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Tech Edition

Discuss lewd games, share your projects and have others critique them.
Post pictures (/d/ related preferably) to keep the thread alive.

Lose hope of making games here, and collaborate with others to not make games:

>/d/ Games Catalog:
http://pastebin.com/Su7gb2iq (embed)

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>tfw you got so involved in Free Citities you started to focus on the business side more than on the fucking one
If only I had more time...
how the fuck do you start the camwhore job in girl life
>all those ladies but no dick to fuck em with
Something about looking for work on your computer and having good grades, I think.
what do grades have to do with this
No idea. That's just what I've heard when other people have asked.
It makes me sad that most actual female mechanicum would be ugly as fuck.
And wouldn't be able to fuck.
I would argue in favor of robot fucking, but I'm not familiar enough with 40k to know what exactly those priests do to themselves.
they're convinved that fesh is weak so they put all kinds of robot parts and neural interfaces on. they're implied to be pretty hideous and inhuman
Venerate the machine, the Flesh is Weak.
Most members of the Mechanicus try to replace as much of thier original body with machine componants.
They do not care for form, so the majority of these modifications are gross.
In rare cases you might get one that tries to maintain a human form, or implant under the skin. In one of the Horus Heresy novels, it had two Female Mechanicum members that I would fuck.
One was a tall bronze goddess [litterally bronze] and was fully encased in metal but maintained a very nice human form.
The other was a female assassin with no feet, but antigrave tech to make her float above the ground.
>tall literal bronze goddess
Tell me more.
I can't remember if it was the Night Lords or the Grey Knights, but one of those groups also had a tech-priest made entirely of silver, because it is a pure and holy metal.
Would you a silver waifu? I'd a silver waifu.
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Kinda looks like this, cause this is a picture of her.
IIRC she's like 10 foot tall.
Greetings, menial.

My records show that you have been preforming above expectations during the last three-month labor cycle. Statistics show that human males respond positively to sexual rewards, so I have obtained a pair of fresh human mammaries from the mortuary. You may touch them if you wish.
You know, even if I didn't care about form, I still think I'd get some kind protective covering over that. All those exposed wires and cables seems like it would be a hazard.
>implying a tech priest would be directly interacting with menials
Also, AdMech porn game when?
It's shit.
Too robospider for my tastes.
I'm not sure what I was expecting from Warhammer.
Your best bet in that universe is just to cut a hole in the rear of the armor and go to town. Brown bag everyone and don't even think about what's underneath the suit.
The picture is probably her wargear loadout.
She then went on to blow up her forge, which was a City in an active Volcano.
I'd hit it.
any ways to restrict the headgirl's ability to modify slaves I give her?
in her personal suit?
I don't think so.
Didn't FC Dev(or maybe it was just an anon, I can't remember) say something about how she will adhere to plans you've implemented? So if you're paternal she won't clip their tendons, etc.
I'll try this out thanks
The best explanation I could come up with is that you need a certain level of English skills to understand the ad, register on MFC and converse with the viewers. School performance is the closest thing to that in the game.
Anyone have the trapquest 20+ donate unlock file or password?
Because dumb sluts become prostitutes.
Smart sluts become cam whores.
>Start a new save every new version
>No problem with that
>Can't bring myself to release the starting slaves you start with
>Can't be that heartless
Maybe just not have them and start with extra money for your own customized slaves?
Anyone got newlife 0.21 ?
NoHeaven update still unreleased?

Also, the Magical Camp game was genuinely fan but it seems the game is still in the "setting up routes" phase so choices have not that much impact.

Does anybody know if there is any content after the dryad level and using the Ivy Corset (I only got A cup breasts and the dryad hasn't returned so I cannot increase them to B cups)

Also, has someone tried a "remain masculine" run?
My run through that game bugged out and I cannot access the dryad part, but I found that you can get to b cups by just using that mana burn move and after a few times you should get b cups. I don't think you even need to wear a corset.
It still doesn't support custom female npcs?
>My run through that game bugged out and I cannot access the dryad part, but I found that you can get to b cups by just using that mana burn move and after a few times you should get b cups. I don't think you even need to wear a corset.
Thanks for the info.
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Any way in FC to get a fertile hermaphrodite other than through starting slave customization? Futas from pic related and other random events i've found are all barren. Please it is my fetish
I've usually been able to restore fertility for the ones from events with just the upgraded surgery, but if that fails I think there's still that organ growth thing?
yeah, what is this?
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Thank you anon i didn't know about these things. Pregnant futas for all!
Come on, anons. You're not actually this fucking terrible at reading comprehension, are you?
Welcome to yet another game with relatively retarded and obscure path to progress in a particular direction.
Could be baked into a new starting option: "What was the previous arcology owner like?"
That side is actually more interesting at times. I'd love a game which has nice mix of porn and actual post-apoc survival civilization/society building.
>get virgin princess for my head girl to take care of
>find out five weeks in that said princess is now pregnant, despite head girl being 100% woman
>check both girls' sex counts
>neither have been fucking anyone besides each other
This is what I deserve for never looking up my Head Girl's skirt, let alone allowing anyone to touch her up to this point.
Need the laptop and good grades. Gotta do the job search during the day, I think before 1700. It's a pain to do if you're still living at home though, you can't log in if your sister is home and if she comes home while you're online, your mood drops like a fucking rock. Doesn't pay out very much either for that matter
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Heyo, dev here.

What are people's processes generally looking like?

Last night I built a generalized EBC framework with extremely general controllers and menu boundary class frameworks so that going forward menu/screen is an easy task.

