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Why do conspiracy theorists remove the first few seconds of the
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Why do conspiracy theorists remove the first few seconds of the World Trade Center 7 collapsing?
Because if they don't they can't pretend that the whole building suddenly fell down due to 4th dimensional Jew-rays reflected off the fluoride in the water.

air vents can't crush concrete pillars
This is what fedoras actually believe.
hi /b/

Why what happened in the first few seconds?
A plane hit the building.
idk, there is still no way it was a natural collapse.

>inb4 hurr durr nope no pleyn hit bildinn sevvun derrrrrrrp
>building perfectly fine
>moments later every floor buckles at once
>perfectly collapses straight down
looks legit. entirely accidental. trust me, I'm an architect.

-Sent from my golden diamond-studded iPhone 6++
I don't know, I'm more interested in how the BBC reported it 20 minutes before it happened, while standing right in front of it, then the feed to the reporter cuts out abruptly.
Why do crazy people do crazy things? Is that your question?
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yeah that is a tough one to live down... until all footage of this is destroyed and everyone who remembers conveniently commits suicide. which can happen! we have the technology.
I don't know what that word means

what crucial detail does leaving out the first four seconds cause to go unnoticed?
Dammit anon you weren't supposed to call his bluff!!! Oh shit now you just unleashed WWIII.
That's proper controlled demolition right there
>building perfectly fine
Other than the fires and the huge holes in the south side.
That particular building would still be fine even if it was entirely engulfed. It didn't have jet fuel in it!
didnt one of the twin towers "fall" on it? or the majority of the rubble hit building 7? i remember seeing a top down photo taken a few days after, with the streets and outlines of buildings superimposed over the pic. it showed debris paths that wen right over 7, i think.
The ENTIRE terrorist attack was staged JUST to delete 7 WTC. They thought everyone would look at the 2 taller buildings and their demolition of it would go unnoticed, but they were WRONG. It was also a convenient excuse to go to war. Coincidence? Could be.
there were TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS inside. TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS that were not to be seen by the AVERAGE AMERICAN. firefighters report seeing rooms full of PAPER SHREDDING DEVICES to destroy these TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS.
Well yeah. Any government office has at least one shredder in it. That's just common knowledge.
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I remember hearing about this. You unlocked a part of my brain.
citation needed, the fact that it fell would seem to disprove that theory.

Yeah it was hit by pieces of WTC1
The things that get shredded the most are paper files left in the back of cabinets and forgotten for decades. Before computers became more mainstream, EVERYTHING was filed with paper. And the government specifically used SHITLOADS of paper, because every little thing has a form or regulation, so that shit piled up really fucking fast. They were literally hemorrhaging money buying all the shredder oil they needed to convert to electronic storage and said "fuck it", and shipped everything to 7 WTC, and blew it the fuck up. 'Murrica.
How does a steel and concrete building just fall flat like a house of cards?
controlled demolition
glad i could help.

and wtc 1 was a big building wasnt it? roughly 1.6 billion cubic feet if my math is right(i know it isnt). so its all agreed that just one tower collapsing is going to spit out a ton of shit in every direction, yes?

GODDAMN. i have never been more IMPRESSED by a post here. this answers EVERYTHING. wtc 7 was OBLITERATED in a plot to undermine the FREE MARKET EFFORTS of the anglo-saxon shredder oil industry. i just read on godlike that the main LOBBYISTS against said shredder oil industry were the owners of THE WORLD TRADE CENTER, the silversteins.
And yet a majority of the wreckage was contained in a very small area for a building that size. Structural failures that perfect are always controlled.
Citation needed
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Be careful.
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When has a single event with a relatively small handful of deaths ever changed the views and policies of an entire country so easily and drastically?

Whoever orchestrated this was a total genius and an unsung hero. Just before 9/11, America was becoming stagnant. Too complacent, and lacking in direction. The masterminds painted a pretty picture, gave the people something to point their guns at. Something to come together against. The war on terror is the greatest thing that every happened to this country. They truly were the good 'ol days.
the fact of the matter is that there were no planes at all that day
Large buildings are designed to pancake in case of massive structural damage, jesus christ you conspiritards. Learn some common sense. You know how much damage a building like that would cause a densely packed city like NYC? The architects designed it to pancake in case of a catastrophic event such as 9/11, however unlikely they thought it may be.
and then everybody had to sit there and cry and moan about how unjust it was. people dont realize war fuels this country.
All our speculation about what should and should not happen when planes hit a building is based on this one instance. We need to start crashing more planes into buildings to learn more about the phenomenon, and determine once and for all whether what we observed here was a natural sequence of events.

