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Welcome to the very first Enlightenment General!

Join us for methods of meditation, discussion, and all things enlightening.
Talk to others who are enlightened and become enlightened yourself!

>astral traveling
>lucid dreaming
Any subject goes as long as it is enlightening.
Pinael gland and DMT what is it. why does every plant and animal on earth contain trace amounts of DMT?
how did you do it op
Everyone has a different path!

You need to ask your higher self.
>higher self

Prove to me that such a thing even exists.
dude nobody can just prove that to you...

they can't show you their higher self, you have to find your own

if you dont think it exists you'll never find it
belive and search
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This poster is absolutely correct.

Belief is the magicians most powerful tool.
Universal key to the Hyperspace. Propably every living thing is always connected to that realm in some extend. Mostly just information flow. I high dose catapults your conciousness there.
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It is a fundamental key to consciousness.
kys new age faggots
yes but i'm asking you because i'm curious. how did you do it?
Five tons of flax!
I've been practising meditation for a while and i feel like going a bit further. What's in there? Should I go about opening chakras? I don't think I can get a master around here, so there must be something that I can do alone.
I'm a little bit scared of Kundalini awakeing though
most western writers will advice you against directly awakening kundalini - perhaps they think eastern yoga practices fit the physiology and psychology of orientals more neatly. i recommend you read the writings of rawn clark, he can be found via google. it's easy to digest and to-the-point on what you need to do to go further, safely and effectively - no new-age bullshit
this image is the most pretentious shit ever. i bet you fucksticks think you really are smarter than everyone else. whatever gets you to sleep at night.
Try it faggot than you can comment on it.
True enlightenment comes from understanding that nothing we do will amount to anything great in the grand scheme of things, that you are as significant as last years snow, that you are meaningless, that your whole life is shit, a grain of sand in the hourglass of time... And you still have fun in your life, and cherish it
i think your post is more pretentious than anything

>Talk to others who are enlightened
Yeah right. Fuck off, I'm going to have a wank.
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Enlightenment is not for everyone. Not everyone can become enlightened.
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You are not truly enlightened. You require more learning.

Your opinion means nothing if you didn't try.
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Enlightening bump.
> why does every plant and animal on earth contain trace amounts of DMT?
Do you have any source on that?
I'm more enlightened than you are
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Go on.
I practice meditation with no goal in mind. I find it to be very soothing.

Can we talk about what we do/physically feel during mediation?

For me it's:
>concentrate on breathing
>open door in mind to let thoughts out
>open window in mind to let fresh air in
>feel like I'm rotating
>feel like my eyes are moving back and forth
>feel like I'm being stretched lengthwise, like I'm very skinny and my hands and feet are far below me

Does this happen to anyone else?
Why do you associate everyone having it with enlightenment. Every life form on Earth, and most of the rest of it, has carbon. So why didn't you list carbon as key to enlightenment?

Everything on the planet involves electrons and they're super weird! So clearly electrons are fundamental to enlightenment!

Or, and hear me out, maybe enlightenment isn't about cheap, spurious pseudo-scientific attempts to justify it objectively without testing.
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Your consciousness is expanding.
Just about nailed it for me. The one addition I add is that, via what I've studied as per shamanism, I seek the underworld and have "visions" regarding it. But to be sure, my visions are simply explorations of the mind, thus far, or at least indistinguishable from that. I let my mind free roam towards a direction/intent, if that makes sense.

For instance, do you ever close your eyes, start meditating and then find you're seeing bright lights inside your own vision? Like, bright enough that even though your eyes are closed, you try to squint?
you can go deeper. i focus on god as opposed to my own breathing and try to basically obtain a conscious slumber equal in refreshment to normal sleep.
^you can go deeper than that too of course, i haven't tho

(4chan needs to program the upcarrot in to auto highlight that poster's previous post)
This is good to do.

I no longer sleep because I do not need it. What sleep is, is the subconscious and conscious mind communicating with one another.

