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\balt\ + /ausnz/ = serious discussion
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 71
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high quality chat edition
First for IU
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3rd for Asian girls
I'm just in time, morning boys
Hello, I'm here for discussion.
9am, fuck it's too early for me
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>anime still being posted despite lithuania being asleep
Iceland my man, woke up same time as me
my inner australian did not let me sleep
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7 past 4.20
Hello where are the discussions
What to discuss? Perhaps the decline of the west ? Latvian culture? Why do kiwis drink horse semen? Who knows where this leads
Wasn't it sheep, not horses?
hi phinland
nope horse
I would post anime to piss you off, but my external HDD died.
No it was CONCENTRATED STALLION SEED straight to the mouths of their women,
How isolated Australia/NZ is from the rest of the world? How Sweden is in the middle of a brown invasion? How most of Europe is in the middle of a brown invasion? Australia's dying economy? Our joke of a political system? Our backwards, decade or two behind the rest of the world lifestyle?
it was a trick
I actually like cute anime
The strawberry flavour isn't too bad desu. You can almost forget that you're drinking cum. I don't recommend the lemon flavour though.
Pls be in Auckland
Is there any alternative to city life,countrysides are dero as and remote
Living in the cities of Australia is too fucking expensive plus the majority of them are slowly getting filled with lebs and turks.

Living in the rural areas is probably worse because there's nothing to fucking do, no one to talk to or meet, no access to simple services and most things are even more expensive than in the city.

Probably 80% my biased opinion but Australia is pretty shit to live in, especially for young people.
Feels numb and good, comfy as right now
Imagine living in Perth, having to witness eastern cuck city's self destruct whilst also living in your irrelevant isolated state, feel bad for them
I'm in Perth ;_;

If you're not in the eastern cuck cities or Perth, where the fuck are you?
Perth's at least closer to the rest of the world
also mining $$
I'm in that ladelaide Victoria region
Heinz Chilly Beans for lunch t b h
>closer to the rest of the world
We get everything later than the Eastern side and some things just never make it here. Also, any flight out of Perth stops in the Eastern states anyway so yeah, not really.

>also mining $$
Mining boom died a few years ago, all big companies like RIO, BHP, etc, etc are only down sizing not booming. Our whole state (and majority of the country) is also dependent completely on resources that are (and have been for the past 5 years) in decline. Plus, there's like no 'skilled work' here, only work you'll find are fucking trades.

Did I miss something?
Meant South Australia but let's be honest Adelaide is the state
Yeah that's true.
Perth is the state of WA
Adelaide is the state of SA
Darwin is the state of NT
>it's another sleep paralysis episode
I haven't slept for a day, and I'm not ready for this spooky shit
Would be cool if they weren't such silly names, maybe WA could be Weestland
since when did /ausnz/ merge with /balt/? last time I browsed /int/ everyone was still using /brit/
When you left, as a joke to confuse you.
Because /balt/ and /ausnz/ are both based as fuck

Plus, we're both equally isolated so I've heard
When your mum wanted a gangbang
Burt með þig, ódýra eftirlíking.
need a girl to suck on my benis
vá ókei, hvurslags dónaskapur er þetta :DD
what did he mean by this?

Feeling the same, want a petite submissive gf to scream for more cummies
"hello fellow countryman, how are you?"
"I'm okay, what about yourself? :DD?
Fólk sem flytur til Svíþóðar af fúsum og frjálsum vilja er með einhvers konar þroskahömlun
I knew it my draugs,
He's giving ya shit isn't he ?
Yes I am
I called him a cheap knockoff

Hey you cant say that, Draugur is our word
>I called him a cheap knockoff
knockoff of what?????
Just to gather some real quick data:

What religion(s)/beliefs does everyone follow here?

I'm atheist in the fact that I think God,Christianity, most religions were just a way for organisations to gain more power/control back in the day and are mostly out dated in today's society. Plus, believe the Earth is 4.5 billion years old and that evolution is a thing.

But I'm also skeptical of reality and always think that something like the matrix, living in a false reality, could be a thing. Sometimes there's just weird coincidences or things that happen that are too weird to be in reality.

