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Zootopia Thread Checking the Filename Edition
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Zootopia Thread

Checking the Filename Edition
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>making new threads before image limit
>not including the fanworks pastebin
Why are you such a fucking faggot and why haven't you killed your worthless self yet?

Fanwork pastebin because OP is a subhuman: http://pastebin.com/B4CdMR6f
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Much obliged.
Please try to include the pastebin in new threads
Can someone recommed some NSFW Smut/hard smut stuff fanfics? So far i read:

The fox and the rabbit
Interspecies trouble
when instincts fall
Prejudice dies hard
The good and the bad cop
After dark
Hot Fuzz
Goodnight kiss

Ive also been through the collective pastebin
Why is Clawhauser such a piece of shit character with the worst fans?
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for some reason I want nick to wear this
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Important gif for every thread.gif
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Something's fucky.
Pastebin anon here, can you link the ones that aren't already in there? It'd be much appreciated.
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>people actually like Smellwether

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Well that was fun evening, steak was eaten and birthday was celebrated.

how are we all.
Irony and/or memes.
Well my house burned down
Here's one about Judy being too shortstack for Nick, so she tries various things to stretch out. Glanced over it, I embarrass easily and Judy is pure so I haven't actually read it.

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Sounds like a hot problem, anon.
Edmonton, Canada?
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How does that happen
No, and it happened a couple weeks ago
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Do you think rabbits sexually harass foxes when they try and sleep?
Sad Judy
Real sex writing inside!
Poor wrirring and best buy fucking things up





Couldnt be arsed to name them, cause its somewhat in the link allready
Thanks famalam.
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look at him and laugh.png
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>It's a Judy gets disintegrated by a resulting meth lab explosion
Still trying to get an answer to this, otherwise I'll just ask again tonight
Btw these are mostly long storys with mature tones and not only sex scenes
Also here's one about, uh, I think Judy gets shot or some shit and has Nick bang her to prove she's not racist.

Can we stop with this stereotype?

We don't try to fuck anything that moves, you know. There are standards involved.
I wrote one.


I am sin.
Badger doctor from the hospital scene loses her medical license due to what she did, and then goes crazy and vys for revenge?
Like what? It has to be alive?
I need some comfy trash. My sister keeps boasting about her 96 on her history final. The same one I took last semester and the same one I gave my essay to her that I spent 12 hours working on. Not to mention they don't give a flying fuck about my 3.5gpa this semester, and only care that she got a little bit closer to getting hope scholarship back. Fuck me.
Thanks for the help, lads.
No problem. Now deliver unto me all the bellwether lewd fics you have.
Yeah but I've heard countless tales of bunes drugging foxes and dragging them off to their burrows, never to be seen again.
"They" being my parents
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Yeah, I imagine it's only very particular mammals who get your motors running.
>it's a Mr. Big forces Judy to cover up his crimes episode
And meet what we like in an animal! Jeez. This is just rude.

That doesn't happen. At least it's never happened in my area.

I'm not sure I'm okay with the fact that I'm recognizable without my images.
I'll check once I'm done updating the pastebin, but I'm fairly sure the only Bellwether lewds I've seen have been drawn stuff. Come to think of it, I really should trawl Ao3 and ff.net for more than just Nick/Judy stuff sometime.
Don't take shit from those knife ears. Us prey are better than them.
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they blew up.jpg
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>It's a Nick tricks the investigation team into creating a bomb that destroys the ZPD killing everyone in it after being fired by Bogo episode
It's a pain, but you can find some good shit if you look hard enough.
Of course he isn't taking shit, rabbits prefer to eat it.
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>prey thinking they're better than anyone
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>It's a Nick gets infected with FOXDIE for having unprotected sex with another species
Fox here. I cant tell you how many times I've woken up with some bunnies trying to rape me.

Its a normal occurrence now
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intensity intensifies.gif
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She's not Shitdeon
>Believing that beinging a savage fuck is better than the master race
>It's a Doug making a pipe bomb full of nails episode
I feel like writing for you guys.

Also I'm too lazy to progress my main work.

Tell me what to write.

I have no reservations.

I am sin.
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Hah, I didn't mean to spook you. You do have a particularly... noticeable style.