Humans forgot how to communicate with their selves a long time ago, that is, their "conscious" mind can no longer speak to their "subconscious" aka the true consciousness.

By learning how to make them communicate again, you no longer need sleep. By making them combine into one super consciousness you become enlightened.
I don't understand from you post your distinction between a subconscious and conscious mind.
Eh, this is doubtful. The "don't need to sleep" claim is one that, verified, would change the world.

The super-conscious notion is simply undesirable by even many of the supposed enlightened. The tales of Monkey illustrate this.

In fact, the whole line of thought, "by making other people do a thing you become enlightened," seems to have nothing to do with enlightenment, which is by every source humanity has promoted to date personal, not inherently social.
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>The "don't need to sleep" claim is one that, verified, would change the world.

Lots of things would change the world if the steps outlined to properly complete the task were publicly available.

some examples:
anti-gravity levetation
free energy
wireless electricity
water as fuel
cures for cancer

those things all exist, but since they aren't widely known of or used, you dismiss them as false.
Do you have any proof ?
I'm legitimately interested.
Yeah, I see lights a lot, and sometimes what seems like the shadows of people moving in front of me. I'm glad someone else experiences the same thing.
Yes, lots of things would change if things were fundamentally different. That doesn't change the fact that your descriptions seem to defy any prior concepts or ideas and make little to no sense.

Simply put, if enlightenment really needs a mass effort to achieve, then humanity has probably never achieved it and you probably don't know how to get there. That's not an insult, that's a fact. You're a guy on 4chan. I don't know how to get to enlightenment, but I do know that the vast weight of the whole notion involves individual concept, not group, precisely because you cannot force a horse to drink. So you're the wrong person at the wrong time challenging the most coherent ideology. You need to offer more if you want to do that and it mean anything.
>Simply put, if enlightenment really needs a mass effort to achieve, then humanity has probably never achieved it and you probably don't know how to get there
You're projecting.
In shamanic tradition, when you meditate, you try to envision a journey. The first, earliest quest, based on what I've been told, is to the underworld. In this regard, you seek out a hole or tunnel or some such, in the world around you.

So how this works is just like those lights. It's all, as near as I can tell anyway, is just in your mind, but let your mind go enough and like seeing those lights, you can actually see things around you. Not like picture perfect, not like an out of body experience, more like how your dreams tend to build make shift versions.

Then you look for that hole or tunnel. Any opening going "down." You follow it and find what awaits. Practice long enough and you can turn those lights into long periods of I'll call them hallucinations. Others may expound or confront that description but that's how it is for me. But they're fairly compelling ones, you can see complex ideas (I've wandered through jungles) and you can get interesting feedback (I've spoken to weird spirit like creatures.)

In the end, it's less like traveling and more like a really vivid imagination period akin to a wisely guided reading of the tarot, but that's what I've got, so far.
proof of what?
what are the tales of Monkey. like what is that even from?
Thanks for sharing. I haven't done any studies of shamanic tradition but I will definitely give this a try.
Fucking Journey to the West, man. Monkey?


Monkey is born from a stone egg and after spending some time pissing everyone off he attends buddhist tradition, attains enlightenment and then...instead of ascending says, "fuck all this I LOVE MATERIALISM!" so then you've got this thing wandering around with a true buddhist's power over reality and none of the sense or wisdom not to employ it. Completely messes everything up!

That's like the very first part of the story. Soon enough the gods step in and start bossing him around.
My pleasure. I think this has a potential to be a good thread, maybe even a good ongoing thread. Especially since I'm fairly certain there are people here who are more adept at both meditation and teaching than I am.
Hello, Andrew.
are these
>Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature
all worth reading?
I cannot even answer that question. I liked reading them and they made a fucking movie of them. And then they made a movie kind of loosely based on them? And people have kept them around for like 400 years...

But you know how old shit it, it's hard to access, a lot of the time. Do you like Beowulf? Then yeah, read Monkey. Did you like Canterbury Tales. Ooooooh yeah, you're ready for Monkey!

