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What's the best zodiac sign and why is it scorpio? pic unrelated
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What's the best zodiac sign and why is it scorpio?

pic unrelated
fuck you, scorpio.
sincerely, taurus
I think we are all good in our own ways

Aquarius here
I always claim to be Scorpio even though I'm a virgo
Pisces here,

I got really emotional and had a point, but I'll just stay quiet and alone over here.
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>he needs material things to feel secure
Pathetic tbqh
That's not how you spell capricorn.
Pic related in every way you mean. Scorpios are objectively shit tier human beings.
Capricorns are pretty based actually
>t. the boring libra
Jan 20
I am a Capricorn/Aquarius
so what does that make me?
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not material things. Just the unyielding acceptance of random people on the internet.
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Leo is easily top-tier zodiac sign
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>i picked an edgy topic for acceptance
>i specifically chose a controversial and pointless topic to post about in order to feel accepted
Try again
Sagitarius master-race reporting in
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nigga i just posted in this thread for goofs.Who hurt you?
I sincerely don't understand how someone can love sex so much and still be so fussy and pouty. what the fuck scorpios?

xoxo, a Gemini

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I'm just bored faggot stop assuming dumb shit
Tier list
>god tier
Fire signs
>uber tier
Earth signs
>meh tier
Air signs
>shit tier
Water signs
>water puts out fire
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Not assuming. Just instigating. One of my favorite past times.
>earth signs
>not meh tier

I laughed

spot on with the God and shit tier placements though

serious question, why is every water sign I've ever met constantly on their period or something?
And air supplements fire, yet I put it in meh tier... It doesn't work like that.
>geminis aren't fussy and pouty
Geminis are overgrown children
at least I'm not constantly CRAAAAAWLING INNNNNN MY SKINNNNNNNNNNNNNN like literally every Scorpio ever
Maybe I got then wrong. Which ones are the earth signs, again?
the boring ones
where does cancer rank?
the name is a good hint
You mean, the down to earth, practical ones? They are uber tier because they keep fire signs from combusting
They just act like that because they have to put up with all your bullshit. Just shut your mouth once in a while
Caps, Taurus, and Virgos. Basically the cool dudes.
>confirmed for boring
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w-what about Cancers?
the boring ones who are usually dumb and simple and are so off putting they snuff out the brightest signs*

maybe if scorpios collectively removed the gigantic sticks they have rammed in their anuses they would lighten the fuck up and realize that not everyone is put on this earth to abide by what does or does not offend their poor widdle feefees
Aquarians are pretty good at sucking dick I'll give them that
Nope, I'm a mighty archer centaur dude. I am just saying that earth signs help fire signs better than air signs
earth signs snuff out fire you daft cunt

See >>17898600
Sorry m8 I don't know any
You are a daft cunt. Air signs make fire burn brighter, and therefore shorter. It's too much passion involved.
Earth signs, on the other hand, dim the fire, and make it last longer. Take Jobs and Wozniak for example (don't know what their signs are, but Jobs is the passionate visionary, while Wozniak is the smart guy that runs the engineering part)
Earth signs confirmed for boring AND stupid
Every sign has their betas. Except Pisces. They're all cucks.
>putting someone down and dimming their light just to hold on to them longer

so you're selfish too?
I'm a sagitarius, it's part of who I am. Possessive and shit
this was confirmed long ago desu senpai
well stop it, it's annoying

you can't even spell your own sign correctly so clearly your IQ is at room temp. don't worry, I'll point out how stupid you are any day
What makes the practical earth signs boring exactly?
It's because it's stupid and long and shit and english is my fourth language, to be honest. In my language it's simply Archer
do you really need it spelled out for you?
Aquarius is L I T E R A L L Y the best
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>this thread
You mean Aquarion? Yeah, it's a good show
why are you responding to me talking about earth signs snuffing out a fire sign as if you are an earth sign? you do know sags are fire signs right? you need to get a better understanding of English because you sound like a complete moron

