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Thread replies: 62
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File: preview.jpg (47 KB, 912x785) Image search: [Google]
47 KB, 912x785
Continuing firm last thread
File: ss+(2016-01-18+at+06.38.36).jpg (112 KB, 1066x508) Image search: [Google]
112 KB, 1066x508
Raichi Todoroki please
Anyone wanna make a list of the unfinished requests before the old thread dies?
There's also Tetora from Ensemble Stars, Hide from Tokyo Ghoul and Aang
File: miiccachi.png (354 KB, 515x677) Image search: [Google]
354 KB, 515x677
>Mika (from idk)
Hyakuya Mikaela is from Seraph of the End.
File: Raichi-Todoroki-hair-preview.jpg (132 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
132 KB, 700x600
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99 KB, 2000x2400
File: ss+(2016-01-20+at+10.50.36).jpg (35 KB, 365x284) Image search: [Google]
35 KB, 365x284
Thank you, but the hair is a bit too close to the eyes, I'll be grateful if you could change it a bit
File: Raichi-Todoroki-hair_v2.jpg (129 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
129 KB, 700x600
You are right. It was also too big.
File: Raichi-Todoroki-hair_v2.png (78 KB, 2000x2400) Image search: [Google]
78 KB, 2000x2400
Had some free time, so made the Mikorin hair!

I also plan to make Momotarou today.
File: preview.jpg (49 KB, 891x777) Image search: [Google]
49 KB, 891x777
And the preview!
File: free - momotarou.png (285 KB, 2000x2400) Image search: [Google]
free - momotarou.png
285 KB, 2000x2400
Alright, finished Momo, too!
File: preview.jpg (50 KB, 913x777) Image search: [Google]
50 KB, 913x777
Here's the preview!
Thank you anon!
thank you so much!!
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505 KB, 740x494
How about Kenma?
ryuuji? from ToraDora?
how about kanji from persona 4?
File: Renton Thurston.png (1 MB, 1400x1200) Image search: [Google]
Renton Thurston.png
1 MB, 1400x1200
Found the hair, looking for the clothes, sharing what I got so far.
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35 KB, 600x600
File: jojo - bruno.png (128 KB, 2000x2400) Image search: [Google]
jojo - bruno.png
128 KB, 2000x2400
I made this one more for myself, since it wasn't requested. Here's Bruno from Jojo!
File: preview.jpg (48 KB, 915x784) Image search: [Google]
48 KB, 915x784
And here's the preview!

Sorry for not working on any of the requests; I'm having some trouble with my hand, but I'm getting it checked soon, so I should be able to do more requests soon!
how do you get the muscles?

Don't worry about it, take care of yourself first, I'm sure we can Manage with what we have :p
File: muscular_her.png (7 KB, 296x28) Image search: [Google]
7 KB, 296x28

Don't click the green button!
You did Bruno some good fuckin justice. Get well soon!!
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121 KB, 750x549
Bumping with slightly related porn
No love for nagisa?
File: nagisa hazuki.png (65 KB, 1200x2400) Image search: [Google]
nagisa hazuki.png
65 KB, 1200x2400

Someone did Nagisa Hazuki a while ago.
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366 KB, 700x600

Here's the preview.
File: vlcsnap-2016-02-15-01h14m28s447.png (624 KB, 1162x387) Image search: [Google]
624 KB, 1162x387
Anybody got the hair for Natsu from Fairy tail?
also for requests, could someone do Kaworu from Evangelion?
Nevermind the Natsu thing, found it
This is probably just me being a retard, but how do i get these images with multiple parts in them like pic related to work?
How can you edit the face? Like adding a bigger nose or changing the eye/eyebrow shape.
File: fairy tail - natsu.png (136 KB, 2000x2400) Image search: [Google]
fairy tail - natsu.png
136 KB, 2000x2400
Use the full-sized image (not that thumbnail) then just upload it into the game. The game puts it together on its own.
File: screenshot0001.png (294 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
294 KB, 700x600
Menu -> Modding -> Import Hair -> select *hair.png
omg. ritsu please!
This was my problem, didnt realize it was a thumbnail and thought you had to do something to make it work
More Jojo hairs would be awesome.
How do you get the gay mod for this? I'd love to try it out.
Yuu from Owari no Seraph pls.
most versions have a penis option already included then set breasts to 0. Or are you talking muscles?
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i think you'd need the loader for that, iirc (i haven't done much with this game recently). check the loader mods section, there might be something there
Mikorin requester here-- Wow, looks amazing!! Thanks so much!
i seem to have missed the old thread, can someone repost? and/or is there a folder with male hair somewhere?
agreed-- i have a mighty need for kakyoin, pucci, and/or giorno
Ohhh I also want to know how to change there muscles :3

Sby Loader Pack (the game with preconfigured mods):

Muscular Her:

Make Her Cum:

the thread for the makehercum mod is telling me to put files i don't see into folders that i don't have. what?

Get the "sby_loader_pack_6_545.zip" and unzip it

Unzip "MakeHerCum_V1.0.zip" to "sby_loader_pack_6_545/Loader5.45/Mods/"
so that you have:

Open the following file in a text editor of your choice:

Add the following as first line (no quotes):
"Make Her Cum:MakeHerCum_V1.0"

Start "sby_loader_pack_6_545/Loader5.45/Loader.swf"
you should now be able to load "Make Her Cum" from the "Scene" menue under "Custom"
("she" has to have a penis to make it effective, click "j" to ejaculate)
so lost
File: code geass - suzaku.png (70 KB, 1200x1200) Image search: [Google]
code geass - suzaku.png
70 KB, 1200x1200
Can anyone do a hair up like this character has. The artist is Kakugari Kyoudai.

Thanks much art bros
any more?
File: Gokotai-1.png (1 MB, 334x910) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 334x910
Plz Gokotai
Ive seen pictures of mods of Makoto Tachibana from Free! Where can I get these?
File: kaworu.png (106 KB, 1200x1200) Image search: [Google]
106 KB, 1200x1200
here's a kaworu but someone really needs to make a better one.

does anyone know where to find this body muscle mod? it's different from this one >>2259466
File: bod.jpg (48 KB, 219x154) Image search: [Google]
48 KB, 219x154
It's part of sby loader pack.
File: makoto - free.png (67 KB, 2000x2400) Image search: [Google]
makoto - free.png
67 KB, 2000x2400
Here's the hair.
Thread replies: 62
Thread images: 37

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