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/flt/ - Friendly Linux Thread
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Intended for users of all levels, including absolute beginners

If you are serious about switching to Linux, use it exclusively for 2 weeks, avoid windows dual booting for that period of time, or you are likely to start retreating back to windows instead of getting used to linux as your new home and working on making it feel comfortable

You can safely experience installation process and the basic usage through a virtual machine

>Recommended for Beginners:
Mint, Xubuntu, openSUSE

>Learn to RTFM - Read The Friendly Manual
man <insert command here>

bumping this
fucking shit picture thread again.
What is Linux (or GNU/Linux for Stallmanists)?

Babby's First Linux (What distro to choose?)

What software does /g/ recommend? (Please DON'T include the so called infographic -- refer all your recommended software here, and no, Vivaldi is not recommended in the wiki, because it is objectively shit. this OP is dumb for recommending it.)

Ricing on Linux (Make it good and functional or make it worse like those at desktop threads)

There is also scripts for new users from Windows that are heading straight to Debian.
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>OP's face when
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out of ~65 software on the pic there will always be someone who hates some of them for whatever reason

do the legwork
have your sources, post clear and logical reasoning why something is bad, again - with the sources proving you right...
and thats how change is made

otherwise you are just another loser making noise in your mothers basement
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>Open XnView
>"Follow us on social networks to get the latest news!"

Yeah we're all just haters.
Delusional idiot.
>Terminal based
Emacs can function as an IDE.
Use Nitrogen
Use keepassx
Good luck finding help when you need to write scripts and everyone else is using bash.
>do the legwork
>have your sources, post clear and logical reasoning why something is bad, again - with the sources proving you right...
and thats how change is made
Do not fucking use this pic for the OP you kek! For fuck sake how many times do we have to say this!?
You've been told a hundred times why the choices are terrible and have been given numerous and better choices. Change isn't made because your a cancerous cunt who has been using linux for 2 months and knows fuck all.
Get the fuck out of here shill
This OP is dumb, I wish I was a lot faster than this dumb OP.
The last time I used Ubuntu I struggled with getting network drivers and sound drivers. Mind you, I NEEDED THE INTERNET TO GET THE DRIVERS.

Pretty pathetic for an operating system to not get the fucking basics right.

I actually want to switch over to Linux but it can't be so fucking hard to get things working, even mac isn't that hard to navigate and it's basically the same thing .
>Emacs can function as an IDE.
but is popular in terminal

>Use Nitrogen
if you want... does it download wallpapers on its own periodicly from nasa, flickr, subreddits,...?
no? Whatever fits your case

>Use keepassx
keepass is there, if you want Qt then go for X even if it lack features

>Good luck finding help when you need to write scripts and everyone else is using bash.
zsh if fully compatible with bash, but thanks for showing that you have very little idea what you are talking about
someone might know this but how many backdoors/botnet are there in ubuntu?
>Network Drivers
Let me guess, Broadcom?
cry harder, I'm sure that will solve your problem.
Windows fails at network drivers every fucking time if the chipset came after the windows release.
>maim instead of scrot
>sublime text instead of both emacs and/or vim

top fucking kek, this picture is a joke. seriously, maim?
fish or bash for general use?

damnit maybe i should switch to debian
>but is popular in terminal
no, not really.
It is much more useful in a graphical mode.
Hell, emacs is so fucking bloated only RMS would use it in text mode.
>do the legwork
>have your sources, post clear and logical reasoning why something is bad, again - with the sources proving you right...

maim is better than scrot, thats why
emacs and vim are both in the picture
That's not even the start of what is wrong.
see >>51247357
>maim is better
have your sources, post clear and logical reasoning why something is bad, again - with the sources proving you right...
No, you prove that Vivaldi belongs on that list. Burden of proof is on you.
Why do you recommend Xubuntu but not Ubuntu?

I installed ubuntu some months ago, mint and ubuntu were the only noob friendly distributions I knew about.
Might as well ask you guys.

I'm interested in Linux because I see it could function as a customizable workspace, rather than just an OS. But I'm not entirely sure if that's really the case.

Can I
>launch programs or run batch files (I mean the Linux equivalent of an automated task not an actual .bat) directly from the terminal without having to specify a path

>do that but from a shortcut (for example since I never use the win key, using Win+[any] as script or program hotkeys)

>make the gui as minimalist as possible to remove all distractions

>customize the terminal, for example in windows i have 2 color schemes to know if i have admin or not... i don't even know how admin rights work in linux though

>do all that painlessly and without breaking stuff
bash, it's de facto the standard.
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here is the reasoning
I can confirm that scrot gave me issues they speak about as I used it before maim
and it was for several versions in the picture before /g/ recommended maim over scrot
I meant for general use. It seems easier to use then bash for getting around. Obviously I'll drop back to bash when running scripts
Ubuntu Unity ships with amazon's data collecting software which is enabled by default.

