480

Oooo shiny!
Gee I dunno anon, the red one maybe?
The booru would be your best bet, I don't think anyone bothered making a full on lineup of the tans
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>she has the courage to pull down best tan's Jeans

As much as I appreciate the Sonic undies, can so,done draw an anon beating the shit out of SNES tan?
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So why exactly does SNES have a big butt/hips?
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>sequel to Taking What You Want
anon don't tempt me
>Jag/SNES/Genesis slumber party
aaaaand tempted


Beats me. I suppose any new threads would have just spread the shitposting out across two pages rather than just one. Nobody ever bothered with it.

>LEWD wrestling match to win the rights to a VIDEO GAME

Go for it! More writefagging means more content to go around.
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You know, I think I'll buy the blue one.
Why not?
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How many stories do you have with cumflation?
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It will forever be a mystery.

Because Genesis got the tits.
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>those prices
Writefag here, what should I write?
Ahh, a fellow man of culture.

Not the guy you are quoting but I may consider writing a story with just that, or speaking to my friend about it.
Yeah, I get what you mean. Lots of /d/ threads are just full of autists, at least my favorite threads the users can keep themselves in check most of the time.
I'd probably keep the story really light hearted and silly, I'm not a fan of writing darker smut with stuff like rape.
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>aaaaand tempted
Psych, an idea.
A simple thought.
Write a sequel to TWYW that ties into Jaguar's sequel. TWYW2 happens, then later that day they join Jag for a slumber party that becomes Jag's sequel.
Psych please. It's a perfect opportunity.
Because it is what the bees demand.
looks like Nickelodeon Gak
the shiny version
Something about video games.

Here's an idea: console tans going INTO the video games instead of just playing them. That could be fun to write.
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Vita-tan going into Neptunia (in disguise as Uni)
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Something about Xbone's butt
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GBC Shantae.jpg
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Here you go
I'll get to yours in a bit.
>Vita-tan going into an H-Game
Now that's a better idea.

As great as that sounds, I don't feel especially confident in my writing ability to do an actually good sequel to TWYW. A lot of the punch in the story came from the "twist", I feel, and I'm not entirely sure that there would be a way to do something like that again without treading on old ground.

i might just have to try it, though
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Wii-U detachable head stuff. Self servicing or servicing others.

OR here, this is fantastic, thank you anon!
>there will never be a strike x aerocool-tan
What the fuck even are those
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Psych, believe in yourself but also believe in me who believes in you. I know you could make something good, you just gotta believe. Think of new ways that you can incorporate Gen's submission to SNES, like SNES forcing her to be lewd in public as revenge, or maybe do the opposite and have Genesis try to re-dominate SNES. Just ponder some ideas, write an outline to the story, and do your best.
gamer pc case
Wonderful; thanks a lot. Makes me want to replay best Shantae.
Anon that's fucking autistic even for these threads.
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>played Alienation and Nioh demo today, both fun as hell
>Uncharted in two weeks

Why is she so good to me?
PS4 is at least getting games now, it was a completely awful choice a few months ago.

also breast expansion is 10/10
This just gave me a thought: can a drawfriend draw something with PS3 being sad over the fact that she has no games?
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>we may be onto vita cracking leads.
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self advice.png
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Fuck, that's clever. Alright, fine. You got me.

I can't guarantee I'll have anything out by the time next week rolls around, but I'll have to give this a shot.

oh shit also i wrote this last thursday after reading the critique, it's mostly just for me but hopefully it might be able to give someone else a hand
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it's his benis
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this one is extra spicy
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spotted the newfag
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This stuff usually repulses me, but when it happens to Ouya it makes me hard.
>Implying a homless lady that cut wouldn't get brutally rape by other homeless people.
Where's my Jaguar-senpai brutally raping Ouya-chan?
someone post the /beast/ request
One of these days, I'm sure.
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Shame PS3 doesn't have a lot of art either, unless I'm browsing the wrong tag on the booru.
Though I can see why some might find her design bland or boring.
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English Chart.jpg
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The way I usually write these fics is "spend a few hours on Saturday/Sunday writing and then binge write for 5 hours on Monday/Tuesday morning and proofread before /ctt/ starts". But if it takes longer than a week, just post it on pastebin and I'm sure people will check in on it before the next Tuesday.
>That image
While it's a bit insult heavy for my tastes, it is good advice for new writers. And even I'm guilty of using adverbs.
Nobody cares about the 7th gen it seems.
I really, really like this one are there any more
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I missed you guys. I almost died of anticipation.
You're already dead, Vita.
>Wiiu trained to get stronger and more powerful and takes up the name NX

WiiU-tan needs to do the same. Anything to have WiiU-tan around longer. Or make NX tan look similar to U-tan, her design is too good to be wasted on the soon to be dead WiiU.
My Vita is getting fingered a lot thanks to Severed.
Glad you could make it, Uther I mean Vita.
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Not to me.
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>tfw you're considering buying a used Ouya for cheap and 3d-printing a body

I cant take feeling bad for a console anymore
as long as NX-tan has wiiu-tan's hair :^)

people don't draw girls with that hairstyle enough ugh
>I cant take feeling bad for a console anymore
Then stop caring like the rest of us.
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Don't do it.
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please post more ouya bullying I think I'm out
She stole 8 million and dissapointed all of us. She really deserves to be in prison instead of homeless.
Please do not actually buy an Ouya
Poor ouya didn't steal it, her parents did
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pchatstuff again.png
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That was a lot of fun.

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2 L E W D
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oh my.gif
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>kept in the vita reaction at the top
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 244

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