I'm thinking doing mock-up GUIs might be a good next step for me to start building this game in earnest, I built the framework and then realized I'm not sure yet what this piece of software is going to look like.

So, other /d/evs, any advice for someone new?
Make a game plan. Start with what you want to be there (for me it was random girl generation), then make functionality to interact with it. Then add more stuff you want. I guess I should also suggest you to plan ahead more first.
>Whore Maker
Saw this in the previous thread and checked it out. At first I thought it was a FC lookalike I once saw in tfgs, but its another one.

Stumbled upon this http://www.pinkpetal.org/index.php?topic=3446.0
Seems nice, but I can't download the girls packs as zip because mega won't download files bigger than 2GB or something.

Do I really need to download individual folders?
Get the plugin.
what game is that tho?
I do have it, but Firefox Nightly doesnt seem to recognize it.
Guess I'll install the botnet for this
>Stumbled upon this http://www.pinkpetal.org/index.php?topic=3446.0
Is http://www.pinkpetal.org/index.php?topic=417.0 the latest version of the base game?
> « Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 08:44:13 PM by Dagoth »
It works fine on Firefox Aurora, which you should be using anyway.
Also, why not just get MEGASync?
I don't know how it works
Also got jewed because I downloaded over the "quota", pls buy mega pro
Fuck that shit
>I don't know how it works
You download the program and hit download. End of story.
>Also got jewed because I downloaded over the "quota", pls buy mega pro
You what? Mega's bandwidth limit is 10GB every 30 minutes. How much are you downloading to exceed that?
Does anybody know anything about quietgirls? It's a game about lolis stuck in a facility full of tentacle monsters. I can't seem to find anything about it. Im pretty sure the dev said that it would be released early this year, but i haven't heard anything about it since.
Does anybody know anything about this game called Quiet Girls? It's about a party of lolis trapped in a facility full of tentacle monsters. I've played the demo, and i heard the full game was coming out early this year, but i can't seem to find anything about it anymore.
>try a non-/d/ porn game (roundscape)
>there's next to no porn compared to straight gameplay
/d/ games are the best guys
There hasn't been any recent activity from the makers. Last I heard they were looking at some time this summer.
Ok so I do have it and no it does not (from what I see) the next time they add something that I think is worth for me to download it I make sure ot give it to you guys too
I got the 3.20, even posted it over in /r/ for some unknown reason - 3.21 just isn't worth it. I've pretty much given up on this game. I was hooked, played for so many nights but once you do everything, you sort of want a bit more which is what the dev isn't doing. He's adding custom female NPC's but lesbian sex will be weeks away, at least. There's also the fact he's been asked for rough content but refuses it/lets his regulars bring up some UK law bullshit/it's not in his fetish despite having one of the best sex systems there is at the moment (well, personally I think it is, that's up you guys if you enjoy it as much as I do).

It really sucks that he's not going for the full potential by blocking REAL rough content (not rape, just a bit more rough than what the game has at the moment), which is part of a girl's life, as sexist/degrading as it may sound and it's a huge fetish.

Anyone wanting 2.31 should wait on a more meaty update.
How much intelligence/studying do I need, exactly?
I just cheated myself a huge pile of cash and rented the apartment in the city, because fuck grinding out the 75,000 you need just for the computer and camera.
Read the pastebin.
Hopefully soon, that's all I have to look forward to with this boring game.
I use game states for pregame/ menus/ combat.

Think about what you want the player to see, most of the time. Is the player interacting with a map, floor plan of his base?

I would only make a place holder gui at this point, for navigation purposes, but anything you really put time into you're going to have to redo later on.
I played the Anthophobia demo last night and I liked it, problem is that everything's dark and it's an "avoid rape" kind of game.

Still, I liked it. Is the full version out yet?
Yep. There should be a link in the pastebin.
Doesn't seem to be there, but maybe I missed it because I was looking on my shitty phone.
I was wrong about it being in the pastebin, just use this when you're at a computer again.
Don't suppose anyone knows any VN's with Cock/ball growth in them? Doesn't matter if it's in Japanese, I can use a translator program to get the gist.
Should I add it?
Eh, if you want to. It's not a must add by far, but I imagine that enough would like it to make it worth it.
Don't worry, that particular genie is smart enough to solve that on his own.

Only genie smart enough to purposefully hire a team of heroes to unshackle him from his own shitty lamp.
Soo are any of the games in the pastebin worth playing? If so which ones?
>How much intelligence/studying do I need, exactly?
In the current stable release ( you need to be an A+ student. In the dev version you need 50+ intelligence instead.
Thank you.
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Hey FCDev, do you...

...plan any expanded content revolving around AI assistant we have in game? I see plenty of untapped and delicious potential regarding it and would love for AI to take bigger role in the game:

More events, both for cold and inhumane and the human-mimicking side when it comes to pleasuring others, commenting and participating in things?

Maybe better, more varied descriptions of AI helping one break slaves or even pleasuring the player, with toys or even some sort of robotic body if one will want to dump money on it?

Possibility to make it become a solid bonus to a head girl's job, potentially even turning it into second head girl late-game?

Maybe having it become kind of special slave (multiple?) able to perform duties of any other slave, one a player can discard and take back into duty at will, always loyal and willing, but requiring slightly more steep maintenance cost, with unchangeable (after initial choice), slightly inhuman looks and inability to improve most of its skills locked at working but modest level?

