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>Manjaro is useless edition

Intended for users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

There are three ways to try Linux, you can:

1) Install a Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
2) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full Linux experience".
3) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with GNU/Linux (not recommended)

If you are serious about switching to Linux and if you have Windows dual-booted (recommended for pure newbies),
we recommend you use it exclusively for 2 weeks, and avoid Windows dual booting for that period of time, or it's
likely you will start retreating back to windows instead of getting used to Linux as your new home and working on
making it feel the way you want it.

>Recommended for beginners:
-*buntus except vanilla Ubuntu (Unity)
-LinuxMint (a.k.a Ubuntu LTS + Cinnamon)

Before asking, please find the answers to your questions in resources.

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, although maybe wine can make up for it.

man <insert command here>
your friendly neighborhood search engine
What is Linux (or GNU/Linux for Stallmanists)?

Babby's First Linux (What distro to choose?)

What software does /g/ recommend? (Please DON'T include the so called infographic -- refer all your recommended software here.)

Ricing on Linux (Make it good and functional or make it worse like those at desktop threads)

A script designed to ease the transition from Windows to Debian

We now have an entry in the install Gentoo wiki!
this thread is useless go

no new IP, nice trty OP you really take this shit seriously
go edit your gentoo wiki shilling
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now delete it after bumping the submission
this OP is a loser
>Recommended for beginners: -*buntus except vanilla Ubuntu (Unity) -LinuxMint (a.k.a Ubuntu LTS + Cinnamon)

Still WRONG you fucking retard! They are prone to breaking randombly, their package manager is 90's tier, they do endless downstream patching, their security is horrible, their libraries are patched to such extent to support Unity mess that all the applications depending on those libs are broken by definition, they have short support times, they have outdated software, they use alpha packages from fucking sid.

Recommend only Fedora and openSUSE to newbs. They save a lot of pain. Trust me on this.

>Wayland currently is not mature enough to be an X replacement, lots of functionalities are missing.
It runs well enough here. What are you missing, considering daily normalfag user needs? Okay, I know AMD and nVidia driver support is not there yet, but for Intel on GNOME it's already better than X11.
>screen tearing gone
>everything is smooth
>less CPU usage, forced compositing works
>better security model

What dependency hell? You are seriously out of loop here. yum was superior to apt in latter times, dnf which replaced yum is even more superior to apt since it incorporated bunch of zypper features.

Yes, for beginners. Clicking three times with mouse to get all of RPMFusion installed is small price for superior stability, working dist-upgrade and proper upstream versions of software.
Let's talk a little about wayland.
How much usable it is for daily use ? How will games and other programs in general will work with a wayland environment ? Is there a list of DE and WM that are using it ? (I know plasma and gnome can work with wayland and that mate made some progress, but I would like to try a wm actually).
Usable on Fedora 23, you won't see difference 99% of time. I've had two minor glitches in only one program: Evince having corrupted scroll bars and menu displaying upside down. Solved by closing and restarting. GNOME supports Wayland fully on Intel. Wayland has its own WM called Weston.
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Asked in dying thread

I have two installs on one of my drives - an old Debian install that I don't use, and a current OpenSUSE install that I more or less live in.
I want to nuke the Debian install, and use the extra space to fuck around with one of the BSD's.
In the lsblk output shown in the image, sdc4 is the OpenSUSE install (all on one partition because I got lazy when installing it), everything else is from the Debian install.
As for the questions;
Is it safe to simply delete the 5 partitions that are not currently mounted?
I dd'd sdc4 incase anything goes wrong. Is restoration as simple as nuking the entire disk and dd'ing it back over?
If everything goes well, is it at all possible to move sdc4 to the start of the disk? If I'm not horribly mistaken, 'fdisk x; f' simply renames partitions such that they're ordered properly, but wouldn't that leave me with 2 chunks of free space at the start and end of the disk rather than one large chunk at the end?

That was the plan, my biggest concern is how to consolidate the two chunks of free space into one single chunk, and if restoring a backup of a single partition using dd is as simple as it seems.
>how to consolidate the two chunks of free space into one single chunk
Danger lies this way. Make sure you have a backup before you try doing this.
My recommendation is to get the gparted live cd and use that.
Well, I have backup of the partition I want to keep. I guess you mean a full disk backup?

