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Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1477
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Thread replies: 255
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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Previous Thread:
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Read the Bible. Work hard and honestly. And don't complain.
How many pages of Yotsuba will you read today?
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Reposting from last thread.

Finished going through the CoR's links.

Damage report on the mass deletion that occurred last night:
- 漫画: 336 of the 897 manga were deleted (561 remaining)
- 小説: A few text format LNs and one of the collections at the top. I may of missed a few when going through and marking, but most of the dead text format LNs can be found in the collections at the top though since that's where they came from, so it's not as bad as it looks. If anyone happened to download the missing collection pack at the top, then feel free to upload that because that basically means we lost nothing in the 小説 tab.
- 映画: Most of the movies were deleted
- 教本: All in One Learning Pack and the DoJG deck mega link (also includes individual entry note scan images and an index PDF)

The manga was really the only big hit (I doubt the movie tab was used much compared to the other tabs), but it's not too bad compared to the previous times he's done this. I'm sure someone has backups of the DoJG stuff and the learner pack.

Again, if anyone has a backup of the missing LN pack (named "AWZ3/EPUB/MOBI Collection" in the CoR and the one next to it, but pretty sure that one was just the other collections merged into one), then if you re-upload that, that essentially means we lost pretty much nothing in the 小説 tab.

tl;dr - It's not too bad. If you have missing stuff, upload it and send it to feedback.
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It's fine to take a break every now and again.
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Might as well ask here but what does it say, my jap isn't good enough yet. I only know that I have to start it up again but after what?
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Reminder we will all surely become fluent
After you learn the pleasure of being cummed inside
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Reposting this a last time before I'll get around to finishing everything up and implementing it on sunday.

Please leave a comment in the guide if there's anything regarding a specific part of it (e.g. wording in some phrase, a dead link etc). If you have anything you want to ask or discuss or just say I'll be glad to talk about it here, or you can send me an email.


Happy learning.
You got a couple comments in the feedback form. You should have edit access to respond to them (use the Newfag tab to respond, the ReverseSort tab just echos that and sorts it / changes the date format)
Ah yes, I remember seeing your email this morning.

Thanks, I'll get back to you soon.
No big deal, was just making sure you saw it.
The time setting on your device is different than the actual time. If the time is incorrect, sometimes some options like the ranking are not reflected correctly. Please set the correct time, and restart the application.
>I can't be frozen I'm scared

that's not right, is it?

no understando japanizu please english
I still don't understand what 夢中 is supposed to mean in a non-erotic sentence.
When you so passionate/enthusiastic about something, that you are almost 'forget about yourself'.
Just look up the English definitions of daze, trance, ecstasy, delirium and/or engrossment.

If you don't know how these words work in English in a non-sexual context then you need to brush up on your English.
what happened to the cornucopia? did the owner freak out again?

Did I get that right?
Yeah, it's the same guy who was trying to get DJT banned earlier.
I don't see anything wrong with it?
why does this keep happening? i thought we specifically spread the links out through a bunch of accounts held by different people for this specific purpose
Not the guy who maintains the CoR, just a guy who uploaded a lot of the stuff that was in it.

From last thread:
>The guy who flipped out over the Sakura image, the guy who was spamming fake DJT threads and spamming the previous thread thread before it with fake questions/posts, the guy who "maintained" the DoJG and argued over the formatting and stuff constantly, and old CoRくん who deleted all of the CoR's contents on two different occasions when DJT made him mad before? They're all the same person.
>And the /qa/ thread. He also made the /qa/ thread.

Notice written at the top of the CoR:
>Note: A large chunk of the links have been removed by the individual who uploaded them. If you have backups, feel free to upload and submit them. Dead links marked in red at the bottom of the sheet.
Which is why all of the stuff he didn't upload is still fine. It's not nearly as bad as it was the last two times.
Well, it's better than getting fucked with copyright strikes. Fuck him, though. I helped set the thing back up last time he pulled this, and I've uploaded some of my own stuff to it as well.
The stuff you uploaded should still be there at least. A bit of a shame how much is gone if no one has backups, though.
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Is it any of these?
Which DoJG guy were you referring about? The guy that made a recent revision to the DoJG deck format, or the guy who endlessly complained about DoJG format?
I'm guessing the latter. This guy seems to have some weird power trip complex about DJT.
That can't be right