Maybe even a potential subplot with player improving AI and granting it equipment to provide the above, but somewhere past it being an active help during gameplay risking making it too self-aware and independant, first shown in AI teasing, turning on and playing with player (awkwardly as unfeeling machine, simply offering possibility of precise, machine-governed and thus more efficient boons or through more emotional arguments if with human overlay), then trying to seduce/convince the player to do things AI way, culminating in brutal/passionate/loving AI rebellion or with player giving it absolute control over the arcology, retiring to simply enjoy both the slaves and the AI more direct minstrations?

Often there's not enough slaves to go around. I'd love for the themes of gynoids, sex toys, maybe even bio-engineered (sex-)monsters as an alternative or replacement of human personnel to make a noticeable role.
I literally just watched Ex Machina. AI waifu is a good idea and cannot end poorly for anyone.
>spoonfeed me info from the spoonfeeding list

Read the descriptions. Depending what you like and what do you expect, quite many of them may provide you at least a tiny bit of fun and quite a few - more than that.
Then you didn't get jewed, you're jewing leeching like mad.
In Black Crusade, I played an Idolitrex Magos of Slaanesh who basically turned herself into a futa T-3000 with psyker powers. She loves breeding new projects inside her, collecting genetic material with a Best Craftsmanship Gamete Extraction Chamber.
Damn son, your realm is the most magical.
To be fair to the other PCs, I went f2b for most of the really lewd stuff. Mainly made her out to be some chromium-plated supermodel who used her expertise in tech to supply crazy-ass solutions to problems (almost everyone else was "hit it three times as hard!" or "kill it" or "torture it" so I had to mother the rest of the team at times) without overshadowing them.

Good times, though. Shame the game fell apart.
come again
fade to black
>free to blay
Do you even Clapistan?
I see.
Sounds like a real fun game.
Fade to black. In order not to occupy most of the play time with gooshy details which only I would appreciate, I'd simply say, "Ori goes backstage with X and comes back looking very satisfied". Play would then resume as normal.
I imagine that when slaanesh is involved it's a little more complicated than that.
>Ori goes backstage with X and comes back looking very satisfied
>X is found 3 days later face down in a puddle of miscellaneous fluids (chemical and body) with every orifice prolapsed
>even the nostrils
Pretty much. Slaanesh represents more than hedonism, it's also the drive for perfection and refinemeent. So for instance, a Slaaneshi might seek to induce the ultimate orgasm, with the side effect of making them cum their souls out for a ritual. Those were handy for a Greater Daemon summoning, I can tell you that.
That sounds awesome.
Games really need more creative and in depth erotic gameplay that isn't just there to push the limits of good taste and get your rocks off.

I'm sure many of us have reached a point that /d/ stuff isn't purely for getting off to but rather, a lot of it is to be savoured during its occurrence.
I always like to point out to Sisters of Battle fans that Slaanesh is also the God of Excess, so the Sisters are indirectly worshipping Slaanesh with their obsession about Emprah.
And space marines worship khorne with their righteous fury.
And the inquisition worships nurgle with their dogmatic insistence on cultural norms and tradition.
Chaos gods represent obsession in all forms and obviously wouldn't exist in a chicken and egg paradox if only their direct followers gave them strength.
I like the nuanced interpretations of Chaos myself. Some of the other players were infected by me and put lewd spins on their own devotion to other Chaos Gods; we had the Khornate berserker amazon who forcefully harvested the seed of worthy opponents and the Tzeentchian who loved to toy with hearts to mindbreak his victims. The Plague Marine guy wasn't into that sort of thing, but we had him wishing that he had played a character who could indulge in lewds along the way.

Well, their zealous devotion to the Empra keeps them on the straight and narrow, but Sisters of Battle are basically using Ork-style collective psychic field powers for their "Acts of Faith".

Well, having someone or something to put your faith in apparently staves off corruption. Elfdar have their spirit stones, but it's their dedication to their paths which keeps them sane and coherent. In contrast, Dark Elfdar are just hedonistic BDSM slackers and their souls are constantly at risk of being nommed.
>Slaanesh is also the God of Excess, so the Sisters are indirectly worshipping Slaanesh with their obsession about Emprah.
Implying there is anything excessive about genociding cunts in the Emprahs name.

It's lagom as fuck.

>Games really need more creative and in depth erotic gameplay
I'm generally opposed to that sort of thing because it always ends up being an incredibly awkward attempt by writers/GMs/devs to shove sex into the product to appear more "mature". It just seems unnecessary, even if done reasonably well.

That said, everything I've written/designed/modded tends to be loaded with /d/egeneracy, so I guess I'm a giant hypocrite. Then again, it is usually
>purely for getting off to

>Sisters of Battle are basically using Ork-style collective psychic field powers for their "Acts of Faith".
That's always been a neat headcanon of mine. Are you saying it's actually true?

>Dark Elfdar are just hedonistic BDSM slackers and their souls are constantly at risk of being nommed.
That's why they feed Sluutnesh other peoples souls instead. They're indirect followers, in a way.
>That's always been a neat headcanon of mine. Are you saying it's actually true?
It's heavily implied to be that way; in Dark Heresy, faith powers cannot be taken in conjunction with psychic powers, sorcery or being Untouchable. So clearly it's acting on a psychic level of some sort and since the sisters need big groups for big Acts of Faith... well, it's like Orks mobbing up for a Waaaagh.

It's never actually flat-out stated, but it sure sounds like it!

>That's why they feed Sluutnesh other peoples souls instead. They're indirect followers, in a way.
Huh, that makes sense. Plus there's the whole "pursuit of perfection and sensation" part in Deldar society.
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>It's heavily implied to be that way
Guess all that headcanon I wrote down about it is wasted now that it turns out it was actually canon all along. Oh well.

