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>>4027097 You're not going to thank me after seeing
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 251
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You're not going to thank me after seeing this bloodbath, desu.
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Why not?
I'm still alive, I don't care about the others.
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T-That was fast...!
Here's a hint:
It was a hint.

-Hint King, Terry

I've got a hint for you:
That's right!


Here's a hint:
Not true. Everyone is fantastic!

-Terry Hintz the Hinter

Oh, stop it you.

-Terry the Modest
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(A human fears me, a lone robin?)

>all those monster girls
Match theme:
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No witnesses, no laws, no problem. Hand it over, slick.
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Move. Why didn't you move at all? This is what happnes when you refuse to act.
How horrible of you.
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tired of this shit.jpg
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Awww...oh well. What can you do.
>furry ass fox
Damn right

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A dog.jpg
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....Don't mock me. It wasn't easy to do, y'know. It took a whole couple months of training.

So what, they just want you to live a boring-ass life? I wouldn't be able to do it either, I can't blame you. You really think you can change their minds, though? They seem pretty set on it, from what you've told me.
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H-hey..! What did you mean by that!?
I wouldn't know about that, you've been smiling a lot lately.
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Maybe next time champ
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>I think they're getting the wrong impression from two guys on a bike together.
>I told you we should have gotten a fucking sidecar!
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That's absolutely a Michael thing
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Well, like it or not. It'll happen eventually. But just keep in mind that it's not about the destination, it's about the journey.

Being a death God has it's perks.
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I suppose.
Toadally berserk
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(Thank you, human!)

(Also, is Nick's fur made of steel?)
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That better not be a death event.
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That's just... Brutal.


D-Does it mean you like me now?
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>she wraps her claws around the Terry
Such nice words, you deserve a hug.
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Come on! Come come come, just come here and take what's yours!
Stop being a sloth! Act! Take it all back!
Wait, you're not coming here?
How slothful.
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No need for the glasses. They are broken.
*she begins walking closer*
Are you trying to kill me?
I did not intend for it to be mocking.
I can still keep my neutral expression.
>game's on, good luck Komachi!
I miss her too, D3.
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Here's a hint for you, champ. Cut the lip, or someone might get cut. Get me?

Need to add a coat rack in here, but it'll do for now.
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Never return.
>Down B's the stick
>throws toad at you
for the record i would fuck you in a heartbead
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Like I said, I'm going to make them, one way or another. If nothing else, if I can just defeat her with one of my tanks, it's proof enough that we don't need people like her.
Terry, can I have a hint on how to let go of someone you care about?
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It's not
Maybe if you'd wear proper clothing I wouldn't call you cancer.
new day
Too bad this isn't Erotic Hunger Games...
What is a heartbead?
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He was a killer of waifus. Wait am I a waifu, what's a waifu?

>she shakes her head
No, lean closer.
Instinct is all about gyms in cities, if you want thug squad go bug valor
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I'm working on it! But I think you may be a closeted case...
Lost in a forest? Me? Seriously?
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The battle is already over for me, but thanks for the thought.
>I just hope she's doing okay.
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God dammit not you.jpg
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It's fine. I didn't really come here to prove myself or anything, I just gotta swallow my pride here. Satan and I had a bit of a, uh.. Connection. Personal.

You're trying to kill her? Isn't that.. Kinda like doing the same thing that she does? "Becoming the thing you're fighting," or whatever?

I don't even play Runescape, I just clicked on it a ton of times.
Huh? Why do I have a feeling like someone is plotting against me?
Haha, would it be harder for you to keep that expression playing with your friends?
I wish I could share, but the others said not to..
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(Harbl clearly does not like to be touched.)
(And this forest is too bushy!)
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Here's a hint:
Suicide isn't the answer. Keep in there!

>Guardian Angel, Terry

>kissus back

-Romance Master Terry

I've got a hint for you:
Hugs are a great way to display a bond!
>hugs back

-Terr Bear

Here's a hint:
Trying to fight Terry isn't worth it. You should give up.

-Rip and Terr

Go with your gut.
(Sub-hint: Terry doesn't have much experience in the subject.)

-Totally not alone Terry

Here's a hint:
Should have chosen a good team.