The CoR maintainer is super cool
For example, I have low retention on the word 輪郭 because it's the only word in my whole deck with 郭, I barely see 郭 while reading (if ever really), etc. So that's where I think problems arise in pure mining decks. There's got to be care taken for the scattered kanji that appear in just one word in your deck.
Do you guys bother memorizing stroke order when learning kanji? I know the general rules, more or less, but I figure I'm probably never going to handwrite Japanese. I barely handwrite anything in English.
Nah it wasn't him. There have been multiple maintainers over time, the current one isn't the one who did this.
>The CoR maintainer is super cool
Uh no? He argued all the time and was very unpleasant to other people. Dude did a good thing but unfortunately we all fall prey to out individual failings and his failing is being argumentative, and subsequently nasty if it goes on too long.
What's the 15GB manga and LN rips?
where did you get the azw3 novels? Mind sharing?
At least he can't hurt us as badly as he could before. We will persevere.
I only learn a kanji stroke order if I intend on writing that kanji, which is extremely rare for me.

However the kanji I've memorized the stroke order for have become completely engraved into my subconscious as a result. So I think it's a good tool for memorizing kanji if you're willing to put in the effort.
Are you mixing me up with someone else / one of the old CoR maintainers? Someone last thread was mixing me up too.

I think the first 2 are the collections at the top that are still there. Not sure about 小説.zip or the 16gb zip though.
To the anon in the last thread who was all "wha kanji have more than 1 reading?"

Read through these pages, it helps put things into perspective a bit.
Cool. Some people also said in #1475 that the guy that is actively against imouto is also the same guy. Is that true or was that a wrong guess?
I have 205 GB of cor stuff backed up, mostly manga. It's all I got before my ISP blocked me from downloading from mega. I can't figure out how to show a list of all titles though since there's so many
I was referring to the original CoR guy which is who I thought he was referring to.
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Looking inside it, seems to be the AWZ3/EPUB/MOBI Collection, or at least contains it, there's some raw manga and light novels in epub(renamed to .rar).
Sure, will probably take a while thanks to my 3rd world internet.
>It's all I got before my ISP blocked me from downloading from mega.
That can happen?
Nobody really knows, but following the general "overly negative and bitter anon who wastes their time posting as such" style...
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I will be eternally grateful for you uploading this, didn't know there was kindle format shit on the CoR!
I downloaded all 205 gb in a couple afternoons, and for a month after that they limited my speeds to extremely low. Maybe I hit one of those invisible caps. Anyway, I didn't move on to download the rest because a month of dogshit speeds was annoying and they may be watching me now.
Oh, that's just something that Mega does. I don't blame you for being paranoid though.
That looks to be the folder that got deleted. If that gets re-uploaded to a mega folder (just like that should be fine since that's how it was before), then everything from the LN tab should be back (most if not all of the dead links in the LN tab are also in that collections, so if you want to re-do the links to those too you can, but it's not really a big deal).
Looking back, I should've do more Anki or reading than reading some of those arguments in real time. Well, live and learn I guess.
No, I mean, my speed for other websites went to shit too.
Or wait, you meant your entire internet speed. Damn, that's shit. Who's your ISP?
I just look up every new kanji on jisho and add the most common words to internalize it better
I was just extrapolating though, at the time there was news in my state of invisible data caps hitting people.
Anyone need me to upload a torrent of the azw3 shit somewhere?
Oh nevermind looks like somebody is uploading already
Do you mean the 15GB folder in >>139086107 ? That would be great. There's a ~500MB collection of azw3 files still in the CoR:

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What I've got looks like this. As you can see I started putting them into folders but holy fuck it's so tedious and it'll probably take multiple hours. Any idea on how to coordinate identifying which missing manga I have?
I have this
Why is it 朝ご飯 instead of 朝御飯?
It's both
The missing manga are all at the bottom of the manga sheet, but beyond making some script that compares the filenames to a list, I'm not sure.
So, radicals do indeed represent letters? DJT has been lying to me all along.
Well, bad news. It seems every single one of those manga were added after I did my download spree (or something) because I have literally none of them.
Radicals /can/ indicate on reading, but it's not consistent. There's several layers of distortion between the components and the on reading:

