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You are currently reading a thread in /r9k/ - ROBOT9001

Thread replies: 29
Thread images: 15
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2 MB, 850x1137
Hey guise, I have a trip which makes me special.
why do you hate yourself?

of course that gets me muted
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Why do you save anime girls?
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Opinion on Elliott Rogers?
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1 MB, 723x1023
Nobody will ever be attracted to me

I find them aesthetically appealing

Anime is shit otherwise
Do you believe in god?

Do you masturbate once a day or more?

Favorite food?

Favorite ice-cream flavor?

Favorite book and movies?

Would you derail the trolley?

Would you suck on a dick?

Do you like spicy food?

Fav sexual fantasy?

What do you smell like?

there hypertrigfag, have sum attention
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I don't know how he failed so badly. It can't be that hard to kill people.

mmmh, attention, I feed off it

>Do you believe in god?
>Do you masturbate once a day or more?
The anti-depressants have killed my libido so I only jerk off ever couple days
>Favorite food?
>Favorite ice-cream flavor?
Cookies and Cream
>Favorite book and movies?
I don't read fiction.
LOTR is my favourite triology
>Would you derail the trolley?
>Would you suck on a dick?
>Do you like spicy food?
>Fav sexual fantasy?
>What do you smell like?
Usually like cum and sweat but now I stink of blood
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Form a line, guys, there's only one of me.
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Why do you only post small, anime girls? Do you have anything you want to share with us?
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You can come to whatever conclusion you want to, homo

Small things are aesthetically pleasing, much more than big things.
hey I have one of those too!!1!!1
Oh wow dude you're so unique and special! Want to hang out some time?
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I am going to assume you said "yes"?
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yeah dude!!!1!! give me the
What's your favorite chinese cartoon, my man?
Anime is fucking terrible

They need to stop making that crap
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So is LOTR, but you enjoy that garbage.
>Anime is shit otherwise
How so?
I agree, but what is your reason for thinking so?
That was very rude of you

Have you seen it? They need more little girls and less shitty adults
>They need more little girls and less shitty adults
You arent even trying to hide it.
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Why should I? I'm a rampaging loliholic
stop posting that ugly thing
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Literally never

Are you upset?
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I want a tripcode too! Am I special now?
You are super special!
Post yourface with a timestamp
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thanks for the quick reply. I'm gonna use this tripcode forever! =)
am i special too?
i just found out there is a 4 chan faq
Faces are disgusting

Here you go >>28081495
Thread replies: 29
Thread images: 15

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