I'm pretty sure that's not how you spell leo
yes, because no one in this thread has said why. Just stated like it's some sort of fact.
because it's common knowledge to anyone with half of a brain
Oh look it's another earth sign
Seems like you don't have half the brain to even begin explaining. Or are you just talking out of your ass.
I don't feel like it's my job to hold your hand and walk you through it when Google exists

sorry I'm not gonna spoon feed you you lazy faggot
Wayer signs are either autists or sociopaths
I know that. And I know what earth signs do to fire signs, as I am in a very happy and long relationship with an earth sign. Before that, I was in a relationship with an air sign, and it was boom boom pow, dead in a couple of months.
Sure, the evidence I have is purely anecdotal, but still. I am defending the poor earth signs
you're the one asserting some shit on an online image board. The burden of proof lies on you. Or you can just admit you most likely don't know what you're talking about.
Virgos are kinky wife material
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what crawled up your ass and died
I'm an air sign married to a fire sign and we've been together for years and years

did you ever consider the reason you didn't keep your air sign is because you are literally retarded and it's off putting?

routine is boring, safe is boring

are you happy now? want me to wipe your ass too?
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>I'm not boring I-I swear
I'm a scorpi dating a Pisces.
this thread isn't disproving my theory that earth signs are shit and stupid in the least
so for dates do you two gather around a radio playing linkin park and cry while cutting yourselves with spoons or what?
Hitler was a Taurus and he seemed like a fun guy
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I gave anon a compliment, what's the big deal?
Nah, usually movies and/or food.
All of his fellow Taurus should follow in his footsteps and kill themselves.
I always wanted an emotionally fucked kinky pisces gf
I'm the Pisces you responded to. How is that working out? I had a fwb with a scorpio and it didn't end well
why are the women in your sign always kinda fat? please explain this to me. every Scorpio female I've ever met ever has been chubby/fat
I guess I may have misunderstood what you said. sorry
>happy now?
Happier than your irritable ass
>want me to wipe your ass too?
I just asked you to back up your assertions that I had never once in my life heard,

No need to be pooper peeved.
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Sagittarius + Leo rising sign.

Double fire.

Literally an iron wall of emotional buffers between me and all my significant others.

Usually only romantically interested in water signs.

This shit burrrnnnnss.
but that's earth signs whole "thing". how have you never heard this? do you live under a rock? being an earth sign I wouldn't be surprised if that was your situation and all seeing as you're terrified of change

you sound like a masochist
Thanks I guess?

blanket statements for elemental interactions confirmed for bullshit
my crush is a capricorn.. explains so much now. why are you guys have to rationalize everything?
Poor pisces. They just need a good dicking once in a while
welcome to the basis for astrology you sensitive sally
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Honestly, I'm starting to think I am. Being a literal faggot doesn't help. Most gays don't tend to have my flat line emotional status.
>Tfw when your ex compared you to a house plant
why are leos fucking assholes? my ex was a leo and he was terrible.
literal flaming faggot*

come on man, that joke practically wrote itself and you still missed it
I'm a Pisces
Because of that Pisces is the best sign

Do any of you know the legend of the Pisces sign?
Supposedly according to zodiac mythology you must be reborn into every sign before you can move on from this reality.

Pisces is the last sign in the karma wheel.
So after this life I get to leave.

Is this the masochist guy or the boring earth sign?
That's just assuming the worst of a entire group of people. If I assumed the worst about Air signs, I'd just shit talk about how they have no friends and lack emotions.
I always heard earth signs were just practical but not the best at starting conversations.
nice, glad you made it there
where do I land? (Aquarius/Capricorn)
maybe you are just not worthy? I wouldn't blame him for not wanting to deal with trash

I married a Leo and he's warm n cuddly so the only thing I can think of is you being shit
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Cool, i never heard that before. What's the order of the signs?
I know for a fact I lack emotions but at least I'm not stupid and boring

he's warm and cuddly until you get into one fight and then he cheats on you
You're a cheeky bastard. I like you, anon. Though, from here on out I will not fail to walk through that open door.
Pisces is the last sign and the wheel moves clockwise so that's how you can tell, just google zodiac signs to get your symbol

Pisces is the yin yang 69

This is me:


So I guess I'm the masochist? Is that really a fire thing?
Leos aren't known to stray, it's probably the you being shit thing

most fire signs like me, and I like them back
Could be. Pisces and Cancer seem masochistic too though. It's not like it's exclusive.
Leo who's had a lot of Pisces friendships fail. My closest friend now is a Pisces because we both recognized who we are and how we can make our friendships work.
Wow you're just starting.
According to zodiac mythos you are an infant soul
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Weirdly enough, my ex was a Leo and (even after fucking him over) he still tries to get with me. i universally tend to ignore the advances.