What do our /balt/ic brethren believe? What do my fellow Australians believe in?
Play nice.
Of an Icelander
>Not believing in our lord Jesus Christ
Hope you enjoy burning in hell
How did Icelandic come to be anyway, is it Norwegian on hard mode ?WTF how could a few seafarers come up with it
Fact the NZeee and Iceland are complete polar opposites ,
I don't particularly believe in God and all that but I feel It would be nice if he did exist.

From Proto-Germanic *draugaz (“delusion, mirage, illusion”). Akin to Old Saxon gidrog (“delusion”) and Old High German bitrog (“delusion”), gitrog (“ghost”).
Singular of Draugar, or "draugs" as you so offensively put it.

>How did Icelandic come to be anyway
It's Old Norse with a few changes, everyone else stopped speaking it so we just claimed it as our own language.
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Iceland is NZ without the curious looking natives
And with more culture
>Old Norse
*smacks lips*
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kid drunk at skatepark.png
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>NZ has no cultu-
Yeah dying and going to a place where you can get anything/everything you desire would be cool.

But it seems like one of those too good to be true sort of things that the church told the common people so they don't all go killing themselves because life is pointless. Or so they are always trying to prove themselves to the church because it would correlate to a better afterlife - benefits the life of the people in the church a shit load as well.
Ask a guy who has an image OC reposted ranked within #70 to #75 anything

No I don't suck big black cocks or muslim cock

I also made many dolan memes ages ago that spread like cancer they were.

I am a meme master

I lurk deep in the shadows

This is my first balt aunz post in months
>tfw no auntie to give you a box of codys
Wait I had it wrong they're both the farthest country's from each other , well it's either that or South Argentina and Central China
Skuxx gee
chur bol
>open letter

pls gib me attention the vid
Neat. Now this seems Hungarian tier difficulty
Saw the title and into the trash it goes
What, do you not preserve the culture of your ancestors?
no one cares
Nah just messing, when I hear old Norse I picture Beowulf
Some kid in my area committed suicide yesterday and now everyone has suddenly become fucking mental health experts.

Australia is that bad that kids are killing themselves because we literally have nothing we can achieve here
>the online gf is having mood swings
Chadwick must be ignoring her lately.
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>nothing to achieve
>kid, you got what it takes to makeitodabig time. you got dat look, kid
A lie they feed Americans to keep them working
That's bad news, I'll straighten him out
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>online gf
Read: Middle-aged man pretending to be a woman.
I am, without any humor or irony, a girl
Post tats.
You say this but I don't believe you as I've heard through the grape vine that you are a guy that masturbates to other guys.
No she's real ,leave her alone K
>first Australia and New Zealand
>Now Iceland
/balt/ic empire is getting bigger every day.
k sorry
She's about as real as mai waifu.
Nope, your lucky she didn't hear it , she'd kill me then you
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straya moite.gif
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This is a shocker of a thread
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you're a shocker of a chap
Where does she live?
Italy desu
You're an idiot. What have you gotten yourself into? Find an aussie girl lad.
u wot m8
That's why it's called overseas relationship , I doubt I'd have a chance with her irl, but the online talks are fun
tell me about averge day of australian, guys. Pls :3
Oi cunt
Draugs is friend in Latvian

And goodmorning to everyone else
Long distance relationships are only long distance if you've actually met her in person before.