>Huh, that makes sense.
Well, souls or pain or suffering or whatever. The lore has always been vague/inconsistent about what, exactly, a "soul" is.
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/tg/ takes over the thread yet again. It wouldn't be a problem if not the fact that it starts being much off-topic, hardly about /d/ and more about simply WH40K lore.
At least it's about hot nuns and the god of rape.
But WH40K is /d/.
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perfectly fine as long as they talk about fucking. Which isn't happening, unfortunately
Hey, I was talkin about a mechanicum chick I would fuck.
Wish I could find a picture of the assassin chick.
Her legs are bolted together at the ankles as part of her flight system.
Are there any anons who have played whore master on? I've got a few questions that I can't find answers to on pink petal. Does disposition affect anything and what do I need to avoid to being evil? I know torturing the girls yourself tips the scales, does hiring someone else to do it affect it as well? What do better accommodations affect? I assume happiness and I've noticed the girls with better rooms get less tired, but it might just be my imagination.
Is that a pregnant woman with a mustache? [spoiler]too /d/ for me[/spoiler]
Dear FCDev:
Please re-flavor the "corporation" part of Free Cities as something else, because you have no goddamn clue what a "corporation" is. You're using terms incorrectly and it really obscures the gameplay. None of the terms make any fucking sense and I struggle to understand exactly what you were envisioning with this. The way you have things set up is as bad as if an adventure game offered "sword" type weapons that were used exclusively for ranged attacks and "gun" type weapons that were used exclusively for bashing people over the head.

I can't really go into more detail because nothing makes any sense with the current labels-- you may as well have taken random terms from any field and assigned them at random to the terms in the game. I.e. if you replaced "corporation" with "art gallery" and "shares" with "paintbrushes" the game would probably make MORE sense because then the player wouldn't have a false impression that "the corporation" has anything to do with an actual corporation or financial markets.
>Possibility to make it become a solid bonus to a head girl's job, potentially even turning it into second head girl late-game?
Or maybe implanting your headgirl with cybernetic brain link to allow your AI to assume direct control when necessary?
Is autism /d/?
>I can't really go into more detail because nothing makes any sense with the current labels
You can and. in fact, maybe exactly that's why you should get into more detail. Pointing out why the current labels are used wrongly and how would they work used properly would be somewhat more useful.
probably just kali stepping all over a fat genderless avatar of some other god
/d/ is autism
autism is /d/
everything connected
true beauty
All this 40K is making me confused as to whether I should post lewd pics or pics of the Emprah
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Lewd pics of the Emprah?

Was checking my /tg/ folder for the lewdest picture I have and its got to be this.

There has to be somebody out there with a fetish for autistic chicks
FC Dev-

Expand the goddamned arena. At the very least let us set up a roster of fighters instead of only two. It gets annoying having to swap out two new fighters every week if I don't want one beaten to a bloody pulp.
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>Pointing out why the current labels are used wrongly and how would they work used properly would be somewhat more useful.
Pointing out why any particular label is wrong is kind of literally impossible. They just don't make sense when taken together. To use a more abstract example:
>The stock market invaded Germany today.
What does that mean?? Stock markets can't invade countries. Which word was used incorrectly? How do you get this sentence to make sense? It flat-out doesn't, unless you redefine half the words in the sentence.

If you want to see why it doesn't make sense you need to read a primer on corporations and stock.

(Note that this leaves out a lot of parts that are important IRL)
>Corp created by owners who give it money for shares at corp's creation.
>These first shares can be traded by the owners however they like, at any value.
>years later, once corp is profitable, demand for products begins to overwhelm corp's ability to produce or to increase prod. facilites
That is, the corporation wants to expand but it doesn't have the money it needs to do so.
>Corp offers Initial Public Offering (IPO), sells it's stock to the PUBLIC on an EXCHANGE (e.g. NYSE)
>Shares now have a REGULATED value, can only be bought or sold near previous price and all transactions reported to fed.
Joe Schmo can now call up his broker and ask to buy/sell stock in XYZ.
>Corp gets all the IPO money and uses it to expand their business, thereby increasing profits.

I could probably fill out two more full posts about how the "corporation" thing doesn't make any freaking sense but I hope it is at least obvious how large the disconnect is between a real corporation and the Free Cities "corporation".
My computer died last night and I have yet to determine the cause.
I will not be able to create new threads in the coming weeks so thank you for keeping the thread alive. I'll still follow the thread as always and update the pastebin on request.
Sex competitions dammit!

You must realize that unless you actually make suggestions people are just going to call you a faggot.
Which games have good impregnation content? I've been struggling to find decent examples recently.
>good impregnation content
Vitamin Quest
Violated Heroine
This >>6813432, it would help to know your criteria for "good" impregnation content.
FC Corporations make perfect sense to me. The Anon who's talking about the NYSE and regulated prices must be confused about what the fuck Free Cities is.

The only thing that's not realistic is all the restrictions on the number of shares you can buy and sell and issue - but that's obviously for gameplay balance.
Bump for this
Tech priests also use vats to grow babies in.
Why have a womb when you can have an extra power source? And who needs a cock when you can fit a laser there?
>I literally just watched Ex Machina. AI waifu is a good idea and cannot end poorly for anyone.
Just build her with big teddies and she won't be such a bitch. That's the problem, he made a bunch of skinny bitches not big teddie waifus.

Genius's's's's are not that smart.
At least try to be a bit subtle when you try to peddle your fetish - that way it may be at least funny when you'll be saying retarded things like AI turning dangerous due to not having a landwhale form.
>non-lethal fights
Oh lord, I want to fuck Supergirl in that picture.That Black Kryptonite ought to make it thee ultimate hatefuck.

