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Virginia spook thread
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I'm staying with some friends in a rural part of virginia! Terrify me with anything that's happened to me or that you've heard about!
Happened to you... Anything that's happened to you...
One time you got spooked by a skeleton...
Tell you something scary that happened to you?

Well, you're in Virginia. You're probably being ass fucked by the cops, your relatives and the immense number of sheep that, for some fucking reason, are everywhere in Virginia.
Ah and i was so close to not fucking up
One time, I heard some unlucky people actually have to live to Virginia and WV... terrifying, right?

Nah but really. My two closest friends families are from VA and WV, respectively, and that whole area is pretty much the most subhuman in the country.
Some cities in VA are 70% black

You've been warned
I live in virginia.

>be me, at scout camp in southern a few years ago
>mad at someone so I go walk in the woods with a friend
>beautiful skies, talking about how much this reminds me of grandma's place
>suddenly friend stops: "anon, let's turn back"
>but why?
>"I have a bad feeling."
>okay let's just go a few more metres and then we can go back
>5 minutes later, I feel a tingly feeling and i feel this horrible sickining feeling of fear
>sky is dark, clouds now in
>burst of thunder
>I see something in the woods... I'm not sure what I saw
>we look at each other and run faster than we've ever run before
Any other C-villefags in here?
OP here! I'm staying in Charlottesville currently. Why does every place sell wine?
What did it look like man? Some kind of gun toting bear maybe?
Lots of vineyards around here. Donald Trump even owns one close to Cville.
757 here

Save me from this hell
I hate 757. Smells bad and full of crime.
Because it's full of niggers on welfare
lol holy fuck there's just as many white folk on welfare in HR and you know it.
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Fuck off Jamal
lol I'm white

stop being so mad
I'm not sure. I remember seeing claw markings on a tree so maybe it was just an animal that spooked us.
Virginia Native here.
>Be 13, decide to try hunting for the first time with my granddad and dad(we arent hicks, just like to hunt i guess)
>About 20 miles from Cville, in the middle of fucking nowhere, literally miles from the next closes human
>15 minute drive into the woods from a road that has only been used by my family when we hunt and maybe lost travelers
>Arive at our cabin, a bit unkept and seemingly abandoned, walls in the big main room are lined with skulls and deer antlers and bear skins and shit
>unpack our things and settle in the cabin, its about 3 in the afternoon so no time to hunt today, Granddad and dad give me a walk around the property
>Get to a very remote tree stand, GP tells me no one ever uses it because its like 2 mles from the cabin
>As we arrive, smell some very very awful. Worse than a skunk or anything else ive smelt in my life.(this isnt gonna be a spoopwalker post, no worries)
>GP and Dad smell it too, decide to turn back because of this rancid odor.
>Next day, dad walks me out to my treestand
>I'm armed with a 30-06, a gun i'm familiar with and can shoot well with.
>Get to my treestand where i'll be spending the next 10-12 hours waiting for anything killable
>Say farewell to dad, wish him luck, and ascend to my post.
>Fast worward about 8 hours, its boring as fuck and i didnt see a god damn thing, decide to head back to cabin to eat.
More goats than sheep
540 here, and cows edry goddamn where. If you dont see trees you see cows. Anyone know about the 7 gates of hell?
Jesus i didn't realize how badly i typed that post. :(
>Descend the latter of the stand, throw rifle over my shoulder and get on my way, its about a 20 minute walk to the cabin.
>No clear path to follow, just have to wander through the woods in the cabins direction until things start to look more familiar.
>Fast forward like 5-10 minutes
>Walking past a big group of seemingly random evergreen trees, so thick i cant imagine anything of substantial size navigating them.
>Small paths along the bottom, i assume used by foxes and maybe small coyotes or something.
>Looking in the evergreens, i hear something running very quickly through the fallen leaves at the bottom of a nearby hill. Roughly 200 feet away.
>Turn around and ready my weapon, this could be the moment ive been waiting for
>Cant see shit but still hear movement, decide to start moving to get a better look
>Betweet a large forked tree, i finally get a decent look at whats causing the ruckus.
>Very large black dog sniffing around, and i dont mean large as in like Husky or German shepard large. This thing was huge. At the time i was 5'11" tall, and this thing easily was past my elbows.
>It was vicious looking, perhaps feral. Its eyes were a yellow-orangish color.
>Watch it for a few minutes just wandering about the woods, eventually it runs off into the forest out of my sight.
>continue my treck home, thinking about what exactly i just saw. Perhaps a large wolf or something.
>Get back to the cabin and make myself some food, wait for my uncle and dad and GP to return to home base.
>Uncle gets back first, says he found a small pile rotting deer carcasses out at the remote treestand, seems like they had been ate.
>On his way back he said he heard something big moving very fast through the woods but never saw anything.