Do you hate reading Shakespeare? Like all Shakespeare? Then maybe you won't like it so much.

Did you watch Seven Samurai and find it drab and extended? Definitely don't waste your time with Monkey.
>all this like, hate, enjoyment
I don't read for pleasure anon, I read for knowledge
>I don't read for pleasure anon
Then I'm not the person to ask advice on quality literature from. The person who does not read for pleasure has no connection with me.
ha fair enough.
why does every living thing contain RNA?

I know 4 out of 5 of those things are true.i have yet to run in to antigravitational information. Well there's a couple of people that have tried, but using metal to levitate on is cheating
Free-energy .org or .uk or something there are all sorts of devices theories and calculations there
Rogan plz leave.
imagine someone flashing a light into your eyes, once they turn it off your eyes usually have that blind spot for a second or two because of overexposure

i can get my eyes to do this when they are closed and there is no light

its fucked
It is, but you try enough, you can make it more extreme.

Here's one of my tricks (I should mention that I am more a symbolic than visual thinker, which is why I practice these things.)

Take a stretch of road or sidewalk you know. Now imagine it. Now try to imagine it so perfectly that you can literally" walk" along it. This means that each step you take takes the right amount of time and moves the right amount of distance, and all the visual material adjusts, smoothly, accordingly.

As you practice doing this, you'll find that unbidden stimuli pops up more frequently. Eventually, you close your eyes, let your mind go and literally accessible visual and audio stimuli erupts. A sun is shining in your eyes, you can even feel the heat of it on your eye lids. Music plays and you can recite the tune afterwards. And so forth.
haha when does imagining it become indistinguishable from reality?

maybe there already is no difference?
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Don't listen to Mara.
I have never even gotten close to that far. there might be someone here who has; I'm not sure how one would even verify that.

I experience things that are like real sensations, but they come from nowhere and I can turn them off instantly. I can't get burned or truly blinded, that sort of thing. :So they're always dinstinguishable. They're also always much, much more simple than the wash of real life sensations. For me.
So, I have this weird thing about the crown of my nose, right between the eyes. When I put something there, or imagine something there, not quite touching but close, I get this feeling. It is stronger when the object is metal, but it doesn't have to be metal. I haven't told many people about it because well it's outright weird and I think most people would not believe me. It kind of puts me in a trance like state, and sometimes I do it when meditating or just driving around. It is a strong feeling like an electrical current.
The really strange part is, I told a friend when I was younger and I told him I could sense a metal object when it passed near that spot. We tried it, and even with my eyes closed, I could tell when the metal object was close.
I don't know if this has anything to do with enlightenment (although that is certainly a goal I have in mind). Would any /x/philes be so kind as to explain this phenomenon to me or shed some light on my experience?
Thanks in advance for wisdom
Or from the other angle of your comment, if there's no difference that I am caught up in the illusion. That's someone else's argument, I find the "is it reality or just fantasy" contest beyond my current ken.
whenever I try doing this I always end up zooming out and looking at myself do the actions you describe. Do I just need to practice more?
I dunno. I can't ever get passed the feeling that I'm rising. I've never seen myself from an outside point of view.

But probably yes, we both need to practice more. Or at least, there's no harm in practicing more!
Thank you for putting this here. Thank you so much, anon.
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A nice topic, and I love the camaraderie. Gaudiya Vaishnav doesn't really deal in enlightenment. We have transcendence which is rising above the material existence and we have liberation which is a soul freed from samsara, but the closest thing would probably be realization which I describe as absorbing a fundamental truth into the core being of your knowledge. A note that strikes past mind, intelligence, and false ego to reverberate and reawaken the soul. Our terms aren't so shrouded in lack of definition, but certainly the subjective experience of a spiritual realization is impossible to accurately convey.

As for meditation, well - that's everything. Our meditation is to keep the mind focused on Krishna. We can do that through just about any action, providing the action is properly motivated. And it is always possible to engage one sense or another in concentrating on Krishna, especially the ears.