Mind if I ask what sign you are?
>I am an empty husk of a human but you're dumb
I'm sorry. I didn't know I was talking to an edgy teenager.
Pisces should be the first sign if that's true then. They're crybabies, all of them
>because I don't value sobbing into a pillow and writing in my diary about how everything offends me I am less of a person

I laughed

just because I don't take everything seriously doesn't mean I'm edgy, I'm the most light hearted sign there is you nitwit
well the mythos is that Pisces is the last and most mature sign. sorry if that upsets you guy.
whoa, those words pierced me like an arrow.
I don't know how I should feel (like I am happy, but at the same time shocked and confused) Thank you for answering
Can confirm that Scorpio w/ Cancer moon and Scorpio rising is fucking shit and I constantly want to die.
CRAWLING IN MY SKIN might be due to moulting exoskeletons, though, so my endless edginess makes sense.
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Well shit, never knew Geminis were bro tier. (Truthfully, never even looked up what a Gemini was.)

Hopefully you get some sweet astrological alignment in your future!
You definitely don't appear lighthearted. I guess that's where you and your sign differ.
Enjoy not forming close bonds with other humans. Even crybaby cancers still make friends and lasting relationships at the end of the day.
why does it even matter, assuming the mythos is true and we have multiple lives, it's not like you remember any of them.
I feel genuinely sorry for you anon. it must be exhausting to be that angsty all the time

If by mythos you mean fringe spiritual theories based on complete bullshit then I guess you're right
I assume his emotional hot mess made it difficult at times?
OP here, Scorpio sun and Cancer moon. Quit being such a littlebeta bitch faggot.
just because you take what someone says and read it one way doesn't make it what they intended. I enjoy debating things, and I'm enjoying this right now

>enjoy never forming close bonds

well I'm married so sorry to disappoint you there

same to you anon
As I sit here in my My Chemical Romance shirt, with my two black rabbits, doing dream interpretations, I quietly laugh with like eight tabs open on /gif/. If there's anything going for me it's that people genuinely think I'll kill them or curse their entire existence, though, so I'm usually not bothered. Could be worse... I could have a Gemini or Leo rising and have people actually want to be around me.
>The last sign of the Zodiac, the Pisces symbol has been said to be a representation of the difficulty in extracting the good from that which appears bad.

>According to some tropical astrologers, the current astrological age is the Age of Pisces,[6] while others maintain that it is the Age of Aquarius.


It's the last sign in the cycle.
are you a cute girl?
I like preying on socially vulnerable girls
I would but, see, I'm an angsty bitch faggot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

if you don't mind fat chicks
I'm used to /b/ and I'm not posting tits with timestamp so no, I'm not a girl. I am >>17898806
The zodiac has to do with universal cycle and metaphysical functions, not personal soul cycles you selfish asshole
depends on how "fat" you actually are
I'm not the person who you were talking to

I'm just saying Scorpio girls are 99% of the time packing some pudge
sorry that's just the legend I heard.
I thought this was a thread where we all talk about how special we are?
Kys yourself
this is the thread where everyone argues on how shit everyone else is
I'm posting on /x/ at 2AM do you sincerely think I'm not packing at least some weight
rip in peace
oh well you have me at a disadvantage then, what sign are you?
Not till the animals that depend on me have died of natural causes, I won't leave them to this shithole of a planet alone.
And Aries, being the first sign, are the children of the zodiac. That's why they're so fucking childish.
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They're just cats you lazy depressed piece of shit. They would eat if you died, they don't give a fuck about you
They're rabbits you illiterate spic, they'd piss themselves to death in two days.
They are fucking cancer man
How many signs have their name as the central engine of destruction of the galaxy ?
Ohhh, that's right, only based Sagittarius
Gemini > The rest

>Sexiest sign
>Shits on every other sign
actually the canon is Pisces is the smartest sign
More like shitgittarius you worthless piece of shit.
>never shuts up
Gemini are a bunch of two-faced cunts that can't make up their mind about jack shit. They need to stop being such manipulative, flighty temperamental babies.
Babies are the ones who let themselves be manipulated.