I dunno if its paranormal, but thats the most /x/ worthy thing ive had happen to me outside of "ghost" encounters and stuff.
Poster of the story you replied too, also a fellow 540fag.
That's really interesting.
I wouldve shot it but my Grandpa told me a story about when he killed his first bear, he shot it like 15 times before the thing started to die. First shot just caused the bear to look around like "the fuck?". Didnt want to risk the dog mauling me or anything.
Also, the son of my GPs close friend (who co-owns the property) once told a story a few years later about seeing a very big black dog on 3 separate occasions from 1998-2009 but he hasnt seen it sense. I never brought up what i saw, however.
A dog? How the fuck is that scary in any way?
>a bear sized wild dog
>howz dat scary, iz just dog xd
Pricolici look into it.
That maybe what you saw.
Don't tell me I'm the only one who keeps reading Virginia as vagina/virgin?
you're never alone faglord
you're forever in our hearts
540 Here as well, Nothing spooky happens here, literally nothing.
540 as well, the only spooky thing here are the streets near my apartment complex on Friday evenings
The creepiest thing I know of is some fat transvestite who roams around trying to change the color of Sonic the Hedgehog's arms.
Lotta 540's and I bet we all know one another in some way, that's what i've noticed around here.
Idk, lol. We have tons of vineyards.

Most paranormal thing in cville though is girls getting raped and conversations you'll have with people at the Tea Bazaar.

>Anyone know about the 7 gates of hell?
There is a legend about "H" trees that mark a gate of hell. They are two trees with a branch connecting the two. It's probably not that rare really, but there is one in Louisa.


probably talked about weird shit together at the Tea Bazaar.
probably charged each other sigils drawn in chalk on the Freedom Wall.
he is fucked up, beyond all repare
>tfw you will always be too beta to pick up a 10/10 final form chris-chan
his soul mate is pixyteri
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You should go out more often if you get spooked this easily. Kak.

Old House Woods in Matthews, Virginia. Sights of ghost pirate ships, shadow dogs, and time portals.

What's the tea bazaar all about? I've lived here for about a year and never heard of it.
Downtown mall, east end, across from the Masonic building.

oh, my bad

They have really good tea obviously, also beer, Mediterranean food, and hookah. There are occasionally shows and the bouncers are dicks, so show up early if there's a band playing.
Lot's of hipsters and "spiritual" people go there, anyone else looks out of place, lol.
Oh I don't know shit about inner Cville. I live out in the woods.

Do people go there for paranormal reasons? I'm seriously considering trying to join a coven or find other spiritual folk to commune with.
I go to Tea Bazaar for paranormal reasons.

We got yogaville in 23921, lmao

There isn't any other shit like that around here.
I'm actually planning to go to yogaville after college and get certified in something Eastern Religion related.

Other communes are in Louisa, 23117. They're more labor-social focused rather than spiritual.
Communes? Like actual communes, like a bunch of hippies living together? How have I lived near Louisa and not known this?

I feel like I've been seeing that Hindu symbol everywhere lately. Also overhear people talking about spiritual things all the time. Lucid dreaming, Buddhism, Wicca, yoga, etc. Is it possible there's some type of spiritual awakening type of thing going on in the Cville area?
Cville is kind of on the edge of the greater metropolitan areas like DC and Richmond. It's kind of the last stop before you head into bumfuck nowhere in Appalachia, so it wouldn't really surprise me if its status as a sort of frontier drew people to it like that. They still want to be near a lot of other people, but far enough away in the hopes of finding some strange stuff or being left alone to pursue strange stuff.

I know Barnes and Nobles and shit start selling those discounted "Spooby VA" books around this time of year, so maybe some anons could see how much of that shit comes from that area.
>Is it possible there's some type of spiritual awakening type of thing going on in the Cville area?
It sure seems that way. I've even had so many encounters with strangers in that town that quickly delve into those subjects. It's just a chill town (outside of UVA district, but even then there are probably tons of cool students).
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