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Why most of the Demons and Angels are male or appear male? Not
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Why most of the Demons and Angels are male or appear male? Not much female
Angels in the Bible are supposed to be asexuals.
Think about the people responsible for creating the christian dogma then you have your answer.
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Because if you read the bible, thy actually appear like monsters or geometric structures. Art portrays them as male because the aspects commonly associated with the female body (breast, wide hips, ect.) are for creating babies, and angels dont create babies. They need an efficient body to get shit done i.e. - the male body.
Girls are dumb. Send a girl angel to warn prophets of impending doom and they'll end up shopping for lyre and silk robes in another country.
Succubi and Incubi are female. And demons are (at least the way that I picture them) are kinda representations of sins and shit. So there probably are more feminine demons representing Lust or sexuality.
Haha like gods gonna want angels that have to deal with a period.

Plus nobody would take them seriously.
They're also not supposed to be humanoid.
The wisest and most benevolent angel I've had an encounter with is entirely female. I believe guardian angels are always opposite sex from the protectant.
The God and the devil are privileged males who think it's alright to make the high ranks of the underworld MALES and they don't care that they're oppressing all females!!
Actually, I got the impression that they were mostly leaning towards female. They're all explicitly said to be asexual, but something about their interactions made me feel female over male if I had to pick.
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They appear that way but aren't either.

They get to choose, but can be either.
These are good posts.

My penis likes this post
Yeah, I agree. I'm just saying, from personal reading or whatever, I would place most of them further to the female spectrum to the male. This thread is a bit silly to me, because as a Christian raised fucker, I have ALWAYS seen them as mostly female (read:majority female, still mostly asexual). I find OP's position strange, and would really like to hear what he thinks if it's not just some 500pg long geocities site.
it depends on the angel iirc
Some angels appear as humans. Wingless, totally normal inconspicuous humans. See the story of Sodom & Gomorragh.

The 'non humanoid' angels are from visions (seizures) that Isaiah and others had. Isaiah specifically relayed what he saw Cherubim as, which were four-headed (one man, one lion, one ox, one falcon - supposedly a prophetic vision of the apostles) man with cow/ox legs and hair from the naval down. These pull the throne-chariot of god, and there were four of them. They have four wings, two which are implied to cover the 'shame' and two which are extended.

The Seraphim, however, have eight wings, which overlap eachother to cover a writhing sphere of pure bright blinding light, which is covered in eyes.

That's all I remember off the top of my head.

You're cute.
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