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File: 427029718_640.jpg (24 KB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
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Now, I'm sure this video has been discussed often on this board, but I would like to inquire specifically about this map - what is meant to be represented by the pins?

Wider discussion and theories about the video as a whole (and its origins) also welcome. With what's going on in the world right now it seems the proper time.
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the video is about me, I'm christ, but I failed hard and now lucifer owns all your souls.

this entire reality is a dream I am having.
If I wake up I will be god and this reality will end.
everything in this reality is false and is all controlled by Lucifer. he sees everything and is everything.
thanks for shitposting
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yes really. when I die this reality gets reset to when I was born and so does everyone and their memories.

everything form here on out is the devil revealing in his victory until the cycle starts over again.
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in the coming decades you can expect aliens and skynet and mind control and total world domination and all sorts of dystopic things.

none of it is real though, the dream is simply mutating under the direction and glee of the devil.
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cool how do i stop it
I'm gonna take a guess here, and say the pins represent 9/11, at the top, Oklahoma city bombings in OK, Katrina around Louisiana, and down in the ocean, that might represent the BP oil spill.
its literally just alex jones bullshit. The creator actually did an interview with him and laid it all out.

Boring, offensive, and pretentious

i think they just did the video to create all the hype surrounding it
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