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Watercolor nightmares
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Im a featured artist and i have been not sleeping well, to the point where i don't sleep at all. I see shadowy figures all around me i feel their red eyes burning through my skin...i need answers!!! All the proof i have is my watercolor paintings that i do when i see them....please help me
Shadow men
Attracted to fear and negativity.
The more fear you show the more likely they are to come back.
if you refuse to be afraid they will go away.
>an artist
>no drawings of critters.
sigmund freud believed that deeply rooted feelings of homosexuality that an individual attempts to hide away results in aggregated paranoia, meaning that they feel as if many nonexistant things are going to cause harm to them.
and this, he believed was a form of self punishment the one believes he deserves. also OP is a fag
I've seen these things since my mom went away. A week after she left, I heard her voice in my ear say "anon" so clearly, I know she was gone and it was still light out so I wasn't that creeped out. Later that same day I went off to bed as usual around 10pm since I had school the next day. I awoke in the middle of the night frighten for some reason, I felt a presence in the room and it wasn't a good one. I immediately put on my glasses and see the dark figure with what seemed to be a hat on top of his head. I don't know what came over me but I had the balls to run to the light switch and turn on the lights. Ever since that day I started noticing those shadow figures all the time while I'm awake and everywhere I go. But if you ignore them they go away. Eventually you forget about them but they always do come back. I haven't slept in the dark since I was 15 and that was the same day when I heard her voice and saw that dark figure.
can you post your watercolour paintings babbie?
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