But the government won't allow that, will they? I wonder why.

So you're saying the buildings were DESIGNED to fall that way??

9/11 confirmed for being planed from the very beginning.
goddamn i love the shitposting on this board
Yes indeed, thanks to the war on terror America is no longer stagnant. Today, America is definitely more than a fading power ready to concede to the combined might of China and Russia.
i seriously hope you dont believe or have ever believed in what you just said
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams
aaaaaaand there it is

He's right, I'm his uncle.
>shredder oil
look everyone, lucky larry silverstein decided to join the thread. hows your lobbying against the protestant shredder oil industry going, larry?

Everyone knows planes are imaginary
ITT: disinfo agent circlejerk throwing strawmen at each other
i wouldnt have to shout if i wasnt buried by ur mums enormous ass

That the collapse was compounded rather than sudden.

ITT: someone non-ironically using the terms "disinfo" and "strawmen" in the same sentence

That was then, now it's divide and conquer with all that ''innocent black teen shot by white officer'', the sheep take to the streets chanting #livesmatter because the media told them it was a racial thing. It's a shame, the innocent deaths of 9/11 brought Americans together and now they're falling apart again..
>9/11 was planed
>planed, not planned
ITT: someone non-ironically believes a "ITT" post is not written ironically
It was a controlled Demolition.

>INFOWARS.com, There is plenty of information on the subject of 9/11.

Let's try to stand together and support one another IF our country starts to really Fall apart...
Of course it wasn't natural a plane hit the fucking building you delusional dolt
The plane collapsed the top section of the building bringing the weight down on the next floor, which couldnt hold the weight. Then the next floor. So on and on. Termed pancaked. These buildings are not designed for that type of weight or load.
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>thinking the 'roof' wasnt the first charge to go off
No, this is a direct repost of a thread on /b/ that happened several hours ago

This is why /x/ is retarded.
ITT: someone non-ironically believes virtually all posts ITT are written ironically
Itt. Fedora's calling other Fedora's, Fedora's for not being Fedora enough
>I told you, officer! He raped me! It doesn't matter that he was 60 miles away from me at the time!!!!
t. you
Fucking apostrophes :/
My point still stands though
stay the fuck out of this fundie. go molest a choir boy while singing songs about your mystical space lizard who saved the world by dying. idiot
Duh duh duh de-railllled
That actually sounds kinda neat. Will you tell me another story?
no. y don't you read them in your sacred book without mistakes or typos that was dictated to retarded men with horns by a talking snake that lived in a bush that also talked? moron
You could probably get a lot angrier if you try
What book are you referring too? The bible? I don't read the bible really. I mean I have, but one time is enough.
Is this supposed to be some sort of one-upsmanship? Cause' it isn't very good if so...
>mfw over 40 people that were witnesses ie copter pilots, reporters etc haved died by suicide, car accidents and other nefarious means since 9/11
Where did you hear that? Inb4 suggesting Google angrily. I'm aware of Google, I'm axing you homie
Architect here, Im calling your bluff. Building 7 is control demoed.
Wait.. so three plane strikes? I'm confused. I thought only two planes, one on each of the twins.
all the footage and memories every single person involved were faked to hide the fact that ALIENS STOLE THE TOWERS!!!!!!
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>People are still debating on the internet about a few thousand people killed over a decade ago.
>40 people have died since 9/11

a true conspiracy
you speak as if you know.
I can tell you, you know nothing.
i dont know anything about anything, but ive always wondered if maybe there's some kind of secret design spec wherein every large building in a city has built-in det charges?

explains some things:
the way the buildings fall,
photos of support beams clean-cut
reason they'd want people to not ask questions
newscasters getting info that buildings are going down before they do.

So basically the planes hit. city goes crazy. people at the highest level of damage control decide to "pull" the buildings instead of letting the top half of them possibly burn/topple into the streets.
yeah, why should you care about something that happened before you were even born, right anon?
Maybe there was something in there about the 2.3 trillion dollars that was reported missing on Sept. 10th
yea about 100 million dollars more via insurance money if that tower fell too
>Architect here,
No you aren't, but even if you were that doesn't make you an engineer or a demolitions expert or fire marshal.
do you just make this shit up?
wouldn't also be weird if absolutely nobody that witnessed 9/11 had died in the 15 years that followed?
Its true
Most skyscrapers are designed so that instead of toppling over, they'll "pancake" in cases of extreme structural damage.

