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Scare me shitless with some skinwalker stories. Don't plan
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Scare me shitless with some skinwalker stories.
Don't plan on sleeping tonight.
Bump. I want to be spooked as well.
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skinwalker story.png
4 MB, 1000x4748
Got this from that greentext thread
Fuck off Shit poster in case you didn't notice the world is ending

Wasting our time on this silly Shit
>Two mormonfag missionaries were heading home on an Arizona highway late at night
>shotgun notices something out the window matching the pace of their 65mph truck
>white wolf sprinting on it's hind legs matching the car in speed
>looks the kid in the eye with it's own two bright blue human eyes
>sprints off into the distance away from the road

I will swear up on down that story is true. I'm not the mormon though.
World ending? lmao
All the Mormons I know are also huge twilight fans

Sounds legit
Let's go hug our family's everyone!
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42 KB, 485x618
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