Yes you can disable it, but it doesn't make including it any less unethical.
1-4: Yes
5: Probably not, since you are completely new to Linux.
Ok, thanks.
>have your sources, post clear and logical reasoning why something is good, again - with the sources proving you right...

even /g/ wiki didn't recommend vivaldi.
>maim has no --exec or naming features. This is because maim follows the unix philosophy of "do one thing and do it well". These features are things that should be handled by the shell.
>scrot has no way to screenshot a predefined region. maim comes equipped with --geometry features that allow for specified region capture.
One could argue that an image editor is better suited to get the predefined region.
>muh unix philosophy
>do the legwork
>have your sources, post clear and logical reasoning why something is bad, again - with the sources proving you right...

mostly because of the interface that might feel strange to new comer
xubuntu is more customizable and lighter
it also will run 100% better than ubuntu when in virtual machine
so generally it feels like decent recommendation
I dont really object to ubuntu like others
its very polished and well done, working great, but its retarded to put too many recommendations there, so I had to make a choice
>I meant for general use.
Then fucking bash.
I mean what's the fucking point of running zsh or any other meme shell apart from being security concerned (security by obscurity is something that exists) despite the fact that all these shells have to pretend to be bash to be of any use anyways?

For general use it's bash
For autism points in desktop threads it's zsh
For general /g/ cred it's fish.
No, you provide your fucking source of WHY VIVALDI IS INCLUDED. Why not including Palememe instead?
>do the legwork
You haven't done any leg work, you've cobbled together a list of shitty, proprietary, deprecated and irrelevant software with shitty biased opinions/comments to describe them.
>have your sources, post clear and logical reasoning why something is bad, again - with the sources proving you right...
>have your sources, post clear and logical reasoning why something is good, again - with the sources proving you right...
Again, you have been told many, many times why these choices are terrible. You're just making youself look a fool, you're literally the only person who thinks these recommendations are valid.
That's it, give me the svg of this shit, I'll fix it.
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>he thinks zsh is for autism
top kek
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>I mean what's the fucking point of running zsh or any other meme shell
zsh autocomplete and history are far superior to bash, making things easier
Is it worth it?
>do the legwork
>have your sources, post clear and logical reasoning why something is bad, again - with the sources proving you right...
>do your legwork
>have your sources, post clear and logical reasoning why something is good, again - with the sources proving you right...

I'm waiting OP, why Vivaldi is recommended?
Again, you have been told many, many times why these choices are terrible. You're just making youself look a fool, you're literally the only person who thinks these recommendations are valid.
You haven't done any leg work, you've cobbled together a list of shitty, proprietary, deprecated and irrelevant software with shitty biased opinions/comments to describe them.
It's like 100M
holy shit this op can't prove his point
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>do the legwork
>have your sources, post clear and logical reasoning why something is bad, again - with the sources proving you right...
>do your legwork
>have your sources, post clear and logical reasoning why something is good, again - with the sources proving you right...

Prove your point OP, instead of these 'rebuttals', prove why Vivaldi is recommended, just like what you did with maim.
Keep going, you're going to get b& for spamming.
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>tfw the struggle
Eh, mostly. But the nice thing is that if you break everything horribly, you can fix it without having to blow away everything and starting over.
I use linux on my old Toshiba laptop because it can't handle the bloated windows. If your pc is powerful and you just want to use linux because /g/ told you, then don't, and stick with windows.
Just checked and an uncompressed source release of the latest emacs is a little over 200M
should I bother fucking around with installing a different WM and/or DE on my Mint partition, or should I just take a day next weekend to try out Arch?
Generally the answer to anyone asking this is no. When the time is right, you will know whether or not it is worth to you.
>have your sources, post clear and logical reasoning why something is bad, again - with the sources proving you right...
are you fucking retarded ?
that's the reason to remove firefox from the list

>License Proprietary freeware with open-source components
open source components, basically, chromium
which is botnet
And a vivaldi is free. You really think there's people working for free ?

That's just fro the web browser part. I don't even wanna spend time on the rest of the list. Half of it is shit.
The guy that did this list is a faggot. Want a proof ? this shitty OP recommend google, reddit, codeacademy and video to learn stuff (which is the worse way to learn something /g/ related)
>The guy that did this list is a faggot. Want a proof ? this shitty OP recommend google, reddit, codeacademy and video to learn stuff (which is the worse way to learn something /g/ related)
what would you recommend?
>that's the reason to remove firefox from the list
because they are removing deprecated and largely unused features?
>That's not even the start of what is wrong.
>sublime text
>proprietary software
>not wrong
yeah as you which faggot
>yeah as you which faggot
English not your first language son?

I didn't say it's not wrong retard. Vivaldi would be much more of a concern for me, a web facing closed sourced piece of software has potential to be much more dangerous.

