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DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread >>3134256

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other retro FPS welcome
~~ Let's post like gentlemen ~~


Doom: https://data.desustorage.org/vr/image/1448/27/1448271860636.png
Doom download: https://yadi.sk/d/469ydBaLndVCJ
Quake: https://data.desustorage.org/vr/image/1405/27/1405272990521.png
Duke: https://data.desustorage.org/vr/image/1403/19/1403195896088.jpg
Thief: https://data.desustorage.org/vr/image/1456/09/1456095399293.jpg



Vanilla/Boom: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/
BT (2016-02-01): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13513277/idgames.torrent



irc.zandronum.com #vr (key in faq)




Make a Boom-compatible E1-themed Ultimate Doom map.
Status: https://desustorage.org/vr/post/3019509

[04-15] Dark Arena textures

[04-14] "If Doomguy was a Mechwarrior"

[04-14] Anon mod release: "replaces chaingunners with super shotgun guys"

[04-11] kLazer - 3d laser beam

[04-10] The /newstuff Chronicles #491 and #492

[04-10] Gun Godz v1.0 released

[04-08] Durex Waste Disposal updated

[04-07] 3DO Doom overclocked

[04-07] Anon mod release: gachigasms.wad

[04-06] DUMP 2 Test Build 2

[04-05] Anon mod release: Liebenberg Arms Bushland Pistol

[04-04] Anon map release: wheresmyshotgun.wad (updated)

[04-04] DTWID Lost Episodes (E1-E6) released

[04-02] Japanese Doom Community Project v1.0 released

[04-01] Anon map release: Pyramid Complex (nyan.bsp, for Quake 2)

[04-01] John Carmack To Be Honoured With BAFTA Fellowship


To submit news, please reply to this post.
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The Original's Decal blood looks so much more brutal than any of the silly over the top blood found in fan mods.
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droplets m8
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>Thy Flesh Consumed

install gitgud

Learn the map. Die a lot. I can do the whole episode with pistol start and no saving now. It is actually hard.
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>get multi rockets
>still have 200 red armor
>mfw the sequence breaking potential
It's hard because of the people complaining back in the day that Doom was too easy even on UV. So they decided to make Nightmare! a thing and add E4, just to give your ass a good beating. Also as an incentive to make people buy the boxed version of Doom 1 from stores.

>'better save special ammo for a rainy day'
>beat the first episode with 100/100 multi rocket ammo
>only used it once or twice ever
I used it literally every single time on everything whenever I got a chance to.
Yeah with Quake, you tend to get so much ammo that conserving it's pointless.

Especially rockets. So many fucking rockets.
I'm always surprised with how many rockets I end up having at some points because my favorite weapon to use are the nailguns.
So many rockets!

>implying I'm gonna deal with that tiny hallway key bullshit

Speeding through stuff is fun but my autism forces me to play slow and steady like normal.
Rocket jumping like a pro.
An unrelated thought too, Quake had some really good sound design. The sounds everything makes is great. I especially love picking up ammo, health, armor and keys.
>try doom open beta
>I'm getting 10fps and lower
>in the menu

holy fuck how is the game this unoptimized
Well, it IS a Bethesda game basically. They're always unoptimized and buggy on release.
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>on release only

Thanks anon, I had a rough day
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Quake's sounds are really underrated. I can understand that some people aren't fans of the more ambient, broody soundtrack (compared to Doom's), but all the pickups are fantastic, the enemies are just as great across the board (is there any sound more deliciously chunky than the one zombies make when gibbed?) and the powerups are WWWSSHHZHZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Well, it's Nine Inch Nails' work after all.
consider the number of nineties doom wads what ripped the sounds from quake wholesale
Last night I had a dream I was playing a Quake version of Congestion 1024. Like the Doom equivalent, the maps were restricted to 1024x1024x1024 map units. This morning I googled around to see if it actually exists, I was disappointed to find out it does not. I've never done Quake mapping, but judging from some Trenchbroom screenshots I assume 1024 map units would be actually too small for Quake.

While I don't remember the exact details of the few maps I "played" (hard to say what you do in dreams), I remember them being detailed to hell and back. There was a forest with mossy ground, trees and rivers with flowing water. There was a castle that was floating in mid-air (and it had a basement) with a destroyed drawbridge I somehow had to get across and open the portcullis. Something red hell-ish. There was a bottomless pit where I fell once and had to restart the level. There also was an invisible barrier I could not pass.

