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Has anyone tried this at home? I've been using a binaural app called Brain Waves that lets you dial in frequencies and even with earbuds I don't get the spoops. I imagine the frequency would need to be run through a subwoofer (which I do not have) to get results maybe.

Any anon out there with a bad-ass sound system want to try running this app or something similar and report results? No, I'm not a shill for the app, it doesn't do anything but generate tones.
Oh, freq is 19Hz if you didn't read the link.
OP still here, don't want to seem same fagging, just kinda coming up with stuff on the fly. I would assume a haunted house infrasound would probably come from an acoustically odd part of the place in the first place.
Ya I've messed around with low bass tones and binaural. There is a free program called Gnaural that lets you create your own with many variables.

I believe what the article says about earth tones (geologic, electric, telluric, etc) being the catalyst of certain paranormal events. The brain operates on electric pulses and the introduction of outside waves can sync the brain creating phenomena

Somewhat tangential but I think this ties into the correlation of music, physics, and emotion. Certain turnings and notes seem harmonic/dissonant because they are have perfect numbers behind them and these variations relate to the human brain in a specific way. Dissonant sounds make the brain feel negative emotions while the opposite goes for harmonic. Any environment we are in is largely shaped based on these qualities
I've been wondering about this kind of shit after something I listened to a few days ago.


This song (tangentially related to the whole Erattas thing, but I won't get into that here) is somehow really happy and upbeat sounding to me but still manages to really give me the creeps in a way I can't figure out. It feels like music made by an alien or a machine or something, I don't know. You seem to know a lot about this still, do you know what exactly is going on here?
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On my first listen what I noticed is that the synth parts slightly go in an out of tune especially on the section around 110. This keeps you kind of on the edge because there isn't a clear tonal center giving it harmony, so the tension is was plays with your brain.

A great book with tons of occult info regarding music theory and its connection to astrology and beyond is called Quadrivium. Definitely recommend it if you are interested in these things.

Beyond just manipulating humans with sound, there are devices that can put fires out by blasting with deep enough tones to rattle the atoms extinguished. Eventually I think there will be tech that can manipulate matter/reality through concentrations of the right frequencies

>pic related is from the book depicting Venus' orbit around earth over 8 (significant number) years
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17.5 MHz, pleb.
What are these frequencies?
I only remember that human brain is running somehwere around 13mhz

also in relation to the ELF frequency
anyone got some interesting yt links to that?
also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvJAgrUBF4w
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