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All dubs get laid this year
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All dubs get laid this year
roly poly
what if trips? threesome?
rolly roll
trips = butt stuff

Dubs Malone
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Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck
She fucks, eats, licks, and sucks
But not for me
I, her jumbo shrimp sized cuck
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What the hell I'll give it a shot
lets do this robotsss
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ROLLING please God I need love
I'm only here for the pussy.
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I'll take one cowtit gf pls
Please Jesus. Let me have this.
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I vow to lose my virginity this year, dubs or not but they can't hurt my chances
Need this asian famuelo

original comment again
roll roll rolling!!!
Hope it's trips :D
i'm getting laid this year bitches@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
need some dick in my life help me 4pan
Thanks God
Please for the love of God just let this happen.
I was so close
trips = blowey joey

go get em anon
Sex is for the weak.
dubs train

we're all lucky anons tonight :'^)
That's a nice album, anon. I'll give you my dubs.
Fucking captcha doesn't fucking work on my cellphone.
Let's hope 2016 is the year I turn it all around
truss mi dadi

Trips and no one gets laid
Praise kek. Nice
Cmon u fuk

Original posting license
trips for kgf
lmao senpaitachi
One more for the road
Dear lord, bless this post with sick numbers

Practice rolls over this is the one
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I'm gonna do it, familia

Check 'em
not this year

originato commento
fuck the robot boys im game
one of these days

please god help me fuck a bitch
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dubs pardo
roll roll
original comment
dubs please dubsdubsdubs
thank you, god :')

i had a feeling
Wanna be a normie
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>mfw all of my luck this year was used up by dubs.
At least I get dubs.
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aight lets roll boys
rollin on the river
give me the dubs
put the dubs in my anus
May the memes guide me.
Please god anna why won't you love me
Pls be kind lads
i feel bad for her, she must be desperate
this is my chance, come on
Check em doubles man

Mute me again
Le Horror
>rolls dice
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and now I shall summon repeating digits plox
fuck this
lets do this shit
help me out robo pls
I'd be far more excited about getting repeating digits for fucking once instead of hoping for meme magic
you fucker you stole my dubs
Trips means traps
what if I already got laid? will these dubs matter?
Normie! Reeee ee
So many normies
Rollin stones

Original comment
ch-check em...
trips gets 10/10 w butt stuff
check um mate'
PAWG C'mon
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dunston dubs.jpg
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Don't know why I ever bother with these thread, but rolling anyway.
The game is on
it won't happen but
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Bittenfeld bullshit.png
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Fuck it, reroll.
Surely if I roll at least 10 times I should get dubs once?
Griff yiff
Okay. I give up.

originarru commento!

So close ghg
rolling my roll
Check em, scrubs.
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yo 4chan.jpg
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I got laid this morning

I thought most of the virgin stuff on this board was a joke like tendies, honestly

I imagine the quiet majority is having fairly regular sex
if trips i leave forever
Check' em fampai

Original comment ehre
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Dead Lying Down.jpg
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if I get trips you leave forever


Eye doubt it
This is original
>dumb phoneposter btfo
Rollin, pls give me this I've waited so long oh god
Shit fuck roll
I cast my hope into this post.
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This is my time to shine
give original commendobs
original rolling thunder
rolls spring
This post has zero chance of getting dubs
I dont want to get laid hahaha
row row rollin'
i mean i should this year
Will this year be the year?
rollin just because
Please, god I need this
Not to get laid per se, just the intimacy that comes with getting laid
I'll only roll twice, because I have dignity,
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It's now or never. GET!
Get me laid dubs
let that some bitch Roll
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Ah fuck it I'll give it a shot
Ohohohoh oh.
gibe m3 that puss pls
come daddy really needs this

I want pussy

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>tfw there is hope for r9k
It's over, kill me now
What do trips get
I want to believe Bateman has my back, but come on. Even dubs can't help me now.
>wanting to get laid

Rolling for the qts in my classes at University.
Please based Bateman
roll dis shiet
That fucking sucks senpai. Also, roll please dubsman >>27124845
Who /permavirginwithdubs/ here?
Reroll, since I was so close.
And if not dubs?
Original forever virgyn
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Gonna try getting it for the second time just for lulz
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may i try a second time?
Nigga playin' with my whoadie, I'ma ride
She say that that pussy wet so I'ma slide
She pull up and fuck the crew like she connivin'
Hey, I'ma cum all over her body
Czech im
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rolling with le face face
i don't need dubs to prove myself niga
Here we go original comment
I hope so
22 year old khv
it's easy when you're 10/10
>tfw getting laid this WEEK
ok 9/10 it's not that bad
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look at this motherfucker
fuck, let's try 8/10