Parasite in City.
Because HERESY, of course.

It's why hereteks/eroteks are the most fun. Who else gets to drop literal sex bombs on the enemy and stroll through the twitching, copulating masses?

Plus, I've already thought up lewd uses for all the specialty mechadendrites that exist.
dead thread
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>b is just a mirrored d
>therefore it is the opposite of d
>yfw the only post straight sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation
try posting an actual example instead of strawman bullshit
I'm amazed with a post this big and self-important you haven't actually pointed out the problems with the current system.
If it was so obvious it wouldn't be 'literally impossible' and you wouldn't have to make up some bullshit example about germany.
Even those ones that shoot fire or lasers?
Chill nigga, he was obviously joking. Didn't make me laugh, but not everything is an attack.
Is it time to shitpost about No Haven release date yet?
Sure. I think it's been a day or two, maybe. Make it extra spergy and outraged, please. I like those better than the passive-aggressive ones.
>Did you really not understand that analogy?
Your analogy was wrong, and it didn't apply at all because in your analogy you gave a specific example and what is wrong is the subject-verb agreement. With FC you just said that shit sucks. Say something specific or say nothing at all.
hello friend, this is a dumbfrogposter

What's the point of posting if you're not going to argue your point?

Just explain as an example any one aspect of the FC system that makes no sense, as simply as you can. If you understand it so well that should be easy.
faggot frogshitter
dead thread

Not how burden of proof works, m8.

You said "shit's wrong" and when people are like how you say "fuck you no spoonfeed". That's how to be an asshole, not how to actually do something.
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>there are less than half a dozen /d/ related images in this thread
>a whole lot of arguing though
Shit guys, get it together.
>decide to post an image with my comment >don't save porn so I have to look one up
>want something thematical
>nothing looks good
>realize I've spent more time looking for an image than thinking up and typing my comment
>don't post at all
At least some of the arguments where on topic this time
Might I recommend the 寄生, 触手, 悪堕ち and 洗脳 tags on pixiv. There's usually new stuff all the time and they are all very much /d/.
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I don't save pictures anymore

This all the time

There's a not porn game on steam called Unholy Heights, its a clicker managment game where you run an apartment block for monsters.
Its not notable for any kind of lewds in game because its all very chibi style graphics but there is this one thing.
One of the monster types is Succubus. Each monster type has a male and female, they can get married and have kids.
Both of the Succubus look female.
Picture related is one of the steam cards, for the Succubus.

Even not porn can be /d/ if you try hard enough
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Shit there was supposed to be an image with that.

I only save images I like the most and will usually quickly look a new one up if i want to add to a thread.
>steam cards
holy shit
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Deadly Beauty.jpg
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Good holy shit or bad holy shit?
There was 7 cards for this game, 4 were in this art style, the other 3 were in the chibi art style of the game.

yeah I sometimes scroll through pixiv looking for things I could post in the thread, but then its a case of, I've spent an hour looking for a picture and I can't remember what I was posting about.
That and I'm not always able to just casually scroll through pages of porn.
>you gave a specific example and what is wrong is the subject-verb agreement.
My autism has been triggered. Is this you, FCDev? Trolling me by throwing around terms that have nothing to do with what's actually going on, like you did in FC? For those of you with half a brain:
>Subject verb agreement simply means the subject and verb must agree in number. This means both need to be singular or both need to be plural.
That has nothing to do with a verb referring to a subject that cannot perform the verb. I'd recommend you kill yourself, but you're probably so dumb you'd try shooting yourself with a noose.

>not going to argue your point?
I already summarized how an IPO works (>>6813352). Where in that did you see any of the shit that's said in Free Cities? Right off the bat Free Cities gets it wrong with the player randomly throwing money at a company to persuade it to do an IPO. After that the player character's role in the company is completely indeterminable from the information provided. Why does the player direct how the company spends its money? Is the character the CEO? How? Shareholders have to vote in a CEO. CEO's can't just buy stock whenever they want. Buying shares should make the price go up, and you shouldn't be limited to an arbitrary amount (500/week). etc. etc.

There are LITERALLY THOUSANDS of articles on the internet explaining how stocks and IPO's work, yet you're still claiming I have some burden of proof? If you aren't willing to take 10 minutes to read an article and figure it out for yourself, you can fuck right off because I'm not your damn private tutor.

If the definition of "Subject verb agreement" were being debated, would you be claiming the burden of proof is on me to define it even though every goddamn English-grammar authority has a definition on their website?
I've often wondered if there was some sort of correlation to autism and fetishes, it's good to find some an answer.
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As someone using Tech-Priests in a lewd manner, please share. There is never enough ero-heresy happening.
>>The stock market invaded Germany today.
> What does that mean?? Stock markets can't invade countries.
>That has nothing to do with a verb referring to a subject that cannot perform the verb
Make up your damn mind already.
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Seriously, you stupid little shits, take fifteen fucking minutes and just read what a fucking IPO is! These article were written so YOUNG CHILDREN could understand the concept!