I understand you're not fluent in English but
>That's not even the start of what is wrong.
doesn't mean what you seem to think it means. It means what was referenced is wrong but there is a whole lot more wrong on top (in addition to).
So I'm planning on Installing Mint, but which desktop should I get? Cinnamon, Mate, Kde or Xfce.
cinnamon is pretty nice for beginners
>>launch programs or run batch files (I mean the Linux equivalent of an automated task not an actual .bat) directly from the terminal without having to specify a path
for a program you will be able to just launch it. For bash scripts, you'll have to put them on a directory (let say /home/user/.bin) and add it to the PATH (on the /home/user/.bashrc file, add the line export PATH=$PATH:/home/user/.bin)

>do that but from a shortcut
yes but it might depends on the DE that permits you or not to modify the key binding. Probably all of them allows you to do so, and even if they don't there might be a way to do it.
>make the gui as minimalist as possible to remove all distractions

>customize the terminal, for example in windows i have 2 color schemes to know if i have admin or not... i don't even know how admin rights work in linux though
I won't tell you how admins right works. A bit too long for a post maybe.

>do all that painlessly and without breaking stuff
if you're a noob, 1 & 2 should be easy according the DE. 3 should be easy too, but take some time to have it as you want exactly. 4, I don't get exactly what you wanna do, but if it's what I think, you should have some troubles to configure that.

>without breaking stuff
depends on you. But if you wanna configure it as you want, change the DE for a WM etc. you might break one or two things
How do I clean an old Ubuntu install/bootloader off of my efi partition without fucking up windows
Feature bloat anon
>i'm not going to install any, but
What are the advantages of Gentooâ„¢ over Arch?
more flexibility and control. Openrc by default. Not sperglord retards from /g/ who used a script to install arch.
Why does this piece of shit not work correctly?
What did you expect?
what is the best popcorn time client now that .io was taken down?
To calculate from radians, not degrees.
when i compare, all the hussles & tweaking in the 90-ties, needed to get some kernel 1.3 / 2.o.35 GNU/Linux up & running, on some Pentium1/24 MB ram or on classicAmiga_12oo 68o40/PowerPC_G2 hybridSymetricMultiprocessing; nowDays allmost every localised desktop distros (Mint, simplyMepis, AntiX, ubuntu,...) which i put in multiBoot, during gnuFeministic & cyberFeministic advocacy & activism, to new folk, who look for help inSide & outSide of a hackLab, i can say: -GNU/Linux is easier & less time consuming to install (halfAnHour per distro, compared to a day to patch, protect (fireWall), driverSolve & userLand (apps) equip any winblou$) -GNU/Linux is easier to use -- all the techical details are hidden from common desktop user, & left to root/admin realm...to the point that some desktop distros have their terminal/shell dissabled.. :) (control panels & centers reigns... :) ) -GNU/Linux saves time in general -- my estimate is 80 % after full switch (support) -you are on the legal side -- no cracking -one can recycle way old hw -- Pent2 / 64-256 MB ram with AntiX (exception to above is maybe hw egsotics like Debian GNU/Linux on new dual or Quad c0re Power6 AmigaOne x1ooo or x5ooo/4o 2.4 GHz :) & other non x86 hw like ARM/rasperyPi or the like. ) ...recently, we had an interesting phenomenon with g33ks in hackLab: experienced Slackware, Debian, Gentoo, arch,... powerUsers figured that, staying on a bleedeng rollingRelease tweakingTheLast edge "as-per-se" has no point any more, & that leaving developers, betaTesters, maintainers & packagers job is better to outSource to the people that do that things the best, so they switching to versionin "newbie" distros... :) ...actualy now than ever, it is more a question of psichologycal, sociologycal...maybe culture acceptance; than technical excelence.
After upgrading to openSUSE Leap 42.1, I cannot easily suspend to disk (hibernate) anymore.

Suspend to RAM works.
echo disk > /sys/power/state
works, but requires root. When I click "Hibernate" in my KMenu, it locks the screen like it's supposed to, then nothing.
Nothing in dmesg. How do you debug this?
Rounding errors.
I tried installed arch(itect) on a VM and it was a lot easier to install than I expected
it took me maybe 30 min to install arch
I'm using gnome (but will also try out KDE and some other desktop environments I guess) and I really like it, altough I can't find out how to change/customize some things, like the lock screen clock (position)

since my win10 is really annoying on my laptop, but I still need it for some stuff, I tihnk I want to dual boot arch/win10
I have 2 SSD's in my laptop, that should make it easier, right?
One question, do I install the bootloader on the SSD where my win10 is or onto the SSD with arch?
Also, grub2 or syslinux? (there is syslinux(/) and syslinux(MBR), no idea what the difference is)
>Friendly Linux Thread
>switching to Linux
I just pause a moment. What are you talking like Linux, is in fact, GNU / Linux, or as I have recently taken to calling it, GNU + Linux. Linux is not an operating system itself, but rather another free component of a fully operational GNU system made useful by corelibs GNU shell utilities and vital system components including a complete operating system such as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but that's just part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates resources of the machine to the other programs you run. The core is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can function as part of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is actually GNU with Linux added, or GNU / Linux. All distributions called "Linux" are really distributions of GNU / Linux.
>What are you talking like Linux, is in fact, GNU / Linux
No, it is linux
Can we have a guide like OP's but with lightweight packages vs full featured?

