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so, the goetia thing actually works?
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so, the goetia thing actually works?
It will land you the sweetest spot in hell.
yeah, but anyone actually tried to invoke those things and something happened? i wouldn't do it, but i'd like to know if there's any scientific proof
final bump
Yes, yes it does.
>The good news?
It's not like you're actually invoking beings from other dimensions. Beings who can hurt you. Daemons? Hell, no. The rituals are designed so that you can work with contents that actually reside in your own unconsciousness. Knowledge you didn't even know you had. (Aleister Crowley didn't know about this because well... the unconsciousness contents are deceiving)
>The bad news?
You can go crazy in the process.
>There aren't demons who can hurt you.
>Playing with your unconsciousness can hurt you.

What's your point then?
its like playing sudoku
how can you know that?
I'm God. Just kidding. Carl Jung is my name.
Instead of wasting pointless threads asking stupid questions, go out and try it yourself, and then report back what you experienced.
hm i don't know what carl jung did so i don't get it. but anyway, do you know someone who did it? or at least have any source that proof about the "liberation of the unconscious knowledge" thing
i just want to know if there are real proof, not going to hell
Crowley actually knew and said it himself.

I once summoned a demon from the Goetia. It worked and I felt like I was possessed. It was pretty scary. Imagine someone else taking control over your mind. It may be your unconsciousness. But it feels like somebody else with a totally different personality.
k buddy, there's no unconscious knowledge, it's just visions demons give you, k ?
what demon did you summon and did you gain any knowledge?
Yeah, but how do you explain that when people communicate with demons they hear noises and other activities like stuff moving around and what not.
I highly recommend Vassago for some dives into lost knowledge of your own. Can be pretty intense if you do it wrong (as I did).
hell isn't real. but purgatory is.

using the goetia won't land you in either. but it is like a loaded gun, so you don't use it without a reason. you don't hand a child a rifle and tell them to point it in a random direction and fire
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Yeah it works, but you don't want to fuck with that Lucifer shit.

Become an Discordian instead.
you're a sheep
>Crowley actually knew and said it himself.

Interesting, I thought Crowley was from a time before Freud's and Jung's concept of unconscious was actually made known of. But then again, I don't know much about occultism and stuff. Could you please provide a source for that statement?
Yeah, but it will burn you pretty badly if you dont know what you are doing. And trust me, you dont.

And those beings are not psychologial concepts. Those are real, independent beings with a mind and agenda of their own.
>takes no effort
>doesn't go meet anyone rly
How exactly does that shit attract you?
Crowley lived in a time where psychoanalysis was already a known term. He also interpreted these spirits of the Goetia as partitions of the human mind.

Share you experience.
are you afraid of going to hell or something?
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