There were some new enemies too. I can recall something that looked like a wolf and they hunted in large packs. And miniature flying Shamblers (they had wings). The weapon I used most of the time was an automatic rocket launcher (think assault rifle, but replace the bullets with rockets), I had tens of thousands of rockets so I didn't have to worry about running out of ammo.

I'm genuinely disappointed that this map pack does not exist. It should. I'd play it.

Carmack heading out hit them this hard, huh? :^)
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Is there a way to create a powerup that shows enemy movement on the minimap? There's something very specific I want to emulate. I've been taking a great deal of notes from this game and I think I want to make my main mod a more slow and strategic one like Covert Action.
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He thinks he's people
iddqd idkfa tbqh
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I've been seeing some dudes making some fucking rad voxel models in their mods and I've gotta get in on this shit.

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>Not responding
what does the third one do?
bit late now, I already uninstalled this piece of crap

I spent a good three fucking minutes waiting for the bethesda logo cinematic - which I'm pretty sure is a pre-rendered video clip - to play, the first half of it was dedicated to it telling me that they fucked up nvidia driver support so hard that that was *expected*.

and then on the most boring menu screen ever, I was getting 20fps at half my native resolution with a painfully laggy mouse. once I set it to my native resolution, it dropped to under 10.

I downloaded 11GB for this? THIS is what modern AAA gaming is like?

I don't think I've ever seen a Quake map with trees, they'd probably look awful with how everything has to be low poly 3D
dank memes
I was saddened when I played that WAD that put Quake stuff/sounds in Doom and they didn't add the key pickup sounds.
>provides a solution
>'man this sucks so much Id rather worthlessly sulk about modern gaming instead of fixing my shit with said solution provided'
Well, not AS unoptimized and buggy after someone makes community patches for it. I expect some for D44M.
are you implying spending three minutes waiting for a 10 second video to play is excusable in any circumstance?
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For some reason I spot a lot of weird enemy behavior today. This is possibly my first time of seeing monster engage combat with another one in Q2.
also according to one of my friends the driver update fixes absolutely nothing
Arcane Dimensions has some dead trees here and there. Dead trees obviously work better than alive trees for low poly stuff, but they're separate models attached to tree entities rather than actual brushwork so that's kind of cheating.

You could probably make trees look good if you went for a more stylized appearance, or just DIY'd a bunch of transparent textures for the leaves/arms/what have you.

Quake units are smaller (?) than Doom units- 1024 isn't very large at all. IIRC, Quake's stock map limitations are 4096 units in each direction from the origin (x,y,z) so 8192 units total if your map is perfectly centered, but a map that big has a good chance of tanking framerates (or at least used to, modern machines and engines should have no problem I assume).

The map in pic related is 1024x1024x1024, with the player spawning on a platform 512 units high and a helpful Shambler plunked in for scale. You might be able to squeeze a miniature puzzle map in that space, but you won't be doing much combat.

I'm interested in those maps, though. There's been a number of floating castles people have made maps about including ones with drawbridges you have to bypass to open (those show up in normal maps, too), but not many nature-styled maps to be found, probably due to the difficulty of making a good looking one.

>And miniature flying Shamblers (they had wings).
>so you want to kill yourself.png
Russian Overkill's computer map shows up the positions of monsters on the automap. Not sure if that's what you want but it's possible to have a powerup that shows monster positions like if you'd typed in iddt twice.
>I downloaded 11GB for this? THIS is what modern AAA gaming is like?
You're on the wrong board.
>doesn't even bother trying it out because hr eavesdropped in on his friend saying it supposedly didn't work when it does
>still complaining about the bug he didn't even bother fixing in the first place
Are you 12? Your post is "my dad works for nintendo"-tier. Go back to /v/.
well it's a bit hard to verify it when it's a 15GB download and I have to reinstall it
Or rather, to correct myself a bit: Quake's units are close/similar and lots of objects between games (as in stuff in maps made by id) are same or similar sizes (i.e. crates are reliably 64x64x64) but Quake's scale regarding players and enemies is all over the fucking place in relation to the environment.
Is Doomed: Doom WAD Reviews the only WAD reviewing site that's still going even as of this week? I'm loving this guy's review writing style.
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This will end well
i don't think so?
but something you could do is have your enemies "drop" footstep actors that'd get rendered on the minimap

Just press Alt+PrntScrn bro
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I find this extremely objectifying and problematic.