Anything else is a fake relationship.
Tell me about the average day of an Australian, guys. Please?
>be australian
>wake up next to your sister
>"ay dahlin fahk moi that was a noice root last noight"
>ride a kangaroo to the shitposting plant
>get stopped by abos
>their faces haven't loaded yet because of high ping
>give them all your petrol anyway
>apologise for invading their country
>say thank you to the traditional owners of the land, the irrawajjialabumbajjiju people
>continue on your way
>shitpost hard on 4chan all day so you can afford to pay your internet bill ($1000 for 0.1bps connection, 3mb data cap)
>go home
>get mugged by abos again
>no petrol this time, give them some of your ping instead
>switch on the tv
>the wallabies lost to new zealand again
>"fahkin no worries m8 she'll be roight I'll just watch the loigue instead"
>the kangaroos lost to new zealand again
>"m-muh cricket"
>"m-muh afl"
>can't see what's happening, players' mullets blocking the camera
>go to new zealand, steal some pavlova and claim it was yours all along
>cry yourself to sleep muttering "m-muh hdi, m-muh gdp per capita"
>get bitten by spoidah
>die within seconds
t. Jakub Szcywozski
>their faces haven't loaded yet because of high ping
Do pics count as seeing her irl
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10/10 post
You can be my girlfriend and marry me for citizenship
>does watching porn count as losing my virginity
I bet you fags didn't knew that Zealand is actually near Denmark
Yeah, I popped over to the mainland this morning
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actually, i did. wanna fight about it?
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>their faces haven't loaded yet because of high ping
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>Playing GeoGuessr.
>Land on a street with fucking dogshit design in buildings and ugly dry bushes for plants
>Instantly be able too tell it's Australia.

It's pretty sad that I'm able too tell instantly if a place in Australia instantly from how awful the aesthetic is.

Seriously, Australian urban design is so fucking bad.
Don't care, I'm thirsty as for a female companion and it's the only one ever so l make do
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Kapēc tik priecīgs, draugs?
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Australia Post - Hurstbridge.jpg
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i like our architecture
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that sort of architecture is mostly rural though.

Most cities/suburbs are filled with bland buildings, red brick bungalows, grey renderd boxs with the occasional Victorian architecture in the larger cities CBS.
yeah i know, i'm east melbourne so all of that shit is only what's currently being built for all the FOTBs, i feel sorry for anyone west of the yarra
cities aren't really Australian though.

Gas anybody who lives within 100km of the coast 2beehaitch
>stealing copypasta from hard working poolels
please come your /balt/ brothers and help gaurd against the foreign memes
live chat
seppos out
t. Jerry Wallagojiromonga
>t. Jerry Wallagojiromonga
what did he mean by this?
t. the murralingannamuk mob
I was insinuating that the poster I was replying to was of Aboriginal descent, as he said that "anybody who lives within 100km of the coast" should be killed. Aboriginals are known to live in the desert, which is further inland and therefore not on the coast :)
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>he doesn't live rural
I live in geelong, that's semi-rural. It's really just very suburban though.

Thankfully it's close to melbourne and still has a decent variety of food/shops.

I'd kill myself if I had to live rural for an extended period of time.
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I live in Sale. Thankfully it's not close to Lelbourne or I'd neck myself.
I know a guy in sale

you probably know him
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maybe he's the guy you know
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Maybe I am him.
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My friend called me just a moment ago when I was asleep and asked about laws regarding demolishing a building and evicting people from it.

It has been a strange morning.
last night was a strange morning for ya mum

Tere, kuidas on teie päeva tehes sõbrad Ma loodan, et sa hea hommikul
are you lawyer?
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Why do you unironically have fiesta letters in your alphabet?
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Sa oled vagun, ma olen vedur.
eks, lahti nühkima
Haha, nice Google Translate

Something like it
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90s Pepe.jpg
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There's a sausage sizzle at my school, lads. Come join us!
my uncle lives in Sale
Can't do it. Your mum's too busy making my sausage sizzle.
There's a sausage sizzle in your roastie too.
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It seems like everyone knows someone from Sale.

Why do so many people live in Sale?
Because they keep selling houses in Sale.
is Sale pronounced "sa le" or as in 50% off

what's your name or initials?
50% off
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I live in 50% off too, draugi.

btw im a girl
>overfilling the bath
classic beginner mistake, you have to account for displacement!
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>ywn be able to sense a girls heartbeat racing when she talks and touches you knowing shes into you
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current moodarino
i was into your mum last night haha
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cheer up lad
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Japs intentionally overfill their baths. It's a cultural thing. They also don't wash in the bath, but they wash outside the bath on stools and then enter the bath to relax while clean.
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t. worlds biggest weeb
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Got a job cleaning hotels lads

first shift is tomorrow should I make a cunt out of myself?

