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I recently received some tips about my face and head proportions, and I want to know if there are any other issues that are presented within this piece.

you're welcome
>any other issues

Dude the whoke thing is an issue. The proportions are off, those tits are broken and the fat distribution would leave this woman in her back like a fucking tortoise.
The intention clearly was to have a somewhat sexy character, not a perfectly shaped human being.

How come you guys like to take shits on realism but then you also take shits on people who aren't realists ?
its not completely stylized and not completely realistic so its at a pretty ambiguous middle ground

you can keep telling yourself the proportions and anatomical issues are a stylistic choice, but you will also never improve.

maybe your style can appeal to some people including yourself, i dont think thats a bad thing since i like anime style and in essence its the same as what you are doing

if anything make sure you understand how shapes form on the human body. those tits have a strange shape and are representation of tits rather than drawn in a believable way, the arms are poorly constructed and i personally find the lower body to be way too big in all aspects
Because what you drew isn't even remotely sexy. How do you expect to properly accentuate the sexual features of a female body when your anatomy is completely fucked?
Go back and learn the basics.
Give up on this one mane, the artist decided online critiques are too mean for her and left.

Your advice helped me thoughl
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