I'm on wm with low specs hardware and like to save ram. both guides are necesary tho.

-copyq is too much for me,
-thanks for recommend bomi, is there a plugin to capture video from webcam or desktop like VLC

>arch wiki sometimes is outdated and I've found better software on my own
>copyq is too much for me,
try clipit

>is there a plugin to capture video from webcam or desktop like VLC

ffmpeg script, but its bit unvieldly when you have to put time of recording ahead of the recording
>copyq is too much for me,
parcellite, it has a daemon mode so you don't even know it's there.
Indian detected
>It is much more useful in a graphical mode.
emacs graphical mode?

you mean using a mouse? You can do that in the terminal
Why? It uses no memory.
>Everything end up being slow and laggy as hell
memevaldi, the first meme browser for your meme needs!
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This is why I hate Debian


>Fedora (and other distributions as well as systemd upstream) uses "/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-vconsole-setup" and "/etc/vconsole.conf" whereas Debian uses its home-grown solution with systemd and sysvinit. So "localectl list-keymaps" cannot work.
No, it's Linux, i run the Linux OS with some GNU userspace utilities.
Debian is meme desu senpai
>the first meme browser for your meme needs!
>advanced faggotry
>advanced time sinking
>maximum meme
>Has a 'G' in the name so you can use it as a joke to this board ex: /g/entoo
>you need to compile absolutely everything.
Cinnamon is all right, use it.
If you need something lightweight because you might run it in an old as fuck laptop or some shit try Mate.
Shit, that looks neat.
But i still won't install it, because it looks too hard, even through it is not.
I just got Xubuntu up and running and have been using it for about a week now. Is it common for the session manager to only store if I have file manager open or not? I would like it to restore all my session when I boot back up, but it only boots up fire manager.
>be me, debian, in 2015
>successful linux distro for decades
>do my own thing because i'm old school while also following general conventions
>try out a new init system
>the new init system hardcodes a location for normal system configuration file
>because init systems are in charge of that
>get blamed for this
you hate debian because of systemd? I mean, I guess.
>forced to buy new gpu
>it can't modeset with radeon/mesa without freezing.
>catalyst isn't supported by my distro
>can only get vesa or fbdev to work with insane amounts of screen tearing

What should I do /flt/?
Return my card? Wait for X radeon support? Is there some other way?
They could you know, just choose something else, but they didn't, they chose systemd and they won't fix their gay ass distro to work with it.
it's not systemd fault here, it's debian's.
Give details m8.
Which distro? which GPU?
Arch. AMD R7 370.
>init system being in charge of setting keyboard layout
what a crazy world we live in, of course users dont want their layout being set on boot, they choose it at their own leisure
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Hello, I'm getting this error when running screenfetch, I don't get the error when running as root
You have it totally backwards dude. It's absolutely systemd's fault. Why the fuck do they have a hard location for keyboard maps? How long do you think debian has been keeping theirs where they do?

the only thing Debian is doing wrong here is not fixing it and making systemd use their fixed version, but that's been the major #1 complaint about systemd since day 1.

Do you seriously think debian should completely re-organize their distribution around a minor feature of a minor systemd ctl program? Or even funnier, that Debian should abandon their new init system for another one because of one portion of localectl's functions?

systemd should not be monolithic so that this kind of shit doesn't happen and is easy to patch when it does
Catalyst is in the AUR and there's a compiled repo maintained by the same guy that maintains the packages in the AUR, i used them myself.
If i were you i would try them.
Now catalyst has some problems but you can fix them, see the wiki, it has everything.
install glib
Shouldn't it already be installed out of the box?
yes desu
Nice broken install faggot
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>/g/ forcememes debian every fucking second of the day
>install it because meh and there aren't any other slim server distros out there (or so I think)
>watch the install process
>"Preparing to install aisleriot"
>a fucking solitaire

This is what you call a slim distro? This is installing the fucking testing amd64 netinst with no extra DEs or shit.
That was one of the first things I tried, but just got the black screen. I suppose I could give it another go.
It's literally the only thing that doesn't work

>friendly linux thread
First you should not use Testing, use Stable or Unstable.
Secondly aisleriot is part of Gnome, you can uninstall it later
Thirdly even a real minimalist distro like Arch will come with aisleriot if you choose to install the whole lot of Gnome and Extras
it says you need a PYTHON module
I get the same error in python3, but not in python2:
$ python3
>>> import glib
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named 'glib'
Black screen? when? also what DE if any
There are some problem with both Catalyst and Nvidia when using GDM, is easily fixable but it only happens with GDM.
This is 4chan faggit not some huggy reddit thread
>installing a DE on a slim server

yes i know that, was going to install it with pip but i have no idea which package is the right one
I explicitly chose not to install a DE, shithead, try reading next time
Guys, how do I get mouse wheel clicking to work? On a relatively fresh install of Sabayon, and it worked up until a couple of days ago.
No, you didn't, you clicked next, next, next like a retard and installed the default Debian DE, which is Gnome.
As soon as KMS started, so at boot. No X server necessary to break it. Same with radeon but less consistent.

