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Hey /x/ I need to get into magic to protect myself on the astral
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Hey /x/ I need to get into magic to protect myself on the astral plane. But I don't know how/where to start please help.
It's all about beliefs in there, so just pretend basically. Remember being a kid and imagining you have a badass sword that can block whatever power like a samuraii and you imagine that shit and be badass and indestructuble yeah it's like that. It's all about who beleifs on their shit the most. Anything else is just shit that will make you beleif your shit more. I'm the kind of person that can just beleif whatever I want to to a good level so i don't bother with rituals or whatever people build on their shit to beleif in their shit.
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Learn to banish properly. Everyday several weeks.should get you.started:

>astral plane
I just want to reach the astral plane.

I've been trying to meditate for months, even using those guided meditations on youtube.
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