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>Essential PC mods


>System requirements
>Character planner and science

>>138778421 was made first. Go there.
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Wow, I literally just spent like 20-30 minutes killing Yhorm with a Longsword

I picked up that weapon but didn't bother reading the description since it was only my second attempt at killing him
Actually that one was made second. Look at the time stamps.
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is lvl 36 too high for Abyss Watchers?
aldritch-anon, did you get it?

sorry for dying, forgot about limited estuses
how did you guys beat the dancer?

doing a wooping 100 damage here
I was getting summons at level 40
Where's the black hand armor?
Are the Untended Graves an illusion or the real thing? It seems like it might be real, as you fight Gundyr again there and this one drops a soul, and it's part of the game's world, while you have to teleport out of Firelink to get anywhere.
The ring finger guy said I would find his covenant in the Cathedral of the Deep, but for the life of me I cant find the damn thing. Where it be?
Find the way to the roof.
I've farmed 28 sunlight medals at level 35 +2 for rotted great wood.

Only 2 more and i can go join dick covenants.
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Can i invade people with friends or do i have to be on the defensive end with them
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The real question is, "Is 82 too high for Great Archives?"
From the perspective of matchmaking it's much easier to be the defensive end.
Someone post a CE table for embers

they are impossible to farm right now
Take the lift from the door left of the second bonfire (Cleansing Chapel, I think). Find a ladder to the top of the bell tower; should be a deacon there you can kill for a ring. Drop down onto the arch to the left and go up. Go right and go into the first doorway you find. Go straight across on the walkways and look down. There should be a balcony you can drop down to. Drop down and you'll eventually get to an area with a bunch of grub men and a big gate. That's Rosaria's area.
How the fuck do I get passed these 2 dragons? Don't tell me bow and arrow because they hardly do ANY damage....
the artorias sword

When the fuck can I hit someone in that meme animation? Does it have iframes or something? I keep definitely hitting people while they "leave themselves completely open"
try walking off a cliff, senpai

alternatively how2olddemonking
>put sign in front of boss door
>get revived +1 ember every kill
>impossible to farm




cant through pvp, even summons end in a gank now

if you're on ps4 i'd love to help with either
One boss where I'm not ashamed to say I summoned people who looked like they had ranged ability to help me.

I had someone with the greatbow and someone else with magic and I just distracted it.
If your having troulb with pontiff enjoy dancer bro
Do I need to do something to get Anri to spawn in the catacombs? I have only killed 3 bosses and she's not where she should be standing

Do I need to go kill Pontiff first?
Get good at pvp.
God damn I was just up there. I didn't even think of jumping off.
try helping people rather than killing them
>everyone is 2 shotting me
>meanwhile I have to hit someone like 15 times to kill them

Is a Lucerne really that bad? I thought pvp was scaled to weapon upgrade.
Roll when he attacks
Hit him until he dies
This worked for me
>Farron ring reduces fp cost
>Farron greatsword doesn't use fp

Magic in this game is worse than it was in fucking pre-patch Bloodborne.
You're upgrading your health, right?
Do the skinhead zombies in the cathedral graveyard respawn infinitely?
Untended graves is the real one
You also find sword master's real weapon where you first fight him
If you summon him, he uses the chaos blade, not the uchi
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Can dancer-fu be parried?
why do you lose your souls where you die as a phantom? i hate having to go all the way across the map ti get them is it a bug or something? if not they need to update it in a patch to make them be in front of you like in das1 it's just tedious like it is now
What happens if you find Horace and then leave and go tell his friend instead of killing him
Seems like it. I think it is a good thing though. It means invaders have something to lose too.
Because it reduces fp cost too anon :^)
it makes invading way less fun it should be took out the host already has the advantage of way more estus and phantoms

I'm not getting summoned or seeing any summon signs.

I got invaded by a dude once. What the heck is going on?
More phantoms doesn't make it fair. Yeah, the fight itself is stacked in favor of the host, but that would not matter if the invader has nothing to lose.
>Invade world
>Typical 3 man gank squad
>Start winning
>Killed both phantoms
>Beating the host
>He disconnects

That is just bullshit.
friend dies, I think?

Anyone /Dark Sword/ here?
what killed them?
Hit boxes in this game are pure bullshit in PvP.
Hosts can literally hit you from meters away with lunge attacks. Getting bored of this shit already.