1) Only one, if any, of the atomic components in a kanji might indicate its on reading, and the rest are noise
2) Atomic components usually build bigger components which slightly deviate, recursively, and then the character itself deviates from the biggest one
3) Time changes all.
how long do the kataganas take?
We would need that if >>139086107 isn't uploading his 15GB file. Are you, >>139086107-kun?
This much ( )
on windows do dir "path to manga" on linux/mac ls -l "path to manga"
to get it in txt form
I am >>139086107 >>139087168
Currently uploading the 15 GB file but alas, this is probably gonna take at least half a day to upload.
How do you save that to output?
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I meant, I am >>139086107 >>139086107
No, I think he's uploading it already.
right click and copy paste or add " > c:\path\list.txt " to redirect to file (without quotes)
btw > will create/overwrite to file
while >> will create/append to file

Well, here's the data http://pastebin.com/t5X95vNJ

I checked 40~ some of the missing manga and had none so I assumed I had none in general. But if anyone wants to double check be my guest
Would the meaning stay the same if you removed 一日? Since she opens with 今日も
I found one, AKIRA. None of the others I checked randomly though.
I've got to go now so I dont have time to upload it but I'll check back and see if I have anything else.

>Today, too, is one (more) day I'll do my darndest!
>Today, too, I'll do my darndest!

Guys I really need some help with something

The context is that there's this wife (さおり) and she's cheating on her husband with his brother (健二),
the brother's currently fingering her asshole (and pretending that he's just examining her hence the 調べる)


The first part that confuses me is the "主人にも健二さんにも!"
I'm guessing the ばれる is being used because it can mean to leak secrets or to like leak shit everywhere? But why would anything be getting leaked to 健二 since he's right there

And then after he says "何がばれるって?" obviously meaning "what will leak out?", but then she replies with "さおりのアナルは" which makes no sense to me

Also later on she says that her asshole is 普通. Sorry for the massive post but I just can't figure it out

Is the "・・・ばれちゃう・・・・" internal monologue or is all of this spoken? And the first bit is by the wife, yes?
I assume it's spoken, and yeah the first bit is the wife, middle is the brother, last bit is the wife again
Yeah I can't even tell who's saying what
Any good books / exercises / Anki decks to get my particles and transitive / intransitive pairs straight? Listening and reading isn't a big problem, but speaking is kind of hard.
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Yeah sorry about that, here's the pic if it helps more, had to censor it a little bit
do people fap to this

>I'm guessing the ばれる is being used because it can mean to leak secrets or to like leak shit everywhere?

I don't think ばれる is used in that sense of "leak".

I think it means this, more or less. This is just a guess, mind you, I am no expert.

>I'll be found out...
>With my husband, and with 健二 too! (That I'm fucking them both)

>Ehehehe, what'll be found out, exactly? (Playing dumb)


What the fuck nigger.
That guy looks like an Initial D character
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>that bend
Did he break her bones?
Why on earth would you read that?
To each their own.
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That's fucking grotesque.
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Holy fuck /a/non, i haven't burst out laughing from a spoiler in a while
It's not for me, I'm translating it for someone, I thought it was pretty fucked up at first too.
I've fapped to it like 5 times though just because of the plot

Yeah I guess that's a possibility, how would that relate to her going on to talk about her asshole though, and saying that it's 普通? I'm really lost, this is the last part I need to do too
I'm still laughing tb.h.
C'mon guys can't you use your combined Japanese powers to help me out, someone must know what it means
Just make something up if you're translating for someone else, how are they going to tell the difference
Yeah I thought that but it's surprisingly hard to just pull some random shit out my ass, guess I don't have a choice

I can't even make out the kanji for the tears in the my eyes.
There are many good reasons to learn Japanese
This is not one of them

>Surprisingly hard to just pull some random shit out my ass

He seems to be having the same problem with her
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Sometimes the language in bad porn is not the most sensical.
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just fucking go with what >>139088711 said

>I'll be found out...
>With my husband, and with 健二 too! (That I'm fucking them both)
>Ehehehe, what'll be found out, exactly? (Playing dumb)

and then she goes

>"the fact that my ass is actually a train that stops at every station"

>"the fact that my ass is actually a train that stops at every station"

Here i am trying to learn Japanese when i should've been putting my English to good use instead.
>With my husband, and with 健二 too! (That I'm fucking them both)
this is obviously wrong though
It's all good I just made up some shit, still sounds retarded but that was only a little part of the whole thing anyway
I assume that she is a naive housewife and thinks that 健二 is actually a proficient ass doctor. Thus she fears that the condition of her asshole will be exposed.
I would like a list all of the cards from core 2k6k, like in a pastebin or something, that is easy to read and look at (so not through anki). Is there something like this available anywhere? Or perhaps I could make it myself?