-PKMN Master Terry
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No touching the merchandise, ace.
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My cloak please.jpg
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You would have carnal relations with me in some store?
This ish all getting stuk on my teef.
*begins to lean forward*
What is it?
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>Rips the toad apart mid air, creating a short yet beautiful rain of blood
How comical! How furious! But I didn't get the toad part.
Excuse me, have you heard about our despair, and demise, the Cult of the Witch?
Has there ever been a game where everyone uses R34 of their avas for images?
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Instincts quickly die when you live in the city Nick.
Last time, I was looking for my shoes without even realizing I was wearing them.
Well... it's not like I can actually see my feet most of the time, but still!
Yes newfag
yes, actually
Newfag spotted. There have been plenty.
Mion's lewd games.
Stop being new, kike.
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deal with it2.png
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Look at all those (you)s!

Terry is the new Makoto I swear
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new shit or something. forgot how to commentate.
You need to be locked in the closet if you don't put your hooters in a case.
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>she giggles
Can I have your blood? If that's not rude of me to ask.

>she kisses the lady's cheek
Thank you again.
Doing okay?
She escaped the hunger games, matey. I'm sure she's doing just fine, though all this cute fur around only really reminds me of the hole she left in our hearts when she had to go. :(
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Stop looking!!.png
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Why would anyone do that?
It's silly...
Once or twice since I've been here, I think. Honest;y it sounds like fun, but there's gonna be plenty of drama and shitposting.

Not like drama and shitposting ever happens here or ERP anyway, amirite?
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I am still tough.jpg
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Hmph. I say that regarding Mother.
It will not.
I am a useless tool. Factually speaking.
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Urgh, dammit.... Stupid thing.
Not necessarily kill. I just want to show that machines can rival or surpass anything that magic does.
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>You would have carnal relations with me
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Tweet tweet?
(Seems excessive, no?)
(Plus, she has her massive weapons too...)
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Here's a hint:
Terry has lots of adoring fans! Come visit Terryland some time!

-King of Terryland, Terry Hintz, God of Hintz (Very Popular)

Here's a hint:
I'd never hit a girl.

-Probably Lying Terry

Terry needs his blood to live.

-A little terryfied
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Don't say I didn't warn you, slick. Watch your ass.

Mion once ran a little skin operation on the side. Called em lewd games.

Good work, boys.
You don't have to be cunts about it. Give him a break. How is a new guy supposed to know that?
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>I'm fine, I just kinda miss her is all. She was sweet, and I like genuine sweet people the most.
>All this fur reminds me of her as well. But she escaped, yeah. She should be doing fine.
>The memories are still there, but ya just gotta be happy it happened.
But that would be plain cruel Grimes-kun. These things are heavy, I try my best to conceal them, but I still need to feel comfy you know?
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You dare to refuse the words of the Gospel right out of the mouth of one of our Lord's followers?
Why would you do something so horrible?
I'm here to teach you, and obviously that can only happen if I'm close to you!
You love is really strong, yet you're still not in position to act.
Maybe your love wasn't that strong? I mean you refuse to do anything.
Your love is weak, by the looks of it. So weak it can't even make you move!
Let me show you the fists of god, my c-c-c-c-hildren! It'll punish all of us for our lack of love!
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Oh. Ok. So you're terry? Having fun in here?
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I've got a hint for you:
I'll be waiting.

-Stone Cold Terry
>mystic chooses not to kill Instincts
Secret partnership to take down Valor confirmed
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>tfw a fox and a cop
>ffw I have the species problem and the occupation problem
By not being fucking new, you autist.
Newfags are killing the games.
By lurking
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If you have a question like that, ask someone in private. Almost everyone will be a jackass if you ask in the thread.
t. someone who's been here a long as time
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Nothing of interest.png
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You appreciate it that much?
I suppose I should take this as a compliment.
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>mfw this fight
>tfw a year from now the games will be 3 or 4 guys running the same sim over and over
>at least there won't be any newfags
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No joy.png
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This is partly the reason of why i do not do this.
I'm 100% sure she's out there kicking ass.
Pssh, I just wanted to do some lewd Komachi harassment now I'm getting all sentimental and nostalgic...
I-I hope you manage to escape someday too, ass odd a wish as that is.
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I will. I went from cancer to semicancer in your eye, it's a big achievement.

One day, You will find me based, believe me!
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Getting to see new faces and make new friends is always fun!

-Your best friend, Terry.

Here's a hint:
Come right in!