Only using openbox but I've never even gotten that far with anything besides fbdev or vesa.
Like already said by some Anon, it's part of Gnome, so yes, you did install Gnome.
If you didn't want to you fucked up not installing a DE.
>yes i know that, was going to install it with pip but i have no idea which package is the right one
found it
$ locate glib.py
$ dpkg -S dbus/glib.py
python-dbus: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dbus/glib.py
python3-dbus: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dbus/glib.py
$ python3
>>> import dbus/glib
File "<stdin>", line 1
import dbus/glib
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> from dbus import glib
You did disable modeset while using Catalyst right?
Make it work on what program?
ignore the error, I forgot the syntax for python...
Yes, forgot about that. So not when KMS starts but just at boot time in regards to catalyst.
Thanks but fixed it
/usr/bin/unity imports glib as follows
import glib

changing it to
from gi.repository import GLib as glib

fixes it
Make it work at all. Most importantly in Firefox.
Well, for screenfetch that is, no idea if it breaks anything yet but it shouldn't
when you tried catalyst the first time, you used Linux or Linux-LTS?
Catalyst was only compatible with 4.1 or less until week or so, it works with 4.2 now though
If you were using linux-lts, then i cant think of anything else, try it again and see if it works, if it doesnt you could ask in the forums, theres a thread that violo frequents or just refund that card and get nvidia or something.
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Guys, I'm asking here because I don't know where else to turn. I switched from ubuntu to fedora due to development packages in ubuntu being ancient. Now my graphics is acting up in quite a few programs. I have integrated intel graphics card and a discrete nvidia with optimus so I installed bumblebee and removed nouveau drivers. If I run krita for example the brushes lag extremely unless I turn off OpenGL in settings. Also most games that used to run on ubuntu with primusrun don't run here, the worst being The binding of isaac afterbirth because I was looking forward to the DLC and now I can't play it. Anyone has any tips on what I could try to fix it? I am out of ideas.
Better, use it in the next OP.
>only 157 posts more to go
I remember seeing a CVE for Keepass recently

I would recommend 'pass' (for unix/linux) or passwordstore
Also popcorntime is not ded, which faggot told you that

nice compton mention there

One thing the windowsfags will appreciate is a autohotkey alternative so if you faggots have a good one let us know because that shit is nice
there should be power managent tools in here like powertop and tlp
Linux, but after the 4.2 update. I guess I'll try once more. Guess I get to build gcc again.

Should I completely remove Xorg and all its drivers first?
No, just install Catalyst on top of it, pacman will tell you about replacing some mesa stuff, say yes and follow the rest of the wiki.
Also remember to blacklist radeon/amdgpu.
popcorntime has been abandoned. A few of the devs are working to keep the API going but the program itself is dead.
>open source
>he thinks it can be ded
think again, dipshit
The program itself is basically useless right now and the website is down, popcorntime.io is kill, just accept it.
Now someone else could easily bring it back due it's nature but no one trustful has, yet.
Are you a moron? Tons of open source projects are unmaintained and dead.
I'm using Fedora 22 and I have an issue with banshee media player
It doesnt have support for m4a files, and i'd rather not convert them, so is there any packages or plugins i can get to enable m4a playback?
Why is dolphin recommended? Doesn't that pull like most of KDE? Why no spacefm?
Are you a nigger? Tons of projects are dead that never became front page news in mainstream media.
anyone can agree that free and easily pirateable films are a good thing hence why it won't go anywhere for a long time, in the same way bittorrent hasn't gone anywhere
All this works very well in Linux. I wonder how you do it in Windows t b h. I'm not a hipster, I really lose it mwhen I shift to Windows. Everything (and mostly the file structure) seems illogical. Linux is easy if you spend the time to read the basics. I suggest starting with Debian and getting a book about it.
i am sorry, please let me rephrase that:
go fuck yourself.
But it has gone away. The client has been abandoned and unmaintained. It may work right now but how long for is anyone's guess.

Or is it the API you are recommending here?