I find it boner-inducing.
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it's not as hard as it sounds
you'll need magicavoxel to make the voxels and slab6 to convert them
just paste a sprite in magicavoxel's palette and then in the big block in the middle, then start building

uh... voxelbro has a much better tutorial on the zdoom forums
Yeah, I guess the maps would have to be bigger than that. Dreams are kinda wonky, so not everything I saw would fit in 1024x1024x1024.

But I wonder, would Congestion-style maps work in Quake?

Were there even female marines in Quake II?
Last stage of stroggification is hormone replacement therapy
Blurspheres suck.
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Conversion from male human to female cyborg is a pretty good fetish and I wish there were more material about it.
I guess it's what he calls a level
i assume you mean onemandoom -- i am not aware of any others, unless you count /newstuff
Well yeah, I guess that's him cause it's his URL. All the other ones aside from /newstuff have long since been dead. He has so many recommended WADs to review I hope he doesn't get burned out.
way formal and presentable than just flat out saying "map" or "level".
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I'd be surprised if no one has made a sizelimit based Quake mapping competition. You can fit more in a small space in Quake than you can in Doom, at least, due to the abilities of true 3d- i.e. say you want two paths to lead into a room, then have the player drop down into that room and go through the door. You can have those two paths branch out directly into the room itself without making the room any smaller, and still have the player able to make full use of the space underneath the paths. My shitty Paint example hopefully helps explain what I mean.

Also I might be strange but I find brushes and func_ objects a lot easier to work with than sectors and linedefs.
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They had a female player model added later but the singleplayer was all male marines.
There's material for it, period? I know there's one ancient thing involving the HL2 combine assassin
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you're a nerd.webm
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just 4 u


I like calling them stages
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Cheeky fucker. Made me spit my drink a bit.
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Is it bad I thought this was a loss edit at first?
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The memes are taking over your life.
>semen demon in space
It's not developed by Bethesda.
please don't, voxels are violently unoptimized in GZDoom
i've been using the voxelpack, DRLA, the DD flashlight and a small addon that turns the modpacks in voxels on huge oblige maps in GZdoom and never had any issues
are you sure it's not just your computer?
My computer isn't exactly top notch, but GZDoom is already pretty poorly optimized, and it really doesn't handle voxels well in my opinion
yes and you should feel bad
r_drawvoxels 0
enjoy your sprites
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speaking of
Say what you will about Quake 2's quality compared to quake and doom, had some nice actual bosses
GZDoom renders every voxel as a separate 3D model. Every actual model has hundreds of them. In a room with lot of voxelized stuff, FPS takes a dip from 300-400 fps down to 25-30
The end boss is pretty underwhelming though. It has 3k health while the hornet miniboss has 2k and can fly. Even the walking tanks has 1.5k, and it's not uncommon to meet two and even three at the same time in the final episode.
I'll check it out when I get home, that might be what I want.
Those can show up? That might be a great approach, especially if I can figure out some sort of sound radius system.
"I'm kind of a big deal"

t. small and weak enemy
Wow, it renders each block as a fucking model? I think I'm better off making some low poly sexiness instead of voxels for my mod.
wow that sounds pretty bad. however as i understand it, they just fixed something to make blade of agony performant. so maybe voxels performance will get fixed when a sufficiently high profile voxel heavy project is released?
I typically go one step further and delete voxel models and the voxel definitions from .wads and .pk3s so that I don't have to do that.
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Ayylmao it's not a wall at all it's justs a texture you can walk through with the blue key behind it what great leveldesign.
>GZDoom renders every voxel as a separate 3D model
That's unbelievably retarded, why wouldn't Grafh put in REAL voxel support instead of doing THIS?

There is literally nothing wrong with jumping.
verticality did nothing wrong
Zdoom renders voxels too. I wonder if it does it the same way gzdoom does?
Would you rather:

a. be alcoholic

b. have every remnant of the Doom franchise erased from reality
Is it more efficient ammo wise to use the BFG or Plasma rifle?
Alcoholic, I can deal with that.

it varies. honestly. the plasma gun excels in stunlocking bitches and laying out the hurt on wimpy crowds.

General room of thumb: Don't be shy to use the plasma gun but keep at least 80 cells handy for two BFG blasts for emergency,
it depends on something like if what you're trying to kill has more or less than 800 health

i still think the plasma gun is the best "oh shit i'm suddenly surrounded by chaingunners" panic weapon

Way ahead of you, mate, it's 2 PM and I'm already smashed.
BFG damage varies quite dramatically, but assuming proportional distribution etc the BFG.
But muh narrative
Probably because nobody used voxels when that feature was used, and the only way to render voxels before was tied with the software rendering behaviour.