If you read those and STILL don't see anything wrong with FC's "corporation" thing, you are literal, honest-to-god, mental retards.
You're just asking for it now
>Right off the bat Free Cities gets it wrong with the player randomly throwing money at a company to persuade it to do an IPO
This doesn't even happen at all.
>After that the player character's role in the company is completely indeterminable from the information provided.
You act as the merchant prince leading the company. Why is this difficult for you to understand?
>Why does the player direct how the company spends its money?
Because he is the god-king of a mega-city in an apocalyptic world. Who the fuck is going to tell him what he can and can't do?
>Buying shares should make the price go up
Which is what happens.
>you shouldn't be limited to an arbitrary amount (500/week). etc. etc.
Right, it would be much better for you to just issue ten thousand shares to yourself arbitrarily. I can't see how that would ever have a negative impact on your stock prices.
>If the definition of "Subject verb agreement" were being debated, would you be claiming the burden of proof is on me to define it even though every goddamn English-grammar authority has a definition on their website?
You're doing this intentionally at this point, right? That's such a phenomenally bad analogy that I refuse to believe that you didn't make it as satire of the stupidity that you're projecting onto your opponents. A better example would be if you ran into a room with a copy of Lord of the Rings and said "THIS BOOK HAS SUBJECT-VERB DISAGREEMENTS IN IT, IT'S ABSOLUTE SHIT!" and when people there asked you to back up that claim you said "WOW YOU FUCKING RETARDS JUST LOOK UP WHAT SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT MEANS!!"
The definition of the situation was never brought into question; you never established that your claim's existence in the first place, so how do you expect anyone to take you seriously?

Also, you're a faggot.
Just call him a faggot and move on man, he obviously too autistic to be reasoned with or just baiting.
Let's start with the five basic mechadendrite types.

Ballistic:It's designed to hold a gun, but you can refit it to hold (electro)whips and the like for grabbing. I personally like weapons with alternate payloads like a hand flamer which fires aphrodisiac slime or a needle pistol (three guesses what kind of agent it's loaded with) or even something as simple as a web pistol for Spiderman-type binding at range.

Manipulator: The most notable feature of this thing is its gripper arm at the end; a proper erotek should be able to cushion it to cause no real damage to whatever prey you're stringing upside down and dangling in front of you. Use it to tweak body parts and rip off clothes; it may not be capable of fine manipulation, but tearing undergarments off hardly needs finesse.

Medical: The fact that it has a six-chamber injection piston rig is the big draw, but the chainscalpel attachment is very sharp and capable of the finesse needed for precision medical work... which also includes cutting the armor off squirming elfdar before you dose them up with arousal agent and will suppressant.

Optical: This mechadendrite is the longest and can narrow the most, making it ideal for insertions and probing around inside captives to see if they're properly oviposited. For extra fun, point out perfectly normal (if grotesque-looking) internal features and giggle about how well they're taking to aetheric energies.

Utility: Much like the Medical Mechadendrite, it contains a blade attachment and a six-chamber injection rig. Unlike the Medical Mechadendrite, it has a censer attachment, which any right-thinking erotek will refit to dispense the closest thing to soporific musk they can engineer.

The injector rig is typically used to apply Ligature Oil, which is also handy for oiling up captives as they fumble over their own skin after being dosed up with your lust-inducing toxin. You DID brew some up, didn't you? If not, off to the Chymistry labs with you!
Outside of the basic mechadendrite types, Exploration Mechadendrites are by far the most useful of the lot for erotic purposes, however. Loaded with sensors and "delicate collection pods", it should not take much to collect genetic material from your victims, and they're equipped to re-infuse them into other people!

Plasma Cutter Mechadendrites and Fyceline Torch Mechadendrites are basically specialized variants of Ballistic Mechadendrites, so we won't cover them.
/biz/ autism is the last thing I ever imagined to see on /d/
I guess that joke a few threads ago about tax fetish wasn't so far off after all
You're either stupid or you didn't pay attention when you played the game.

You create the company out of thin air and spend 30,000 bucks buying assets like mercenaries and shit for the company. You then sell 1000 out of 2500 total shares in the company to the public in order to raise even more money to buy more shit for the company.

Now your company uses those assets to generate a profit, which is distributed to the shareholders proportional to the number of shares they have, like in any real life corporation. You have the majority of the shares, so you make all the decisions, like in any real life company. You can also issue new shares to raise more money, like many companies do. If you feel like it, you can immediately buy up those newly issued shares for yourself, by outbidding the public for them, just like you could in real life.

What about this doesn't make sense to you?

The only thing that isn't clear in the game is why you're arbitrarily limited to 1000 shares per week. Gameplay balance is the obvious answer. But you can pretend you put that in some charter or contract for whatever reason and breaking it would ruin people's faith in you and your company..
Lord have mercy
Not that guy, but the second part was him pointing out how his example is not about subject verb agreement because subject verb agreement literally has nothing to do with the content.
He might be an autistic retard, but that part was actually correct.
>You can also issue new shares to raise more money, like many companies do. If you feel like it, you can immediately buy up those newly issued shares for yourself, by outbidding the public for them, just like you could in real life.
That part is actually not that simple. You may have to offer shares to the existing shareholders first and only when they decline to buy can you offer them to others or buy them yourself.
There are also decisions demanding the ones deciding to be disinterested and all that crap.
But I wouldn't expect any game to accurately depict US corporate law, especially not when it's not the focus. And I think people said you can place your arcology on different continents, so you would also have to account for all those other countries' corporate and security laws.
Now I haven't played FC (and don't intend to), but what you explained sounds like a fair way of simplifying this very complex matter and from my understanding you can't reasonably expect US (or any other country's) law to still be enforced, otherwise the whole setting wouldn't make a tiny bit of sense.
This. I'd also like a way to autohire expendable slaves for lethal fights, because they're a pain in the ass to manage. Even if you have a perfect warrior set up, you still have to buy a new slave every week and select the sacrifice.
Don't worry, I didn't think it was an attack and I possibly sounded made the comment worded a bit too strongly (my bad) but my point was that it wasn't funny and if he really needs to strawman with his fetishes, he needs to be more subtle.
>Both of the Succubus look female.
At least this time the persona ctually knew that succubi are by definition female (yes, I went there, sorry)
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I like it and want more of it. Less of an AI being a character (but it would be nice, too!) and more of it just having more events and some bigger role in the game, no matter if with sexy mode or not - and with ability to use it for one's own satisfaction.
True succubi cannot bear children, and you can't make a baby with two vaginas One of them has a penis, anon, the only question is who.
Does anyone know how to eat in Nimin? When I try using food from my inventory it just says "That slot is empty"
Is there a proper Teaching Feeling walkthrough out there? I keep fucking up.
You need to learn to FEEL your way through the game, anon - that is what the game tries to TEACH you.