Also, there is no fucking way to punish healing. Fucking atrocious PvP.
pVP in these games has always been bad though, ever since demon's souls, i don't know why poeple keep complaining.
>Hosts can literally hit you from meters away with lunge attacks
Nope, it's nothing to do with Host, I get invaded and people lag stab the shit out of me. FROM are just fucking terrible at networking and lag compensation
Okay guys

How the fuck are you supposed to successfully play the Mound-Makers?
Ok I now have 20/20 in STR and DEX respectively and have been keeping my longsword up to date
About to head into farron keep
Where to go from here? I'll probably just level vigor, endurance and vitality and then make the farron gs once I killed the boss
Whats the best reinforcement for a quality build claymore?

just normal or a different type?
Invade people, kill their phantoms and help other invaders

alternatively, get summoned and lure enemies to the host
Normal(Maybe even raw) at the start, then make it Refined once you start hitting higher dex/str levels.
I think that's the most optimal.
What do you get for resurrecting Rosaria? As opposed to getting the miracle
You can turn in covenant items, and respec/redesign your character.
Bullshit. If you are going quality, make it refined asap. I've been rolling with refined claymore at around sl20 with sub 20 str/dex, and it had been dealing more damage than normal.
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how am i suppose to beat these chuckle fucks at crucifixion woods? the two guys with a club and great sword. Do they drop anything or is there any treasure back there or am i wasting my time? i really cant beat them.
By praising Lady Maria!
Is it seriously not possible to farm titanite slabs? What if you want to try out new weapons at +10?
spread the word >>138786884
what is the pvp SL meta for das 3?
You can run past them. Behind is a ladder leading down to a bonfire so they easily reset
Alternaitvely you can lure away the sword dude, kill him solo and then just kill club dude
you get 4 slabs
1 merchant
1 havels
1 siegward questline
1 chest drop
50 for invasions, 120 for faggy duels
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Had a good several hours worth of random invasions at Dragonland at SL100. Bit disappointed by what people were using tho. Mostly everyone I invaded was using the Dark Sword, that thing hurts for how fast it can hit.

Saw a couple of katanas, versed several guys with Yhorm's Cleaver, one guy that was piss easy using Farron's Greatsword and surprisingly only saw one Fume Ultra Greatsword.

I'm really liking the Profaned Greatsword and the Lothric Knight Sword, the LKS is a gimped Balder Side Sword but it works well enough.

Had a few frustrating invasions, one was against 2 nips, both using the Dark Sword. Another was against a 4 man gank squad, 2 of them were constantly throwing chaos fire balls and the other 2 would just rush you. You'd get hit by the fire or get stuck in the lava and then get R1 to death. Christ that was annnoying.

On plus side here's what the Fire Keeper's eyes look like, was expecting cataracts to be honest.
Why did the two dragons in barracks just die all of a sudden?
It doesn't really make any difference but I'd like to know!
going by the pictograph thing it seems I need to go to Anor Londo, which bonfire do I start at and where do I go?
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How do i get up there?
At level 60 anor londo is a hot bed for invasions
I got to rank 3 for Aldrich within an hour
Keep going and look for a place to drop down.
Bonefire before Abyss Watcher.
try rolling
i struggled hard at pontiff and did dancer in 4 tries
Yes, but it's not exactly many and you can't farm them.
after pontiff

You find an NPC wearing it in Grand Archives.

Once you kill him, the Shrine Maiden sells it.
By exploring.

Stick to the right once you are past that huge stone door that opens a passage to the area boss.
What's the best STR weapon that can be buffed?
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What are you new weaponfus people?
Beat pontiff on my second go, immediately got his flame sword. That weapon art is gorgeous, I wonder how viable it is in pvp.
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Here are the NPC faces, cut weapons and cut armors that I've messed with so far:


I'll be putting anything else interesting I find in there after posting it the threads.
great machete
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Most hated enemy?
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anyone else disappointed they didn't have a poison area filled with wooden rafters things?
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Also someone said when you look up her skirt she has stockings but I just see delicious legs and bare kneepits.

She's also at least partly barefoot.
So that faggots don't farm autosummon covenants whilre AFK
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>all invaders going for the host and his phantom
>everyone spammin r1 and healing
>invaders sometimes smacking each other
>5 player chaos, pretty much a free for all

