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So I have been able to control people's response and state
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So I have been able to control people's response and state of being for 4 days now before that I had crippling depression and anxiety. Now all I have to do is feel myself (?) and feel the other to have complete control of the situation but I'm having trouble focusing due to my inability to produce enough dopamine because of meth abuse... Any suggestions/questions?
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Your'e in a state of psychosis. Look it up. You are delusional brother. I would recommend stop using drugs for like two weeks.
Please tell us more about your powers.
It sounds interesting.
How does your dopaminlevel affect your abilities?
That sounds plausible but you see beforehand people would treat me like thrash I felt like I needed something I was needy and unattractive so I beat myself over it so hard I just wanted to kill myself but then I started reading Occult shit, how we all are connected, the essence of the soul and internal awakening and I literally feel like I can do it all but people are now afraid of me I swear, people I don't even know walking down the street are afraid pf looking at me in the eye when I feel that way and yesterday a girl walked up to me and I felt like kissing her so guess what she did immediately after? She kissed me...
Does anybody else feel like this? "
I don't feel it, but I want to anon. Stop the drugs and finesse your skill if it is indeed real.
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Okay, the only thing I do is become aware of my surroundings, how my breathing feels , I see the people around me (most of the time they can't look me in the eye), I open my throat and feel the emotion I want to convey to others, we work like clockwork and I feel like the one directing it where to go. All this happens in less than an instant and can also change as fast as that because of my inability to concentrate

>girl kissed you
>random girl that you wanted to kiss, signaling how desperate you are
>not fucking her or getting off of 4chan to do so

Ive found the paranormal here
Bet you couldn't influence me, pussy

I always avoid looking into the eyes of needy faggots, otherwise they start talking to me.
At that moment I felt fulfilled and able to provide that's why she felt attracted, I didn't fuck her because I have mommy issues and women scare me... I'm getting over it ok haha
You sound needy af
Your having a psychotic break OP, the first poster is right. Please get help. What you are describing is classic.
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