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dubs or trips, I will open this closet door. Ive never opened
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dubs or trips, I will open this closet door.
Ive never opened it before... moved in 5 weeks ago, and it's always been shut. It's an old house. I hear noises at night and Ive checked every part of the house except for the closet.
Open it u pussy
Do it
Disappointment is not paranormal and that's where this threads and that door lead.
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Do it, what could go wrong
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very old house.. been renovated countless times since it was built.
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adding a trip so we dont lose track

the walls need renovation.
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getting quite dark..

Doors randomly open at night. And they shut. Everyones asleep when it happens.. and Id hear the stairs if they walked up or down.
do it
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Okay fine.. ill open it
Don't bother, we all know its RP, and not a very well done one either
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Just a cat... I dont know how it got in here...
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Lol its the cutest thing ever..
>cat 5 weeks in closet
little fucker bit me
>No time stamp
>Been in there 5 weeks
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rping faggot
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yup.. hes stayin in there and im callin animal control.
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>Been in closet five weeks
>No timestamp btw
>Bites you once out of fear
>Sending him back into the closet
>Calling a force that handles dangerous animals i.e bears
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I aint got pen and paper.. best i can do.. cant really be faked.. i have the same wallpaper on the wall..
still doesn't explain why the fuck you're calling animal control on a fucking cat
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fuck... locked myself in.. im fine tho.. just called my mom to come and help me out.
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welp.. phone is almost dead.. and hes hissing at me and scratched and bit the hell out of me.
This is shit.
youre dead, gonna die in that closet with a dead cellphone and the inexplicable cat will eat your bones.

This is why you never ever open any door ever.
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you have the most shittiest camera ive ever seen, its like the shit you see in those ufo sighting videos
feed that cat you asshole.
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