Kaiser implemented a proper sprite rendering in GL in Strife Veteran Edition (source is open botw, idk why nobody backported the feature into GZDoom) - way for sprites to not clip into geometry, instead being rendered over everything else. I wager parts of that code would've been useful for proper voxel rendering.

ZDoom renders voxel properly (IIRC it uses BUILD code for that), so they not only look better, but also work faster than in GZ.
it depends on the situation and what kind of efficiency you are looking for, as ever.
Alcoholic. Why would I want one of my favorite games removed from reality?
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I knew the flickering lights meant something, but I thought that it was pointing me to jump in the pool and look for the secret in the water below the metal bars. I didn't notice that there were little steps alongside the bars that you were meant to climb on, the flickering light obfuscated them.

I still haven't learned to spot secrets that involve little steps and slightly protruding platforms because those kinds of secrets were very rare in Doom. And now that I've been playing Quake, I end up constantly looking at the ceiling for buttons to shoot when I go back to playing Doom.
Quake secrets mostly seem to be about shooting switches or walls half the time.
Q2 > HL1

I agree only on the grounds that the crowbar is shit whereas the blaster pistol is pretty okay.
The ebin intro and not-cutscene-cutscenes take HL vanilla from a 9 to like 7.5 for me. If I wanted an RPG I'd play an RPG ffs.
not a lot of other ways to interact with the environment, given removal of the Use key.
Is there a good game breaking gun mod ? Think Russian Overkill but without the shitty model rips as sprites. And maybe reloading. I really like reloading for some reason.

I've just replayed through the entirety of doom 1 & 2 and I need to unwind by ripping and tearing through slaughterwads with ridiculously overpowered guns.
wait till you play archaeologist's nightmare

I really hate those. And I don't want some guy talking in my ear forcing me to stop doing whatever I'm doing so that I can listen to what he's saying, either.

Just give me logs I can read/listen/watch at my leisure and skippable cutscenes.

Project MSX, though the new monsters will probably give you a run for your money.

Combined_Arms has some retarded guns but only the pistol reloads, and automatically at that.
The only thing that made those bearable was Doctor Hal voicing the scientists.
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>sv_fastweapons 2
>sv_infiniteammo 1
>cheat a BFG
>Go to town
Yeah, maximum nostalgia.

I dunno man I remembered those cutscenes being way more entertaining.

doomRLA (out of all things) has a few alternate gamemodes that makes the big guns spawn a lot more often
MSX indeed has very satisfying mass slaughter weaponry. Dem fuckin fastball grenades
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Speaking of which, I already created the assets for this mod, I only need to know how to properly execute my planned idea.

Need advice.

just make sure you give the player a good melee weapon incase they run out of ammo
You the game with both a melee weapon capable of insta-killing Demons slowly and a semi-automatic pistol with a very high RoF capable of killing a Baron Of Hell in 15-20 shots.

Eh.. I dunno man, does that mean that, if I run out of ammo for my weapon of choice, I have to backtrack trough the level to find another one ? That sounds kind of unappealing.
There's a powerup that refills your current weapon's ammo and is rarely spawned from any Ammo actor. Guaranteed drop from a Backpack actor.

If you run out of ammo for your favorite weapon, pray for it to appear again. Sorry that's the way it will be. I'll be tinkering with the drop rates so you rarely have the need to backtrack.

What I can do for your situation is create a CVAR that gives you infinite ammo and another one to have you spawn with your favorite weapon.
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It's that joke where you know it's coming, but you can't wait for it to hit, so it's even funnier when it happens.
I love Quake 2, but I think Half-Life is better.
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Any love for Kingpin?
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I'm dying lol
1. Why hasn't anyone added Archvilles to PSX DOOM TC?

2. Why is my registration to doomworld taking a week? Should I retry it?
>2. Why is my registration to doomworld taking a week? Should I retry it?

Hmm...a long shot in the dark, what e-mail provider did you used?
I was just about to ask that. I think the maps are fucking great in both theme and play, but the guns an enemy variety leave some to be desired. Also the follower AI is extremely good considering how old the game is.

