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/hpg/ - Headphone General Sennheiser Edition
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>How to request purchase advice:
>/g/ wiki headphone FAQ:
>Thread Theme:

>Previous thread:
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haha no one cares about headphones u faggot
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Same question because I posted before the thread died
Would I benefit from an amp using my K550's?
I use them mostly on my laptop and my iPod Touch 6.
Would I benefit from an amp using my K550's?
I use them mostly on my laptop and my iPod Touch 6.
Shure 440 or akg 240?
Samsung galaxy s5 active/ other cellphones / pc
>Preferred type of headphone
I doubt I can get a iem with the price so full is optimal
>Open or closed
Either one
>Comfort level
Mild to comfy
>Preferred tonal balance
Neutral or warm
>Preferred music
Hip hop ( mf doom/kanye west / death grips) metal ( behemoth / maiden )
>Past headphones (pic related )
Panasonic RP-HTX7 Stereo Headphones (Black).
JVC HAFX1X Headphone Xtreme-Xplosivs.
First time I have ever asked for an opinion on this so correct me if I did something worng
I tip my fedora to giraffe porn
All you need to do is get a Schitt Fulla or Dacport Slim or Fiio E10K and stop asking whether or not you need amping or a dac, you can even return the Fulla or Fiio if you don't think it's doing anything for you.

This isn't something everyone can just universally agree on due to many outside factors, you really have to just listen for yourself.
is this headphone like the ultimate end-game?
So what's the next step from a HD650?
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So was anybody going to help or?
Consider nvx xpt100
$~100 but somewhat flexible
Onboard sound.
>Preferred type of headphone
>Open or closed
preferably closed
>Comfort level
prefer comfy but would be ok if it's sacrificed for a little better sound.
>Preferred tonal balance
>Preferred music
Trance, Metal, pretty much anything
>Past headphones
nothing worth mentioning. I finally have a little spare money and would like the best sounding headphones I could for the price range.

Looking over this and the last thread NVX Audio XPT100 seems to be generally recommended for that price range. Is it just the go to sub $100 headphone?
Takstar pro 80 had a more notable bass boost. Nice case too
>Is it just the go to sub $100 headphone?
not at all. its a combination of factors.
>Takstar pro 80
Do either this or the NVX have inline volume controls? of the two which would you recommend for extended wear? the reviews on the Takstar seem to say it isn't the most comfortable. Also, would either need an amp?
nvx have a better headband
no amps needed
nvx is neutral not bassy
anon again. I think I've narrowed it down to 3.
In general which would be best for just watching netflix, occasional gaming while still having great bass in the 100-150 range?
Takstar pro 80
NVX Audio XPT100
Audio-Technica ATH-M50
From reviews it seems like the m50 is the best of the 3, but that's just going by reviews. It is a little more expensive but I don't mind spending the extra $40 for a much better product. The downside would be if it required an amp.
I should mention amazon has the m50s for $133 currently. They seem to be usually $200
usually 170ish
Shure SE215
Still on sale. Which of the 3 would be the best bang for my buck?
the pro 80s i think have the best bass of the 3, while still remaining just as neutral the rest of the way. slightly different notches in the treble, so it's possible you would like one of them more than the other, but it would be nothing you couldnt fix with eq if you were so inclined. but for bass, the pro 80s for sure
>Would I benefit from an amp using my K550's?
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I removed the grills of the HD 518 and now it looks like pic related.

I can now hear the vocals without annoying me like when the grills were on it

Did i do good? how much will they last in this state?
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>tfw K702 masterrace
lol its not going to hurt them or anything, do whatever you want
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>best of the 3

More like worst of the 3. Get the XPT100. As you can see in the pic I replaced my m50's earpads with the second pair you get from the NVX XPT100. It made it sound horrible.
I don't know if i am under placebo or something so i wanted to ask, did this really improves the sound and "open-ness"?

I am confused, they sound good now but i need some kind of feedback about if this method actually works for improving them.