-The Hot, the Wet, the Terry
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I've been here for quite some time, boy! I've been trapper in this pit of emotions and I can't find a way out!
Maybe if you put your diligence at work, we'll get out of here!
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Your mom? What about her? Most people have personal relationships with their moms.

You can probably make it happen, eventually. Everything's got a limit, that probably applies to magic, too.
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>I suppose I should take this as a compliment.
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Of course I do, it's the best gift, blood my favorite thing, all covered in those blades, so much of it, so pretty, so bloody, I'd hug you again, but I know that's a weird thing to do.

Well that's nice, what kinda friends did you make?
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Nah. I just get peer pressured into not calling them cancer. I'm weak willed.
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Just sit still and die, just sit still!
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Im fucked.jpg
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Hey sweetie, what's your name?
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>Aw, how sweet. I'll be fine myself anon. I can escape at any time I want too, as much as that sounds cocky, it is true.
>I've already went away 3 times for at least a month, almost did it again a couple of days ago while I was getting caught up in other communities before going "Oh right, I should probably be spending more time in HG".
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Once I rebuild my masterpiece, I'll be more than ready. I underestimated the shrine maiden just the slightest, and that was the end of that attempt.
Terry is really good at making friends. Don't fall for his charms.
(P.S. Fall for his charms)

-Your friendly neighborhood Hint Lord

Here's a hint:
Watch out for landmines!

-Trapper Terry
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A bear in the middle of his hibernation is the definition of Sloth!
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Tweet. Tweet!
(Gonna pull out my knuckle dusters for this...wait, I have no hand though...)

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If you enjoy having hands, keep em to yourself.

By the way ace, I'm not the one you should be watching for.

Kid, what do you see up there, in the clouds?
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that was fucked.
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What I am saying is that you must have been related to this Satan.
Continue staring. That is all you will be able to do.
If only the compactor was here.
You already did just kiss me. It can not get any weirder.
There will not be any harm in telling it. It is Ramlethal Valentine.
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(Thank you, bird-kin! We avians must stick together!)
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Never stop pushing, not until your legs give ou-
Here's a hint:
I know.

-Terry the Hurt Lord

Violence is okay if it is for a just cause.

-Terry: The Revengeance
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With denying our teachings, you're denying the love that comes from the Gospel!
Ahhhhh! It's making my mind tremble!
>Oh right, I should probably be spending more time in HG
You are a strange motherfucker, D3.
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This beverage tastes worse than usual...
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H-hey! Stop trying to take my head off, you throw a lot harder than I ever could ya'know..!
Huh... I guess you'd be great at cards then.
S-sorry..! I told you I don't really like fighting... B-bye!
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Exchange? Shelter? Maybe next time you should take take take it by force!
You lost time by asking! It also made you lose all of your things!
and this is for tripping me
File: Going home.jpg (64 KB, 760x509) Image search: [Google]
Going home.jpg
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Well hey, good luck on that one. I think I'm gonna head out, but I'll be around again. I don't even think I caught your name.

You're pretty smart. Technically, yeah. I'll tell you more about it next time I see you, but I've got too much to survey to really get into it. I'm gonna head out.
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>Continue staring.
I can do that.
>staring intensifies
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I miss the toad already...
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I like being emo.png
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Stop lazying around and win this game Nick already!
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Rika, Gensokyo's best and only tank engineer.
Here's a hint:
Give your compliments to the chef!

-Hungry Terry
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Please don't blame us for moving you, it was for the best!
You couldn't move forward, so we were forced to move you somewhere else!
Your kind isn't needed before us.
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>I love every community I get deep into. I really do. Why do you think I host?
>Granted, I haven't hosted in a while, but I digress.
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I hope you don't mind one of them being a little on the dry side. I couldn't help it, I couldn't help it~.
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(Yes...he was a brave amphibian, slaying waifus left, right and centre...Rest in peace, friend.)
(Also, just because you've given me food does not mean our rivalry is over, anime mammal...)
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Uh... I'm confused...

Oh well, atleast it can't get any weirder than what that one man was doing to me.
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H-hey what are you doing..? Don't you dare throw me in there..!
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I've been denying holy men since before you were born, kid.