There are already replacements popping up.
Recommending unmaintained and deprecated software generally isn't a good idea.
Found it, was missing
parameter in grub2 command line.
Should I be using radeonsi or catalyst /g/? No gaming.
depends on your card and needs. even your distro.
>The client has been abandoned and unmaintained
The legal version is the same shit with different sources. They are maintaining it in a way. All you have to do is pull the legal version and dump your own source in there. The issue is a proper source.
I don't know why you're so misguided. This isn't something to be recommended, at best it is in a terrible state of affairs.
Take out that cult based bullshit for mpv.
Add ardour for music editors/recorders. I'm not even sure why LMMS is recommended, it's not particularly good.
I run both
I also did not game, only on windows
could not tell the difference
heard catalyst consume bit less power
>taking out VLC and virtualbox
you humongous retard
remove cairodock and replace with docky
clementine replace with Banshee
>clementine replace with Banshee
lol no
okay. should i read the linux bible v9 if i have no intent to use a redhat distro??
If you are interested enough to then why not?
Which text editor should I use in linux? I'm using gnome.
Atom? Kate?
The one that comes with gnome.
what Im getting at is there seems to be a lot of stuff just for redhat. Is there a lot of carry over to debian? Or is there a book that would be better suited for debian based distros?
Linux is all the same are the core.
why are you interested in debian distros?

RHEL and CENTOS and FEDORA are whats actually hot and what enterprise and business wants
desu thats all I have even the slightest experience with. Very noob, maybe just falling for the /g/ memes
Currently on Ubuntu+i3. Still running Gnome Wifi applet, settings-daemon and keyring.
Installed Ubuntu as beginner distro three months ago. Then after two months installed i3 and now really like the workflow. Figured I really don't need most Ubuntu stuff anymore.
Can figure most of the linux ecosystem now, but I never installed a 'raw' distro and built it up. i.e, never configured Wifi, Locales, Timezones, Keyboard settings, etcetc

If I convert to Debian, what are things I should think of? Will I be in for shit because of no auto-configuring WiFi?
Will there be the same easy tools to setup things like CPU profiles, keyboard settings, volume indicator etc?

Thanks in advance
What makes you think that Debian is minimal?
By default is pretty much the same, it will install the whole lot of Gnome and stuff, Just go for Ubuntu minimal and set everything you like up.
I had a hard time with getting all the applets and DE features I needed working in i3 under ubuntu. I installed arch and was able to get all the software I needed using archwiki to find names and aur. If ur gonna install debian, u prolly want unstable so u can get decent packages at which point u should just install arch. Use architect and install arch. senpai
also, there is an minimal debian cd that doesnt install any bloat. Thats what he meant with debian minimal.
It was kinda obvious but still, i won't recommend Debian for the desktop to anyone, too much old as fuck stuff.
Testing is buggy, and insecure as fuck and if you're going to use Unstable you're better off with a bleeding edge distro like fedora, arch
Idk, if pacman, aur and archwiki didnt exist, I would be using debian. However, I do think anyone that doesnt want xubuntu anymore should use arch.
why is rhythembox crashing everytime i click on my device?
xubuntu or lubuntu better for gaming and ricing?
With the chromebooks getting bigger, does adobe have any plans to port the CS suite?

That's really the only thing keeping me on OSX right now.

I know there's FLOSS alternatives but I'm used to the interface and workflow and more importantly, I need full compatibility to adobe file formats which frankly only adobe can reliably provide.
lubuntu... or you can also rice mint if you're ready to strip, tweak and custom.

Check your dependencies.
I've been using Arch for a while now, but I think I did something wrong while setting up the package manager servers, most of the time it goes through a load of 404 error messages or timeouts, so I'm thinking I've got a dud server list. Is there a site that hosts up to date server lists?
how do i see dependencies. Sorry i'm kinda new
Switching to Slackware from Debian. Anything I should be aware of before the switch?
i'm not sure if it can't be done in bash, but by far the most invaluable function is that i can type for example "ff" and press up, and it'll show the last commands starting with "ff", like "ffmpeg ..."
I dual-booted Mint, but I had to use Windows to access SAS through my university. Eventually I got out of the habit of using Mint and now I've gone back to just using Windows. Mint worked fine and I enjoyed it, but it doesn't appear to be worthwhile for me right now. I thought "it just werks" was a meme, but it isn't.
Anyone here use a bootsplash?
Should we maybe add /r/linuxmasterrace on the resources section? Good stuff there even if it just a bunch of summer fags.
yeah no
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Spock Collage.jpg
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Try these:

If those fail...

I remember having to install network drivers on XP computers, and I had to raise the exact same question. It's really retarded that they don't have a generic driver or something built in, but I suppose this is microsoft being microsoft.

This pasta is annoying, if only because saying GNU/Linux or GNU + Linux is unwieldly compared to just saying Linux. Also, it's not like people aren't going to know what you're talking about if you don't say GNU. I knew Linux was an operating system long before I even knew GNU existed.