I wonder, would it be simpler to just wipe the partition table and dd the OpenSUSE install onto the start of the disk?
>friendly linux thread
>call a distro useless
Nice meme, OP
So I'm trying to install the latest version of GNOME3 on Mint 17.2 because I want to try it, but this happens:
setsuna@setsuna-ThinkPad-T520 ~ $ sudo apt-get install gnome
[sudo] password for setsuna:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
gnome : Depends: gnome-core (= 1:3.8+4ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed
Depends: gedit (>= 3.4) but 2.30.5+qiana is to be installed
Depends: gnome-documents (>= 0.4) but it is not going to be installed
Depends: gnome-games (>= 1:3.4) but it is not going to be installed
Depends: nautilus-sendto (>= 3.0) but it is not going to be installed
Depends: gnome-tweak-tool (>= 3.4) but it is not going to be installed
Depends: gedit-plugins (>= 3.4) but 2.30.1 is to be installed
Depends: gnome-shell-extensions (>= 3.4) but it is not going to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
setsuna@setsuna-ThinkPad-T520 ~ $

Does anyone know how to fix this ? I've tried doing dist-upgrade and autoremove, but same result both before and after.
>I've tried doing dist-upgrade and autoremove, but same result both before and after.
And apt-get update?
Yes, did that after adding the PPAs for gnome3 and gnome3-staging.
I did it again just now to make sure, but the same thing happens.
When I copy to or create files on my filesever, the files are created with username:username ownership, and 0650 permissions.
In my smb.conf, I have
create mode = 0660
directory mode = 0770

I chgrp'd the root directory to the group 'share', added all relevant users to that group, and did 'chmod g+s' on the directory.
What else am I missing? Its starting to get pretty annoying to have to ssh and change the permissions over and over.
why is it all arch spinoff repos get 404 after a while.
I have tried manjaro and chakra, both went away after a while and I had to manually update it.
Even ubuntu spinoffs have this problem.
Should I just reinstall the same distro once a year or move to something like debian and manually compile all the userland?
Or, you know, just use Arch.
Of you're scared of the real thing for some reason, Antergos is easy mode and uses the official arch repos.
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Install arch, it's just a simple one page read. Don't really get why actually people feel l337 because they managed to read and follow some instructions written in plain English.
Install the dependencies first.
hey I'm trying to learn linux

what's the command to show your system info with that ascii distro logo I see in screenshots?

screenfetch pretty sure
I didn't chose chakra over arch because I found the installer difficult but rather the repo was better.
The chakra repo is very kde centric which means you don't pull the entire gnome desktop as a dependency.
I have tried arch but they do not do a very good kde distro, several renaming a year so things do not update automatically
Why is manjaro useless? It's just a slightly outdated arch with some packages already installed. Defaults in my opinion look pretty stupid but c'mon now.
Why does the MATE DE look so different on Linux Mint compared to when installed on Debian, Ubuntu or Arch?
That is friendly, we're saving a lot of time and effort anon, you should be thankful.
>packages already installed
>Defaults in my opinion look pretty stupid
Why don't you make it easier for us all and say why it isn't useless?
elementaryOS seems so shit. I understand trying to make things all OSX like, but on the average 2010 laptop it's slower than fucking Windows/Ubuntu. Xubuntu is a fucking beast in comparison. It just boggles the mind.
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Slow in what way?
why does Mint heat up my PC like there`s no tomorrow?

Dependency hell. I tried installing all the dependencies listed, but they all gave similar errors with the exception of gedit-plugins.

Is there no other solution than to keep manually installing every single dependency for every dependency until there are no dependencies left ?
Just install a distro which doesn't have nightmare packages. You're going to have a hard time getting it done in mint.
Well fuck.
Would Xubuntu be a good choice then, and can I backup my Xfce settings and move those over at least ?
Animations, they feel sluggish as hell. Like using one of those chink android 2.3 tablets.

I know XFCE is supposed to be fast and all, but using compton it's fucking smooth as all hell. Much, much better.
Yeah just copy all the stuff from /home/you, including the hidden dot files and directories.
You should remove Ubuntu already from the recommended distros. It's a horrible badly-engineered distro, and so are most of its re-spins. Mint is good.

Recommended should be Mint, Debian, OpenSuSe.

Don't give me that "Debian is hard" meme, anyone who actually used it before knows that's boolsheet.
because it uses a really old kernel? what kind of laptop do you use?
Clould you make a torrent for this image? Need to troll manjarofags with le ebin meme xD xD
Make a torrent? You can quite easily.
Netinstalled have nothing preinstalled, and not a pain to setup. Apart from manjaro's hardware detection tool, there is no difference than a fresh Arch install. Stability and security is something that is dependant on the user himself.
As for the people who keep recycling the SSL issue, most of them haven't used the distros themself. People reported bugs in archlinux.org back this june as well.

yeah, >>51388812 !