holy shit, one of the best pvp experiences in the series for me so far
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so I'm at the soul of cinder, and I guess I missed someone named rosaria?
>having a lot of trouble with abyss watchers
>realize I can parry them
>suddenly easy
why did they fuck up invade so bad?
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>What are you new weaponfus people?
drop down the hallway with the crystal male lizard
>sexy crest shield 2.0 is back from dark souls 2
it doesn't parry magic now right
they took that shitty feature away right
So how many points should you put into luck? I'm at like 13 but I think I'm gonna stop.
Well I murdered Patches. The sorcery guy died, then Crestfallen died, and then Miracle Lady disappeared and I decided I'd had enough of what I assumed was his shit, so I killed him. Then I found out he killed Siggy too so fuck him.
Later I found the miracles lady still alive when I left to look for her remains, but still fuck Patches.
No really, it's great.
I was sunbroing it up at the deacons because it was really fun to use there
claymore has been my faithful weaponfu since the high wall, finally got it to +10
Who else is using a fun weapon instead of cheesing everything with a straight sword or greataxe?
Dungeon dudes that drain hp.
Hollow with black monster thing on it.
Greatsword cathedral knights.
>Firekeeper Tiara
>Yhorm's Set
>Yorshka's Set
>Silver and Gold Tracers
>A bunch of cool weapons

Why the fuck are these cut content?
How do you get rid of curse in dark souls 3? I don't see a shop selling any items for it like in the first game
I don't get why people talk so much about the gotthards when the dancer's blades have such a cool moveset
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The greataxe you get from the Dragonarmor soul is the most broken weapon in the game.

The special attack does 1500+ damage at +5. I was able to just tank bosses while spamming L2 and killing them in seconds.
>have to fight two phantoms + host + dark moon

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea
>every time you help someone beat the king of storms you have to see 2 full cut-scenes

I understand the middle one but the last one really isn't important.

I just want to help some people and that cutscene is longer than the fucking fight.
Dancers scaling.
D / D / D / D
Shit by default.
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>mfw the dude on the cover is the final boss

the music was amazing too
Fuck greathsword cathedral knight. They just swing and swing and swing
I actually got up there by just jumping on those rocks over and over again
I didn't notice that you were supposed to drop down there before I did it myself

I like so many of them:

>Crystal Sage Rapier
>Warden's Twinblades
>Drang Maces
sounds like a top tier sl387 weapon
is there an easy way to farm swordgrass without trying to invade groups of 3?
>Forcing yourself into long, drawn out animations that attack at a slower rate instead of a weapon that does comparable if not better damage with the utmost control and one of the best movesets in the game
Yeah, nah
0 unless you're doing a meme build
Shoulda told me sooner you're a minmaxer mate
I still beat the soul of cinder with them
I parried him twice and then beat the shit out of him while he was transforming
They dont? fuck.
I was hoping the farron keep area wasnt this games valley of defilement but oh well. I hate those areas so much but they were my favorite as well.
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Roll when they attack
Hit them until they die
This worked for me
>Dark Sword, that thing hurts for how fast it can hit

i just learned about this, it also seem to have like 0 stamina consumption
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>Been unable to summon, be summoned or even see other people online in Dark Souls (1) on PC for weeks
>Now even less chance

Is there something I can do to improve my chance of seeing people online to co-op with in the first Dark Souls on PC?
you can do that even when she's dead, which is why i'm asking

You can farm the three goat dudes right next to the bonfire in the poison swamp for swordgrass.
yeah but they gang up on you. i get hit while i'm rolling.
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Who was this supposed to be?
>get to Abyss Watchers
>get through the first phase just fine
>cutscene for second phase ends and I sit at a black screen for longer than it feels like it should
>come back and the guy with the flaming sword is laying on the ground like one of the dead body models, just with the fire effects
>can't damage him
>notice I can see messages and blood stains as if I had beaten the boss
>music still playing and fog door still up
>have to homeward bone out

Sub20 Raw is gonna do more. That's the whole point of the infusion.
The difference between normal/refined is very small until you get beyond 25 too.
I'm thinking of 3 letters
>Invade someone in catacombs
>He have 2 sunbros and 1 blue
>1v4 awesome
>4 estus, half health
>fuck it
>i manage to rape blue, 1st yellow get raped by skeleton acrobatics 2016
>host and second yellow litterally rape my shit in a corner
>survive with 5% of hp, chug estus, manage to lure rats.
>kill another yellow with incredible amount of luck
>host starts to run like little bitch he is

Seriously, at that moment, something deep within my mind just broke....
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patches only kills Greirat
Should I farm all the solar medals in rotten tree? It feels so good to do jolly cooperation
i'm disappointed theres no big titty bitch
What's in this room, is it worth maybe dying to this guy?
that looks badass but in pvp it's a joke

poor guys try to use that special aoe move, just to get stunned before they can do it
god fucking damnit, fix your fucking game, from.
I shouldn't be fucking stuck at abyss watchers for 2 days because even if I summon someone they glitch and disconnect in the cutscene halfway through.
Why the fuck would Yhorm or Yorshka's sets be DLC? And shit like the wooden plank set.
greirat dies anyway though
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Holy shit what
That's some real horse armor tier DLC then.
got my first hatemail

i sat near the archers the whole time and made him pretty much run out of flasks so in the end he was only one hit away :^)
You gain literally nothing from sending him away, just don't send him away.
>yeah but they gang up on you.
Be patient and kite them around. Don't attack when they're both in range.

