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Why do you think we exist? One of my theories is that we humans
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Why do you think we exist?

One of my theories is that we humans were created by god/higher power for bigger purpose than we think. We are created so when we die humanity lives on in óur future children, we are created with ability to teach so that our generations will know more and more, and in that way humanity will continue to develop and become more advanced with time. And if we fail and self destuct we start over from primitiv, and if we succeed to be advanced enough to reach other planets than humanity will never perish, because the universe is unlimted and while planets die new planets get born so humanity will aways have room to exist. Animals exist to teach us about things, about companionship outside humanity and teaches us that nature is still important than not just only advancing. And that non human life can exist outside our own planet.
God created us primitiv so that we would learn most by ourselfs, and when we reached intelligence to understand gods, they reached us about god and evil forces through religion which is important to know when advancing.
And as we continue to grow and advance than one day we will become gods ourselfs, maybe god himself created us to learn from life about his own existence or what if we are angels to created humnity ourselfs to know more or to coop with being immortals. Just knowing all we do we know that our existance is more important than we think
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>Why do you think we exist?
Whoa there OP, you make me almost feel worthy of living.
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Something like that.
>We are created so when we die humanity lives on in óur future children, we are created with ability to teach so that our generations will know more and more, and in that way humanity will continue to develop and become more advanced with time. And if we fail and self destuct we start over from primitiv, and if we succeed to be advanced enough to reach other planets than humanity will never perish, because the universe is unlimted and while planets die new planets get born so humanity will aways have room to exist.

That's how it is today. They want one world government. But for one thing, the people who are in control will not allow you to advance anymore than they are. Did you know they control you?

>Animals exist to teach us about things, about companionship outside humanity and teaches us that nature is still important than not just only advancing. And that non human life can exist outside our own planet.

Since you mentioned god. We are smarter than animals. We dominate them. It was all in god's plan.

>God created us primitiv so that we would learn most by ourselfs, and when we reached intelligence to understand gods, they reached us about god and evil forces through religion which is important to know when advancing.

You cannot reach your own intelligence to find god.

>And as we continue to grow and advance than one day we will become gods ourselfs, maybe god himself created us to learn from life about his own existence or what if we are angels to created humnity ourselfs to know more or to coop with being immortals. Just knowing all we do we know that our existance is more important than we think

They will not allow you to become a god. You are a puppet on a string. They are in control of you because you allow them to.
Humanity will survive

We were meant to be gods ,whit small g ,
We were slave , but they didn't eliminate all of our powers , becose GOD IS NOT TO BE MOCKE he is helping us, Mandela effect , time not being linear for humans, internet, all is part of GOD'S plans
We need to trust him
This is a goofy question. Take a philosophy course if you really are interested.

In order to answer this we have to assess the question. First off we have to do define thinking. Does thinking come from the mind or the soul? Physical or meta? Then we come to existence. What defines if something exists. Our only definition resides in this world and we can't be sure that this world even exists on its own definition. Really, this question doesn't make sense because it's topic is contradictory in a categorical sense. Philosophy is so fucking awesome but its very very complex and difficult. Good luck friend.
science and religion dont mix. either you are made by god and thats all you will ever be is human or god didnt make you as far as christianity vs science goes

humans dont become gods or angles in christianity. have fun burning in hell
>random cosmic equations
Always being 90° would be hella painful anyway, you make it seem like humans are losing out on that bs.
we exist with bigger brains than other mammals.
We have the same primal desires for the need to reproduce. If the sun were to go out or the gas composition in the air be different we wouldnt be here. We arent superior beings we just are smarter than the average monkey.

what we do is up to us.
I think part of the reason were here is to feed the soul. Through hardships and experiences our brain goes through it is etched into our soul to be created and/or reformed.

Ultimately though I believe we are not supposed to find out but it can still be fun chasing the idea.
We're here because we're the physical manifestation of our god. We have souls and we rely on that god just as much that god relies on us. For that reason humanity must achieve apotheosis. And if that is impossible, to perform the duty of spreading humanity and the influence of our god. To tame and bring all of existence under our order.

>Why do you think we exist?

I lean towards the anthropic principle, so I believe we exist because the universe happens to allow for it. If it didn't, we wouldn't exist to know otherwise. So it's a necessary requirement that we exist to even question it.
I think we were created to be sorted and refined. The world is an evil place, and everyone has choices to make.
So imagine you're a bored lonely god right and then you reflect on yourself and then you've got two of you who reflect each other but you're still one whole neutral being somehow. Then you get in a bet with yourself about which one of you has the better ideas because the neutral you is too primal and neutral to actually be anything besides molded and worked by the other two lesser you that run off the same outlet.

So yourselves create a machine and subsequently another within that machine to simulate experience. In the first machine the soul energy you split off yourselves goes into smaller beings that are sent into the next machine to work out the simulation without being completely fucked every time they terminate. Plus, how are you to experience things as an omnipotent, benevolent etc god if you don't make lesser spirits and energy that you can observe?

Its about experience, good and bad. When you die everything you've done righteous or evil will be tallied onto the board and you get sent back into the machine with no knowledge.

Bonus round;the upper machine is filled with godlike machine custodian things that your spirit can ascend to instead of being locked in the cycle of the machine
We don't exist "for" any reason, we are descended from upright-walking apes that accidentally evolved brains too big for our own good, and so now we get high and think up dipshit ideas and call them "theories" and post about them on the internet.
*tips fedora*
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Well we won't be able to do fuck all if islam holds us back
>i'm never happy so there must be something wrong with you if you are
tl;td for the picture.
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Yes, happiness is a contrite emotion used to manipulate complacency in the once thought uncontrollable mass.

Happiness for all!

It's even in the US Declaration of Independence.

You've been duped, donny.
trips > dubs
all religions hold us back dumbshit
To serve man.
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