Sorry slick, but you've become an obstacle.
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Здpaвcтвyйтe, comrades! How are you all doing, пoдcoлнyх?
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onto the next shit
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Reminder that I'm a sly fox.
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You don't have to accept me, you can keep denying me.
You just have to accept my love and my words!
>The man gets really close to him
Why can't you just accept it? Why do you ignore it?
It's killing me from the inside.
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You should be Terry's friend.

-Pretty please.

Here's a hint:

-Positive Terry

Here's a hint:

-Terry "Terry Hintz" Hintz
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Hello Russia?
Usually it's america that comes here around this time. He talks a lot about you
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Never trust a succubus!
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Wonderful! Simply wonderful! I can't use a different word for it!
Let us show this man the sin of gluttony!
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Russia, hello.
Why are we not letting him eat...?
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(Ah, so after running away from me before you've finally mustered the courage to explore my nest? Very brave, mammal.)

Tweet. Tweet.
(Also, I feel sorry for the fox. Having to eat burnt food...)
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And a lewd one on top of that...
Please put on some clothes, think of the children, they're so pure...
Zezima's defense is too high for a measly branch to impale him.
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Here's a hint:
Terry doesn't like being beat up...

>It hurts terry much
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Is this revenge? For my sins towards you? That's all?
I'm disappointed of this! I can't belive this!
This is making me furious!
Where's your vengeance and hate? Where?
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Hmph. Farewell then, Okimura.
*continues to not care*
I do not want to hear unless you killed him. Now are you going to hug me or not?
Yes. All I need to do is know how to play them.
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(Err...was that shiv made from a plastic fork?)
Says the one with her titty meat hanging out constantly.
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Sporty Fyxe.png
233 KB, 900x900
It's the fucker that killed me! Good job on avenging me Nick even if you do it your own way..
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Ah, that is nice to know, пoдcoлнyх! What is your name?
Ah, does he? He let me back here so I could catch up with a few people. Speaking of which, what is your name, пoдcoлнyх?
Hello, Kaito! What did I miss while I was gone?
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297 KB, 640x480
So this is what fasting feels like. Never been on this end of it.

>Intense heat radiates from his body, as though he were on fire

Do your worst, hotshot.

Come on, never had a little fun playing swords with these?
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1 MB, 245x350

Whoops, that was just me at the naturalist club again...
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Fyxe in her job outif2.png
372 KB, 698x1538
Hmm? I don't understand anon. Don't all children see breasts when they're little? I'm not corrupting anyone.
A fox third leg though...

Yes, he does it very much.
I'm Fyxe, nice to meet you!
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2 MB, 1365x2300
When do you plan on putting your pants back on?
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40 KB, 1280x720
Aaaaahhhh! Your passion! It burnt my skin! You're furious!
So you won't break?
You won't hear my words?
Being ignored hurts so much!
My brain is trembling from it!
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aw man. I like that guy.
Well, yes, babies seem them as a source of food. Anyone above the age of 13 sees them as something they want to fuck.
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283 KB, 639x822
Here's a hint for you:
It's Terry Hintz

-Totally Terry


-Russian Rouletterry
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1012 KB, 500x213
How was your nap?
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31 KB, 1280x720
Someone took a few tips from the boook of the Sloth!
I would be proud of both of you, but this is nothing!
My mind has not been broken!
You two are horrible!
You two are worthless!
You two are sloth!
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336 KB, 1920x1200
(Anime human...are you trying this hard to earn my favour, just so you can backstab me at the last second? If you wish, we can settle this in a duel!)

(Rest in pieces, positive human man.)
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I've heard better sales pitches in communist countries. If you'll excuse me, I matters that are actually important to tend to.
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>Outie butthole
Nigga, that's gay.
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I will have to remove your eyes. You are clearly not using them. My shorts are on my body at this moment.
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>tfw I was the evil laughter coming from the darkness
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oh and this too.
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It is nice to meet you, Fyxe! You probably already know who I am, but I am Russia. If you wish to call me by a name, then Ivan Braginsky will do. So, what ARE you, пoдcoлнyх? You aren't human, дa?
Do not, comrade.
Terry Hintz? Hm, what a strange name. My name is Russia, but my human name is Ivan Braginsky! It is a pleasure to meet you.
I don't think we have plenty of youngs here though,..The only child I can think of is Cirno, but it's only because she has the mind of a 9 year old
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More Burd.jpg
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is desuarchive down for anyone else?
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RIP, Burdman. We'll do our best for you.
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Oh, don't mind me. Go and take care of your business. Neither of us want you to be "Sloth".
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Outfit swap.jpg
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Huh..? I don't know what happened....
I think you'll learn eventually, I'm surprised you don't know already...
Makoto left I believe, it's a little sad.
Better to not go..
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114 KB, 310x316
Ivan will do, it just feels more familiar. And no I'm not human errr... I guess I've been given many names here actually, furry, beastskin, abomination, cancer.