Relax, have a Squeaky Burger.
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a kiss to build a dream on.png
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snout kiss
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What did Gideon do to deserve your hate?
Hey, I knew it sounded familiar, good to see it got on Ao3 from pastebin.
>It's a Nick catches a gang of juvenile delinquents trying to get high with jenkem episode
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we serve food here.png
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XCOM 2 style story where the 1st movie ends on Judy quitting the ZPD for good and Bellweather proceeds to take over and it becomes the proto zootopia esque world, Nick has the find Judy while evading capture by a now corrupt ZPD
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Heyo, how's everyone doing today?
I'm here to do some requests.
Fat redneck faggot with a hitler hairdo and a fanbase worse than /mlp/.
Flash is going to get married. Nick takes him to a strip club for his stag do.
I adore this. Weaver/10.

Seriously, couples that have to navigate and explore their bodies working together? Cute, unf, and heart-warming.
He's Gideon
Thats enough
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Medieval Zootopia
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>It's a Gideon traps Judy's sister in a secret compartment and has her birth his 50 children which have never seen the light of day

Top Gek hat

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>It's a hundreds of people from flooding from a power failure in the cooling towers at tundratown episode
You monster.

I haven't written gideon at all yet, so that might be fun.

Oh lord I do love me some AU.

That might be fun as hell to write.

And I love writing Nick.


Can it be a sloth strip club?

I haven't read one like that.

Modern characters, old zootopia, or just medieval furries?
Red fox that's not Nick? Or maybe just a look into a average scene in Zootopia, like a street crossing or something.
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Something cute about Gideon and Travis realizing they're in love with each other.
Nick gets overly into giving Judy a foot massage
Mountain goat climbing on a rock wall.
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some fangmeyer
I was thinking about doing that this morning. Actually.

Then I realized I don't know anything about Travis.

I can dig it.
>a hitler hairdo

>Can it be a sloth strip club?

How could it be any other kind?
Lionheart as Reinhardt from overwatch about to rocket charge pin Bellweather as Mei
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>couples that have to navigate and explore their bodies working together
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I'm going to take my time writing it.
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fear or nerves.png
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Using slurs is still pretty shitty, bud.

We're not all like that. Promise.

You know, you can report them to the police...

something something lazy goats something
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waiting for it to be drawn.png
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They're just so cute together.
Bellweather and Bogo banging
>report them to the police
But then they'd stop.
Pretty good man. Heading out to a baseball game with the family so I won't be able to catch your stream man.
>It's a Nick and Judy purposely rig an investigation into Gideon's suspicious death via wheat thresher by ruling the case an accident episode
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check this fucker right here.webm
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god damn, nice quads.

Also... not quite sure how to respond to that.
Yes, Weaver, you guessed my second greatest kink and just mashed that button. Shep and Dawn are an excellent example. Something that large and thick is more than she can handle, even with significant foreplay. She's still enticed.

That image with "ha ha yes OH GOD," removing her glasses? That's not just panic. There's anticipation-as-anxiety.

But the takeaway is, well, getting over the hump? It's totally worth it. That too-full feeling is the best thing in the world. His hips don't swing just where she expects, but it's all the better for it.

I come away thinking this is a celebration of the differences in inter-species couples, not ignorance of the same. That's a rare thing.
>ruling the case an accident episode
You mean suicide.

no insurance.
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SLAM, all in ya face, WHAT'S UP.png
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Hey buddy, lazy goat is a stereotype; I bet you think I eat paper and cans, too.
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consensual partner swap when.png
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Honestly I only started liking her after Shep was created
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several questions.gif
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byron is a good guy.
him and his team created an incredible universe.
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>It's a Judy discovers 4chan and becomes a shut-in, has her delusional paranoia about preds confirmed by /pol/ and starts dating a rabbit she hates all to keep the race pure
>it's a Clawhauser takes up running to try to lose weight but ends up suffering debilitating knee injuries episode
lamb is for lewd
I wanted to us an anon for this, but that'll do
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>It's a turns out Gideon's bakery is actually a drug cartel money laundering operation episode
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>I don't know anything about Travis.