By the way thanks for replying.
The step that crosses the border between reality and delusion.
i can tell you it definitely changed the sound, so youre not hearing placebo. i think the real question is if whether you like the new sound is a placebo or not. the answer will come to you in time. eventually youll think back and be like, "is this really better?" and you will put the grill back on. you will then think it doesnt sound that bad, and wonder what you were thinking in the past, so you will leave them on for awhile.

then eventuall you will remember, and compare them activetly. after this, you will have your answer
ayy the bootybothered akgay anon is still on a crusade against a competing brand while the rest of us give two fucks about the brand as long as the product is good. your k702s are a downgrade for the anon asking where to go from hd 650.
Okay, thanks.
hey /g/

up to 200£
UK, prefer amazon
iPod classic
>Preferred type of headphone
in ear
>Comfort level
>Preferred tonal balance
>Preferred music
all kinds, mostly hip hop i guess
>Past headphones
shitty creative in ears i got for £3 in a sale, they sound terrible and fall out of your ear if you move your jaw

don't really know what brands or features to look for, would appreciate any advice
Are HM5 pads worth it on Takstar Hi2050s?
And if yes, pleather or velour?
soundmagic e80
i dont know if theyre worth it, but death to anyone that likes pleather over velour
If it's not Beyer velour it belongs in the trash.
but i fucking hate pleather.. what do the x2s use?
>they will be full of sand and dust in a month
Just curious, have you also tried the takstar? I'm leaning more toward it just on cost alone, though for some reason it'll till jan 11 to get to me.
i'll just buy these for a laugh

nice one mate
then screw the whole beyer thing. x2s are comfy as fuck velour and memory foam
Is there any actual difference between se535 versions? Or it's just color and cable shit?
go fuck yourself
that was a serious recommendation, im not even that guy
i was being serious i just bought them

thanks for the suggestion i mean it
yeah except youd be retarded to spend that much money on iems
I can always blow it away before use i guess?
I really like the comfort and isolation of shures. What else would I get with decent balance?
What's a good Amp+DAC to use with AKG K7XX?

Max $250-ish
Who actually pays full retail for them?

Se535 ltd does sound different. It has a damper installed that increases the treble quantity over stock 535, but you can buy the filters in bulk from an electronic parts supplier.
o2 amp + odac
Schiit stack.
Aune X1S
>Who actually pays full retail for them?
i dont know. i just know i would never pay that much for an iem, unless its gonna suck my dick every night
>youre not hearing placebo
There's always a bias at some point if you know what is playing and what is there.

None, if you do not dictate direction.
i wasnt trying to say there couldnt be bias, just that what he did is changing the sound objectively, whether he thinks hes hearing it or not

now whether or not it's helping him in the direction he wants is another question
>To obtain optimum performance please allow at least 150 hours of constant use for break-in for your new headphone. This break-in period does not have to be at high volume.

How can you question the manufacturer /hpg/?
because by then youll be in the range of either stockholm syndrome or buyers remorse outside the return period
/r/ing the headset guide with the $5 mic and the velcro
You idiots stroke your tiny penises to shitty over priced headphones. Its like apple users, shitty low quality components "apple logo" somehow makes it worth 50 times as much.

I have a few retard friends like most of you talking all high and mighty about your 1,500 dollar + headphones. They sound so shitty I nearly laughed myself instead having the shits.

They whine about not affording a good car/suv. But they buy the stupidest shit like over priced lego headphones or gay ass water cooled GFX cards. For nothing gained.

I have a pre-built pc / replaced gpu / psu under 1000 bucks and it plays as good as better than more costume builds. And my 20 dollar headset sounds better than any of those shitty overpriced brands you shits drool over.

I own a X6 BMW my own home, no bills. Yet somehow my idiot friends and retards on /g/ think that having a 3k+ pc that barely performs and a over priced Walmart ... excuse me Amazon Chinese knock-off headset is worth having no money for anything else. fucking lol, I enjoy fucking girls and still watching ching-chong cartoons. My priorities are straight.
Can fucked up ear pads reduce sound quality (all the vinyl wore off and its just the fabric and foam? material)? Closed headphones in particular.
Any manufacturer worth buying from would have already spent hundreds of hours testing their shit to make sure it works properly. Burn in doesn't make sense on any level.
Yes, pads are extremely important to sound quality especially in closed headphones, orthodynamics and electrostatics.
who was questioning whether your priorities are straight? do people come up to you on a weekly basis asking if youre retarded while knowing your economic disposition?
don't respond to stale pasta.
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Removal of the back grille does next to nothing on other open Sennheisers. I know the HD 518s are more "closed" in a way compared to the rest of their open headphone lineup so there could be a more pronounced effect on those. But generally that whole thing about modding headphones is really prone to bias if you are using your ears to judge the sound signature. The whole idea that you are modding the headphones in order to make them sound better in whatever way is kinda biased from the start. You hear what you want to hear.

