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Okey, lookin. My friend found this paper, apparently old. I place
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File: vamp2.jpg (123 KB, 1275x1753) Image search: [Google]
123 KB, 1275x1753
Okey, lookin. My friend found this paper, apparently old. I place this thing in /x/ because the vampiric symbol in the middle. ¿what does this mean? I read the written and i understood this: ''Botens Ungue? Aprorum Sepulcbru?m Ienebris Detraxerunt Pelles ? In Meo Vivq Infernum Aocte'', please help and i'm sorry for my english, i am Chilean.

This shit looks interesting
Based on the symbol, Im guessing this is related to White Wolf/VtM.
la wea loca weon
where place you found it?
just look at the shitty calligraphy and you'll see that this was made by some contemporary edgy teen. good to know they exist all around the world.
My thoughts exactly, hence >>17075333

Link for info on image:
I used to know some people that played this garbage.
File: Untitled.jpg (168 KB, 1043x742) Image search: [Google]
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File: 909.gif (2 MB, 151x151) Image search: [Google]
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that shit calligraphy
Maybe it's that, my friend found this in a old box...
possibly in the box of his grandfather.
Eso mismo dije cuando me mostró el papel XDD
My friend found the paper. And: in a old trash box.
File: 5AmXtNQ.gif (3 MB, 320x240) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 320x240
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