He's smarter than Gideon but other than that there's not much to go on. He's also voiced by Byron so we know he's gay.
Fair enough. I already have a name for it.

I'll work on it eventually.
the game based on these very threads
wait who made shep?
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Goddamn you, you just grabbed part of the FF I'm writing.
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>That image with "ha ha yes OH GOD," removing her glasses? That's not just panic. There's anticipation-as-anxiety.
It's definitely also panic though

That's why Shep always makes sure she's 100% on this before he gets into it
Because once he gets the green light he kind of goes a little wild
It might be hard to stop him once he gets going
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Didn't mean it, really.

There's just that anon here that's always at the gym complaining about goats on the rock wall.

Was hoping they were around to see the joke, but they're usually only on late at night.
>it's a Travis gets lynched for being gay after Gideon betrays him to save his own hide episode
Weaver created Shep, then when we were brainstorming a name someone came up with the name Shepard.

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Weaver did
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Request - Snug Smug Rug.png
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I hope not.png
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It's okay, I was pretty quick to get defensive.
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This isn't funny, this is abuse.png
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>wait who made shep?
Weaver. Someone said "hey, what if Bellwether was married?" and people briefly discussed her having a doormat of a sheep for a husband while she tries not to go running around with preds. Then someone suggested she might have a pred husband instead. Then Weaver drew this comic, people went "OH MY GOD, HE'S A SHEEPDOG. SHE MARRIED A SHEEPDOG." Then some anons named him Shep, and it stuck.

And that's the story of Shepard (Shepherd?) Bellwether.
Oh, yes, a little panic. Just a little knife-edge. There's interplay in Dawn between arousal and distress.

I sincerely appreciate seeing a couple with an issue to negotiate around. Enthusiastic consent is great and all, but earnest consent and working to ease someone's fears is unique. Nice, Weaver.
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I'll be back.jpg
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>It's a Cybernetic organism disguised as a wolf hunting down Judy, shoots up the entire ZPD with no survivors episode
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this bune is v smoll.jpg
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I like size differences
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Why all the hate?
brb writing story of how her glasses broke the first time
>Dangerously close to macro/micro fetish levels
Hey buddy.

I got two stories that are good for gideon.

And I'm gonna write them soon.

gideanon rejoice.
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You've got excellent taste. Judy's return to Little Rodentia (but lewd) when?
>it's a Judy ND's her sidearm and grievously wounds another officer who later dies in the hospital episode
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You uhh, sorta start to get used to it, anon.
One day there will be content for us. For now we must endure these same-size plebs.
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that's my fetish.gif
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I suppose it eventually stretches your mind out.
>still no porn of a tiny rodent using his/her whole body to pleasure Judy

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>tfw lurking last couple of threads
>tfw a squirrel hitting on your...friend
I like this
should I add that to my list of things to write

my sins are gathering.

God help me.
I'm more interested in seeing the moments leading up to it where they try to figure out how to make their mouths meet.
Chompy, it's 262. Get with the times. You can be pansexual.

Trouble is, squirrels can be, too. GET SOME WOOL IN THE GAME IF YOU WANT TO NAB THAT MAN.
that was a bad joke anon.
Are we even zootopia anymore?

I feel like we're just zootopia themed furry.
Chumpy? I thought it was an antelope, not a squirrel.
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no more half measures walt.jpg
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>It's a Judy stops taking half measures episode
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o k.png
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My life is a bad joke.
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Happy Mother's Day!
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Lets be honest we were furries from the beginning
>tfw enough GBP for a blowy joey
Who cares
I'm not.
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Especially with her pred-prey obsession/hangups, no matter how much she wants it, once things actually start up, Bellwether suddenly gets that savage feeling. She's the helpless little lamb and he's the Big Bad Wolf. Having him looming over her, teeth bared in a greedy grin, enormous predatory maleness lining her up, she goes into an almost primal fear, heart pounding, sweat pouring. And the size, the pain, the roughness. The huge claws digging into her fluffy wool and scraping her sensitive skin. A hurt so good. A fear so hot.