Measurements boi.

Never looked it that way. Post purchase rationalization and getting used to the sound will make even average gear sound good.

They can hurt or help the fidelity. Pads have direct effects to frequency response. In some cases worn out pads could sound better, too.

They make significant differences in some open headphones, too. Pic related.
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Why haven't you used hybrid headphones yet /g/uys?
>Can fucked up ear pads reduce sound quality (all the vinyl wore off and its just the fabric and foam? material)? Closed headphones in particular.
Yes and double yes. Typical leaky design of most open headphones reduce leak effects, but it still is very much affected in the mid and high qualities.
What's /hpg/'s opinion on Aune X1 Pro?
Worth getting for $160?
Maybe that's why my HD280s seem a lot less bassy than my new MDRV6
Could be. HD 280 has extension and elevation in regions where V6 just rolls off. HD 280 is also kinda inconsistent with the seal.
Aune makes pretty great stuffs for cheap, so yeah if you could live with their heavy power bricks then just buy it.
Hundreds of hours testing a single headphone? Do you hear your own retardation? How does it not make sense, dynamic drivers are literal mini speakers and no one argues that speakers need burn in.

Measurements from what? A nerd in his basement who thinks he can measure a headphone without thousands of dollars worth of specialty equipment used to replicate a human head and a properly dampened room for accurate measurement? How do you know he's not using shitty bargain bin mics?
>dynamic drivers are literal mini speakers
And they experience nowhere near the excursion -real- speakers do. Burn-in in headphones is a real meme.
>specialty equipment used to replicate a human head and a properly dampened room for accurate measurement
What makes it accurate? The fact that it costs tens of thousand of dollars?

>How do you know he's not using shitty bargain bin mics?
Accuracy is not the concern, we are looking for any delta here.
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Would the Fiio E10k be a very big improvement over my onboard audio? Also does anyone know if the bass boost thing does anything?

My mobo is a Gigabyte GA-z97x-gaming 3 (cost $120) and im powering Sennheiser HD 598s
>no one argues that speakers need burn in.
They really don't. Theoretically, a the woofer can become slightly less "stiff," but the audibility of the change is highly questionable. And again, any manufacturer worth buying from would have already tested those speakers anyway to make sure they aren't defective. "Burn in" is nonsense; you don't pick up speakers or headphones straight off the conveyor belt in the factory.
Probably not. Your motherboard already has alc1150 which is pretty good.

And "bass boost"? Whats the point? If you want more bass for some reason just use an equalizer.
Also the materials used in dynamic headphone drivers is different compared to cones used in loudspeakers.

>Measurements from what? A nerd in his basement who thinks he can measure a headphone without thousands of dollars worth of specialty equipment used to replicate a human head and a properly dampened room for accurate measurement? How do you know he's not using shitty bargain bin mics?
He could do that with bargain bin mics yeah. Only thing which matters in measuring burn in is the consistency measured by the microphones. It doesn't have to represent a human ear, it doesn't have to be equalized to a target curve or anything like that. Just measure the exact same pair of headphones after some time is passed. All measurements I've seen have been near identical or identical to the original response without burn-in to the point where the differences seen in the results could easily be just pads deforming or slight movement of the headphone over the ear simulator.
fiio claims that a hardware EQ is better

You can't just post some faggot's graph and take it as set in stone without knowing it's from a credible source, also most of the time when FR graphs get made every single test looks slightly different, and they are all averaged this methodology makes it very difficult to discern a slight change, and it's even more difficult when you are at the same time taking raw frequency and smoothing it with a bunch of different tests.
Plenty of FR graphs give raw response. There's no reason to believe burn in is a real phenomenon if no data has been shown to support it.
It's not. That's the kind of blanket statement you hear all the time here and in everywhere in the industry really to justify something. You can fuck up EQ in hardware and software. Use EQ APO and don't go over 100% digital volume and you don't get much cleaner result from any equalizer on the planet.
It's not. More potential electronics distortion, still subject to the limits of the electronics gain.