>adding subreddits
Yeah, somehow I don't think that'll go over well despite how good the resources are, if only because of 4chans knee-jerk hostility towards reddit.
ctrl-r and then type ff in bash
that's nice, but can i cycle through results?
in zsh i can can keep pressing up (and down) to cycle through everything starting with what i typed
yeah, just keep pressing ctrl-r

you can scroll forwards again by pressing ctrl-s as long as you unbind the scroll lock that is set to ctrl-s by default
alright someone explain to mewhat the fuc is systemd and why the fuck everyone hates it so goddamn much
not as weildy as in zsh, but handy nonetheless, i'll be sure to remember this when only bash is available

and other real reasons, but it's a lot of autism. people freaked out similarly at the idea of having .rpms forced on them by redhat 20 years ago

it's not just starting with those letters, either, it's a real search
like if you edit a bunch of files:

vi /etc/whatever
vi /etc/passwd
vi /etc/named/whatever
vi /etc/sysconfig/whatever
vi /etc/rc.local

if you realize after that you forgot a small change in /etc/passwd you could type ctrl-r tc/p and `vi /etc/passwd` would be the first result
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I'm looking for a distro that will be really easy to set up, and just let me get back to using linux. I switched a few parts around and had to get rid of my linux drive a few months ago and now I'm trying to install a distro and I keep running into different issues I think are related to my gpu
using a 295x2, which spells trouble because its amd and crossfire, i know
I tried using arch like before and that was a disaster, and then i tired xubuntu and that was yet another issue, same with antergos. none of them would just work
tl;dr, i need a distro (preferably arch or ubuntu based) that I can very easily set up to work with my bastard gpu and have 2 monitors work.
>inb4 git gud
>inb4 google it
I was using MATE and infinality and my fonts looked great, now I installed KDE to try it, and even back in MATE my fonts look like shit again. Wat do

Use Mint.

Out of the box, launching applications into monitors is kind of inconsistent with which screen they go into, unlike windows where the applications always boot into the same monitor you left them in when you closed it. Other than that, Mint just werked with almost everything. PlayonLinux had some issues,but their forums are great.

I don't know about the GPU stuff (crappy intel master race), but I'm super happy with lubuntu. I run it on all my linux machines.

What was your issue with Xubuntu?
Bash is workin' fine for me. Is there any reason for me to switch to zsh?
You need to update your distro, the servers are fine.
id like to say thank you to /g/, no other online tech forum has been as nice as /g/ has

i wasnt constantly bombarded with "sage" and shit for using chromeOS
nobody cared that i chose to use ubuntu
everyone gave me helpful advice for what to do to make my experience better
not a single person was just plain and simple "its shit" in the desktop threads

today, after just getting into linux 2 weeks ago, i learned enough stuff through my ubuntu crouton to figure out how to install screenfetch on ChromeOS without a guide of any sorts
its actually kind of annoying when you dont have a package manager and you dont have user privileges to do anything

>its actually kind of annoying when you dont have a package manager and you dont have user privileges to do anything
Are you a child using mommies computer?
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What are the pros and cons of Acme and Sam?
chromeOS doesnt have a package manager built in, and it blocks you from accessing alot of it even as root, including moving and changing files or directories
>chromeOS doesnt have a package manager built in, and it blocks you from accessing alot of it even as root, including moving and changing files or directories
Holy fuck. What a jokeOS! I mean your a shit anyway for using botnetOS even if it works better, but you're getting raped and have nothing to show for it.
i have plenty to show for it
namely screenfetch

i consider that a worthy accomplishment compared to the normal use of chromeOS for most people
>i have plenty to show for it
>namely screenfetch
which you could use on any Linux distro.

>I consider it a worthy accomplishment to go through the pain in the ass to do basic shit any Linux user can do in twice in five seconds.
>i consider that a worthy accomplishment compared to the normal use of chromeOS for most people
So what? You accomplished a meager command that your grandma wouldn't be able to do on an OS that a professional wouldn't be using. I'm sure if you try hard enough you can render a 1080p video on an old black and white fucking gameboy, but what's the point? What are you trying to prove? That your time is worth nothing?
How do you change the colors of highlighted text/scroll bars/ et cetera in xfce? Mine's a weird salmon color and I'm sure my theme (Numix) didn't choose it.
Did you ask the duck?


Apply yourself, retard.
wrong permissions (or locked down folders) cause so many invisible problems. it happens all the time where you see somebody try to fix some package dependency error for 20 minutes before they realize they had all the files they needed they just unpacked it as root so the user account couldn't access the files

i'm also amazed by the huge number of people who will clutter up their windows desktop with every program they download without thinking, but they struggle for hours trying to install something in a proper looking place in linux instead of just running it from their /home directory

and what is sublime alternative?
Alright, for some reason it was the theme. Found it and made the edit.
the fuck, why did you retard removed thunar, virtualbox and vlc?
the issue i had been having was that it would load up but wouldn't detect both of the displays, unplugging and plugging them back in would get one but not both, which was strange because both worked fine when I installed before I reboot. other little issues too, but I couldn't even get to solving them since the screens were fuckly. I haven't had time to look into it lately, been getting fisted with exams so I figured I'd ask for some advice here
My Xubuntu energymanager gets every second restarted. How can i fix it?
*gets restarted

sometimes its just not worth the hassle and sometimes the hassle is the worth.
i dont feel the compulsion to install parabola on every single computer i come into contact with.
eg. my grandmas portable dvd player, the information terminal at the airport, my grandmas life support machine, my parents dvr, the computer i used for filling out forms at the mortuary after my grandmas passing, the atm machine, the pos machine at the liquor store, the pharmacists where i buy my anti-depressants, my iphone that i need for work,
and so on.
Install something else
Fuck off with your shitty opinion if you can't help just fuck yourself and keep your mouth shut
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the powah of linux.png
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So this...... is the power of...... linux...... woaaah!