How could you call it useless when it's no different from an arch install?
>Stability and security is something that is dependant on the user himself.
That is not what the manjaro philosophy implies.
It becomes useful when want to take advantage of the hardware detection tool.
I can neither agree nor confirm to this
>It becomes useful when want to take advantage of the hardware detection tool.
You mean sending the output of grep to pacman? Genius.

i'm sure it's a real gamechanger
Mint is an Ubuntu offspring tbqh senpai.
Whatever you want do believe, dude. When I first started using linux, mhwd made my satan-cursed broadcom driver to actually work without having to modprobing anything.
When I wanted to update the karnel, I just had to issue a single line of command and the rest was taken care of. For a newbie, I'd say it made my life easier.
By mint you mean the "debian edition" don't you?

nothing against it. just a weak argument when defending a distro
>When I wanted to update the karnel, I just had to issue a single line of command and the rest was taken care of.

You meant pacman -Syu ?
Of course, desu the Ubuntu mint should be destroyed, Debian Mint is sooooo much superior.

see above
I wonder why people do not worry about hundreds of ubuntu based distros out there, recycling the same ubuntu core over and over again. Just saying.
-Syu doesnt involve mhwd, and you missed the context. Try this:
$sudo mhwd-kernel [-i] [new kernel: linux(version)] [optional - remove the current kernel: rmc]
>and you missed the context.
I think you missed the point, it is nothing a package manager can't do.
I installed teamspeak3 on debian stable with gnome. I need to launch a .sh script to start it. Is there a way to put the .sh file on the launcher as a favorite?
>You should put what I want in there

You can fuck right off
Is it worth switching from cinnamon to gnome 3.18? Anyone use the new gdrive features?
>it is better to eat an granny smith apple or a braeburn apple?
What window manager / desktop environment are you currently running?
I agree, in the long run mhwd depends on pacman to change the kernel (which still eliminates a number of commands issues). I am not implying people should't learn the actual process but it makes things rather easy.
Cinnamon is shit, you'll better off using XFCE.
Gnome3 and whatever wm that uses. Muffin.
XFCE is better than any GNOME or it's forks but doesn't really have active devs
>doesn't really have devs who break everything every couple of months with useless features and pointless API changes
See if this can help:
another arugument over DE? this is gonna be tense.. I was on the edge of my seat last time!
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Thanks. Cleared that up in a jiff. So cinnamon it is.
But Manjaro really is useless.
You've made the worst decision, congratulations.
>70 ubuntu based distros
>not useless
>handful of Arch based
Started my journey with mint(surprise) and wasn't going to use the KDE. Now I want to switch to Ubuntu cause of the possibility for getting one of the Ubuntu phones for free.
Different distros patch things differently before adding them to the repos. A lot distros will attempt to provide a better base configuration for packages.
you misunderstand, all 70 are completely useless
OP doesn't think so, apparently

they're all beginner friendly if anything, i'll give them that, still pointless though
>Ubuntu mate
>Ubuntu gnome
>Ubuntu kylin
>Mint (Ubuntu based)
>even some more
Get rid of those "useless" distros first and then we talk about beginner friendliness. Manjaro, Antergos is the bridge people need to get to Arch and are not like those pests mentioned above.
are* the
i guess? arch distros are more for the beginners who are motivated to really learn linux i feel.
Someone gets it. I'll take my leave now
different default configurations

debian tends to tweak things a little to better suit how debian works, plus minor branding (for example, grub ships with a debian-themed menu)
ubuntu does similar, just with their branding
arch tends to keep tweaks to a bare minimum (often none at all), only things needed to make things functional under arch (for example, patches to make certain programs operate with pacman), there is branding in a few things, but that's also quite minimal by comparison (plymouth ships with an arch theme, i believe, grub is left alone, though)
mint is similar to ubuntu, only with different tweaks/defaults
arch is the only acceptable distro to be using. distros like gentoo are for meme following faggots and the rest are for noobs. There is no excuse to use anything other than arch linux, especially not fucking gentoo.
>meme following faggots
describes arch users very aptly.
arch linux is not a meme, gentoo is. why anyone would want to spend days to install the OS is beyond me.
>I failed at installing gentoo and now I'm salty
>arch is the only acceptable distro to be using
>ignoring what upstream says makes a distro acceptable
>I don't understand something therefore it is a meme
You sound like a complete moron

i really can't tell if you're joking or not. spoton manchild if not.
What is wrong with systemD?
Most of it
it is a meme you newfag. you're so new you haven't heard of Install Gentoo.

out sick today. nothing too serious though
First off, systemd is not an init system, it has an init system as part of the systemd suite. systemd is a project to build a standardised lowlevel userland for Linux. The project is pretty comprehensive and it delivers a lot of functionality under one umbrella. It does away with a lot of older, often undermaintained software packages, which were traditionally used to assemble a low level userland.

