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Were Nazi's actually into the occult or is this said to
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Were Nazi's actually into the occult or is this said to make them look more evil and slightly retarded?
Mysticism was very popular at that time. Their interest was really a mix of Norse lore and some Vedic elements. Nothing really 2spooky
Himmler had a passing interest in the occult.

Mostly it's just disinformation to cover how the vast majority of nazis were every day practicing Catholics, including Hitler himself.
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Yes, they were. It's not a secret our elite are into it too.
Thank you for knowing this anon.

Nazis were very into the occult not just superficially

Once Germany fell the Fallen Angels simply set up shop in America

Bohemian Grove is one fine example
a past inside the present
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Wasn't Jesus a jew?

Didn't he was born from a practicing jew.

There's also the Thule society.
Jesus was a practicing Jew up until the point he claimed to be the son of God.
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>Himmler had a passing interest in the occult.
passing interest?
untold ammount of funds spent
many trips to Tibet, the Ukrain, the middle east and africa looking for the occult link and physical link to the Aryan race-
procurroing the spear of destiny said to pierce the side of Christ giving him his death blow-
The Ss castle and all its Vril wonders and rituals-
organising the expidetions to Antarctica, which claimed New Swabia-
the Annerbe
the Vril and Thule societies-
sex majik to make blond haired blue eyed babies for de furer -
so much a passing fancy that this preoccupation eventually distracted him from his attention to his duties with the war machine-
read more cause it seems that research is your passing interest-
and no i will not post any links for you-
just try to think outside of your high school textbooks for a moment-
and no they were not catholics-they used the catholic church as they did switzerland and the arabs-to move money and treasurs and to procure things like fuel and steel-
like they did with grandpa bush
Objectively false.
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Part of the whole Nazi belief was that the current main Ashkenazi tribe (ie 92% of all jews in 1933, 75% today) came not from Israel but from converts from the Caucasus region; and that they were actually worshippers of hell, specifically Moloch.

ie, they thought the jews in Europe were imposter satan worshippers.
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I have this book, and I highly recommend. 10/10 read
Does it make a convincing case on the links between the Nazi hierarchy and occult elements?

Some of what you said is propaganda and the spear of destiny thing is completely made up by ted ravenscroft. The expeditions to tibet were foranthropological and botanical research
Yes, Jesus was Jewish.

Hitler, on the other hand, was an antisemite, and wanted the rest of Germany to be antisemitic too (they largely were). That's why he loved Passion Plays. To get them to hate Jews because "they killed Jesus." When in fact it was the Romans. And Hitler was allied with Mussolini, who was trying to rebuild the Roman Empire.
>it was the Romans
Who had been asked to kill Jesus by the Pharisees. When given a choice between Jesus and Barbarus, the Jews chose Jesus to die
Wasn't up to them. Jesus broke Roman law, Roman soldiers killed him for it.

>muh Jews

Yes, after the Romans converted to Christianity they've been blaming Jews for 1700 years. Good job staying duped.
He didnt break roman law. He offended the Jewish leaders. Romans killed him at the request of Jews
Hello Mr. Goldstein

Matthew 27:25

All the people answered, “Let His blood be on us and on our children!”
>wasn't up to them
Lie. The Jews chose Jesus to die
>Jesus broke Roman law
Which law was that then?
>Roman soldiers killed him
As a favor to the Pharisees
>muh Jews
The truth is the truth
>Romans blamed the Jews
Peter, a Jew himself, blames the Jews in the Acts
>stay duped
Stay circumcised
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Hitler was against Freemasonry.


anywhere to read this online?
I'd recommend reading The Lightning and the Sun by Savitri Devi or any of Miguell Serrano if you want a Nazi perspective of the spiritual side
Hitler was raised as a Christian, but he didnt enter a church since his times in Wien.

He actually said he wished the Germans were Muslims. Guess he didn't like that "turn the other cheek" thing...

He loved the Muslims so much there were SS Muslim troops. The Left would have liked him, he defended the Muslims all the time. :)
He opposed the international bankers as well.
Bullshit to him the muslims were nothing more than expendable tools.
"The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"
The Nazi's were very interested in the psychological aspects of the occult. Things like black propaganda, runes/symbolism/sigils, and personal development (they wanted to create strong-willed super soldiers capable of self-hypnosis).

But yes, >>17728334 is correct. Many Nazi's were practicing Christians and believed firmly in God. Those who lose wars get vilified and demonized, and no exception was made for the Germans.
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Yes, very much so.
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I'm not sure dude
Are you retarded?
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