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SO this is going to be hard for me to explain so bear with me
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SO this is going to be hard for me to explain so bear with me I can see images, places or objects, and names that im going to see in the near future. i can kindof do it on demand but its reeeeally hard and its correct like 2% of the time. when it does it on its own its almost always right and I can almost 100% count on it happening. I would like to ask if there is anyone here that can do this and want to know if there is a way t get better at it and increase it. I'm not good at explaining things so ask questions if you have them. if this is like the /x/ I used to visit there should be someone knowledgeable in this here. pic related
and I can't tell you what you're gonna type.
I can tell who's going to call me, who I am going to see, what they will want to talk about numbers, words, names.choices, mistakes. I see objects in a room but I can't make a connection to if it means something good or bad. it scares me when im right but I want to do it more.
>correct like 2% of the time
Is there a pattern to when it's correct? Chance are you wouldn't be able to predict what I type unless I cooperate and type the same thing no matter what you tell me you've seen in your vision.
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Try killing yourself you make believe faggot.
i don't have omnipotent awareness. I can just sometimes predict what im going to experience.

I think I can relate to what you're talking about.

For instance, can you predict what someone is going to say perfectly moments before they say it?
Wait... that means if we ask him a yes/no question... and he says "no"... we'll get a correct answer 98% of the time.
yes exactly. ive gotten phrases and whole sentences to the letter
but nothing really of importants just random shit they'l say
I can't do it all the time. im probably not gonna guess anything here. it happens every so often i thought it was all coincidence until it started getting somewhat more frequent. I just want to know if anyone else has this issue and can help me control it or something
This has happened to me sometimes. I have also had precognitive dreams.
Most of the time it's unimportant stuff. Precognitive dreams are usually just some random shit I'll find the next day.

First step is stop getting scared about it.
your probably right. maybe i should trust it more. I also don't try to fore it as often because im afraid im gonna see something really bad happen and then it actually happens. I know that it's going to happen but I never know exactly when unless its like a reaction leading to something like me seeing someone saying or telling someone to do something and knowing the other persons response.
Did you predict these dubs?
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