Which is where the contention comes from, as a system suite systemd is restrictive for Unix virtuosi who are used to tailor a system with wit, ingenuity, a lick and a prayer and a couple dozen of unrelated packages. systemd makes such knowledge useless.

The faction that thinks that systemd is Linux's Hiroshima, finds all the added functionality bloat, unnecessary and dangerous, as it is all under development in one project.

All the systemd jokes stem from the comprehensiveness as a low level system suite. People against it love to joke that one day systemd will write its own kernel.

There is a lot of FUD and hate going around. Some arguments do have merit, a lot of eggs in one basket is certainly true, but as with all things in life, it depends which tradeoff you prefer. Do you want a suite of well designed software, working closely together, so that system management is streamlined or do you want the complete freedom to tailor your own low level system with a lot of time tested, interchangeable components.
>he doesn't actually understand "install gentoo"
You're calling me a newfag?
nobody first of all uses gentoo. you're so new you don't even know that, how pathetic.
>really as no idea what the meme actually means
You really are new here. Hilarious.
nobody would ever use gentoo over arch linux. Once you know arch, you know linux.
Ever heard of LMDE?
>No option to install alongside Windows without manual partition and reading wiki
>Does not even detect my installed OS in the partition
>Worst implementation of XFCE in any distro

What is the difference of LMDE from Debian? Aside from its shitty Cinnamon ?
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It's safe to delete the other partitions, sure. Restoring it with dd would work except because of partition tables. The partition table tells the hardware where to look on the disk for the data, and is stored at a fixed location on the disk (the front of /dev/sdc), so dd won't restore that and you'd probably end up with the data restored but your cmd line telling you there's no partitions. This is why there are partition managing programs like fdisk in the first place.

Your plan is pretty simple and easy though. If you use parted (or its gui version gparted) you should be able to delete the non-SUSE partitions and resize them however you want. parted can get weird but rearranging 1 partition surrounded by empty space is the easiest scenario for it to deal with and shouldn't cause any problems. The gui version is easy as fuck: it will show some kind of bar graphic with the partition labels on it and you just drag the beginning and end of sdc4 to where you want them.

also as >>51386692 says this should be done with none of them mounted. Boot into a live environment and you're good to go.
how to raid on debian
lol ok hun
Manjaro also has no games or native Steam support as Ubuntu. League of Legends does not run on Manjaro even through PlayonLinux.

Might as well just shove a cactus up my ass and call it a day since Arch and its derivatives are the most useless operating systems with the least amount of available software.

sudo apt-get install Windows 10 --no botnet
This is what you learn from using arch:

-How to read
-How to copy/paste
-How to feel superior for having done both of the above
Thanks. Looks pretty straight forward
arch linux is the most upstream and has the largest repo of all distros. It's what professionals use who don't want to be brought down by hand holding noob distros like debian or fedora.
don't know much about smb but look into umask. It's the basic way for setting default permissions on unix-likes.
Name one professional or enterprise that is using Arch Linux on a daily basis.

Most developers and programmers don't even know or give a shit about Arch or Linux based distros unless they need to setup a server which is done mainly on CentOS, RedHat and OpenBSD.

Arch fags are the most cancerous people on /g/.
Not much senpai, but tell me whst is the dirrence between antergos and arch? Or elemantry and cum dripping dicks? Or slackware and slax?

replied >>51390381
>native Steam support as Ubuntu
>this stupid shit happens everytime

Antergoes is like Manjaro, a shitter implementation of a shitty distro developed by austistic shitheads.

Antergos takes away the street cred and e-peen waving rights by giving Arch a graphical installer. The worst part is that I can't even get the Live CD ISO to write on my USB and boot properly, it always gives and error and shuts down.

So much for testing and quality control.

