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Haunted? Or psychotic?
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Hey /x/, quick story for you, followed by some questions.

>For some time, experience visual distortion before falling asleep
>Usually accompanied by dark laughter and voices in my head
>Don't think much of it, and it stops when I move out of my rental house to be with family for a while
>Move back in
>First night, voices and distortion come back in full force
>Walls warping, colors changing, lights shifting all around
>Laughter and voices come back, it feels like I'm fighting to keep my internal voice above theirs
>Figures start appearing in the darkness
>Tell them to fuck off, try to express powerful energy
>End up falling asleep, wake up feeling incredibly depressed and irritable

What the fuck happened? Hypnagogic hallucinations? Or is there a ghost or demon or something in my house.
Are you overwieght or do you lack exercise?
It might be the blood that run off you head, a vagal episode.
Does your head turn when you are laying for a while and you get up quickly?
I'm a smoker and I don't exercise, so that could definitely be it.
I used to get headaches when I stood up, but it's not so common these days.
>Laughter and voices come back, it feels like I'm fighting to keep my internal voice above theirs
This sounds familiar to me, but I'm not sure where.

Was there any aspect to the laughter? And were the voices coherent or jumbled?
There were a few different voices.

The first laugh had a very low pitch.
It started off slow and deliberate. As the night went on, it sped up and became more of a low, pulsating sound.
The other laughs had a normal pitch, and broke off into their own distorted repetitions.

The voices were coherent. They told me I wasn't the same and that I needed to give up. I think they were referring to a drug problem that I've recently overcome.
It really felt like I was struggling to maintain control of my psyche.
My friend's wiccan gf says several bad spirits followed him into town recently, and the attached to him because of his drug problem. Could they have found me through him and attempted to attach to me last night?
Programmed autosuggestion. You've a victim of an internet pseudocult.
>try to express powerful energy
they feed of that energy, try being nice to them instead. give them some love
Don't give them stupider shit in place of dumber shit. Tell them that their only fate is death and decay and that they have no place to be within you.
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Try sleeping on your couch or laying in broad daylight to see if it happens only every time you are in that bed.

It may be the lack of sleep.

Now for the more magical part you can visualise every night a light shield like a giant balloon inflated in your bedroom. And invoke by their name the archangels or something like that. Feel a presence like a real badass warrior that cover your ass.
Care to explain?

I think being nice to them would probably prompt them to stay or attempt to take control of me again.
If it happens again, I'll tell them to fuck off and try the light balloon technique.

I've had hypnagogic hallucinations before, but something about my house or the bed seems to make them twenty times worse.
For instance, I saw the silhouette of a short, muscular, bald man right outside of my window. I've never seen humanoid shapes in previous instances of this problem.
>Care to explain?
Not really. They're not worth discussing and never were. They've been flailing miserably ever since they made the terrible mistake of targeting me. It is only a matter of time before I end them forever.
Is there anything you can disclose about the nature of these cults or your plan to destroy them? More than anything, I don't want to compromise your goal.
>More than anything, I don't want to compromise your goal.
If I'd formed a plan, telling you would certainly have that effect. I haven't formed a plan because, in addition to these dipshits, I also deal with time travel shenanigans on a regular basis. I'm working to erase detrimental feedback loops in the timestream, and these fools made the mistake of thinking time travel was just one of my delusions. No, it turns out time travel is very real, and the only chance they have of getting out of this without obeying my will is to fuck off and play dead for a century.

There are hundreds of factors that confuse the matter, in my particular case. Suffice to say my future self was keenly aware of them and used them to obtain a strong advantage in time. It'll be awhile before it's safe to make this stuff public knowledge, but I am an inevitability when such foolishness ceases itself.
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