Plate measurements are all any basement headphone measurement will be done on, and they have greater consistency than ear simulators.

You can just look the response as part od a confidence interval for that headphone, but burn in still isn't a thing.
oh im on your side friend
just telling you because it's funny. pretty much every company says BS, theres no point in trying to pretend one company is perfect
and im not saying that youre saying that, im just saying people do that, and its dumb
What makes you believe there's data against it? I don't see any other than the usual memes being spewed, yet you have plenty of people on headfi who swear they do hear differences, and the fact that dynamic drivers and speakers are mechanically the same. Note that any idiot can say they have a new headphone and just measure a headphone that was already burned in to confirm their own bias and pretend like their some kind of audio master that proved something.
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400i just got here, i'm honestly not that impressed. slightly better bass response than the shp9500 and sound cleaner but they sound a bit thin compared to the 1540s. I will stick with the 1540s for now or forever. I don't want to spend more money on shit that doesn't deliver. I'm not saying they're bad, just not an improvement over what i have.
Firstly, burn in makes zero sense physically. And secondly, there is data that shows it is in fact, not a real thing that happens.
>data against it
thats not how science, or logic works. you prove things exist, not that they dont exist. you must prove that burn in happens, like religious tards must prove that god exists.
< $150
>Preferred type of headphone
Full Size
>Open or closed
>Preferred music
Hip-Hop, Jazz, Rock, Alot of Vidya
nice blog
b-but my leather gloves are so much more softer after one year of use

keep that shit out of here and understand the difference between a belief and knowledge. the idiots who don't see the difference there are the problem.
Thanks dawg. I was told that hardware EQs are much better than software. I have a shitty stereo with a bass boost feature that actually works pretty well without making it muddy. I would use that if it didn't add a ton of background noise
will you mail them to me? i just want to try them out
M40x. Although keep in mind open is much better than closed for gaming
>you have plenty of people on headfi who swear they do hear differences
Can just as easily be construed as acclimation

>the fact that dynamic drivers and speakers are mechanically the same
They aren't, and there isn't a change in anything but the compliance, which alone hasn't demonstated a distinguishable difference in controlled circumstance.
There's no data other than some basement neckbeard who probably lied, seriously stop saying there's data. If there was actual solid data that a reputable organization did then no one would be endlessly arguing.
i have no idea why you linked to me, i was telling him that burn in needs to be proved for its existence, not that we had to prove it didnt exist
don't wan't sound leak in teamspeak or outside noise

closed seems better for me
>data that goes against my preconceived notions hurts my feelings so I'm going to ignore it cry over neckbeards
People argue over stupid shit they don't understand all the time.
That is pad degrading, not driver burn in.
if you give me 275 bux :^)
Just ordered MDR-7506's for use at workplace or other occasions I'm not at home. At home, it's DT880 or speakers.
if i like them i definitely will. either way ill pay for shipping.
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Why not just get ksc75 anon's the quality jump to the high end isn't noticeable for an average faggot like you anyways.
This sounds like a scam anon.
no way, i dont know if you were there yesterday or something, but there was another guy who wasnt sure about his 400i either. i said id buy them from him too, after he "listened for a couple more weeks." havent heard back from him yet but its only been a few days
oh shit, yeah man, I emailed you that they went down to $300 again.
Sadly that sale only lasted a few hours.
wait what email did you send it to? i havent gotten anything in a month at least
>A couple of days before I left for CanJam at the Rocky Mountian Audio Fest, I stuck a brand new pair of AKG Q701 on my Head Acoustics measurement head, positioned it properly in the measurement chamber, and closed the door.