The reason I'm asking is because I'd like to take a break from doing new cards sometimes soon (I'm around 50% in) because I feel like I need one (just a few days though) but first I'd like to analyze the full list and where it'd be best to stop (since words are ordered in a specific way depending on Kanji etc - if you follow me?). Thanks.
Export the deck notes as txt
Holy shit in a way this actually makes the most sense
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>the fact that my ass is actually a train that stops at every station

Added this to my Core2k/6k deck. I wonder where I'll be when I next read it.
Thanks. It looks like shit though.
That'll fuck up the srs system, but you can do so with an add-on called export to text or something like that.
I'd rather not then, I'll just do with the .txt.

If no one does it though I'd make a clean pastebin with a vocab list of core 2k6k for DJT once I'm done. Could be handy.
Fields are separated by tabs, so you can just copy paste it into most spreadsheet editors.
He said it would fuck up the srs system as in the psychology of it. He'sd also wrong.
I've been wanting the same thing, so I made this:

Can you change it to not be a giant table? Giant tables make firefox lock up for several seconds.
Here's a bare wordlist, if that's what you want. http://pastebin.com/4LJampAv

If you're just starting out, then yes do it. After like 200 kanji, you'd know the stroke order by heart.
Not for every kanji, but whenever a fucked up one comes up I do.
It makes counting strokes much easier.
>That'll fuck up the srs system

He's still doing reps, just not new cards. It would work fine (assuming he still does reps)
Who's this Jamal guy?
Is the spammer dead yet?
Out of curiosity how long did it take most of you to be able to watch anime without subs? Say I put aside 2 hours a day for 3 months for learning, would I be semi-competent?

You can separate the new CoR links from the old ones by the link in the rightmost corner. The new ones (which you would not have) have ja wikipedia links, while the old ones have googl links. I checked all of the googl ones and found you have the following deleted manga:


The vast majority of deleted manga is stuff that was just added a few months ago.
>Out of curiosity how long did it take most of you to be able to watch anime without subs?
At least 100 animes
>Say I put aside 2 hours a day for 3 months for learning, would I be semi-competent?
Do you mean no more than 2 hours of Japanese each day for 3 months from the very beginning?

Because if you do, then LMAO NO
Listening comprehention for gaijin is near impossible unless you either live in Japan or truely cover yourself in Japanese (I mean listenint to Japanese 24/7, the same as you would your mother tongue)

That's why the vast majority here just read VNs and mango, it's far easier than having to listen to super fast nip speak.
Why is the "g" sound pronounced similarly to "n" in some sentences in the core6k deck? For example:
It's clearly "higashi" and not "hinashi", but it's not really a hard "g" sound. Has anyone else noticed this?
What a good resource to get started with Kanji?
It's ŋ

>Listening comprehention for gaijin is near impossible
That's dogshit. I'm just half a year in and I can understand a reasonable amount.
Not WaniKani.
Because it isn't a hard G sound like we have in English.


>/ɡ/ may be weakened to nasal [ŋ] when it occurs within words — this includes not only between vowels but also between a vowel and a consonant. There is a fair amount of variation between speakers, however. Some, such as Vance (1987), have suggested that the variation follows social class; others, such as Akamatsu (1997), suggest that the variation follows age and geographic location.
It's called 鼻濁音
>I'm half a year in and I know what "baka" means when they say it in my anime!

sure thing
I see, thanks.
You guys don't make this easy
Use both. Wanikani and something that isn't Wanikani. That's the only way to be sure.
The second quote is basically wrong though. Or at least not applicable here
Read the new guide that's being wrapped up if the current guide isn't clear enough >>139084136
Basically boils down to RTK, KD, and a couple others depending on your needs and preferences.
If you can't handle contradicting dualities existing at the same time you can't learn Nippongo.
Idk, mate. Maybe your problem is that you're a dumb anglo whose head can't handle foreign sounds.
What is she saying?