More specifically, the congregational chanting (sankirtan) is well-known, pic related. Great community oneness - cult potential and all. Also great exercise and a way to focus the mind/lose the self when the crowd of chanters really get into it.

There is also japa - personal/quiet mantra meditation. Most devotees sit in some lotus form (most probably do so badly), but I'm too pained and fidgety for that. I prefer to walk steadily; I find I can tune out the body easier in constant motion. I'll either circumambulate the temple, or just my local block, half-lid my eyes, and follow the same path at a natural pace and tune into my soft yet audible chanting of the maha-mantra.

I'll try to focus clearly on each syllable, and if my mind wanders I will dovetail the thought in some relation to Krishna, and from there back to the maha-mantra.

When I sleep I've found lovely lectures or recitations to listen to, and I'll chant to myself whenever there's a moment of remembrance.
Quantum locking. Check out that video.
How do I meditate?
I’m not sure how long ago now, but in the last few years, I had a realization of what you sometimes hear called no-self. This awareness came and went over time as various identities dropped away until one day, it finally really hit like a sledgehammer. That might have been, oh, a year or two ago.

I can best summarize it like this: I saw that “I” was not a noun, but a verb, and a verb has nothing of substance; it is nothing, no-thing. You cannot step in the same stream twice. “I” was no-self, what you often hear called emptiness, nothing, or void. I’d seen it talked about in books, but never thought much about it. I think I thought the people were pretty much talking nonsense. Surprise!

It was really difficult to function in normal everyday life for a time after that. When you know you are no-thing and you know all is no-thing… it’s just… hard to perform any of the usual basic duties of life. Not because you’re depressed or any such thing at all like that, but because… it’s all no-thing. It’s the end of the world. You realize ‘you’ never existed.

But the intensity of it gradually wore off, and to my big surprise I must admit, I found out I was still “me” afterwards. There was still the “Anne” suit to fall back into. I started functioning normally again; I still liked dolls, amber jewelry, old cars, and the Moody Blues. I still disliked Dr. Pepper. More interestingly, all that old tiresome childhood emotional baggage was, yep, still there. (continued)
And I had another realization. The realization I just talked about was the realization of the Absolute, the formless, that which Is, no-thingness. However, the no-thing-ness expresses Itself in form as people who believe they are all these different characters (even as ephemeral and verblike as they may be.) The experience of being and expressing as an individual character is as inherent to the Absolute No-thingness as the color white is inherent to a grain of rice. No-thingness is the formless letters; form is the specific word. They seem to be inseparably wedded, inherent to each other.

So I dove back into being a human character, without any of the limiting beliefs I had formerly placed on the world/universe and what it could and couldn’t be (those had been driven out of me by the whole ’no-thing’ realization anyway that consciousness is all there is.) I no longer dismissed any possibilities. Multiverses? Great! Time travel? Awesome! Psy- type phenomenon of all kinds? Bring it on! Otherkin? Sure!
The undercurrent of the ‘no-thing’ realization never goes away. It seems to be a permanent thing. And yet, the attributes of the “Lisa” character continue with as much intensity and authenticity as though I’d never had the realization. I’m still learning, growing, and maturing; I’m -still- dealing with healing all that childhood baggage, as sick to death of it as “I” am of it after all these years. There’s a space around it now, however, and so even on the most unpleasant days when something new has come to the surface to be healed howling with the full original intensity of the pain of the original wound all over again, there is the grace of that. (continued)
And there’s a lot of that in the last half year. I made the clear, deliberate, firm decision to live nothing but Love. I choose Love, full stop. I choose Love in all things, I choose kindness, compassion, and gentleness. That means being all those things for myself, too. (Matt Kahn’s work has been helpful in that last regard, because he’s shown me the nuts and bolts of the how-to practical application of all that.)

For a little while afterwards, say a couple-few days, I was flying pretty high. People and animals would react to my energy without knowing why. I had a couple small experiences of what I think might well be shakti. They felt like brief hot flashes.