This is just another case of someone who thinks they had a new headphone and it probably was already broken in. Again, this is not a manufacturer or organization stating anything but a DIY operation and you still think it's some kind of end all and be all. It's really really easy to just take any headphone and just measure it.
[email protected]
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I haven't been here for a while
why has the OP been reduced so significantly?
That's some amazing rationalization going on there. Explain to me physics that make burn in a plausible phenomenon.
>basement neckbeard
>reputable organization
Ad Hominem it is...
While it's expected from the ones making a claim to try and prove it, anyone with the means can test the validity of it, which might result in data proving or disproving the hypothesis, tests about burn-in so far have shown that there's hardly any change in the drivers of headphones, which leads to other hypothesis such as the pads getting worned from use for example.
yep thats me. very strange, dont have anything. i even clicked on it and sent something to it from another email i have in thunderbird to make sure it was correct, and it worked. maybe you typod the email when sending?

either way, it looks like ill be a sad 400i-less anon forever. no one thinks im serious here (for good reason i suppose) and these sales are happening at like 4am for me, so fair
Floyd Toole's book:
>In parts of the audio industry, there is a belief that all components from wires to electronics to loudspeakers need to “break in.” Out of the box, it is assumed that they will not be performing at their best. Proponents vehemently deny that this process has anything to do with adaptation, writing extensively about changes in performance that they claim are easily audible in several aspects of device performance.
>Yet, the author is not aware of any controlled test in which any consequential audible differences were found, even in loudspeakers, where there would seem to be some opportunities for material changes. A few years ago, to satisfy a determined marketing person, the research group performed a test using samples of a loudspeaker that was claimed to benefit from “breaking in.”
>Measurements before and after the recommended break-in showed no differences in frequency response, except a very tiny change around 30–40 Hz in the one area where break-in effects could be expected: woofer compliance. Careful listening tests revealed no audible differences. None of this was surprising to the engineering staff. It is not clear whether the marketing person was satisfied by the finding. To all of us, this has to be very reassuring because it means that the performance of loudspeakers is stable, except for the known small change in woofer compliance caused by exercising the suspension and the deterioration—breaking down—of foam surrounds and some diaphragm materials with time, moisture, and atmospheric pollutants.
>It is fascinating to note that “breaking-in” seems always to result in an improvement in performance. Why? Do all mechanical and electrical devices and materials acquire a musical aptitude that is missing in their virgin state? Why is it never reversed, getting worse with use? The reality is that engineers seek out materials, components, and construction methods that do not change with time.
I copied the email right from your post.
No idea why it didn't send, sorry.
But yeah, it was like a 3am est sale.
btw here's an article the exact same guy did that shows burn-in on FR, seriously burn-in not existing is just as much of a meme as it existing

people got ashamed of the iem under 200 and over 200$ headphone guides so they stopped linking to them
>Ad Hominem it is...

I didn't directly insult you. Not Ad Hominem, nice try though.
>seriously burn-in not existing is just as much of a meme as it existing
What the hell is this even supposed to mean? Do you think burn in is real or not? Or is it just some spooky thing that nobody can ever know?
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but the over 200 one was only made a couple of months ago. Multiple threads were dedicated to its creation! hpg is a prideless bunch.
someone would always start shit, especially over the amplification needed or not for some headphones

shitposting has gone down since their exclusion in the op
> Budget
> Location
> Source
Mac Mini
> Preferred type of headphone
I dunno? “IEM” are ear bud types, correct? Which I’m not looking for.
> Open or closed
I was initially thinking open types, as that’s what I’ve got now and so I could hear the phone ring and such, though closed would also be acceptable and would probably sound better.
> Comfort level
Cushy / comfy, I suppose.
> Preferred tonal balance
I’m not an audiophile.
> Preferred music
Classic rock and watching tv shows and movies.
> Past headphones (pic related )
Don’t have a pic of them but my current pair are just cheep-o Walkman type open headphones. Had a pair of JVC(?) corded closed headphones back in the day, which were pretty heavy duty and sounded good but they got lost in the move when I bought my first house and I never bothered replacing them.

I saw these on Amazon for $40, would they be a good choice?