It CAN be a hard "g" sound in some cases, correct?
How many languages do you speak? Maybe it has something to do with that. I can speak 2 and can easily write down almost any word I hear in Nipponese.
I don't know the exakt IPA representation, but yea.
Did you look at the blog post? There are recordings that show the different pronunciations.
Two, and I've studied a few others.
>They're all the same person.
Hard to buy this -- the spamming superautist is anti-general.
He claimed to be CoR-kun 2 threads ago when he was spamming fake questions and imouto posts, and shortly after that is when stuff started getting deleted. It's the same person.
The guy who through a fit when people complained about the sakura image is also anti-general judging by the /qa/ thread he made, and he claimed not to be the spammer (although who knows if that is the case)
No, those are indices into the dictionary.
I actually owned that giant dictionary back in the old days. It's completely obsolete now with online radical lookup, handwriting recognition, denshi jisho's, etc.
Is there any difference between 髪 and 髪の毛? Both mean hair, don't they? Is one of them more formal than the other?

What about 方 and 方向?
He got mad and decided that DJT was anti-anime and no longer belonged on /a/ when people rejected his Sakura image.
I don't think that's CoR-kun since CoR-kun was originally from koohii and therefore would not have so much of a problem with a place that is more about japanese learning than anime
He also said stuff old CoR-kun would have disagreed with. Either CoR-kun has seen some serious shit, or it's "just the new DoJG guy" trying to bastardize our opinion of the old CoR guy. Which I think is even more likely, because the "new DoJG guy" used to shit on the CoR.
Original anon asking here, thanks it's perfect!
Is anyone else studying Japanese formally?

I started at one of the best Uni's for Japanese in the UK last year. Although it probably wasn't very competitive.

I knew a little before starting but the pace is so quick I was learning new things after the first couple of weeks. It was also tough learning to write by hand but I can write about 350 kanji by now and can recognise maybe 500.

The exams are mostly translation between both languages and an essay question in Japanese. Every week we have an assessed essay question and grammar homework. I'm also taking various elective modules in things like economics and history.

I've lost all interest in Chinese cartoons since I would rather spend time studying the language directly. And I made friends with a Japanese exchange student that always answers my grammar questions.

Hopefully I can land a cushy gaijin job and have a cute hafu daughter.

Is this pasta?
First thing I thought upon seeing that but google doesn't give anything.
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That's cool, I spoke with my professor today about the best methods for learning, memorizing, and making sure you have the basic vocabulary structure for the language you are studying.
He told me that there was no one method fits all, but that there are general techniques; so I brought up a question of pace. Again - a matter of personal comfort and the ability to maintain the lifestyle as it fits.

He recommended me some journals to read, and when I mentioned WaniKani, his face lit up. He said he wanted to include it in our beginning year, but that the faculty couldn't purchase the right to distribute the service at a discounted price.

I told him that some people I was learning Japanese with on an internet forum thought WaniKani was far too slow. He scoffed at this, and the idea of anki as well. He told me that WaniKani is highly useful for a solid start, and the method used in it has been a great success worldwide.

I agree with him, but what do you reckon. I mean, he IS a language professor, and the idea that he'd skimp out on a dedicated language degree is absurd.
Most SoL I can watch them just fine. Not 100% understanding, but I can watch them and understand them enough to get by. For action, fantasy series I give up. The tech terms are too much for me.

I mean Wanikani isn't BAD, but it doesn't give you the freedom that Anki does.
I have read this somewhere before.
>He scoffed at this, and the idea of anki as well

Aren't wanikani and anki basically the same thing, just with more flexibility offered by the latter?
It's almost like people fall for obvious bait
I recognize this pasta. I've seen it here with RTK and a few other things, but it's posted rarely enough that only people who read pretty much every thread (or happened to read the ones it was posted in) and have been here for at least a few months are going to recognize it.
Because he's a language professor doesn't mean he's necessarily "correct".

It's also retarded of him to be negative about anki considering it's a superior tool in everyday way to WK.