It's just common sense
Try explaining this to a conspiracy theorist though
no it isn't
jet fuel can't melt steel beams
Walter white told me
did the WTC turn into a puddle of molten steel?
Like a fish that doesn't know the word "water."
fish don't have any concept of language

He who lies creatively is closer to the truth than he knows.

They thought the buildings would topple over and take out Manhattan.

"It is certainly true that on 9/11 the BBC broadcast that WTC7 had collapsed when it was still standing. Then the satellite transmission seemed to cut out mysteriously when the correspondent was still talking."

The words of BBC themselves.

I thought you were talking about the other two towers
Congratz you fucking retard
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>the sheep take to the streets chanting #livesmatter because the media told them
George Soros personally funded the Ferguson protests.
that's a rude thing to say
Why are we so much smarter than everybody else?
Why should I give a fuck
Because he is an evil man that has destroyed numerous countries and currencies.

He is a genuinely evil man. During WW2 he pointed out other jews to the Nazi's while being a jew himself. Of course he is "forgiven" for that because of the large donations of cash he gives the ADL and other jewish groups.

He nearly crashed the British Pound (when they were still on the Pound and not Euro) and he crashed the Argentinean economy back in the 90's. He has destroyed 4 currencies and is on his way to do more damage.

He has been sponsoring radical groups throughout the world including FEMEN and just in Ferguson over 36 different groups. That is why people are still screaming about "race".

He wants to help Obama "fundamentally change America" and is behind the dumping of the 3rd world into Europe and North America.

You might not know about him nor care but he knows all about you and wants you to suffer.

That is why you should give a fuck.
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The weirdest thing is that there's an entire fucking building between the twin towers and WTC 7, and it didn't collapse.

What the fuck?
I'm sure your boogieman is very impressive
Jet fuel can't melt steel memes
nothing else that wasn't hit by airplanes fell.
Meme fuel can't meme steel memes
No it didn't.
Why "inb4 plane didn't hit building 7"?
Is it because you have no proof that a plane hit building 7? Are you scared of the truth?
>*tips 3D projector*
It takes time to educate and rally the masses. Especially when the truth is hidden by those we trust
Britain still uses the pound
>the truth
WTC1 hit and seriously damaged WTC7 which caught fire and burned all day, unchecked after the firefighters were pulled out because they thought it would collapse, and eventually it did.

"Truther" lies to the contrary notwithstanding, both the damage and the fire were severe, as can be seen in videos, photos and firefighters' accounts, if you make the effort to research both sides' claims.
>Implying architects aren't just building design faggots that doesn't know shit about structural physics.

It's a fucking concrete building, the impact was distributed among all the floors and they collpsed at the same time.
It's not like a demolition bomb destroying the first floor and the rest just falling down and collapsing one by one as they hit the floor.
what I think is funny is that the people who don't think there is a conspiracy are contradicting each other. at the same time they claim:

"Oh, skyscrapers are designed to pancake so their debris doesnt topple onto the street and other buildings"

and also, "Oh, WTC1 hit WTC7 so it collapsed"

Can I truly have my cake and eat it, too?

Additionally, what about WTC 6?
How is that a contradiction?
if the buildings are all designed to pancake downwards perfectly, as they claim, so as to not hit the surrounding buildings, why did a collapsing building's debris hit another building, which even had a third building between them?

TL;DR: they say the buildings are designed to not splash their debris onto other buildings, and then they say that's exactly what happened.
>plane hits wtc
>fire generated hot enough to melt steel
>building collapses
>everything obliterated apart from terrorists passports

>plane hits pentagon
>massive task for any experienced pilot given the geography of the area
>hole the size of a car
>no steel melting fires
>footage taken but never seen

Seems legit
are you retarded?

you don't need "fire hot enough to melt steel".
All you need is a big fucking hole and fire hot enough to weaken steel.
And of course it didn't weaken pentagon structure enough, it isn't the height of WTC
Set the Jew-ray to Jerry!
>Hold the size of a car

Making up facts that suit your bullshit argument is fun, isn't it?
And yet an entire subset of 9/11 conspiracy believers exist who claim that it was not actually a plane that hit the pentagon, it was a missile.
Bro I just sprouted a self-aware tin foil fedora that is tipping on its own to BYOB by System of a Down
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Pastry chef here and I'm saying you're wrong. Buildings are like cakes so I'm right.
You must be a crappy pastry chef if your cakes collapse for no better reason than that a couple of cakes on the other counter have collapsed.
This is the first and last time I'm posting in a conspiracy theory thread.