Steam only recognizes Ubuntu and its derivatives as official Linux distros. Check out wine and playonlinux compatibility lists, it doesn't even mention Manjaro as a testing option.
Arch + shitty installer + shitty repo. Better use Architect
>Most developers don't even know Linux-based distros
>Debian (some sysadmins prefer this over Cent/RHEL)

Yep, I forgot that those three I mentioned are NOT Linux.
It doesn't mention the other thousand of distros as well. Doesn't mean much really, because Steam works on both just fine.

i've learned plenty. coming from using only windows my whole life and never having much interest in really getting to know my computer.
keep going dear, it's very amusing
Are you serious ? Once you know Ubuntu, you know Linux.
They're all the same thing numbnuts.
>I'm a 14 year old fagton who poses in desktop threads and wanks off to muh package count and muh rices
Architect does the job much, much better. Instead of having an installer with terrible defaults that is as stable as windows 95 it actually does the job for you in the same day you would do it, without having stupid numix icons and only a few DE/WM choices. Architect is the fast way of installing arch.
>this Linux thing doesn't support this as good as that other Linux thing
>shit retards say

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How do I change font/make it smaller?

I have openSUSE and xfce.

Here, have a banana
Xfce has a font settings panel.
I have 2000 packages on my Arch desu senpai.
How? Did you install KDE or something?
I see, thanks. Just seemed weird to me that Mint MATE has this mintMenu in the lower left corner and every other distro with that DE uses the upper panel to have a drop-down "Menu Bar". I saw that Antegros has a pretty similar mintmenu.
I'm going to build the the mintmenu from the AUR to see what it looks like. Quite a big difference if you ask me if this is needed to make it look like in Mint.
>arch linux is the most upstream
that's where it gets its name from. ArchLinux springs forth from the heights of Mount Olympus itself before flowing through intricate ionic order archways.

ArchLinux literally is the stream; all else is downstream. The Hoover Dam could not stop its flow. ArchLinux is the Big Bang, it is the turtles all the way down.
Just use Ubuntu MATE.
>ArchLinux literally is the stream
yeah, right
It's really a shame all the /g/ memefaggots and elitists have latched onto Arch, it is a genuinely good distro.
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Ubuntu MATE actually looks the same as every other non Mint MATE version. I'm on Mint 17 currently but installed Arch in a VM yesterday to see how it is and I like it so far. Rolling release is nice.
It's not even that I want the DE to look exactly like in Mint, I was just wondering why there are such big differences between distros with the same DE. You could even call them completely different DEs in my opinion.

wow. whoever made that picture was really assmad over arch.
lel, babby was so mad when he made this image. I'll just let him go back to his gentoo compiling and let him keep on pretending he knows linux.
im running it on a 7 year old laptop and it works pretty damned slick
That was actually it. MATE looks so different on all the other distros because they don't use the MATE Menu (Advanced MATE Menu). It's in the AUR in Arch and I guess in other distros there's a similar way to get it.
Dude, official repos
Just installed Ubuntu on my new laptop, I'm having trouble installing Java. I downloaded the file "jre-8u66-linux-i586.tar.gz" and then ran this command "sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre"
Now what? It's working online (twitch), but my compiler won't start? I think it migh tbe an issue with the path?
ubuntu doesn't have java in its repo or even a PPA for it?
>hurr, use only official software from people who work for free that are part of our organization, people who work for free but aren't part of our organization can't be trusted
I didn't have internet when I initially installed it. Is there a "update everything that you should have started with" button somewhere in ubuntu?
What does that have to do with it?
use your package manager, preferably synaptic since software center blows, and look for restricted extras
where is this from?

Ubuntu has a good package manager and you should probably just rely on it for everything. Look for java in there. Not sure why openjdk wouldn't work, but you can try the Oracle/Sun one by making sure you have third-party applications enabled.

What are you even trying to do with it? There's a difference between the JRE and JDK.
What are you trying to tell me?
That mate menus is in the official repo? Dunno, not him.
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I use Manjaro, I like it a lot and would recommend it to any newbie. Now fight me Fedorafags and other haters.
>I use Manjaro
I pity you son
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I'm not sure if he means the same thing as I do.

I mean pic related that gives you the same menu as in Mint, not the default one in Arch (which makes it different than in Mint).
mate-menu is not in the official repos.
Maybe he means the gnome-main-menu. That one's in the official repos but it's quite different to the one I mean.
>mate-menu is not in the official repos.
At least I don't have to fix xorg every damn weekend. Everything just works.
Yeah, sure it does.
That's a package under the mate group, right?
Are you saying that this already contains "MATE Menu 5.6.5a" (Advanced MATE Menu) like in my pic?
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I have no idea, look at the PKGBUILDS. You said the main repo doesn't contain mate-menus but it apparently does.
>have to fix xorg every damn weekend
Where does that happen ?
And there's no reason to prove anything about Manjaro, their userbase alone always proves it has nothing to offer.
r u 12
No, I was talking about mate-menu without 's', it's something different.

started with mate-menus.