Shame the game only turned out to be a shadow of what it was originally supposed to be. Damned budget cuts.
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>Based BBC
Oh my god that's TERRIBLE!!!
There are adults in Japan that wanna look like CHILDREN????
Going through Plutonia. Chain gunners are responsible for 100% of my deaths. Nothing else can touch me.

Hell should just abandon demons and have chain gunner armies.


Wow Merkel is a fucking cunt seriously
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>WAD gets made where every enemy in the game uses a gatling gun
I really hope the single player is gonna be at least playable. I hope it isn't just gonna be a demonically-skinned Halo.
I guess it's good enough that this many people like it.

I'm still waiting for more singleplayer stuff, because who gives a fuck about multiplayer

No news there.
41% is unbelievably terrible for Steam reviews. It might as well be a 0.
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How dodge skelly rockets??
Dodge the dummy rockets like an imp fireball.
Run behind cover to blow up the homing rockets.
Also keep in mind an agglomeration of studios the size of id and Beth probably keep a regular army of upvoting shills. It's probably more like 4.1% in legit ratings.
I wasn't outright defending it.

Also I'll be holding out judgment for singleplayer, the part of the game that actually matters.
>deathmatch doesn't matter in the franchise that coined the term
This is what the Doom 4 defense force actually believes.
To be fair, the connection between Doom '16 (I'm not calling it Doom 4) and the rest of the franchise is like chalk and cheese.
run forwards and to the side at the same time so they curl behind you and smack a wall
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Has this been mentioned here before?
There is , it's called ballistics
Sounds truly hellish.
I'm just not a multiplayer guy.
I understand the importance of multiplayer being good, but I've never played Doom for that purpose, so what matters to me personally is the single player, and that alone, it's not the end of the world to me if the MP sucks if the SP is good enough.

I never really cared for OG Doom's deathmatch, but I think the game is still fantastic.

>defense force
Please don't do that.

Doom 3 had only some thematic connection to the previous ones, I didn't mind that, Doom 4 is just that notion again.

Likewise, Quake, Quake 2, and Quake 3 had some very insubstantial connections.
i'm getting flashbacks of term's stream

not pleasent ones
because he can't play for shit :^)
Not really, since it doesn't actually replace all enemies with chaingunners, it just makes all monsters (and weapons) with hitscanners. Just search the ZDoom forums for it and see for yourself.

you're either a good doom coder
or a good doom mapper
or a good doom player

no inbetween
coder master race
I'd argue its more of a triangle where you can be two of those but not 3.

Play some punch out with those nerds and beat them 2 the punch !!!
Is Brutal Half-Life any good or is it Brutal Doom-tier of stupidity?

And even then, you can't really be two of them very well, you just kind of reach a middlin' point between them. i.e. okay mapper and okay coder, or nonexistent mapper but okay coder and fantastic player.
I'm mediocre at all of those things.
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>we want the doom babby audience
more like "we want the XXXxxxCoDrektPuSsySlAyErBLAZEIT420[PGM]XXXxxx audience"

Yeah, but he's retarded and thinks they're the same thing.
But what if I'm good at making Doom sprites and textures?

I think we can simplify it even further to just two sides: Doom stuff creator or Doom stuff player.

Thanks, doc.
I know nothing of the marketing of Doom 4, but I guess that makes sense. The ~21 and under crowd is probably much more fertile selling grounds than the very late 20s/early 30s to 50s crowd who actually played the game back in the 90s.
so how about that D44M singleplayer eh?
ok, BANG
anon you're actively ruining the thread's mood so that you can pretend to be superior to an imagined "doom babby"

you're the worst thing here
Stop responding to him. I'm not fucking kidding.
100% community-supplied and the news will be delivered via compliments toward the doom modding community, something like

We at Bethesda have seen how expansive and creative the Doom community is and has decided to supply you all with professional level development tools for creating entire campaigns for Doom that you can share and play with your friends.
Pirate Doom is severely overrated
Why are people discussing a 2016 game on /vr/ despite there being a perfectly serviceable thread on page 1 of /v/ complete with dank memes and shittalking?