Seriously this is stupid.
>He told me that WaniKani is highly useful for a solid start, and the method used in it has been a great success worldwide.
Doesn't prove anything, people (to not say normies) in everyday life do the stupidest dumb shits and have done so for decades. It's not exactly a stat that should automatically be regarded as a positive one - or at the very least not the main one - when handing an argument about language learning.
Fuck I pressed the enter the second I saw your post. >>139096308
Hello everyone, I am looking for some games, preferably in the nes or snes that are written only in japanese (preferably hiragana and katakana only) for practice purposes.
Ideally a game where the text helps for progress, to help me having no choice but to understand what the game says.
Any suggestions ?
>(preferably hiragana and katakana only)
Why would you do this to yourself? There is no point playing games like those, it's just a torture and won't teach you proper (read : adult) Japanese.

Anyway if you insist then Pokémon games are probably what you want.
shadowgate on the famicom
>preferably hiragana and katakana only
wew lad
try final fantasy 1-6
I don't know all of the usual kanjis yet, it would seem like to be too much of an hassle. But I'm open to suggestions.
Thanks, I'll look it up
You won't know them either if you avoid them like the plague.
You'll still need to know vocab to play kana-only games, and the best way to learn kanji is by learning vocab. Do the math.
>WaniKani was far too slow. He scoffed at this
>he IS a language professor

Considering most colleges take 2 years to finish Genki I+II, I don't trust their opinion on pace.
The thing is I don't avoid them like the plague. I am currently studying them in parallel with Anki. But I don't want to have to look up every Kanji if I play a game. But for now I still want to be immersed in a japanese-only environment and have no choices but to try to understand what is said.
It's something I want to do to "have fun while studying at the same time" and it's not my main mean of studying. And if I can manage with a hiragana / katakana only game, nothing will stop me to go seek for more advanced game.
can you just let this kid play video games and relax
Now you look a fool!
>play video games and relax
There's a board for that.
It's not /v/
I think I recall it being posted another time with another method/resource, but I guess that's in the gap that was never recovered.
Enlighten me.
You can tell the authors get paid per character.
theres even a cool thread there >>>/vr/3088172 that can maybe help this dude >>139096462 though he probably should play shadowgate anyway

theres even actual good advice posts in it >>>/vr/3089632

for shame djt boys
i appreciate that you counted the こくs for the filename
What tools do you guys personally use?

KanjiTomo and TA with ITH for me
>that "language instructor"
god damn i feel bad for the anons unaware of just how wrong he is
Anki and Ankidroid
ITH into browser window and rikai. Sometimes draw kanjis into google translate
This http://pastebin.com/raw/DgZ84qwk and Anki. I don't really read manga because finding weekly raws is too annoying and I prefer mining words with the full sentence they were from. Will probably try manga for leisure when I don't have to look up words often.
Anyone else here studied at the university and is now finally making progress thanks to this stupid general?
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>calling djt stupid

You don't deserve the blessed guide created by Zeus himself, go back to your shitty useful phrases you normie scum
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Yeah, how dare he call this pinnacle of sophisticated- >>139088647

Which university did you study at?
>a single post == a general

anon ur a baka m8
For manga, haruka-yumenoato and manga-zone among others. Have fun.
>among others
I mean, if it's somewhere you get weekly manga / manga often that isn't available on the other two, feel free to share.

Thanks though.
What magazine do you want to check out specifically?
If it's too much of a pain / too many sites you don't have to, I was more just asking in general.
>50 new words a day
>still can't understand children's shows without looking up words
Okay in general, what magazine are you looking forward to check every week?
How many words into core2k/6k are you? How many are mature?
Right now not anything because I'm not reading manga and it's been a while since I've tried. That's why I was just asking in general what sites you check for various things / if you had a list to post.
2625 mature, 3606 total for core2k/6k
I know I shouldn't expect to understand things properly before finishing 6k though, just whining.
should I wait to learn vocab until after I learn radicals or is it ok to learn vocab alongside radicals?
sorry to sound like a fucking moron, but I've been doing that all in one Japanese pack with Japanese The Manga Way, Tae Kim and the anki decks (kana, gramma, vocab, kanji) along with Kanjidamage's Kanji deck because I like their mnemonics

my question is: is there something out there that will teach me kanji combinations such as 出口 = entrance, 牛乳 = cow's milk, etc as I learn the kanji? this was one of the functions I liked about wanikani
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Speak for yourself. I took two weeks off and basically my entire vocabulary went down the drain. 2 years and nearly 20000 words wasted. Couldnt get a single thing right in anki. Had to go back to realkana and everything.
Isn't that what vocab does? Not used WankiKani so not quite sure what you mean.