But really I'm just an highly evolved canine. In a million year, all humans will look like me, you can bet it!
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1 MB, 1944x2592
Well alrighty then, let's be friends.

>she wraps her claws around Ramlethal
how can you say that after killing one of his kind?
Terry's going to do his best for his fans!

-Top Terry

You too.

-Terry the Hint Lord
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slide 14
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Anime folks are terrible betraying creatures bird.
>pets you

You fought well, especially with those mad shonen moves!
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891 KB, 245x245
There are cool birds, and there are lame birds. Burd is a cool bird.
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I will not kill you.png
755 KB, 1280x720
How is that surprising. I did not even know truth or dare?
*this time she wrap her arms around you as well*
You just proved my point.
File: that's awful.png (58 KB, 271x270) Image search: [Google]
that's awful.png
58 KB, 271x270
Okay Terry died.
So all the cool peeps are out now, that's it?
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284 KB, 561x443
Here's a hint:
That sounds great.

-BFF Terry

Here's a hint:
Good luck in the games!

-Broken Terry
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13 KB, 236x331
(As much as I will admit it's hypocritical, I appreciate the sentiment.)

(You had one job. But these forests are very bushy, so I can't blame you.)

(Thank you, large breasted mammal-sama.)
File: what do we have here....png (783 KB, 699x909) Image search: [Google]
what do we have here....png
783 KB, 699x909
Hmmm well okay, but they're supposed to be responsibles adults.
They just have to control themselves and not go apeshit just because they see a bit of flesh, it's not difficult...
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albedo bow.png
128 KB, 339x309
That isn't very kind to Kaito.
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325 KB, 1100x1362
I don't think I shot anything to begin with...
... I guess you're right, it's just strange that you wouldn't know about either..
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378 KB, 901x1280
Makoto? Is she the squirrel person America was talking about? Ah, what a shame. She seemed to be an interesting person from how America described her... Did anything else happen?
Highly evolved canine? So you are a humanoid dog? And I thought I have seen it all... Well, if you are a human dog, do you still like playing fetch?
Hm... Why do you say 'Here's a hint' all the time, пoдcoлнyх?
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we're winding down
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86 KB, 1176x1000
I've got a hint for you:
The Hint Lord is an expert hint-giver!

-Lord of the Tutorial
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>she seems to be asleep due to it being way past her bed-time

Well bye buddy, I'm gonna go sleep now.
>lays on the floor and sleeps
Depends of what I'm fetching... and If I can keep it at the end of the game.
Let's say.. money?

I missed him
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Is it possible for you to only show a bit with bits that big?
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267 KB, 600x800
Is that true? What kind of hints do you give, comrade?
...Is vodka close enough, comrade?
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the finish line is just in sight
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119 KB, 450x600
Ah, Lord Ainz you're too kind..!
Hmmm... I might be killed maybe? I don't know, I mean we usually die here anyway, haha.
Ah, you're right Smokey! Always practice fire safety.
There are hints for everything.

-Terry, the Omniscient

Here's a hint:
Eight hours of rest is important!
(Sub-hint: Goodnight everyone!)
((Sub-sub-hint: Don't forget to thank the host!))

-Sleepy time Terry
File: drunken puppy.png (273 KB, 557x557) Image search: [Google]
drunken puppy.png
273 KB, 557x557
I can wear T-shirts and all If I want Brian, I just decide not to do it often

If feel like this is very silly, but I like drinking, so let's go!
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253 KB, 600x570
This is the second time that has happened.
*she carries the little girl and sets her near the portal. Farewell.
Did you leave the laboratory knowing everything about anything?
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But then there isn't a bit showing! It seems very all or nothing, your wardrobe that is.
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(Well, I feel pretty sleepy, so I guess I'll be going now. Goodbye, mammals, for now!)
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here we go. the last leg.
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pyjama party.png
451 KB, 485x655
Goodnight Terru, see you around!
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>The sky sure is beautiful tonight.
>That's really fucking gay, Gavin.
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Goodnight you two!
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Ha, if only that were true, comrade. I am unable to die as long as Russia still exists...
Дoбpoй нoчи, comrade!
Great! Let us begin. FETCH!
>He throws a bottle of vodka. Not at you, of course.
File: Do you like my student outif.png (462 KB, 700x1120) Image search: [Google]
Do you like my student outif.png
462 KB, 700x1120
Rorschach isn't my favorite hero for nothing.
I like things black and white! no Shades!
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Дoбpoй нoчи!
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Goodbye bird !