I know people that believe this was an inside job, or at least that the official version does not depict what really happened. I know people that do not bother questioning the official version.

I don't believe the official version either.

My only reason is: considering the importance of such an event, how could any of us simply believe that the governments have made public every information on it? There has to be some things that governments keep hidden, as they always have; thus, the official version may have holes. But that seems quite normal to me. This is called raison d'État.

We may not agree that this is fair, of course, but this allow us to understand the flaws of the official version of events —to understand that there are indeed flaws— WITHOUT believing that, from what we have gathered, what have been made public, what have been leaked, we can reconstruct the whole truth —which is the kind of naive attitude of conspiracy theorists that bugs me the most. How would you think even remotely possible that, having a government hugely more powerful than you, you can find the very "truth" they want to hide?

This is why it seems pointless to me to try to find the "true" version, as we are bound not to find the elements the government, for various reasons we cannot understand, or that we can maybe, wants hidden.

And I'm sorry if that was not very clear, since English is not my native tongue.
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>implying truthers aren't even more contradictory
I never claimed they were designed to pancake, that was another anon, but with the way the floor trusses were designed the two towers might as well have been.

>why did a collapsing building's debris hit another building, which even had a third building between them?
The outer columns were pushed outwards and broke off in chunks hitting surrounding buildings, which you can clearly see in the videos. The building in between was only 8 stories tall, so it wasn't a barrier to debris from 100 floors up, and was also badly damaged.

You can see WTC7 get hit in the videos, and there are photos of and testimony about the exterior damage and the extensive smoke from the fires. The fire department evacuated their crews from the area because they were afraid it would collapse. People who claim the building was undamaged and the fires were small are either willfully ignorant or outright liars.
I fill them with jet fuel instead of buttercream.
Architects and Engineers for 9 11 Truth
From my experience on the internet it's shills 1, and truthers 7.

The only reason shills have a point is because they gave themselves that point ayy lmao.

Truthers are not as crazy as the shills want you to believe they are. They want you to think they are crazy uneducated unstable people who would do violent things, but the truth is they are very educated well at least some of them are. They are exposing the violent things that our most trusted leaders pull off, and that's why shills are placed there to debate against them with nothing, but name calling.

I've seen truthers refute so many shills with solid evidence, and the shill get so angry about it everytime.

Like yea the people you try to call stupid are actually way more educated than you.... go figure.
Protip: The truthers are the shills, and all this "hurr controlled demolition" bullshit is a distraction from the real questions about 911, which are how it was allowed to happen and how it was used to justify an illegal war on an uninvolved 3rd party.

> the truth is they are very educated well at least some of them are
The problem there is they think their education in an unrelated or tangentially related field makes them experts on how buildings collapse when you crash planes into them or let them burn uncontrolled, which is something nobody actually knew until it happened.
The opposite of stupidity is not education. It is intelligence. Education, being a memorisation of things you have been shown, can only displace ignorance. It does not make you smarter.
Clinton had handed over the U.S. armed forces to the U.N. and the joint chiefs had no power except to provide the U.N. with an army. The treaty had an out though and the events of 911 fit them like a key in a lock. The financial district, the military command establishment, and separately American lives lost on American soil all had to be attacked. We retain our armed services only so long as we are in state of emergency. Hillary will put our necks back in the noose as soon as able and make an occupied U.S.A. a real possibility.

Nothing odd here..
>this is what conservatards actually believe

This guy knows what's up. Also, why the fuck are you yanks still rattling on about the WTC? It happened over a decade ago.
I think you are the leading foil fedora atm!
i am not even gonna tell you out on all the shit you wrote, because i know evryone will see it for themself.
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WTC7 was 300 feet away from a tower. It got fucked up from debris. It was reported that it was collapsing as a result.