And when you choose Love, that means everything in you that isn’t in tune with that vibration comes riiiiight on up to the surface… and so, alllllll the worst of the crap from my childhood then started boiling up with a -vengeance.- I had no ability to run away from it. Stuff I thought I’d dealt with came up; stuff I was repressing came up: stuff I was in denial about repressing came up too, haha. Yep, big ole party. The hardest part has been dealing with the baked-in distrust of the universe as an unsafe place to be. That’s an interesting one: there’s part of me that deeply despises the word ‘faith’ and hates the word ‘trust,’ but there’s another part of me that is certain that everything is fundamentally OK and all will be well. Overall, the process of dealing with all of that not-love-vibration junk isn’t done yet, but it is very much better than it was for some weeks/months at the start. (done)
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Enlightening bump.
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Only the smoke of your ego, sacrificed to the silent, undulating darkness will show you what you need to see.

You have to accept that everything changes, you are not any of the minerals that came out of your mom. You weren't even freshly born, honestly nothing stays the same.

No, we aren't ourselves over and over again, we are different people different things, and in the infinite scale, if you are determined, the you can help yourself. Think God helps those who help themselves, well You + Infinity = god. You are everyone and everything, this is the only possibility in infinity. So be a consistent good guy, and then the world will be helped, this is what Karma is, not a little spiritual abacus tallying it up for individuals, there is nothing living that is individual, nothing is free from life, it's why you gotta apply alcohol to your skin before an injection, this is because life lives on you and in you, and through you, It's more like a tidal wave than anything else, but the curve of it, applied to infinity, a snail shell shape, fibronacchi. buzzword.
what a shitty picture have you chosen m8y
Samefagging my own post.
Since noone seems to have any theories, I want to elaborate on what I think about material bodies and electromagnetic auras. I have seen documentaries about tibetan monks who can voluntarily change the temperature of their bodies through meditation. In the same line also monks who can alter their electromagnetic aura when viewed through an infrared camera. There are a few people who can even spark electricity through their hands when you touch them (from a tv show by Stan Lee about real life superpowers).
So Im not saying that I think Im special (more than anyone else) or that I think I have superpowers, I think that there is an interesting level of electromagnetic activity going on in all humans (probably all animals as well) that modern science dismisses and is not interested in studying because it is too "new age" and not appealing to the pharmaceutical establishment.
I want to know more about auras and the mental and spiritual control that can be exerted over them. I think that there is more to humans than a strictly physical and chemical body, that in some sense we are walking energy, and I'd like to understand that better
What do you guys think about LSD? I'm talking about meditation on it, and using it as a spiritual boost or whatever to call it.

Have yet to try DMT, but have done doses of 800ug+ LSD, which basically felt like what people describe "breaking through" would be.
Inject 16 marijuanas
LSD is very interesting, but it will only confuse you if you come in search of answers,it's better as entertainment.
Yeah, it's been purely entertainment so far, besides a few interesting experiences outside that felt sort of.. uhm, connected, with everything.

Or the occasional bad trip being chased by "demons" and what not, tripping in dark areas can be both amazing and scary as fuck.
I'll just leave this here.

This too.
Saves a lot of useless debating

so in search for answers should i go cold turkey or try some shrooms? cant find any DMT
It's very hard to find. But very easy to extract.
This image doesnt make any sense.

The more stupid you are the more miserable is your life. An intelligent person can solve problema that happens in life, only this makes your life better and thus more happy.
I don't believe the image indicates making yourself dumb. I think it represents getting rid of excess or wasted mental activity, of which most people do have.
Thoughts on the 8 circuit brain model and the current evolution of the human mind? My theory is that there is more and more of "us" everyday, thanks to genetics and DNA. I've obtained enlightenment through True ego death, assisted of course by LSD.
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Smoke some Dmt you will know what he's talking about.
>Says that an image that obliquely states ignorance is bliss is condescending

I don't think I've ever seen such a clear example of someone not understanding subcontext on 4chan, well done.

Just so we're being clear, this post it fully intended to be as condescending as possible.
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