Do both, no reason not to.
thanks senpai
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>just 2 weeks off
>had to go back to realkana

f-fuck anon you're scaring me. I couldn't imagine regressing that much in two weeks.
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Well, at least you've learned your lesson now.
How is that even possible?
I took a 5 month break(I just gave up learning Japanese, actually.) and still knew the kana after, are you okay anon?
Not him, I don't lose it that fast thanks to constant Japanese interaction via anime, but I was in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I think I forgot almost every word in my reps once I was finally able to do them again. It took me a month or two to get back to where I was before, and I could only do one or two new words a day until then.
At the bottom of haruka-yumenoato you can find a list of other websites.

> Isn't that what vocab does?

The guide tells me to read through both JtMW and Tae Kim before even trying to open vocab, which means I should have at least two weeks worth of kanji learned. I'm doing both the kanji deck included in the pack and the Kanji Damage kani deck (I think this one's easier to learn).

Should I start the vocab deck anyways?
Than whats the point? Anything worth reading is translated. 99% of us started because we want to watch anime without glancing down every 2 seconds, or want to watch episodes without waiting for subs or worrying if they are over-localizing.
Hospital stay was 9 days by the way, a bit less long than him. I think a month and over and you lose most of what you learned if you have no interaction.
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Man I used to be a Trump supporter until I saw that post, now I'm a Cruz missile.
He is talking out of his ass. Japanese phonology is one of the most easiest there is. If you get enough exposure (not 24/7) you will be fine.
>Anything worth reading is translated
This is my least favorite EOP justification meme.

>99% of us started because we want to watch anime without glancing down every 2 seconds, or want to watch episodes without waiting for subs or worrying if they are over-localizing.
No. Learning Japanese purely for anime is stupid and I imagine that group is vastly in the minority even on /a/.
>The guide tells me to read through both JtMW and Tae Kim
Either you misunderstood something or the guide is retarded
I think it probably depends on how far along you are and how solidified things have gotten in your long-term memory. I took about 3 weeks off at one point and apart from having a mountain of reps when I returned my retention rate didn't change that much.
>No. Learning Japanese purely for anime is stupid and I imagine that group is vastly in the minority even on /a/.
I knew all the cancer overflowing /a/ was coming from /pol/
>Anything worth reading is translated.

Should have stopped reading there tbqbhwy.

There is nearly no reason to learn japanese for anime. Boohoo you have to wait a few hours for translations to be released, what a fucking shame.

I can't imagine anyone learning Japanese just to watch anime. Maybe as a nice bonus but more than that you're a fucking moron.
He's a troll. It's not that hard to understand anime.
>99% of us started because we want to watch anime without glancing down every 2 seconds
That's pointless when you're watching your anime on 2x speed anyway.

Actually I'm a fucking retard, yeah. Turns out I started the vocab deck at the same time as the kanji deck but it's been teaching me stupid shit like 九つ and 一つ so I didn't realize.

Holy shit what a dumb fuck I am.
thats right. if you dont use it, you lose it. whats the point of doing flash cards if you arent actively using whats on them
What's the word for "art style" or "aesthetic"? As in, "This game's art style is really cute." I'm guessing it's not 型 or 流 or anything like that. Is it something like 様式?
Almost every single anime that airs every season gets subbed. Most people start learning the language because the things they want to read don't have translations, whether it be manga, LNs, or VNs.
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I wonder if theres a way to block browsers from loading until reps are finished.

Its shit like this that got me kicked out of college
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What do you guys use to read manga? I've been using honeyview but it has started to bother me a bit.
Ah, the good ol' hiding-in-plain-Engrish technique. Fucking ninja words.
Bother you how? I tried honeyview, it's light but I like bloated Comicrack more so I use that.
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I finally got 大毘盧遮那成仏神変加持経 right at today's reps.
Windows Photo Viewer. It literally contains all the features you need.
That guy thinks that "neckbeards", and not literal normies, are the primary consumers of rosetta stone? And why is this guy so violently opposed to the concept of reading books?
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