Its not some bold move by the illuminati that they thought you truth seekers wouldnt catch
if jet planes are all it takes to bring down huge buildings and some surrounding them then why waste money building missiles at all? why don't they board planes heading to their target countries at airports in countries without crazy security or one of the middle eastern ones that support these crazy bastards and just hijack them again? if it takes 1 plane each to destroy those huge towers image how much damage a jet plane can do to a bunch of regular sized buildings
It's a common mistake. Building one actually jumped over the building in between circa super mario and flattened building 3. Source? Dad owns Nintendo and my uncle owns Disney

Did you even read the full article? It explains the context of the statement and why it was erroneous.

Holy fuck you're stupid n

Any questions you might have about September 11th, this answers them. Mostly.
Do you feel like you're smarter than most people?

unfortunately it's nearly 5 hours long. Do you really expect anyone to watch that?
only people with the attention span of an adult
This is a really interesting movie.

It seems like they're pretty quick to jump to conclusions though. A lot of what seems malicious in hindsight, could be explained by simple negligence
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That is what the intelligence community actually believes. You millennials are the product of a school system designed to create a very refined form of misinformed ignorance. You have been trained to bite your own leg like Pavlovian dogs. You have had the cornerstones of truth disguised before you and concealed from your view.

Neither side is right.. but on this occasion, one of them is intent on killing on massive scale on home turf to introduce a foreign ideology.
I'm no millenial mate, I grew up in the cold war and I've heard enough of that kind of fringe wingnut lunacy over the years to dismiss it. The real danger isn't the dems and the UN, except insofar as the dems are in thrall to the same corporate interests as the republicans.

I also remember real conspiracies with real evidence like Iran-Contra. The Cheney administration, which included a lot of the Iran-Contra crowd, was up to all kinds of shady stuff that needs to be investigated and I wouldn't be surprised to find they were complicit because 9/11 was so convenient for them (not that I believe it, but if evidence did turn up I wouldn't exactly be shocked). That's why "truthers" and their lies piss me off, most of their claims are utterly nonsensical and all they do is distract from the real questions and discredit the questioners.
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This is the true story of the greatest Chinese espionage successes against the USA. Deception takes the reader through a documented tale of spies, secrets, money sex and power that dominates the US government.

Get the full story from the journalist that broke the China-Gate scandal along with the documented evidence that turned China-Gate into a full blown investigation. Author Charles R. Smith names the Chinese generals the greedy corporate bosses that sold America out to China.

Deception details the Clinton Administration and it's trade in weapons, US defense secrets and money using documented evidence obtained from nearly 50,000 of official and classified US Government documents. For the past decade, investigative journalist Charles R. Smith used the freedom of information act to get these documents and bring home the truth.

Find out about General Ding Heng Gao, commander of the Chinese espionage unit, COSTIND, or the Commission on Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense. The documented evidence includes letters from General Ding to Ron Brown and Clinton Secretary of Defense William Perry.

General Ding is the most successful Chinese military commander since Mao. Mao took Mainland China in 1949 after fighting a twenty-year war against both the warlords and the Imperial Japanese Army. General Ding, armed only with a checkbook, took the U.S. White House.

The Chinese Army turned its Second Artillery Corps - the PRC's strategic missile force - into a feared world power and defeated America without firing a shot in the short span of six years.

The spectacular success of General Ding and COSTIND turned China into a regional power that dominates Asia and a world power capable of flexing military force anywhere on earth. It is no surprise that General Ding and COSTIND recently won the honors of the Chinese communist party.

The Chinese Generals who engineered the espionage success against America have all retired with the highest rewards from the communist party. Their operations against the United States were carefully planned and executed. Their meetings were quietly withheld from public view by a U.S. administration seeking to reap the benefits from "military" sales to the People's Liberation Army.

President Clinton personally approved of the penetration of the U.S. aerospace industry by the Chinese Army. Documentation shows that Chinese General Shen Rougjun of COSTIND played a game of financial brinkmanship with Hughes and Loral while getting his son a classified position inside the U.S. space industry.

According to U.S. Commerce Department documents, Gen. Shen met with Ron Brown and Loral CEO Bernard Schwartz. President Clinton personally approved the meeting. The resulting espionage success of General Shen led directly to improved ICBM missile guidance and reliability for the Chinese Army.

Get the real story behind the Chinese "Tiger Song" air defense system. Read how the Chinese Army penetrated the U.S. Defense Department and obtained an advanced air defense system that was re-exported to Iraq. The story includes detailed letters and meetings between Chinese General Ding Henggao and U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry.