At least I can't find any other package than mate-menu from the AUR that looks like in the pic in >>51391781

They wouldn't list it in the wiki if this kind of menu was already in the base group I assume. As I said, I think he means a different menu than I do.
I'm okay with it

22, and you?
>I'm okay with it
And some people are okay with eating shit. That doesn't imply that Manjaro is useful.
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It's good enough for my usage:
>Watching Chinese cartoons
>Studying languages
>Listening to chink-music
>IRC, Skype and other "social" stuff
>Posting on /int/
>Playing Civ5
So is every fucking OS since 2000, you nincompoop.
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>Playing Civ5 on OS from 2000
Good luck with that
XFCE is great if you want a boring DE with no new features.
Do you need those new features? XFCE is simple and offers great productivity.
thanks friend
Well in my new build I'm dual booting Windows7 and Linux, I'm thinking Mint.

Mint is for daily use, windows for videogames. My daily use is music, internet browsing, watching tv/movies.

What I'm looking for in the distro is good design, and speed. I assume Mint is adequate?
Please let this be bait
The new OpenSuse blows chunks, mate. The only thing worse than people who shill OpenSuse are Nine Inch Nails fanbois who hate Manjaro because their logo look like NiN sideways.
Thinking of switching to Lubuntu from Xubungo because lighter

Couple of questions
1. Can Lubuntu do hotkeys off the windows key? I live those Xubuntu hotkeys off the windows key (win+f, win+t are awesome), that's a deal breaker

2. Can Lubuntu do compositing with Compton or Weston or whatever is better? I started using Compton on Xubongo recently, shits too cool to give up
>Aside from its shitty Cinnamon ?
You cam also choose mate, nigger
Should I bother with Linux if I wanna play video games?
see >>51387157
things are improving a lot, and games can have better performances than windows. Things will be better in one year and it's not good enough for gamers used to windows. The problem is that a lot of games that were using DirectX doesn't perform well in linux.

go on your steam library and check if your games are available. You could dual boot and try it
>noob distros like debian or fedora.
Are you seriously that retarded or just baiting people?
Architect is the reason why some people have no idea about something as simple as instllingl a fucking DE or enabling a display manager
Manjaro is useful than all the 70 ubuntu recycled distro, niggy
>Manjaro is useful than all the 70 ubuntu recycled distro, niggy
No, it's just as useless, idiot who can't spell.
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Reposting from the other thread:

I installed Arch, xorg and bspwm. Everything works fine, the only problem I'm having is that my floating windows don't seem to be responding properly. I'm unable to move them with Mouse1 + Super as I should be able to, and I'm also unable to resize them or move them with the keyboard hotkeys.

If any of you have any experience with this window manager (bspwm) I would appreciate some ideas on why the floating windows might not be working correctly. I can also post more info if required.

Pic related, the floating windows just stay centered and remain one size.
>Meme tier WM
>Cancer font rendering
Oh look, another riced desktop
look bud, I've used this wm before on debian and it's pretty good. It looks nice and is quite easy to use and configure. Also,
> >> > > > > > >"Friendly" Linux Thread
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Ubuntu plebian here, I installed xfce and love the shit out of it except the window color scheme, it feels like something Mac OS would have used a few decades ago. Reading through DEs, VMs and such seems that I can make any distro look like any other distro, that shit is cash. I'm moving to Xubuntu on the laptop, maybe I'll try debian next.
Here's a hint
>If you ever see screenfetch or speccy in a screenshot, ignore and move on
So, I've been trying several popular distros on my laptop on live usbs, but none of them can connect to my wifi. They can find my wifi, but will never connect.
Windows connects just fine without drivers, is it possible that Linux needs to be actually installed for it to work?
>falling for the friendly meme
Take a good look at this thread. It's been hostile since the very first post
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Going to install my first distro in a few days. I plan on moving over completely within a few weeks.
I'm looking to use gnome as my DE and i'm wondering whether fedora or a *buntu distro will be better for me? any recommendations?