Eh, eh, get it?

Right, I will go away now.
Remember the guy a couple months ago with a bureaucracy fetish? Maybe it's him.
I thought all you had to do was not rape.
Shouldn't be too hard.
Don't be a dick and don't rape her. Congrats you won, good job.
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You faggots haven't even SEEN autism yet, just you wait. It may not be this thread, it may not be next thread, but I swear I'm going to write an entire goddamn essay breaking this down so even your feeble minds can understand.
Are you that guy with the accounting fetish? Do you get triggered by
>time value of money
Don't be a massive retard and don't be a complete asshole. Can't do either? Find a different game.
I still find it fascinating how inept people can be at playing games or acting like a decent human being to actually fail that game.

>But I wouldn't expect any game to accurately depict US corporate law, especially not when it's not the focus. And I think people said you can place your arcology on different continents, so you would also have to account for all those other countries' corporate and security laws.

Yeah, not how a Free City arcology works. You are the law.
All nation-states have broken down in the Free Cities world and only city-states known as Arcologies exist. You could murder every man, woman, and child in your city and no one would say a word. Do you really think that shareholders would demand that you offer shares to them first?
Is second life considered /d/ ? I use to rp as a femboy.
please god no
I think there's a second life thread on /aco/
>Is second life considered /d/ ? I use to rp as a femboy.
It's an /aco/ thing now.

I have always been curious about Second Life but never actually checked it out.
For the love of god, stay away from it. You'll think everything's fine and dandy until you take a wrong turn at Northstar and never sleep again.
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Fun fact, those bikes have been made in real life.

Pardon the 3DPD.
wouldn't that hurt? Imagine if you hit a bump and that dildo punched the cervix?
It's probably a good idea to have a little bit of leeway to keep that from happening.
We really should add a tag for games that have no porn. I was pretty fucking pissed after playing Zombie for almost 2hours without finding any porn. Its a cool game, but come on man, i want jerk off.
But in my chinese books, punching the cervix makes women instantly orgasm
To be fair, in many chinese comics at some point doing nearly damn anything long or hard enough, painful or not, makes women orgasm.
Newfag here

Where do you find such game to play?
Magical camp got updated.
The pastebin-link at the top of this thread.
And... how we can mix the image with a name?
what makes you think that image is from a game?
Think I'll get the 20 dollar Trapquest patron this month, I did the 5 dollar earlier let me link that.
Hence me saying later in that very same post:
>from my understanding you can't reasonably expect US (or any other country's) law to still be enforced, otherwise the whole setting wouldn't make a tiny bit of sense.
But that guy was pretty much saying how FC's corporations are bullshit since they don't work like they would have to work under US law. The part you quoted was basically just to point out how his argument is already flawed by basing it on US law only, assuming that the laws of the country your arcology is based in apply and are still enforced in the first place.

Are you just ignoring the fact that this was in response to someone saying "just like you could in real life"? I was talking about how that is not how it works in real life.
And if you read my post again, you should be able to easily tell I am saying anything but that it has to work like it does in real life, which is what you seem to suggest I was saying. In fact, my stance was quite clearly the exact opposite of that.
Thank you anon. Not only for not posting the unlock, but for not being a faggot like that other guy who *claims* to offer donator unlocks but only if you break his super duper secret code.
Dead thread.

Any other secret /d/evs out there?
Did someone post the code for the new $20 one? I got the old one from someone posting the code, if you didnt figure it out I could give it to you tomorrow
Sure anon, like all the other times you claimed you were going to post it, and posted nothing or a dummy code instead.

If you have it you'll post it, otherwise, you need to come up with some new ideas for trolling. No one's going to believe a promise of delivering the TrapQuest code after the 3rd or 4th false promise of doing so.

Maybe try putting up fake links to the TiTS backer build instead?
I cant use my computer now. If youre talking about the guy who posted it like 2 months ago with 2 characters missing I found it out in a few minutes.
Not sure if you're talking about someone else.
>8836 possibilities with just ASCII characters, nearly infinite when you consider all of Unicode
>I found it out in a few minutes
You can't expect him to be an adept troll if he's used the same bait three or four times in a row.
Pretty adept if you're still mad after a month.

Am that anon, I admit I wanted to fuck with people a little but, but I never said or wrote anything that wasn't true, the "original" top donator code is still 2512092. Doesn't unlock anything from march through may, what it unlocks is a bunch of debug commands and some other stuff I forget. Haven't posted the march code yet because you're so afraid of being "trolled" that you wouldn't take the 5 seconds to test if the code is real or not. I guess I really am the master ruseman.

The five dollar code is still 8008135, for the too lazy to open the mega file.