Whimpers of fear become yelps of pain become moans of pleasure. By the time it's over he's bouncing her in his lap like a stuffed toy and she's clinging to him, nearly screaming at such a pitch the neighbors are wondering if they're hearing a murder being committed. She clutches the shaggy fur of his chest, her face a mess of drool and tears, glowing red with hot blush.

Even when he finishes, driving deep inside her, and she feels every pulse, every twitch, she doesn't stop. Even though she's so sore everything between her thighs feels like it's on fire. Even though she's going to need an ice pack when this is over. She doesn't stop. Even when he taps her on the shoulder, whispers her name, she keeps going. Just a few more bounces. Just a few more slams of her hips down to meet his. He tells her he's done, he can't do anymore. Just a little more. Just one more pump.
He gives it to her.

She smears her messy, dripping face on his coat, gasping, wiping the tears from her eyes.
She counted five of her own orgasms before Shep had reached his limit. The last one shook her so hard her legs couldn't stop twitching. Her ears are ringing. She hasn't known pleasure like that. Not since before she took office as Assistant Mayor. Not since the last time he mounted her.

"Did it hurt?" he asks, cradling her. His savagery has instantly evaporated and his sensitive soul re-emerges.
"Yes," she whispers back. "It was perfect."
What if Nick's mom started hitting on Judy?
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weavers descent.png
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Yeah, but the fun is in your tragic yet inevitable decline.
This sounds way better. Or she tries to inject herself into their love life.
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gnoll bf when
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Chumpy! My man! It's not what you think! I've been offering your.. friend, to get completely smashed (while joining in myself) so he can loosen up! Oh god that didn't come out right..

I'm gonna go work for about nine hours..
>It's a Nick has to arrest his mom for indecent exposure and public nudity episode
What on earth is that?
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some kind of mutant crocodog
hyena shark monster
I just became emotionally invested in a species-charged D/s scene between a wolf and lamb. So help me God, I want to read more of Shep UmJammer'ing that LAMMY.
Dawn roleplaying
I'm talking about the creature on the right
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its a gnoll
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>It's a Nick's co-workers all get replaced by bunnies and he has to murder all of them one by one to save his job episode
It really needs to be said:

Weavelope is wonderful
> Did it hurt?
> Yes, [i]t was perfect.
Beyond the unf, there's real beauty there, Anon. Thank you for writing that.
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God bless you
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red squirrel.jpg
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that was the booze talking! it's bros being bros! i too know what it's like to be a frisky drunk! ..does he get frisky around you, then?

ANYWAY, i'm not after your.. friend!
It was a just a random generator and yet it feels like it fits him so well. Same with all the other drawfriends and their, let's call it as it is, fursonas.
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gnolls tend to look more like hyenas, you might want to look up one next time
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ok i forgot not everyone who's a fan of weavers work has read his quests
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>It's a Nick's coworkers get replaced by bunnies and they drag him into the janitors closet episode
>it's a Finnick turns to hard drugs without Nick to keep his life on track episode
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I think it's more that he makes it fit him, he could've rolled anything and it still would've worked once he slaps his personality on it.
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>that text
I disagree. The overall focus is still on the characters in the movie.

If furries weren't 99% special snowflake OCs maybe they wouldn't be so repugnant in the first place.
>It's a Lionheart launches the nukes episode
I think that's fair. The whole basis in zootopia keeps it all a little grounded from special snowflake syndrome, which is nice.
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Yes, the characters are all delightfully mundane.
>you will never have a cute rodent husband hump your cock

Why even live?
The ranting text that goes behind the characters is a nice method but so much of it is cropped out and what we can see is so inconclusive I genuinely can't even get the gist of what he's saying here.
Aw, she's having fever dreams.

>Dreams she's being tormented by the kind of predators she fabricated to scare the public
>Pleading for her loving husband back
I guess you don't know what you have till it's gone.
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Practiced expressions today. Its bat anon being horrified at last nights thread.
Not sure how you drew this without hands, but it looks good for it!
Why would shep still stay with bellwether after the night howler incident? She pretty much wants to ruin his life, and other predators lives I guess this relationship would also bring up questions on why bellwether would use fear-mongering and hurt predators image and her own husband just for her own personal gain and power in office.
Probably with his feet.
or mouth
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He thinks he can't do better.
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Wasn't there a person who said bats have very prehensile tongues?
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>Why would shep still stay with bellwether after the night howler incident?
Because you can't help who you love.
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a̶n̶d̶ ̶a̶l̶s̶o̶ ̶b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶'̶s̶ ̶g̶o̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶l̶o̶y̶a̶l̶t̶y̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶a̶ ̶s̶h̶e̶e̶p̶d̶o̶g̶
Oh right, that's a thing isn't it?