“Syllable Wireless Bluetooth Headphone with Retractable and Foldable Design, Noise Cancelling Function (Black)”
if the manufacturer says there's burn in then there's burn in, and most of the time they say there is
No, you questioned the validity of data based on your perception of the character who provided the data rather than attacking the argument directly.
Of course you didn't insulted me, i was not even here when you said all that nonsense.
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>someone would always start shit

>shitposting has gone down since their exclusion in the op
Well at least it has its good side. It's not like the purchase-help requests went down even with the guides still in the OP.

RIP headphone purchase guides.
Manufacturers never lie to please delusional audiophiles and encourage post purchase rationalization?
Right, and that's a valid argument because the person is not a professional and rather a basement dwelling neckbeard.

From the page:

>I took a brand spanking new pair of AKG Quincy Jones Q701 headphones; put them on the dummy head; and measured the frequency response over time, playing pink noise in between measurements. I measured the cans fresh out of the box; immediately after the first test (so it had about 5 minutes on them); then after 25; then 1 hour; 2 hours; 5 hours; 10 hours; 20 hours; 40 hours; 65 hours; and finally after 90 hours of break-in.

It doesn't look like he re-started the test.

I would wager that there is more change (on both the headphone AND the measuring side) between cold and warm as compared to new vs. X hours of use.

If your gear is in an unheated basement, you shuffle down there and throw on the cans, you'll probably see a similar "break in" effect.
yeah, no one respects the Tyll's measurements...
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>the guys making it say it so it has to be true
you trust the specs that they post about their products don't you?
fine point sir, i too think that some people just suck at adding to a debate.
you're supposed to use the smug faces on the guys talking bullshit, you know?
Manufacturers typically only post limited amounts of specs. I trust perfectly reasonable claims like the impedance of the headphones being 32 ohms or whatever, but I don't trust nonsense claims like burn in.
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I've lost control of my life and came into a ton of money. What do? Should I go for the 800?
why would you have all these decent dynamics and then want a more expensive dynamic? stop being a pussy and get some electrostats

nice waifu though
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>lose control of life
>suddenly have money
tell me your secrets.
how are those k240's compared to all the other ones in the picture because i own the rest
>Fidelio X2
>decent dynamic

Pick one and only one.
oh surely theyre not at least decent compared to the trash out there
cmon m8

still, he seems to have a good amount of money. it's time to electrostat.
They are disappointing. You can get better earbuds for $50 less.
What would you say has decent dynamic's anon?
so foam mod for hd 558. yay or nay?
driving them off a e07k
also suggest cheap 60$ backup headphones.
They ARE 'the trash out there'

>has decent dynamic's
>doesn't even understand what dynamic means in this context
Why electrostatic?

Don't waste it on useless crap like audio all at once.
Buy speakers to experience real fidelity instead of headphone crap.
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>/hpg/ - headphone general
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>being this new
He's right you know.
no, lol
at least the x2 is decent, unless you hate v shaped headphones, but it's subjective
558s are also decent for the price

less thd than even dynamic speakers
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>it's okay because he's been shitposting longer than you

speakers need a fitting room to play out their advantages. Few people have enough space for a proper speaker setup.
Even in a shitty room speakers are objectively superior to headphones. Why do you headphone faggots try to act like you know anything about audio or care about audio at all? Headphones are literally an -ACCESSORY- to loudspeakers. Nothing more.
Speakers are only a good answer when you don't have to worry about neighbors or housemates.
>when you don't have to worry about neighbors or housemates.
thinly veiled "i still live with my parents and don't want them to hear my weeb shit and hentai moans"
In a shitty room, speakers still have more fidelity than headphones.

>worrying about neighbours and roommates
What a pleb. I play my weeb power metal all the time and no one cares.
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>objectively superior