>Smartest sign
Hahaha, how does it feel being in the shadow of the BEST sign ?
As a Pisces I'd like to point out that we aren't all introverted and emotionally crippled or awkward. Some of us are perfectly well adjusted.
No, they just WAAAAH until they get their way because the ones busy mommying them get sick of the noise. You can be a manipulative baby.
well it was nice talking to all you signs, take it easy and good night
>"smartest sign"
Considering every single shitgittarius ive met in my life has been a huge, fat pig fuck, then pretty cool.
They make a HUGE of a fucking shadow.
You don't have the slightest idea of what being manipulative is.
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what did sagittarius do to you? stole ur gf?
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rate me, masterrace scorpio+gemini rising checking in
Stole my sun
You don't understand there's a bunch of different ways of being manipulative. There's like a demon, like a con man, like a pretty girl, and like a baby, just a few.
There is no need for mockery my good chum.
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Americans don't need to apply
Im the best sign, i am literally flawless and everyone would like to be me.
Guess what sign am i?
You forgot "like a Jew"
>pisces midheaven
Just save yourself the pain and end it now
I thought that was implicit in the con man. They're just advanced... God-tier.
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>tfw leo girl who just wants an aries bf
If my birthday is on 21th of dec, what sign am I?
Are you Pisces? so am I, want to make a club? We could call it "2 fish tied"
requirement to join is being pisces
Not impossible. I'm a fLeo and my fiancé is a mLeo and I don't think we could find a better match for each other.
nah you assholes all shifty gougers, and no matter how close you are to a aquarius they'll always act in a self serving way and manage the relationship to whats convenient. Big fucking sentimental wusses that think their normie lucid dream is le so epic and fucking nack for being controlling.
Not pisces but im a sis who is into pis.
Can i apply?
I know the feel, I met a scorpio girl and she was perfect, (i'm a pisces). I never believed the zodiac signs but I do now. Love spicy fiesty edgy girls
Any love for libras?
nice, but why group everyone into that?
I'm afraid not
Can i suck your dick at least?

If you want you can suck my feminine penis too
I'm afraid not
Yeah until she goes full edgelord and does meme workouts and metaphorically and literally transforms into tumblr in body and mind. You dodged a bullet, and by bullet I mean hippo.

>btw Pisces, aka best sign , swimming in the river of tears from other signs.
OP here. I'll let you suck my dick.
no, man this girl was no tumblr hippo. the only thing I would have to worry about if I pursued her is her shooting me.
OP again. You're welcome.
c-can midheaven pisces join too.

my dad's a pisces and though he's an alpha male he's basically the labor contractor version of tony soprano with awful luck. For example he once on his way to become a pro boxer but had to stop because he broke is ribs getting ran over by some old lady. Typical pisces luck.
Pisces midheaven -I can deal with being a procrastinator, and my scorpio sun gemini rising allows me to maintain my inner bitch with a cool and sexy exterior
People ITT just call scorpio women fat because they're agsty betas who haven't left their basement in at least 3 days
cuz ur gay
My cholesterol rose just reading your post.
With which sings is Taurus most compatible?
Hey diabetes calm down
The one which lets you fuck it in the ass without complaining
Had three year long relationship with a scorpio. It was fun
I just want to settle down with an edgy and kinky scorpio girl
yup, thats scorpio
best girl=scorpio
best guy=???
I'm a scorpio and I want a scorpio gf. They always look like fun gals.
pisces here, this just confirms I need to hit up that scorpio girl
move over for the


>tfw Sagittarius male
>tfw I couldn't make it work with the only Aries girl I could stand
>Niggertarius race
just looked at the chart, damn you've got some shitty stat rolls
They are fun but they can also be high maintenance.
We're nerfed af when it comes to love
Someday you'll have a platinum support, bro.
Emotionally stable Pisces here
Any scorpio girls on tonight?
Where are you at? if you are near LA then i may have some free time
Sorry not even close
On a scale of "CRAWLING IN MY SKIN" to "dresses in gothic lolita" how edgy are you?
Is there a way to change your zodiac, being cancer is very boring.
I ask because edgy is a turn on for me.
So, is cancer one of the worst signs?

