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Hello, /x/. Once upon a time my mother and I went to an antique
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Hello, /x/.

Once upon a time my mother and I went to an antique mall in Georgia and I found myself immediately drawn to these paintings. I thought their slight cartooniness was unique. According to the dealer, they were painted in the 1950's, but other than that not much is known about them. I had just graduated high school, so my mom bought them for me as a gift since I liked them so much. We named the girl Kit and the boy Chip.

They were given to me in 2011, but I wasn't able to hang them up until 2013 since I was living with my aunt until that point. As soon as I hung them up in the new apartment, my roommate and some of my friends would comment on how creepy they seemed, the boy in particular.

Our first night in the apartment, my roommate and I heard a crash coming from the living room. She inspected the area, but she didn't see anything knocked over. She slept in my room that night. After that, I left the light above them on since they are only kids and might be afraid of the dark. I did that facetiously, yet it was partially an instinct. Spookily enough, it seemed to work. There were maybe one or two incidents after that in the next year we lived there.

My roommate and I moved into a new place with my boyfriend and a couple other roommates a little over a year ago. Since we moved in, Kit and Chip have been left in the hallway, the back of their portraits turned to everyone else. I had been trying to get someone to help me hang them up since I don't have the tools myself, but the roommates have always been reluctant to help. I suppose I could have hung them up myself, but I guess I didn't want to hang them up and have to deal with everyone telling me how creepy they look. I took it a little personally since they were paintings I picked out and I frankly still find them to be kinda cool.

Anyway, despite these being somewhat new apartment buildings, there have been some unexplainable occurrances.

There was one night my boyfriend and I were staying up just chatting in the dark. In the middle of our pillow talk, we hear what sounds like someone hitting their foot against his acoustic guitar. He leaves his guitars everywhere one the floor, so it's hard to avoid tripping over them sometimes. I turned on my lamp to check around the guitar to see if maybe something fell off my bed on top of it. I didn't see anything near it.

On top of that case and a few other things, my roommates seem to have had a few experiences of their own in the house. One of them has a cat, and she and the other friend that share a room frequently notice the cat’s attention to a particular corner of the room. Two weekends ago my boyfriend and I went to a convention. Apparently one of the nights we were gone, our roommate adjacent to ours heard something fall over in our room.

Other than the paranormal experiences, it seems that all of us here deal with a somewhat constant stream of bad luck since moving into this apartment. It isn't really a lot of concrete evidence, but that isn't why I am posting today. I was actually wondering what your feelings are when you look into the paintings. Do you feel creeped out like my friends? Or do you feel you need to protect them like me?

Either way, we have decided for tonight to at least let them show face-up in the kitchen. We will hang them up tomorrow when we don't have to worry about waking the neighbors with the hammering. Maybe the little bit of attention will appease them.
Thanks I'm gonna fap to that pic
I think they look nice. Your roommates probably think they look creepy because the eyes have more detail than the rest of the painting. But no, they're both very nice and pleasant to look at
These are nice paintings actually.
The painter trapped the souls of those portayed.
File: step up your leg game.jpg (12 KB, 200x261) Image search: [Google]
step up your leg game.jpg
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>She slept in my room that night.

that haunted painting has a wingman bro-ghost
I'd hang them up. If anything gets too violent I would burn the fuckers though.
The artist draws a lot like my aunt does. She'd be glad that someone thinks it's cool, rather than amateurish like I do.

Other than that, they don't strike me as creepy at all. At least this artist got the perspective right and uses subdued colors. Still, hopefully you didn't pay a lot.
they look innocent and vulnerable, they make me feel father/motherly
The girl is just the boy in a wig. Notice the face. His eyes and lips are the same. His hair is easily pushed back under the wig, which sits too high atop the boys head. Even the shoulders are just as pronounced.

His arms are crossed as the boy with his head slightly to the side and that smug face so he can mock what it's like to be a stereotypical boy. The girl version of him is more calm and welcoming.

You can tell she's new because
-The wig sits too high
-The color is askew (something a girl would have fixed)
- Same Eyes
- same face / pronounced chin.

Yup you bought a cross dresser set.
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