Or just be smart and don't pull both at once.

>i get hit while i'm rolling.
Time your rolls instead of panic rolling.
>tfw when guy spams "well what is it" and when you take his health to 50% he pulls the plug

yea well patches will do it himself and the point is that patches didn't kill all those other guys
It still does it
Please tell us how to be able to view those sets, anon. You've touched my fashion nerve with all that stuff.
dsg dsg on the wall

what is the best POISON WEAPON of them all
The Drang Spears turned out to be surprisingly not shit.
Practical in both PvE and PvP too.

might as well keep it in the family
LEVEL 3 87
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That's what that was?

Damn. The video isn't working for me. "Does not exist".
>tfw finally got black knight greataxe
>tfw finally got strength to wield it

damn what a cool weapon
>Rings of Sacrifice break permanently

Fuck you From
>the golden angels on the top of archives

One of the most frustrating enemies by far. Spinny spinny spammy spammy. I will prevail.
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>member of a race of slaves is a good thief

How do I deal with those black blob things that pop out of dudes? I can't get any hits in because they're fucking spazzing out nonstop.
Dark Sword.
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Is there a Lautrec like character in DS3?
has anyone else had a boss battle completely fuck up when they're summoned as a phantom?

like the boss completely lags out, never attacks me or seems to attack the host though he (host) does take damage from time to time. im free to just whack the boss none stop for a free kill?
Namco can sell them as additional costumes for like 2 bucks a piece or something. Given DS2's launch it's something right up their alley.
Thanks a bunch,

I spent about ten minutes trying to do that after seeing that message on the ground.
Drang Hammers are too damn fun. Can't wait to get the other dual weapons.
I need help. Whats a good dex weapon for mid-lategame? Im at the snow castle and it seems like i need to heavy upgrade some weapon, but i didnt find anything id love. As i mentioned, i build DEX.
Has anyone figured out what the softcaps are for stats?

Also, how much should I invest in VIT?
still a joke
Straight swords
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>go to fight aldrich
>get fucking obliterated in two shots within the first 10 seconds of the fight

so am I missing something or he is seriously just "i shoot a fuckload of projectiles and instakill you"
You don't. Just run by them.
Oh, guess he reuploaded it:

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Is this a hot new souls meme?
>use great scythe
>R1 gets outranged by straightswords

It isnot, was getting summons and getting summoned at 85-90 so you're fine
I kept hearing from people that luck really increased item discovery by a lot, and that it was really useful in early game because you don't get good gear till end game.

>Yorshka will never get to hug her brother because of some cannibal douchebag and his sorcerer friend

You have to edit which model a piece of armor is set to equip.
>rings of sacrifice must be sacrificed

shake my damn head to be frank family
yeah those items are a hollow gem and some miracle, atonement. attract more attention from foes is the description
The Alligator-Wolf things in Ithyrill.

The "PvE god" challenge for this game will probably include fighting the two in water reservoir at the same time. I shudder at the thought.
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Hardest boss fight in any video game ever made.

its the same as the first fight. stand behind pillars for the little sparklies, dodge the big beams and run perpendicularly from the arrows
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>mfw using the dried finger and activating all mad phantom signs I see

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>at dungeon
>game has showered me with titanite shards
>0 titanite chunks

>only 1 refined gem, which was from the blue knight at the start of the game

Where the fuck is this shit
Don't tell me I need to grind the blue knight for refined gems
why in the fuck do fog walls come up at firelink?
+6 cleaver SL 52, dodge, smack smack dodge
Yeah, and the soul cost to repair them is enough of one
>Also, how much should I invest in VIT?
0. Heavy armor isn't worth it.
And how do you do that? Cheat engine? Some other program?
Its an illusion famerino.
>so am I missing something or he is seriously just "i shoot a fuckload of projectiles and instakill you"

Fought him like 5 times and still don't know what to do about his anime bow attack, except for run away.
>so am I missing something or he is seriously just "i shoot a fuckload of projectiles and instakill you"

Best you can do is try and predict where aldrich teleports to and get there before the rain of arrows or crystal magic kamehameha has time to be considered as a viable option by the AI.