Well, does this outfit count as showing "a bit of flesh"?
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winner next slide. who will win?
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Then surely you understand the flaws with such a philosophy.
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No. That, "bit," is like enough boob to fill a fairly large bra.
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I actually would have rather Kurumi had win than this guy...
Mostly yeah, I guess that's a little weird to know outright, but you naturally know how to fight right?
They could just change the name of it, would you die then?
Not enough
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She's dead, jim. and whoops forgot about the peace in between
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shalltear pats.png
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Do well to notice my blue haired android next time
>pat pat
That is adorable.
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Heт. I would just have a different name, comrade.
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>I go fetching the bottle of Vodka, I take it in my hands, and come back at a modest speed.

Disappointed? I hope you didn't except me to take it in my mouth...

In real life, it can be a problem... But I like how it works in my wardrobe actually. I stand out from the tepid animu crowd to afraid to go full fanservice!
Papa Boooones!

File: Silly.jpg (340 KB, 707x1000) Image search: [Google]
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Yes but that was only because it was needed for my mission. Not fun or games.
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8bit fyxe.png
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too afraid*
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the winerrrrrrrrrr
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Heт, пoдcoлнeчникa. If you took it in your mouth it would hurt, дa? Anyway, let us have another go! FETCH!
>He throws it again.
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353 KB, 600x547
(I've had enough fun for tonight. It's almost 4 in the morning and I wanna take a nap. Anyone need "that" gif before I sleep?)
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here's your shit
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Eh, I have a particular disdain for the concept of fan service and how it is utilized as a selling point, but that's a rant I've gone on far too many times.

Thanks Grimesy baby!
Those two faggots will never win
cap this again
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807 KB, 686x1082
Fuck off. No one wants your furporn
File: Das Pantsuu.png (1 MB, 774x1100) Image search: [Google]
Das Pantsuu.png
1 MB, 774x1100
Thanks for hosting Grimes-kun. It was enjoyable!
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Sleep tight, Nick.
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Пoздpaвлeния to the bird, and thank you for hosting!
Do not, comrade.
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shit ass wincard
(Apparently some anon did just yesterday.)
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It appears we have shrunk.jpg
203 KB, 1009x1024
Congratulations. Thank you for the opportunity.
I haven't won in a while, I will work to change that..
>I use it every once in a while.
Haha, like USSR?
Well.. I don't need to know any of this to sing..
Thanks you very much for hosting!

>I'm going to leave for a bit, I'll be gone for about thirty minutes.
File: 72.png (1 MB, 1023x724) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1023x724
Thanks for hosting Rick.
Grats to the Nuke Bird.
Pokemon has a hell of a following
File: bra fyxe.png (250 KB, 624x918) Image search: [Google]
bra fyxe.png
250 KB, 624x918
Goodnight Nick

>goes to fetch it again, comes back even slower
Really, I feel like the only interest of this game is me being a dog. I mean, a regular human would do the same thing as me Ivan...

On a manga, yes. It's cheap and poor.
But we're on Boku no autism. The most chaotic cross-over ever created. Someone need to take the burden of being the fanservice whore, don't you think?
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263 KB, 1233x955
Congrats, Bird.
Thanks for hosting!
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Take your time Kaito.
>white hair El
I only now realize how much I want this in my life
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>This is the shit I've wanted to see happen.
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Your point?

>See you another time.
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2 MB, 2952x2066
Ah, the Soviet Union was just a house we all lived in. Truth be told, I very much miss those times, and not because of what I did to America...
Heт, пoдcoлнeчникa. They would detain me for throwing alcohol, and probably arrest me for littering, too. If you want, I can stop.
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Many have claimed that mantle in the past! It is a perilous duty, but you may have the necessary attributes, both physical and mental, to do so.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 251

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