lick the toilet, become pornstar, free money
never knock
wear a hidden cam
would you pay to watch?
sounds like a noice idea

should i try to fug guests?

i dont need the money to live i just want to save money while i mooch off my parents
Not sure what bathing has to do with anime.
t. worlds biggest bathing enthusiast
you can fug them but not while on shift
steal from people small things that they won't notice like candies
There are still more aussies in /brit/ it's just mostly a kiwi thing and the autistic Latvian living in aus
Although i have noticed that more aussies come here during British night time when yanks start to overrun /brit/
Thinking of going on Tinder and looking for a gf. I know it's a bad idea but it's the only way girls my age find partners anymore.
don't do what Daniel did and use it to have conversations with dutch exchange students
>gf material
if you want to buy pork, you don't go to the market, you go to the butcher's
Where's the supplier of good gfs?
t. murraginglebryunniugurragurra
Saudi Arabian slave auctions.
btw i am girl
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BF5 leak.jpg
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Hello. My name is Antanas Kovalevičius. I am from village of Kalabybiškis. Now is my 10 minutes on village computer. Internet so slow it take 9 minutes to send post, so I have to write in 1 minut, so forgive mistake as I hurry. I use all my monthly time on village computer to tell to you on this kirghizian chakra healing forum that on tinder can't judge a woman's ability to plow a field.

That is it. I must go now, headmistress call for work. Good luck to you in the world.
shanghai was a GOAT map
mornin lads

spring here finally! tired of this shitty winter now
still waiting on my copy from that latvian dev
That's funny, I was just looking for a second job and the motel nearby is currently hiring, 40 euro after taxes per night shift.
Pls report tomorrow how it went, I'd like to know what's the job like.
I'll take you. Want citizenship here?
t. zhao
t. stavros
t. habibi
will do m9

only got a two hour trial shift tomorrow though
You will clearly be asked to suck at least a dick.
K... Keep me posted
>Lithuanian employment experiences
what if we have a problem conductor
Morning, just woke from an afternoon evening sleep, I was honestly convinced it's the next day
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That image will take 5 years to load for him
I hope the game doesnt ship for 5 years.
who /rotisserie chicken/ here?
Lads, when you want to poo, do you go immediately or do you wait for a bit more to accumulate?
Ur mum accumulates without waiting lol
I love the feeling of unleashing a monster turd desu but my haemmorhoids don't
moderately rude
go 5 mins after my morning cup of coffee
perfect every time
Its getting dark out
i wish i could routinely shit
I got a xanax prescription recently. I never have to take it during weekdays because in my class we go off and work on our separate computers, never have to talk to anyone. If I see my friends on weekends and take 1 mg on Saturday and/or Sunday because I'm feeling anxious, what kind of tolerance/dependence can I expect? If it means the difference between becoming an addict or not I'm willing to only take it every two weeks or so, I'm trying to play it safe as possible with a dangerous drug.
sorry, draugs
desu as long as you take less than a gram everyday it is impossible to become addicted

t. liar
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how do i get gf
I'd prefer to be answered within the next month desu

both me desu
I have some marijuanas and intend on injecting it. How much is too much and will I die,
what country do we summon lads
Icelands mum pls come
Be me
Get girlfriend
$$$$$$$$?????+?? Le profit
also just play it safe until you get an answer from there desu
I'm sure australia's made her come several times already
Hello chaps.
I just got the joke
very nice
Sister has codeine addiction, she's a mess
I say we should summon the glorious people of Sale
Hey bud
she's addicted to my cum lmao she cant stop injecting lmoa
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why is she so perfect
Damian? You stay away from her K
No arms to slap you

/balt/ is like the reddit of /int/
My phone runs out of battery quickly.

I'm tired but I have work to do
I might take a nap
turn it off lel
Charge it.
What's so funni funni man?!
what's rural to you? Wye River?
geelong is the second biggest city in Victoria
It's funny because Sale is the only based rural town
that's not how you spell Mansfield
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 71

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