Doesnt count tho
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Ravioli ravioli give me the dubsoroli
kill me
7/10 is the lowest i can go
dubsamir putin chekc em
fuck, one more try 6/10
ckech em
pls jesus
Niggy boy
roll for the heterosex

Except I am. I knew that before I even saw this thread. My trips simply affirm it and show the truth of the gets.
he did it! What a hero!
Relling fuck off robot you cuck
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if nice digits smug trump waifus for everyone
Check it bro
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Trying for dubs one more time
>implying that will ever gonna happen
check em brahs
I can reroll as much as I want to but at best I'll be off by one
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its this or suicide
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uh oh well it was nice knowing you robots
Last reroll.
Lately I've started thinking about rape.
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I wanna be orange cat for once.
Rollin, original comment etc
We're all gonna make it lads
yeehaw into oblivion
Oh boy, this sure seems legit.
What about quads?
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this thread is still alive?

giving it a roll

another day, another chance for victory
Khhv here. Will i make it?
going to be 25 in 3 month. only dubs can saev me now.
I don't care about getting laid I just want repeating digits
I'll take dubs as a sign that me and my LDR gf will meet and fuck by the end of the year.
Breaking it off tomorrow.
this post is 100% original there is nothing the robot can do about it.
Please give me singles.
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Never not ever oh no
Not me. Never gonna be me. Not ever gonna happen.
I won't because i've given up trying. I never really tried in the first place.
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pepe bee.jpg
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what if i want to keep my wizard powers?
I already did, but still let's get them doubles
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P-please, Ill promise Ill be ORIGINAL if I get laid...
I'm not missing the chance familia
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Rollllll me baby
i love life
and original comments
Fuck it, let's do this. I've got nothing to lose
Dublin please
I'm getting pussy tonight boys
It's gonna be a good summer
Round 2 let's gooooo
rerolling, pls god, i cant take it much longer
Rollerino Amigos.
Originale Pimento
what if I already got laid this year?
nice faam
rolling for everyone in this thread. we'll all make it.
Let's get some lays up in this bitch
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Gimme them dubs
FML I'm A Single.
What if I roll quad?
Cmon familia
dubs pls
original lanigiro
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I hope I love her and she loves me, just getting laid isn't my goal
Why the fuck not
Rollin for dat puss
same fampai. least you got 67 repeating. maybe that's love.
Did I get laid?
Probably not
daddy daddy
dubs get laddy
nigger you have to do it again for it to work
ROLL daddy don't rape me
I won't get laid but just tryin anyways, mr. dubolina
10% chance of me having sex this year? Might be on the high end but it's in the right ballpark.
Rolling bc I need to be laid XD
It doesnt have any sense.
blease fampais
ez pz lmn sqz desu
I want some fug senpai
I know I am getting dubbs, and if no dubbs, regardless. Motherfuckers.


duh lmao xD
senpai pLeAse fUq mE
The second coming. Let's get this right
... 5th or 4th roll senpai notice me

Please, I motherfucking need me some of them dubs.
I bet not but let's spin the dice
Regardless I'll still roll because I'm a fag.
r9k is the world's largest online social community for robot and robot enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creation and sharing of art.
doing the most original possible role

(yay originality!)
Wojak and Pepe is about a hardcore memer(Wojak ) and his loving cyborg (Pepe ). Together they frequently bash wits over various meme related ideologies.
It's almost like there is this universe that only Pepe and Wojak exist within it, and they're just floating around in ...
It doesn't say not dubs don't get laid right? Alright let's go
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these dubs are for you Alexa

*tip of originality*
redemption round the street knocking?
Stop lying to me, Bateman.
congrats anon

future normie get out
ayy senpai desu baka
Whatever man, none of this matters.
usually happens at least once, grant me luck!
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Impressive, very nice. Lets see Paul Allen's dubs.
original comment
>All dubs get laid this year
i would prefer getting laid this month
rolling kek
This is for Allah
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why me huh
haha sure they will
Pls gib de puss b0sz
Roll doe
Heh, that's never gonna happen.
I finally got a girlfriend who's willing enough to fuck me. You can't control my fate dubs man!
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Please i need this so much
Wew lad would you look at those dubs
thats nice of you op thanks
dubs nowwww
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Thread images: 91

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