maybe some people don't want to be niggers and blast their shitty music and annoy people with sound pollution?
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Alesis Elevate 5 for 129$ cad. Did I fuck up?
Move out of your shitty apartment.
p-pls resbond
don't ignore me /hpg/ ;_;
I'd rather pay less and live frugally so I can justify my shitty $2000 audio purchases.
shutup nerd, cant you see were busy memeing each other? wait patiently for us to finish and we will help
>i live in a shitty apartment so i can fund my purchases of low fidelity gear
You could live in a better place and spend less on a better audio setup with speakers you know.
Explain anon
cause for like 70 bucks more you could have gotten some lsr305s. why didnt you just wait a little bit longer
What's wrong with my purchase?
Living frugally is owning your own, cheap home since rent will only increase as time goes on.
yes, Kossportapro or Creative Aurvana Live!
that is whats wrong with your purchase
its not like im asking you to pull tens of thousands of dollars out of your ass to move into a house like these other speakerfaggots
its 70 dollars. if you could manage to save up 130, how could you not manage to save up 200?
Is there something explicitly wrong with the Elevate 5 that would be worth justifying the extra 70? I am by no means an advanced listener
ASMR doesn't work with speakers sorry, also I like isolation from the noise my comp and heater makes.
I would cover them with something so that it doesn't get dusty/dirty inside. maybe some thin fabric?
Many would argue lcd2 > hd800

Personally if I'm able to buy either I think I would go with the lcd2's
Solid taste
Fiio E10k best amp/DAC under $100?
unless you absolutely need the dac spend that money on a standalone amp instead
i am gonna be usong with a laptop on;y, fiio e07km or e10k???...someone ear;ier said to go with the e07k
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h*ck yes
Centrance Dacport Slim would give it a run but they haven't got working windows 10 drivers last I checked still you're getting an AKM AK4490 used in $1000+ dollar setups for 100 burgers. It sounds brighter than the sun fyi.
Any good DACs/Headphone amps with line outs for a speaker amp?
>he fell for it

DAC chip itself is pretty insignificant it's how it's implemented that matters.
lol my irl friend recc'd it and it was on sale for like 60-70% off lm a o\
>fiio e07k or fiio e10k for a laptop
He's a fucking memeBL spewer
Don't listen,the cancer will kill itself sooner or later
You sound like some retard who got keked into buying some M-Audio crap.
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hey /g/, just bought these: Monster N-Tune NCredible On-Ear Headphones
how are they?
you sound like a retard in general honestly
>being butthurt and needing post-purchase rationalization because you made a mistake
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hm ok honey ;)
theyre the best headphones in existence, great work
So you're a manchild from /v/? Good to know. Unsurprising you can't afford decent speakers.
i mean, that guys definitely retarded, but 70 bucks more? cmon that doesnt make sense either
dude i dont give a shit about speakers lol
im just calling u a retard LMAO
btw a lot of /g/ crossposts on /v/ rofllllll ;)))
i prefer headphones anyways, my mdr7506s are quite nice actually LOL
Only poor people aren't getting the new Orpheus
this desu senpai
I guess that means you're not getting it
Hey guys, I have the LCD-2 w/o Fazor and the HE-6, and while both perform excellently in their respective areas, they kind of fulfill different 'extremes' and can get tiring based on your mood.

Anyone have advice if I'm looking for a moderately high-end all around headphone that hits a decent middle ground? I've spent a lot of money on this hobby and it's probably the last headphone I'll get. By the way I also have the HD600 and 650.

trying a little too hard with this one, friend

no one's going to be triggered by that
how do i get my 4chin lookin like that
>already have hd600
>already have non-fazor lcd2

what the fuck else could you want dude

get a proper speaker setup and call it a day
They sound muffeled with grills, pure sex without. The upper range opens up a lot without losing almost any bass. Similar to 598, or rather exactly the same due to same drivers
its my personal 4chan css
im working on it under a different alias, ive posted it a few times here
On a budget at the minute, so i can only afford around £30 ($50?) or so. I'm looking at the AKG K77 and SoundPEATS A1, both have good reviews. Can anyone tell me if they're any good for the price or recommend better ones?
Speakers are stupidly expensive
akg for brand obviously LOL
you have two headphones that are well past the point of diminishing returns and you're calling speakers expensive?