The penetration of General Ding included hiring Perry's personal paid consultant, Dr. John Lewis, to help the Chinese Army obtain a secure communications computer network and getting his wife, Madam General Nie Li to erect a false front company. The book also includes details of suspected Chinese spy Hua Di who worked closely with Secretary Perry and then fled back to China in 1996.

The Bush administration is painfully aware that the original Tiger Song fiber-optic air defense network was shipped directly the Chinese Army in 1994 after being approved by then Clinton Defense Secretary William Perry.

U.S. officials are convinced that the Afghan Taliban's fiber-optic air defense system was constructed using U.S. parts exported to China. Ironically, Saddam Hussein also purchased the same air defense system of U.S. made fiber-optic parts purchased under commercial contracts by the Chinese Army.


Captcha: udied
I love how conspiratards always fall back on



Look at this video. How can anybody honestly say its falling at free fall when OTHER PARTS OF THE BUILDING are falling faster than the whole? There's massive chunks being thrown in all directions!

The plan was to occupy north america with a landing force of 80 million.

First the Achilles tendon of the nation would be cut; the electric grid. Nukes delivered by shiping container were to then be detonated in port cities, one every 15 minutes until unconditional surrender was granted by the remaining functional national presence in Washington D.C.

It was not a joke. Do your own homework qualifying and vetting sources. No one has denyed any part of this book. They ignore it and try to make it go away.

She is worse than I portray her.
it was just a warning
the truth is alium cannibals ;o
there only weapons are possession and poison and they claim nuke but idk
Maybe the thermite charges are creating enough thrust to slow it down?

Finally found a good video of the building 7 fires:

You should get a tripcode.
Ah, classic. "Thermite charges".

>uses basic logic and reason

typical sheep response
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how did those fires start in the first place? looks to me like they were purposely set in #7.
the only other building in the complex to have a fire (and the furthest away from the towers)
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will you tell us some good news? this thread makes me sad :c
ghetto BLAAAST! that's legit good shit
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Could be from damaged power cables or burning bits of wtc1, I don't think it's all that surprising.

>the only other building in the complex to have a fire
wrong, 4, 5 and 6 all had fires.
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nigga, #6 was BTFO before either tower fell
explain that
Prove it.
citation needed

Just kidding. Conspiracy theorists don't need facts. Facts are manufactured by shapeshifting reptilians in the fourth dimension with the blood of toddlers. Facts against the conspiracy are just further proof that there is an ongoing conspiracy; isn't that right?

>be cool
>there's a reptile vibrating in the 4th dimension right behind you
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significant amounts of debris/plane leftovers seemed to fall out the other side of the main buildings when hit, were these other buildings near enough to have that shit fall on em
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My dad knew the world trade center and he said that penis penis penis
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>implying 3/11 ever happened
Niggas pls

Just look at the wingspan of that wingless plane!


>dat new wingless Boeing plane, the passenger scramjet
Fake and gay
>doesn't know about the "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" reference he was making
There is nothing inherently theoretical about conspiracies, and there is nothing inherently conspiratorial about theories, and most of all there is absolutely nothing inherently paranormal about either of those things. This is clearly a political issue based on the political, global, socioeconomic ramifications of the event.
"lucky larry"

not lucky larry silverstien.
he had a dr apt dudee
"those buildings" Like they were fucking retirement home sin alabama. you ever been to nyc or seen the WTC beforehand? those fuckers were able to carry every fat person in the universe. WTc had little damage done and the damage that was done was much lower. why the fuck would the very top start to falla nd then perfectly.

shit was well played out. I dunno who did. probably murica/jews of ourcse and saudis" probably CIA saudis. i dunno or care anymore though.

So now that you know the truth about 9/11...what's next?

Are you just going to sit around feeling smarter than the sheep who fell for the official report?
this i can get behind. i have begun to accept this version as fact and will be spreading this truth.

thank you, anon.

Ok...but what about other Countries?
Mexico once did everything by paper too...

wheres the Mexican 9/11?

Or how about Canada?

wheres their 9/11?

