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Am I allowed to ask questions about 4chan here? I'm curious
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Am I allowed to ask questions about 4chan here? I'm curious about bans and after looking up info for a while couldn't find the answer.

If I get banned from a specific board, am I banned from viewing as well as posting, or just posting?

Related question: am I allowed to request that a mod ban me from a specific board?
>If I get banned from a specific board, am I banned from viewing as well as posting, or just posting?
You obviously can't be banned from lurking, you clueless newfag.

>Related question: am I allowed to request that a mod ban me from a specific board?
Why the shit would you ever want to request that? Seriously, some people should never be allowed on 4cuck, even if it is the most cancerous of the chans.

Also, head over to >>>/adv/ for questions/advice next time.
> am I allowed to request that a mod ban me from a specific board?
Never get why people ask for this since if you really wanted to post it is simple to get round it so a ban is no different than a self imposed block or blocking the site in your hosts (is actually more effective).

As for your question.
>If I get banned from a specific board, am I banned from viewing as well as posting, or just posting?
If you are banned you can still view, just not post. Years and years ago it use to mean you couldn't see anything but not now.
>you clueless newfag.
Only newfags call people newfags. Years ago it actually meant you couldn't view either but you would know that, right?.
Oh wait never mind it is some /v/ or /pol/ tard.
>>95826 (You)
>no argument
Thanks for proving me right.
>>95830 (You)
>expecting me to argue with plain and basic shitposting
Argument: here's another on the house.
Encore: I've wasted enough time with you.
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laughing whores.png
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requesting bans

>He thinks he can leave
>says the person who was shitposting from the start
Yep still nothing after getting proven you know nothing of old 4chan. Since you hate 4chan go back to your 8gag or stay on your containment boards.
Ah ok. I thought it was a ban from both, thanks.

>Also, head over to >>>/adv/ for questions/advice next time.
Sorry this upset you so much. Figured this board's "any other kind of work-safe request" would include requests for information. Since it wasn't a request for advice, but rather information, I didn't go to /adv/.
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guys, /wsr/ is nice board
please don't do this here
Here are the basic rules for banning

If you are banned, you are banned from posting on that board. This means you can still lurk the board.
This was bad news for people who just wanted to quit 4chan. Banning used to block you from the entire site.

No you can't request to be banned. but it's pretty easy. Just repeatedly post NSFW content

unless its a NSFW board, then post gore or something
You can still lurk all boards
You can not post on any boards
If you get permo banned after a month or so you will be able to post again anyways because ISP proxy blah blah...
posting gore gets you banned?
Hurts when I pee 'coz I've got VD from fapping to CP

I requested CP, kinda, on /b/ in a shota bread. I wasn't even asking for me, I clearly stated I was asking for a friend, but I guess the MODS MODS MODS didn't believe me.
According to the global rules, you must not post shota, except on /b/ where that rule doesn't apply. Unless you were requesting actual CP, I don't see how you would be banned from that.
idk, I never go to /b/.
This is literally
>Note: "ZOMG NONE!!!1" applies to moderators as well.
The no rules thing on /b/ also applies to mods so they can ban who ever they like when ever they like.
Thread replies: 17
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