What about the wording suggested I was angry anon? I just pointed out that there have been multiple posts of people claiming they were going to post the code, and didn't follow through. In fact, just the very last thread we had someone >>6810220

But I guess pointing out factual statements might seem like being angry if you're projecting.
>still mad
Obvious sign of a shitposter. Shitposters are the only ones who arbitrarily accuse people of being angry because it's the only way they can build their pathetic arguments.
Never made myself out to be a 100% quality poster, senpai.
>Openly admitting to trolling when a global rule prohibits it

welp >>6815563 was right he's not the brightest tool in the shed. While most trolls do get away with it, it's usually because they don't outright state they're trolling in their post. Or maybe he's just behind a proxy and doesn't care about a 3 day vacation.
Its only numerical nigga
>doesnt unlock anything from march through may
It does for some, definitely not the recent debug commands. Not going to say more cause I know aika lurks these threads
Do you have the new 20 dollar one?
I do but we'll see if I get banned for "trolling" first.
Does anyone know exactly what 2512092 unlocks? I wanna know :3
Anyone know any forced bimbo games like trapquest, whorelocks revenge, stuff like that?
You won't. People have broken bigger rules here before and haven't gotten banned. You only get banned in this thread if you complain about moderation.

Same thing as >>6815509, but that link is a newer version.
It unlocks the endings (not sure if 3.1 makes the cumwalk one only available to the new one), consensual sex, some debug commands, some classes
Nope,2512092 is 20 dollar, the one ypu quoted is 5 dollar (only unlocks undo and keriax window
Like I said not able to use my computer until tomorrow so I can wait
Thats the may 20 dollar one?
Anon delete this post before Aika sees. She'd be able to figure out which person you are based on the timestamps and who last subscribed.
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That's not how patreon works anymore
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$20 TrapQuest link for those who missed it.

Yeah I panicked when anon told me to delete my post. Then another anon said that that's not how patreon works anymore.
I'm not sure what the "that's not how paetron works anymore" anon means, but theoretically Aika could just check the timestamp of the post where you go, "I'm about to upgrade to the $20 version" and cross-reference the timestamps of payments received to find your exact name and/or credit card and blacklist it.
Anyone got a list of all of the $20 donator stuff?
Start working on your core features and make a placeholder UI. Because this is a management game, your UI will eventually be super important to making the game fun, but you should make at least the core chunk of your game before you go heavy into UI design.

The reason you should hold off is because you're going to be wrong about all sorts of shit you were planning on and you're going to have to change a bunch of stuff in order to make an actually good game instead of the one you planned. This isn't a dig against you. It's just the reality of making games.
>The author has played several otherwise good H-Games in which it can be hard to parse exactly what the flavor descriptions mean in terms of stats. Therefore, this game will usually flag stat impacts in descriptions by means of colored text.
I wish more games did this,or at least stated what stats actually do. In-game documentation would also be great to see more often.
i don't know if that works since you could in theory just blacklist tons of people based off a random post on a message board, just to force people to rebuy it with another card if they want updates ever again
What are some newer mind control/enslaving games, either finished or unfinished.

I'm mainly thinking about stuff with larger rosters of enslavable characters. I guess something similar to Harem Collector or Overwhored.

Also, there's one game I played a long time ago which had this concept and is still probably my favorite game with this concept. It was in Japanese and made with RPG Maker. You were some masked knight and it was a SRPG. You can capture enemies on the map, and bring them into your hideout. Captured enemies had they own jail cells, and you could go in and corrupt them to add them to your team, and the character portraits would actually show the corruption. I remember there being a decent amount of monster girls.

Maybe I'm remembering some details wrong, but that was the just of it.Just wondering if anyone knew what that game was called.
I know something like that but your main (or at least starting) character was a tentacle.

Aside from that, the only games I can currently think of which are about enslaving and recruiting many characters to your cause are RAGS games (mind control is generally a rather popular theme in the west, probably mostly becase of communities like hypnopics).
I think the anon is right - I don't see why a patreon wouldn't be able to refuse someone's subscription - even without a reason, simply refusing service as long as they don't do so immediately after acquiring money. And surely there shouldn't be much problem with cutting off a patron on grounds of that person using their access to illegally propagate restricted content.

So yeah I am pretty sure that if Aika would really see and give a crap about it, and someone would really share some personized link allowing identification, they could suffer for it.
I'm pretty sure the main character was a knight.
But that does remind me.
I'm pretty sure every capturable character had multiple scenes, and one scene always involved some various monster/creature raping her.

I'm aware of RAGs games, and their some are enjoyable, but there just aren't that many with anime artwork.
Based anon.
Tell me what kind of /d/ you like when you post the link and I'll dump it.
aw shit, should've read the thread.
Not gonna lie, this is my fetish. Hard. Got any sauce links?
look in the image i posted earlier dated yesterday
i had deleted it earlier because some people spooked me
There are several JAVs with same idea if you like Japanese girls. Should be able to check JAV library and find the codes, and from there, shouldn't be too hard to find the videos.

If you don't have any luck, I could probably help you later.
I can't tell who 'you' are if you are anonymous and what 'yesterday' is if we are in different time zones.
>I'm aware of RAGs games, and their some are enjoyable, but there just aren't that many with anime artwork.
You may try Me Against the World or some such - buggy; writing is utter shit and yet, somehow, the game is fun. Got anime artwork. Basically a crossover of walking around the world and turning characters from different anime into your minions, supporting you and your base on the quest of revenge and taking down evil government.
I like how she's all sweaty at the end. As if she's been riding it non stop for ten or fifteen minutes. It's pretty hot.
Any new trap games? As in being a trap
>Any new trap games? As in being a trap
Magical Camp got an update if that is up your alley
I actually was playing Magical Camp for a while, whats the update?
Thread replies: 255
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