>inb4 just wait

Lets stay away from logical fallacies here please.
so... you're saying that this was an international conspiracy?
What the hell is wrong with you all, it's obvious that a plane filled with muslim extremists hit the world trade center, in order to try and scare america from interacting in the middle east and finding their weapons of mass destruction. Why is that so hard for all of you to grasp you retards. There was a plane, it wasn't a hologram, staged, or the jews.

yes. every nation on earth were all in on 9/11
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When was the last time you heard anything about either of those countries, let alone a country on another continent?
Because it shows the jet beams steeling the melt fuel.
Is this legit?
No it's fake.
why do shills leave out the second half of the NIST animation of the WTC 7 collapse?
wonder how many of the comments itt were made by people getting paid to troll conspiracy boards

hey shill if you´re reading this, you´re a low-rent whore
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i wish i could be a paid shill. NSA hit me up some time. i wanna get paid!
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Its not that easy you must learn professional shitposting.
i hang out on /x/ all the time, this place is 99% shitposting. i think i can handle it.

sweet thanks! hit up your Salt Lake City servers for my complete resume!
The more you complain, the better my job security :^)
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>200 replies
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we're running outta jobs, bro. at some point somebody's gonna hafta start paying me to troll, just to keep the economy going.
>supporting the criminal bankers who wilfully wreck the economy
>to keep the economy going
We're all fucked.
It always seemed really short-sighted to me to be a shill for the JIDF/NWO/whoever.

If the NWO/Illuminati/whatever wins, you know they'll stab you in the back the second you're not needed. You know too much and they have no more use for you. At least this way you and your family might get a quick death if they're not in a sadistic mood.

If the NWO/etc. loses, you'll be hung as a traitor when the records of who tried to fuck over humanity are found, and your family spat on for harboring such a snake.

And whatever happens, it's not like you'll go to heaven. According to Dante, the 7th circle of Hell (the worst) is reserved for political shills (he uses different language but the meaning is the same). I don't think there's a single religion or moral philosophy that sees you going anywhere but down as a result of your deception. Maybe nihilism but that's just for edgy teenagers.
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>If the NWO/Illuminati/whatever wins, you know they'll stab you in the back the second you're not needed.
i don't know, they've been taking centuries already, if anything i'd call it job security. plus, it's a government gig which means benefits, pension, all that! sounds breddy gud to me!
What if nobody wins?
Y'know...like how its been for the last couple centuries?

We're both wasting our time here.
You'll die having accomplished nothing
I'll die with a nice pension :^)
You'll die having helped to build Hell on Earth. Guess what that means for your afterlife.

I suppose you believe there is no afterlife, well keep believing what you're told by the very people paying you to lie on their behalf, see where it gets you.
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but, you can't bring your pension to shill heaven.....
perhaps once the Illuminati takes over the world, in the future, they'll give everyone with tenure robot bodies and computer brains! i wanna get in on that now!
you're right anon
I should strictly adhere to the rules that a couple of dehydrated sandniggers wrote out thousands years ago.

Clearly they know what's best for me.

What makes us so different, anon? Aren't you just shilling for Jesus?
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Who said anything about Jesus?
either way, you're shilling for somebody because you think they have your best interests at heart
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>getting paid to troll conspiracy boards
>he does it for free
Maybe I'm trying to help you save your immortal soul because I have my own interests at heart.

Shilling implies deceit. If I believe what I'm saying then it's not shilling. You might call it preaching, I prefer to think of it as spiritual guidance.

I don't claim to have all the answers but I believe that knowingly leading your brothers and sisters down a dark path towards ignorance and slavery (and motivated by greed of all things) will come back to bite you on the ass.
jet fuel can't melt jet fuel
idiot. It was nerve gas.
>Shilling implies deceit
does it?
I see it more as loving my job

I genuinely think you would be happier if you didn't stress out over antiquated depictions of spirituality and afterlife.

Also if you stopped depicting every unpleasant person and alternate worldview you encounter as part of an organized conspiracy against yourself. It's an incredibly self-important way of viewing the world.
Why the fuck would they ship everything to a crowded location and create some sort of elaborate grand conspiracy to destroy it? Surely there would be more practical locations, no? Not to mention locations that would go unnoticed enough not to have "enlightened" morons like yourself running around claiming to know the truth.
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Yes, shilling does imply deceit. If there's no deceit then it's just promotion of a genuine viewpoint, just an honest argument.

I genuinely think you would be a better person if you spent more time reflecting on spirituality and afterlife and less time promoting ignorance for cash. Just because some people would have us believe the idea of a soul belongs to ancient superstition doesn't make it so. You know how lies and disinfo work and you don't have a monopoly on bullshit. But if you'd prefer to lie to yourself like you do to everyone else, it's your life, whatever helps you sleep at night.