Man, seems a lot of mammals got the short end of the evolutionary stick
they do to grab their food. Though I think that are fruit bats but still.
It's balanced out by the fact that one of the members holds a spot as the dominant life forms of the planet and top of the food chain
I liked "sheepdog" being used as a derisive epithet for canids who pursue relationships with sheep instead of being actual sheep dogs.
I think its fair to say horses and zebras got the shit end of the stick. No hands, no special abilities.

At least as a bat you could fly around and speak in a secret language of high pitched chirps.
Technically, the majority of the population would be rodents. A 'hick' town by rabbit standards still has a population comparable to the New Jersey, imagine what the mouse population must be
ugh i knew that'd be a problem, it's p much just saying that shes pathetic for just laying there and being sick
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yeah but who can blame them
sheep are so fluffy
I'm late to the party, what random generator?
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Two rerolls. No primates dog or cats. mammals only.

Post results
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check em
what the fuck is with that shirt you're wearing
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oh no

Things are about to get Wilde in here.
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Dog is just slang for wolves who are Down On Grazers.
Love bypasses logic and common sense.
Sometimes you've gotta buy an ironic tee
Or borrow your girlfriend's shirt
Either way
KK your just as bad as Weaver
What is wrong with her lower jaw?

She looks like foreveralone guy.
cucked by your own mother. That sucks
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I̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶c̶u̶c̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶j̶o̶i̶n̶ ̶i̶n̶.̶
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Fucking /trash/ I swear if~

Okay but why Nick being cucked?
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mom pls.png
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Congrats. You're like the 40th one. Too bad no one keeps track anymore.
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>Tfw no cute rodent girl who wants to grind on your dick
>All those wet lipstick kisses around her inner thighs
>Light toying with a vibrator

This isn't cucking. Mrs. Wilde knew exactly what she was doing.
She wasn't trying to get Judy off.
She was just prepping her for Nick.
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jesus crying.jpg
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It's an abusive relationship, she wants him isolated and for everyone to treat him the way she does.
Maybe I'll restart the census when I get home. That'd be cool.
big dicks for horses

loads of jizz and slightly smaller big dicks for zebras
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"I have but one claw, but beware!"
Your art is too pure for this place
You must turn back now before it destroys you
Also they run fast as hell for miles what most mammals need training to do.
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Oh yeah. She also is into latex play.
christ, anon. you're gonna get me in trouble, my mom is on the other side of the table!

no but you should write more
Well maybe Bellwether wasn't always super anti-pred, but after years of enduring Lionheart's shit she slowly grew to hate preds. So when she finally went all evil plan he stayed with her because a) love is an extremely powerful feeling and b) he wanted to get the non-evil Bellwether back.
all we need is a third player and then it will become super kinky
>Even you're here now
What did these threads ever do to deserve all the incredible OC-makers that flocked to it?
Alright, pastebin anon here. Got my morning routine and Mother's Day stuff done, now I'm going to trawl Ao3 and ff.net for lewd stuff where neither Nick nor Judy is central to the lewdness. I'll be starting with Bellwether, since that's what anon originally wanted, but feel free to request whatever side character/pairing you'd like to see. If you feel like helping out, providing links to stuff you like is great, especially if you can provide a description or some tags.
>Tiny mouse girl trapped inside a condom with a cock bigger than she is
I'm not ready for this fetish.
>it's a Shep got too rough with Bellwether and when he rushes her to the emergency room everyone assumes the worst because he's a big bad wolf and she's a tiny sheep so Nick and Judy take him in for questioning while he's a blubbering mess episode
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I like to think she'd try and use her tail to stuff herself with the massive loads of cum she'd coax from you.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 252

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