also this is probably a dumb question but does the flash drive that i boot from to install have to be empty of everything but the mounted iso?
Install wifi drivers first via phone tethering. Find out your device and install the drivers
>have to be empty of everything but the mounted iso?
Preferably, yeah
Where I want to be; in a nursing home with a bunch of Niggers dressed up for Holloween
1. Install your preferred theme via the synaptic package manager
2. Apply the theme via "Appearance"
3. Change the window border via the Window manager. Don't go over to an exact same distro just because of the theme
>does the flash drive that i boot from to install have to be empty of everything but the mounted iso?
No. As long as it's bootable and the files it needs are there it works.
Why do you guys hate unity so much? It's basically Gnome
muh botnet
basically :
partly FUD
personal taste

Personally I just find it unstable as fuck and bloated.
I don't know if this changed, but last time I checked, it behaved like a crippled GNOME 2. I couldn't even change the panel locations.
Can anyone post any links/instructions, where someone describes or at least shows any Linux running on any cheap Intel based Chinese tablets (Teclast, Onda, Chuwi,...), with all hardware functioning (touch and WiFi as well). In many such cases touch/wifi isn't supported, so I (and probably many) would be glad to know, if any such successful case exists.
Which DE and VM?
I swapped left control with caps lock by running
setxkbmap -option ctrl:swapcaps

on startup, but it resets every time I change the input method. Any suggestions?
MATE for me. Xfce in a second place.

Add it to .bashrc, the command is run every time you log in.
>but none of them can connect to my wifi. They can find my wifi,
find your wifi as in...?

If it can see the SSID name you normally connect to, then it works. If the drivers aren't working it would look like you don't even have a wireless network adapter. Are you sure you're typing your wifi password in right? Is it giving any errors or anything?

I'd be surprised if all of the major distros (like debian/ubuntu, fedora, SUSE, or whatever) didn't work. If it's the drivers make sure you have the third-party drivers and applications repository turned on, in case your wifi card only has proprietary drivers.
I have it in my startup script, the problem is that the settings are reset every time I use another input system, like moonrunes or the US keyboard
did you try
sudo apt-get install -f


For anyone wondering, or just for reference, I'll post the solution here:
My sxhkdrc was missing the following lines

super + !button{1-3}
bspc pointer -t %i, %i

Adding this and removing the semi colon (which exists in the default sxhkdrc) in front of
bspc pointer -g {move,resize_side,resize_corner}

seems to have fixed the problem.
I click the internet indicator, the list of SSID's appears like normal, I click my SSID, enter the password, it tries to connect for a minute, and then asks me for my password again.
It happens on all versions of Ubuntu, including Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc, and Mint
not sure what to tell you. If it can see the SSID then it's sending and receiving signals perfectly fine and should be able to connect.

You're going to have to check logs and network settings. NetworkManager is complained about enough that it might be causing a problem. If you're comfortable screwing around with things you can try disabling whatever the default network stuff is and connecting using wicd instead.

Doublecheck all the logs and settings to make sure it's not trying to tell you something really obvious that the gui is hiding and make sure something like NetworkManager isn't just disconnecting you.

eurocom electra 2
Should I use glamor or SNA for Intel's AccelMethod?
Are there any good docks? Cairo is horrifyingly bad.
I use Docky but I don't know what you're looking for.
How do I make Nano use a different tab width for certain file types?
Permanent X11 keyboard options go to xorg.conf under the InputClass section where the keyboard is declared, each option separated by a comma. In your case:
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "muh keyboard"
MatchIsKeyboard "yes"
Option "XkbOptions" "ctrl:swapcaps"

My xorg.conf file doesn't have that section, I guess I'll add it. Does the identifier value matter?
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Is there something in Xubuntu that Steam doesn't play nicely with ?

I just installed Xubuntu on my laptop, and all is well... Except for Steam, which is acting really weird.
Basically the GUI doesn't update visually at all, so if I try to, say, scroll through my friends list, it looks like nothing happens. But I can tell it does "work" since if I try to open up a conversation with someone after scrolling down a bit in friends list, it'll open a conversation with someone else.

webm related, window doesn't update visually while scrolling but works otherwise

Anyone got an idea how to fix this ?
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>install update on eOS

>get black screen on boot
>Does the identifier value matter?
Nope. The only thing that matters is MatchIsKeyboard. But the identifier is still mandatory.
That's what your get for not donating, thief.
i'm having trouble with wine and steam ( i know steam has a linux client but im trying to see a game will run in wine thats not available on linux) but everytime i launch steam through wine it launches but all i get is a steam window but its black

i cant seem to find anything on google about, anyone have an idea why this might be happening?
Lately, I've got crashes with steamwebhelper.exe, the internal browser based on chrome engine. But I can still see the windows. Do you even see the login window?
It works, cheers!