Also, I don't view every unpleasant person and alternate worldview I encounter as part of an organized conspiracy against myself, but when I read an article like this one...


...then I think it's a good idea to be on the lookout for such self-confessed agents of deception when I'm trying to learn about the world and discuss potentially hidden or controversial truths with total strangers. That's not paranoia, it's prudence.
This is talking about well-known online activists
You are literally an anonymous nobody.

And honestly, why would the government have to pay people to shitpost when so many are obviously content to do it for free?

It's not prudence when your fear is completely irrational. It's just an excuse to discredit people that you disagree with

>(when they were still on the Pound and not Euro)

But the UK is still using the Pound.
>Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable.

This thread has 100+ posters, which likely means 200+ people viewing the thread. If 200+ people regularly gathered IRL to discuss government lies and potential murder of their own citizens, don't you think an agency founded with the aim of monitoring these dissenting voices would take an interest? I think this site, with it's millions of users, qualifies as "online discourse."

Deny / Disrupt / Degrade / Deceive

I've seen these tactics used in thread after thread, particularly ones discussing the government and conspiracy "theories," and I know I can't be sure they're shills, but neither can anyone rule it out when there's so much evidence of disinfo operations being carried out on the internet.
It was the jews
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BBC video reporting wtc7 collapse 25min before it actually fell. twice!
>A landing force of 80 Million
totally possible. the Chinese require military service of their citizens, so mobilizing that many soldiers, while an insane feat, would not be impossible. now, shipping dozens and dozens of nukes in shipping crates would be close to impossible without complicity, but hey, what's a conspiracy theory without some suspension of disbelief?

> totally possible

That's like saying it's "totally possible" that the US is going to send an army of 100 to occupy China

Also, China does NOT practice conscription.
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wich is around 20 minutes, not 5 hours..... good job anon
shut right the fuck up.

you got fucking REKT and the best you can say is: shut up

abloo hoo
Not to mention the paper that ended up all over Manhattan after the buildings collapsed

Started watching part of this on the failure to intercept the planes, and I'm curious, what were they supposed to do if they had actually caught up to them?
I mean if the planes were actually hijacked, what are a couple guys in jets supposed to do? Shoot down a plane full of civilian passengers?
Yes. The cost of some over the cost of many.

So they were supposed to shoot down civilians while they had no idea where these planes were actually headed?
I mean if they knew they were headed straight for the WTC I could understand the concern raised here, but the planes were all over the fucking place. Shooting down a civilian airplane would be a huge disaster for whoever green lit the order, and even more so if they shot it down without knowing its intended target.
That hadn't been established, though. The problem here is you're using hindsight the people at the time didn't have to try and dictate their actions.

I remember the day quite distinctly. I was preparing for work and my girlfriend and I at the time were watching the news. The first plane had hit the first tour and everyone was scrambling to determine whether the crash was intentional or just a spectacular accident. It was only after the second plane hit that it became quite clear it was all an intentional attack. Until you knew that, shooting them out of the sky would be premature to a horrific level, especially since using planes as weapons like that didn't have a well established precedent.

It's rather like the whole argument of why people would let some guys with boxcutters take over a plane. Historically, hijackings were just that, hijackings. People didn't typically hijack a plane in order to suicide dive it into something. That was not something to be anticipated.

And yet evidence strongly suggests that one plane nevertheless learned of the actions of the other two or three and, realizing that precedent was about to be challenged, managed to thwart the attempt (more or less.) That fits in far more rationally with the reality of the knowledge the people at the time had, not the knowledge you have years later.
The order to shoot down Flight 93 had been given prior to their crash.
just because a plane is shot down doesnt mean everyone dies. it just has to perform crash landing shit...

[citation needed]

A plane that has been hijacked, though.
You think the guys who hijacked it are just going to let the pilots perform crash-landing protocols?
They were already planning on dying, so if they shot down the plane why wouldn't they just force the pilots to dive-bomb it anyway?
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everyone is forgetting that the FBI actually rented rooms to the hijackers and knew their flight training school.
Wake the fuck up and pay attention. It was not that long ago.

Then why can't you direct me to a legit source?
I'll even settle for wikipedia, anon

And if it had been given, why the fuck wasn't it carried out? I thought the issue was that jets hadn't even been sent to intercept the planes, so why the order?
Help a curious anon out man, I'm just trying to fill in the blank spots the video doesn't cover
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