OVERrated? It barely gets promoted outside the community, and nobody actually bothered to take the author's suggestion and play it like a regular gameplay mod.
It gets mentioned in almost any big YT reviewer top-five-Doom-mods type list. It's like second only to BD.
>complete with dank memes and shittalking

there's your reason

show me those videos right now
Which is precisely what this thread devolves into when said game is brought up. So let's keep this bs where it belongs.
Not him but where can I discuss the new Doom? /v/ will just repeat the same three or four lines over and over and accuse half the people in the thread of being a paid shill
Two I found in random search:

It's also brought up in all sorts of LPs and general wankery vids. PD gets a lot of exposure famino.
>nonexistent mapper but okay coder and fantastic player.
literally me

send help
As has been stated elsewhere, /vr is not a dumping ground for things that people claim /v is unwilling to discuss or at leas unwilling to discuss at a level up to the poster's standards. I mean, the damn game isn't even out yet, how does it belong on a board dedicated to pre-2000 system games?
>It's also brought up in all sorts of LPs and general wankery vids.

show me those videos too. you could find two vids with 40k views in 8 minutes, it shouldn't be hard to find the rest

>1,360 results

Good enough?
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Did John Romero make you his bitch?

>mfw my first gameplay exposure to that game was playing the N64 version on an emulator when i was little
The horror.
>dat filename
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1 MB, 191x200

and what do they have to do with pirate doom being "overrated"? (which it isn't)

it hardly gets mentioned in these threads, and when you look up demonsteele in youtube it shows almost the same amount of results


>1,840 results

does that make demonsteele overrated too?

now, since two can play the same game, let's take a look at smooth doom on youtube


>1,150 results

not the same amount of results, but from my (shitty) point of view, smooth doom is a bit overrated due to the fact that some people picked that mod after the whole brutal dumb fiasco and it unintentionally became the 'politically correct' alternative of a "gameplay enhancer" mod for a game that still holds up well after 20+ years.

does that make me right?
>smooth doom is a bit overrated due to the fact that some people picked that mod after the whole brutal dumb fiasco and it unintentionally became the 'politically correct' alternative of a "gameplay enhancer" mod for a game that still holds up well after 20+ years.
Is that really the case?
I reckon the people who use SD weren't the usual BD crowd to begin with.
I don't Brutal Doom mentioned here very often toi, actually. Or any gameplay mods, come to think of it. /vr/ seems to be mostly into maps and vanilla/chocolate gameplay.
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Finally Bethesda/Neo-id get what they deserve
>Mostly Negative Steam Reviews
>People once interested now hating it
>Non-stop Halo comparisons
>Poor performance through all 3 test phases.
i think your impression is very mistaken. a significant fraction of doom threads are people asking for help making gameplay mods, and half the maps made by anons and posted here require zdoom.
So the franchise is finally dead. RIP Dewm.
Zenimax is going to close down id software for good if Doom 4 flops. And by many looks it just could. So say goodbye to id software..
new id is just tarnishing the name of old id
and I hate Tim Willits, seriously fuck that guy
>Or any gameplay mods, come to think of it.
>/vr/ seems to be mostly into maps and vanilla/chocolate gameplay.

I can safely say you've arrived in a different "season", to put it that way. Most of the people who browse these threads do like gameplay mods and play around with them a lot in single and multiplayer. There's a reason why the general population in Doomworld were "surprised" when 200 Minutes of /vr/ was released, because there was a certain concept of these threads back in the day.

This is also the reason why a certain shitposting charade that says that this place hates bd "because they're purists" always falls flat like a fat lady after stepping on wet floor.
best thing that could happen would be Romero buying the rights and actually doing good games

It's like when a band is past their prime and breaking up is the best thing they could do.

Much like those 80s thrash bands that influenced them in the start, they shoulda fucking quit at least ten years ago, because they haven't done anything worthwhile in even longer than that.

The real id is already dead. Having its shambling zombie corpse put down too would finally put us at peace.

hold up, with all due respect I don't think Romero has the kind of money to buy back the rights of the game, let alone the whole company.

I'm not saying it can't happen or that it wouldn't be cool. But I'm afraid that's far from happening
What exactly are the mapping limits when mapping for Boom, in contrast to UDMF zdoom mapping or whatever.
Anybody got a link to some good websites for DOOM '16 leaks?
I heard there were some pics of the Archvile floating around, but I can't find any of these sites anywhere.
The Russian one, at least, is really in-active now.
65535 sidedefs
There hasn't been much new lately. Best I can give you in "recent leaks" is
>inb4 plebbit
I hope that they get sold off instead of shuttered.
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>Poor performance through all 3 test phases

lol wut? Are those faggots playing on toasters?
/v/ a few months ago
>Wow it's brown n bloom piss filter there are no colors!
/v/ now
>Wow get rid of the colors only cod babies like those!

