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What's some /x/ tier music? Also I will drop a gem on you
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What's some /x/ tier music? Also I will drop a gem on you all to differentiate my calibur from you people. Moi dix mois. Look it up.


Is something wrong with me?

Why Am I better than 90℅ of people yet I'm dealt such a shitty hand in life?

How can so much kinetic potential just be allowed to go to waste?

This earth, its insane . it drives me mad that everyone is OK with being free range slaves just because things are bareable. People actually brag about how much they like being slaves and consumers like how the fuck do you get off on making 20 an hr while some fucking slob is literally making millions. To look in to the face of loved ones and see this half asleep look and in their minds everything is ok . How fucking bold man is to think they should pester the universe and other life consuming and destroying anything that doesn't conform to it. A violent fucking sentient virus that is vain and prejudice who would lift guns for their oppressors and not for their children.

Jesus grab the wheel...
>Why Am I better than 90℅ of people yet I'm dealt such a shitty hand in life?
because you heavily overestimate your value, station, and abilities.
sounds like you would like payday monsanto
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field recordings, noise, lofi, and this frank zappa album

Also OP you sound like a disgusting pleb for streaming music.
Boards of Canada
>cant google
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sunn o)))
Zola Jesus
>better than 90% of people
>shit tier grammar

Take your fucking meds.
Three Seed is great
the ghostbusters song
Poe - Haunted, used in the Blair Witch 2 soundtrack, literally about House of Leaves, which was written by the singer's brother
very /x/
Funeral Noise faggots

I found K-Rino on /x/ a few years back
>Litanies of Satan instead of Saint of the Pit, Plague Mass, or Defixiones
>No early Swans
Other than that, pretty good list
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I'm going to treat this thread as off-topic general and use it to shill this website you can use to talk about /x/ shit and other offtopic garbage - http://seafour.club/

To stay slightly in the realm of your question though, OP -

>better than 90% of people
>listens to Kanye west

Oh, ok. That's the reason.
Figures that someone listening to an uppity faggot, may become one
You don't get dealt a "hand" in life. This statement implies you believe you have no control. That whatever life you live was "dealt" or "given" to you.

>claiming you are 90% better while being this helpless. Man up nigger
Are you better than 90% because you're left handed? No no son the devil was left handed.

>so many soundtracks
>the cure
Is the hand you use not the hand you're dealt then faggots?
/mu/ here, let me share my wisdom with you

The Caretaker - An Empty Bliss Beyond this World
Prurient - Frozen Niagara Falls
Stara Rzeka - Cien Chmury nad Ukrytym Polem
Tim Hecker - Ravedeath, 1972
Scott Walker - Bish Bosch
Oneohtrix Point Never - Replica
Colin Stetson & Sarah Neufeld - Never Were the Way She Was
Giles Corey - Giles Corey
Joanna Newsom - Have One on Me
John Carpenter - Lost Themes
Salem - King Night
Forest Swords - Engravings
2814 - 新しい日の誕生
Andy Stott - Luxury Problems
Ash Koosha - Guud
Nicolas Jaar - Space Is Only Noise
Autechre - Exai
Boards of Canada - Tomorrow's Harvest
Bones - Garbage
Aesop Rock - Skelethon
Clams Casino - Instrumentals
Billy Woods - Today, I Wrote Nothing
Earl Sweatshirt - I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside
Lil Ugly Mane - Third Side of Tape
Busdriver - Perfect Hair
clipping. - Midcity
Shabazz Palaces - Black Up
Death Grips - The Powers That B
Death Grips - Exmilitary
Death Grips - Bottomless Pit
How to Dress Well - Love Remains
The Weeknd - House of Balloons
Gonjasufi - A Sufi and a Killer
Laurel Halo - Quarantine
DIIV - Oshin
Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles II
Dean Blunt - Black Metal
Clarence Clarity - No Now
Bjork - Vulnicura
Ghost - Opus Eponymous
Murder Construct - Results
Black Breath - Sentenced to Life
Kylesa - Spiral Shadow
Panopticon - Roads to the North
Vektor - Outer Isolation
The Body & Full of Hell - One Day You Will Ache Like I Ache
Leviathan -Scar Sighted
Agalloch - Marrow of the Spirit
Liturgy - Aesthethica
Deafheaven - Sunbather
Metz - Metz
Kvelertak - Meir
Touche Amore - Is Survived By
IDYLLS - Prayer for Terrene
Full of Hell & Merzbow - Full of Hell & Merzbow
Ought - Sun Coming Down
White Suns - Sinews
Algiers - Algiers
Chelsea Wolfe - Abyss
Chelsea Wolfe - Apokalypsis
Nails - Unsilent Death
Ty Segall Band - Slaughterhouse
Melt-Banana - Fetch
Liturgy - The Ark Work
David Bowie - Blackstar
Thee Oh Sees - Carrion Crawler / The Dream
Zs - Xe
Torche - Harmonicraft
Earth - Primitive and Deadly

Lil Ugly Mane - Oblivion Access
Ghost - Meliora
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - 'Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!
We Lost the Sea - Departure Songs
Swans - The Seer
Swans - To Be Kind

These are all albums that I typically listen to when browsing /x/
While making sense on 4chan is strictly optional...

I wish you had tried.
Funeral Noise.
Why is Cannibal Ox /x/ tier? I don't get it...
I like your taste but you're still a faggot for some reason

I mean, if you like UK rap then this might be your thing, but to me it's awful.
Elizabeth Fraser.
You sound like a fucking dunce to me. I must be better than at least 91%.

I'll just leave this here. I'm all for /x/ level music. But I can only take so much Dark Ambient,Vaporwave, and shitty rap.
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Chelsea Wolfe is great. Great music with an underlying creepy feeling. Lots of weird background noises if you listen through good headphones. Very calming but also very unsettling at times.
Fuck off trip


Fuuuuuuuuuuuck off
I really dig that, think I'll check out more of her albums. You ever heard of World's End Girlfriend? It's not exactly spoopy, but it does have a surreal, ethereal vibe to it. It's great music to just throw on when you want to get some reading or writing done.

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Ill definitely check it out. If you want more Chelsea Wolfe to listen to, I recommend her album Pain is Beauty. All her releases sound vastly different than eachother, but they are all great. They all have the same underlying spooky/ethereal feel. I highly recommend this song
It's also amazing just straight acoustic
Already booted up soulseek and I'm downloading her albums.
Her latest album is more of a doom metal album, but arguably her most /x/. It's about sleep paralysis. Also not sure if you are the one who posted >>17756278 but im loving it so far.
Is all me. Glad to see you're liking World's End Girlfriend, it's one of the few good things I've discovered on /mu/
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