so wat do?
Go back to winblows, check the shitty iso you download it and write it again in your shitty usb, it's corrupted.
Use rufus (Alt + i) to write it, everything else is trash.

dude get rekt lmao

Well, I haven't usb on me, I used some old windows DVD-RW disk with nero buning rom maybe this is the case.
as i poorly said, check the iso, redownload it if needed.
Try imgburn next time.
Reinstall infinality
besides the 2038 problem and being able to address more than 4gb of RAM (moot point as the machine I'm talking about here only has 1gb) is there any benefit to installing 64bit linux?

I installed 32bit debian without thinking about this and trying to migrate to 64bit through apt fucked my shit up hard, so I reverted to 32bit but if I were to do a clean install of 64bit from the beginning what would the benefits even be? would I still be able to install 32bit packages? do the various distros have consistent package support? should I install gentoo?
if you have a 64bit cpu, there's no reason not to use a 64bit distro
memory usage difference is negligable, and there are speed benefits (depends on application, ranges from none at all to fairly significant, but never slower)
>would I still be able to install 32bit packages?
>do the various distros have consistent package support?
if you mean "will i have access to the same packages available in 32bit", yes
unlike with windows, practically everything on 64bit distros are actually 64bit, there's very few applications that are 32bit-only (and they will work as well)
>should I install gentoo?
i think you know the answer to that one
Debian supports multiarch.
So you can install 64bit and use 32bit software just fine.
As for benefits, well there really aren't any when you are running with 1GB memory, it might be the opposite actually.
64bit programs use more memory by default and thus you'd be left with less usable memory.
The main benefit of 64bit arch is the higher addressable memory space like you said and bigger registers on CPU, so that more stuff can be calculated at the same time.
One would assume the latter would provide a speed boost, but since 64 programs require more memory, less programs can fit to your processors cache and that means your CPU is waiting for memory controller so the benefit is not really there.
Though if the program is very conscious about memory, it can run more efficient on 64 bit CPUs.
In the end, if your HW is anything recent none of this really matters.

Just stick with 32bit and use 64bit if your machine actually has more RAM then 2GB.
>no root
>no pm

why the fuck don't you just switch to something like debian or xubuntu then you massive chode


it's shit
thanks anons
Does linux support TRIM?

If I've installed Mint on an SSD do I need to do anything to enable TRIM?
How do I set up my new Debian server so that I can access it from outside my LAN?
Really can't tell if this is bait (thanks 4chan), but if its not then keep doing whatever makes you happy dude. ChromeOS is a locked down piece of shit but that doesn't mean you have to stop using it if your happy. Fucking sucks to see someone be that happy and then get shot down for using a particular OS. You even mentioned it in your post. Fuck, i dunno. The bait is everywhere. I'm just bored. Be happy everyone, live you lives, be free.
You forward the appropriate ports to your server from your router.
Debian has sane default configs and by design the daemons, like a web server or ftp server, start instantly when you install them.
I have a spare computer laying around doing fuck all.

I was planning on running some shit like minecraft and team fortress off of it. It has Arch installed now, should I fuck aroudn with trying to install Gentoo or is it not worth the effort?

there is universal consensus that arch is better than gentoo, m8
Is it now? What makes it better than gentoo, exactly? Last I heard, Gentoo had minor performance gains over Arch due to compiling everything, or is that just memeing because you could do the same thing on Arch?

that was fast
What if I have one of those shitty ISP routers that are locked down as fuck? Am I fucked or is there another way?
What's a good working disc burner and copying program? I'm running the latest version of Xubuntu.
dd and cp. If there is a program in coreutils that does a job, use that rather than getting another one that does the same.
>disc burner
xfburn (gui), wodim/cdrdao (cli)
>[disc] copying
dd (dvd), cdrdao (cd)
I think Ive seen something like this
dd if /dev/sr0 of image.iso

But I think I have a problem with Xubuntu. When I put the dvd in the reader, it appears on the desktop, which means that it's mounted in the /media folder. What's more, SimpleBurn doesn't see anything in sr0, and crashes when I prompt it to get media information.
What you see in /media is the DVD that is mounted but not your DVD-Writer. Your DVD-writer is still /dev/sr0.
SimpleBurn (even though I have never used it) will work just as dd, perhaps even use dd.
Also, it's
. If you'd type
if /dev/sr0
, it wouldn't know what if is. Likewise with of.
How do I use openSUSE
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