Not retro.
I honestly don't want this to happen, because the last thing I want is for DOOM, Wolf, and Quake's rights to be floating around in the air, and eventually die off and become lost like tears in the rain.
purchased by atari and un-open-sourced
Would you really prefer that Wolfenstein and Quake get the D44M treatment? Death is preferable to necromancy.
Machinegames is doing well with Wolfenstein, I doubt Zenimax would take it away from them even if id closed forever.
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Wish there was a way to disable faggot armor and weapon colors
>new Quake is called QUAKE
>have to reload the nailgun
>axe is now a glory kill
>cutscenes galore
>somehow an ever shittier final boss than Shub Niggurath
Oh I forgot
>game is way slower than the original
>have to level up to become fast
>damage indicators
>the game is even more brown than it was before
>damage indicators

nothing wrong with those
The only problem I have with Machinegames' Wolfenstein entries is that there's no fucking Hitler. They had the perfect plot explanation for a Mecha Hitler fight in TNO and we got Mecha Some Other Asshole.
>Rocket/Grenade jumps are "quicktimeevents" like glory kills
>Rockets/Grenades only do like 5 damage to self now
>Somehow fucks up the lore by combining both quake 1 and 2
>Fuck it, throw some wolfenstein nazis in there.
>Somehow fucks up the lore by combining both quake 1 and 2

I dunno man, imagine Mecha Lovecraftian horrors. Could be pretty cool
Sorry, I don't know much about modern FPS, but "level up?" Hahaha, what?
Brown is so yesterday gramps, it's all about grey now

I don't want them cluttering up my screen.
>Final boss is robot cthulhu expy
I think Wolfenstein 3D is supposed to be in their timeline somewhere, so Mecha Hitler is already dead. Though I guess that doesn't make it any less of a missed opportunity.
>have to reload the nailgun
I like reloading
The new Shadow Warrior had that shit and I didn't like it.

I also didn't like the fucking "results" you got after a battle. This isn't Devil May Cry fuck off
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>Hitler unwittingly attracts the attention of Shub-Niggurath with the Spear of Destiny and causes an invasion
>NuQuake takes place decades later at the final days of the Quake War where they throw you at it as a last ditch effort to save humanity
>Is also a prequel to Quake ET
Something tells me not many people play Wolfenstein for the plot.
>Then the Unheilige Armee Corps opens a gateway to hell
Sounds pretty good to me.
Yep, mee to
I would honestly like it if all the players had the classic simple armor on the whole match with the only difference being is team color to tell who's who.

Also the bloom is fucking up the wall and everywhere in the game
>deciding that earth wasn't big enough for the both of them, the hellspawn & strogg fought each other on earth, even taking to space for supremacy

wait, who made this?
>TFW Last generation computer can't handle the current generation doom

I need a slaughter map to drown my sorrows in.
read the reviews famalam
4 gig 770 here and I get poor performance
with latest id techs being iffy it's pretty easy to believe its unoptimized
Be happy, at least you won't spend shitmoney on a shitgame then. I have a voice telling me that it won't be so bad in the back of my mind despite overwhelming contrary evidence.
>it's renamed from Shub Niggurath to Shub Wrath because Niggurath comes to close to nigger
Something I'd imagine a modern game company doing
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totally not a Youtube thumbnail.jpg
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I'd recommend Hanging Gardens but it's quite a resource-intensive map.
Still my favourite slaughtermap by far though, one of the few that I actually genuinely enjoy.

Someday I will get a not shit computer.

And then I will run Rats at maximum framerate.
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[takes intense bite].png
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>Be happy, at least you won't spend shitmoney on a shitgame then
It will probably be renamed to Cthulhu because that's popular
I keep telling myself I won't get it, and still I'll probably last no more than a week just to get a physical copy for the reverse sleeve art. People are weak.
Insert this is why we need a strong dictatorial socialist state, because we can't buy the things we need and financially support things that need to die
XXXI Cybersky
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>That one faggot on Twitter that works at id Software
>He's constantly making posts bragging about how silky smooth and wonderful the PC version of DOOM is
>Literally every post ends in #PCMASTERRACE

Deliver me from this
Is there any guide on setting up a Stronghold server? Should I set specific server options like weapon stay? Any patches to download? Is there any way to save progress?
yes, yes, i believe, no.
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Me again. Would there be a way for me to code the Enforcers lasergun into a usable gun for the player?
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Found this on /m/
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