Have you tried other DEs/WMs? Are you running Compton?
What would be a good OS for a virus ridden netbook that has 256MB of RAM. It has no CD Drive
Debian with LXDE
yeah i see it, but its all black, you can tell it works too because if i click around the black area things happen, like exiting or forgetting password

shit i even managed to login at one point but it asked for the new device code, but its all black so i couldnt get that entered

im leaning towards a video driver problem but im reluctant to install the ATI drivers because if i remember correctly it wont allow me to use all three monitors with that driver
>Have you tried other DEs/WMs?
>Are you running Compton?
Yes. I was running it before on Mint too with no issues, but I didn't have any config for it there, just a simple command to start it with that removes tearing in Xfce. It seems to have come with a default config now that I've installed it in Xubuntu though, could that be messing Steam up ?
So every time my computer starts up with an ubuntu base, I apparently encounter an error due to "xorg"

What's the deal? I keep everything on my system up to date
>im leaning towards a video driver problem
No, that's a common problem with Steam UI, because Wine doesn't fare well with font anti-aliasing and system fonts. Two possible workarounds:
- install windows core fonts (it's easier if your distribution provide a package for them)
- if it still doesn't show anything but black, you have to disable DirectWrite: http://askubuntu.com/questions/214361/steam-not-displaying-text-on-wine-1-5-running-on-ubuntu-12-04
ill give these a try, thank you
Samefag >>51396192 >>51396017
>could that be messing Steam up ?
Yes ! I couldn't seem to find where the default config is placed, so I made an empty compton.conf in my home directory, and it fixed the issue. The silly fade effect that was added with the default config is gone too, yay.

Thanks, >>51396148
I use steam with Xubuntu and never had a problem.
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what's /flt'/s opinion on crunchbang?
Anyone else having trouble with alsa on arch? I updated and now no sound plays in steam games, at least borderlands 2 and csgo, i haven't tested others, downgrading alsa-lib alsa-plugins alsa-utils and lib32-alsa-lib fixed it, not sure which of those is the issue but i suspect lib32-alsa as steam is 32 bit, don't really have time to test it though.
GTK2 goodness. Jump ship before it's too late.
Isn't Xubuntu more light and without botnet? If I'm using xfce and never touching Unity again, then shouldn't I start from scratch?

Can i get help with some errors i get when i try to install?

What the fuck is the point in the Dashboard in plasma 5?
Any widgets you place on there just stay on the desktop anyway
"FRIENDLY LINUX THREAD", thanks for being so friendly

But that was the right answer
Anyone upgraded their openSUSE to Leap yet?Has anyone used openSUSE's DVD to upgrade an existing installation? How does it go? Should I even bother since 13.2 is supported until 2017 and I plan on upgrading my HDD before then?

Also Packman seemingly hasn't made a release for Leap. Should I be worried?
nmcli completely confuses me
when I google how to use wwan with it, they say to use
nmcli enable wwan

I get
Error: Object 'enable' is unknown, try 'nmcli help'.

$ nmcli d
wlp3s0 wifi connected [redacted]
cdc-wdm0 gsm disconnected --
enp0s25 ethernet unavailable --
lo loopback unmanaged --
Just remove the botnet and other bloats
Dead piece of shit. Install Debian minimal
What's best for home use?

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I asked this in the stupid question general >>51393368 , but I wanted to ask here too, as it is Linux related.

I was following the tutorial in the picture in my other post for setting up a VM using qemu/kvm and virt-manager. All was going pretty well until it was actually time to boot the VM.

I get to the EFI shell prompt and can't figure out how to get it to boot. I have been searching and fucking around with it all day now, but just can't figure it out.

Anyone know how to do this?
I use glasswire to monitor my bandwidth usage on windows, is there something similair for linux?
Hey /g/! I'm on manjaro, i installed mpd, installed ncmpcpp, edited the config of ncmpcpp. I run it in terminal and it says connection refused. Do i need to set up something else too?
i use kali as an everyday distro because my laptop can barely run it in a vm during engagements but mostly because i'm lazy

roast me /g/
Simple question asked by a complete idiot who is new to linux and ricing.

I have the tint2 panel/taskbar, and I know it is configurable. But is it possible to turn those awfully intrusive icons(default) into rectangular panels with text describing the window? I see examples of panels like what I want in desktop threads, but I don't know what they use.

Forgive me for my ignorance.
This is a friendly linux thread
i thought friendly was a meme
it always happened to me, try running
>ncmpcpp -h localhost
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