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No complaints so far
What aren't your current headphones doing for you, and why not just use parametric EQ?
do you feel like the bass makes the mids too low on the lcd2?
>r/headphones chat room
I spent $900 on the HE-6 and those are the most expensive headphones I have. It might sound dumb but I think speakers are way pricier for the quality you get.
well wtf are you looking at? mbl products?
Tbh I know way more about headphones but everyone I know with a 'respectable' setup has spent 10k at least on speakers. Isn't 2k mid-fi? I don't fucking know man, if you think it's a good choice I'll look into it.
Not really. To me, the bass seems to be strong, but not overpowering. Also, it is important to have an amp. I bought them after saving up, and listened for 2 weeks without an amp. It is definitely a necessity for these headphones
That not respectable level, that's getting near speakers for main monitor use.
Most of what you will pay for is bass extension and SPL, and for consumer marketed speakers, aesthetics
and the treble doesnt feel too low or too high? just right? or would you call it bright but not too bright?
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Under $50


Los Angeles


Galaxy phone and Lenovo tablet

>Preferred type of headphone

Bluetooth, earbud

>Open or closed


>Comfort level

I'm already not a fan of ear buds, so the more comfortable the better.

>Preferred tonal balance


>Preferred music

Pop, rap and dad rock.

>Past headphones

Beats Studio, which I was fine with since they were a gift. Motorola s305 which I still consider the best headphones I've ever bought. Some $100 Sony headphones I'll be using for regular use.

Essentially I want a good set of ear buds for travel. I owned pic related before and liked them fine. Only problem is pressing a button while they're on your ear shoves it in your head. I have a Bluetooth remote so it's no longer a problem, if I don't get any better recommendations I'll probably just get them again.

SR-007 is the only real next logical step.
The treble is kind of weird. While listening to spiderland, I had to turn down the volume cuz the treble was hurting my ears. But on hurt, which most complain is ear rape treble I was fine. It it's mostly very good though, and excels at many genres, and is fantastic with classical
i dont seem to very sensitive to treble so id probably be good too. thanks for answering
What is the best pair of headphones you could possibly get for under $30?
Looking for a pair of headphones for gaming.

Plugging them into my PC, don't want a mic, surround sound preferred. Want them to have as little sound leaking as possible, budget is around 100 dollars.
Stop being poor
this jesus christ
Superlux HD668b, if you must.
If you really need to save cash the HD681 is also a decent option, but more treble-heavy.
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I'm just looking for something to replace these, which I paid $25 for and which gave me the best audio quality I had ever experienced. To the point where I noticed minutia in songs that I had never picked up before and thought the headphones were defective until I ran audio analysis on the tracks.
>That is pad degrading, not driver burn in.
Yes? Exactly what I was saying there.
whats a decent headphone amp to drive my dt770s (250 ohm)

I don't really need a dac since I have a pci soundcard
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The anon who made the 200+ guide here. Idk. Not even mad. I guess it can go to the wiki like suggested but I haven't even bothered editing it in.
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Another ladder meme dac for your speakers.
If you can spend up a bit, get some nicer pads to go with the HD668b or the HD681 Evo if you like a lot of bass.
If closed-back is a must, the Superlux HD669 is the HD668's closed version.
Add the DT250.
>guide says lcd2 has rolled off treble
>other people say lcd2 have ear rape treble in quite a few genres
yeah you just have to listen to this shit for yourself
yup they say the HD600s have rolled off bass, despite it being super crisp and sounding amazing.
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Thanks for actually throwing out some suggestions. Currently using iPhone earbuds because my old headset ended up with the wires snapping on the inside. May try to rewire it, but I've been curious what my options are beyond just buying crap from Newegg based on popularity.
Just curious. Is something like DFX http://www.fxsound.com/? ever used at all? seems like it might make cheap headphones less horrible.
No prob. I'd recommend spending up a bit more though, if you really _need_ a headset for instance have a look at the HyperX Cloud/QPad QH-90 if you want closed or the QPad QH-85 if you want open-back. They're really good value headphones with a detachable mic.
If you don't need a mic, their headphone equivalents are the Takstar Pro 80 (closed) and Hi2050 (open), but I didn't mention those before because they're out of your budget.
It isn't rape, treble is overall quite pushed downward. There are little peaks here and there that you might cue on that can be interpreted as harshness.
Even so, every production Audeze has much more bass than treble.
Genre selection and FR is bullshit.

Just use a parametric EQ. That looks like a pile of poorly thought out processing.
Not that it matters at this point but the LCD-2 is dark as fuck
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