Its nice to get along with pisces, had one of the best relationships ever.
>edgy is a turn on for me

Yeah... nevermind what i said before, ill just stay at home.
Good bye
What's wrong with being kinky?
actually I should rephrase that, it's not "edgy" that I like, it's strong, opinionated smart girls. If they happen to dress in gothic lolita (my fetish) that is just a plus. when I say "edgy" I really mean, "someone I can compete with intellectually".
Well if you believe in reincarnation you could always kill yourself
Nah i mean in this life. I just don't like the sign, and haven't heard that anyone liked cancer either.
Sagittarius here, I'm recommending fellow Sagittarius to date Geminis. You will not ever be bored or deprived of anything.
dear leo,
you are an obnoxious loudmouth and got very fucking little to show for it every time anyone follows up on it.

oh, and sagitarius, you're a bretty cool guy in my book.
Man, the Spanish are fucking dumb.
>tfw Cancer with a Gemini gf
Shit's rough
ITT: Butt hurt non Scorpio's.

We're the most interesting and beautiful sign.
also retards
Better than being Cancer and Aquarius. That shit was truly devastating.
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People often like to claim their sign is the best sign for no reason. I tell you that Aries is the best sun sign and I'm going to explain why.

Ever heard of exaltation? A planet’s exaltation is a sign of the zodiac in which it is thought to be particularly well-placed: http://theastrologydictionary.com/e/exaltation/

The Sun is only exalted in Aries. So Aries is already the best sign to have your SUN in.

On top of that, Aries is the cardinal fire sign, which means that is is the most essential and undiluted form of fire around. Look up the word cardinal in a dictionary it means of foremost importance. Cardinal signs are literally the ruling sign of their element.

Aries is also the first sign of the zodiac, which has been interpreted as the beginning of time - therefore for many magicians and astrologers, for example John Dee - the sign of Aries was a symbol of the first first act of creation, the Big Bang if you want. It is the sign closest to god, the most pure.
Never dated an Aquarius, but I'll tell you one thing, she'll be the sweetest thing calling me Daddy and then the next minute she's bitching at me for no reason
What about being having the sun in taurus and the another thing in scorpio?
I read some very retarded shit in here, but this is over the top.
>Aries making bullshit claims for being better than everyone else
*yawn* nothing new
>zero arguments, just butthurt

Not surprised.
Scorpio here, there is no better we all have varying qualities and play our part.
leo here, star signs are bullshit
Why are some Christians opposed to Zodiac signs when it's perfectly plausible that being born in a certain time of the year can affect your personality?
IHVH has severe restrictions for his followers on the pursuit of non-approved knowledge.

We're pretty rad, actually. We're tied to the coolest symbolism. The moon, pearls, water, the beginning of summer, leadership (all cardinals, really, like Libra, Capricorn, and Aries), and our Eastern sign equivalent is considered the Ram. I like to think there's some satanic connection there, but eh.

But I will say, I either love or dislike other Cancers. You either learn to deal with your chronic period, or you don't.
Holy shit, is your dad mine? Well, my dad is skilled at construction, and has won a lot of fights. Pisces can be alpha in my opinion.

Then again, I'm like the only Cancer who likes his sign.
Knowledge and Wisdom are better than riches though :^)
I agree, which is why I didn't fall for the kike-god meme
What if I told you I got that quote from the Bible?
I would believe you. It still needs to be approved knowledge and wisdom, though.
what if i told you you're a retard for not researching how and why the bible was made?
Why is Pisces so kawaii?
>crying constantly is KAWAII

since when?
Being so innocent that you don't even understand conflict is pretty kawaii.
>scorpio: most likely to eat you up and shit you back out.
>cancer&leo: using victim card in some way or another
and that's why cancer and leo are shitty people.
Scorpio Rising with Pluto, Gemini Moon and Mars. Aries Sun.

What would you think of them?
they understand it, they're just massive vaginas so they can't handle it
so capricorns are only interested in serious relationships?
is it at all significant that I am an Aries and my chinese zodiac is the goat?

I see zodiac threads here frequently but I don't know if chinese zodiac holds any water here
i find the chinese zodiak holds pretty firmly as well, but that's just me.
both a scorpio as a rooster, and they both describe me pretty accurately.
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