Just keep rushing and blasting the fuck, when I beat that boss the rain of arrows would one-shot me, same with the long range magic line spell.
God, why is the revisit to Anor Londo so fucking depressing? I just saw the corpse of The Giant Black Smith and got super sad.
i saw that happen today when i watched my bro play

he was playing as phantom and the boss just floated around with no animations and he just kept hitting it and apparently it took the damage
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>create a beautiful aryan waifu
>get summoned by a shitskin
I should be able to duel that faggot.
They're all trash because Poison is 3 HP per tick.

Somebody tell me when there's a toxic goddamn weapon.
You start getting chucks after dancer.
Those gayass giant Bloodborne ratdogs
Estoc Turtle
Gotthard Twinsword
The entire game has a very sad atmosphere
Makes me want to write a suicide note
Because the areas beyond have not finished loading.
thanks senpai
level 23, can't beat abyss watchers, should I go elsewhere?
>being a racist in PRESENT DAY PRESENT TIME
Yes, Cheat Engine.
how do you even know what skin color he is with this retarded dirt mechanic.
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bitch took my rubbish and didn't give me shit?
It's mostly depressing because you realise how retarded FROMs design team are by just plonking a fucking city around Anor Londo with no regard for where the previous towers + structures to support Anor Londo would have been while also cutting off the entire interior that would have been interesting to go through again via the Archer part.
I disagree. The game wasn't making me sad up till the this point. I hate to mention another game series, but coming back to Anor Londo reminds me of the return to Shadow Moses in MGS4.
Dodge to their back. Eventually you'll figure out when you have an opening.
How do you deal with the hp drain assholes in the dungeon? And what's the rec level for this area, I'm 45
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What SL should I be at for Abyss Watchers?
Pls be joking
The fuck does this even mean, are the NPC's real? Whats even happening
I think that was very much what they were going for with it
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>Put on Aldrich mark
>Summoned to invade so quickly after each invasion that I don't have time to remove the mark
>This happens four times
Is anyone else not getting anywhere with Watchdogs?

Or am I overleveled at 40?

I can't invade anywhere.
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>Velka Statue in Undead Settlement offers human form and resets your hollowing but Yuria doesn't get mad at you

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Is there even a weapon in the game with good str & faith scaling?

The best i could find was A in either str or faith but never a weapon with good scaling in both.
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So I finished Dark Souls 1 finally and probably will skip 2 so I can play 3.

There's no invisible crystal cave bullshit or pitch dark tomb of giants areas right? I hated that shit.

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what do you get out of just randomly giving it shit not knowing what it's gonna give you. why not just look it up.
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Why is there no gimmick to the Aldrich Faithful?

Even the B-team had gimmicks for the territorial covenants in DS2. Ratfags were great.
is the 2nd part parryable?
Interestingly, the two areas seem to occupy the same space in the game world

Leaving a message in the Graves will also appear at Firelink, and noclipping into the cave in the Cemetery leads to the Consumed's King's Garden
How does Yhorm the Giant work? I picked up a sword in the back and still do no damage. There's a little windy wind-up with the special attack but I don't see it doing anything.
its an ingame loading screen
They don't drain your hp, they drain your max hp.

Kill them quickly, don't heal up between fights (Unless you're fighting something other than the branding shits). Wait for your max hp to restore before taking on more of them.

The room with ten of the shitters I slowly drew back into another room one at a time with a bow.
>skip 2
It's pretty fun, you'll miss out.
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Anybody wanna co-op? I need help in the cathedral of the deep. Put your sign down at the chapel with the password DSGsouls
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>We were unable to get your save data
Got to love xbox one.
what level for pvp?
you get his ashes
>Go into Gwyn's Tomb
>Dead body against one of the walls
>It's the Lady of the Darkling

For some reason, that hit me really hard. It got even worse later on when I realized there's a decent chance she died trying to protect Gwyndolin.
Yes, but he's sickdark and edgy
So how do I get the Way of White circlet? I got banned apparently for disconnecting and simply crashing all the time online.
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Guys, I'm not finding Demon's Souls very fun.

>Played Dark Souls but got stuck at the fairy boss thing in the garden area
>Played Bloodborne but got stuck at Vicar Amelia
>Had fun playing both games, just haven't gotten around to continuing them

I'm at the boss for world 2-1 and the game just feels like a pain in the ass. Is Demon's Souls worth playing if you aren't like a mega Souls fan? It feels like a prototype for Dark Souls.
Hold L2 until it is fully loaded.
Then Hold L2 and press R1
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The abilities seem kinda cool (but also worthless) but man, do they put effort into making dragon form look retarded each time.

The hands one reminds of of Daimon in DD.
I am tempted to play it before I buy 3, does 2 connect with 3 at all? I've only seen people referencing things from 1 so far.
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