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Who is this? Any more? Name? Story? Appreciated!!
File: 145738439986.png (71 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
71 KB, 900x900
"Yume Nikki", the one and only, the game (2004) that started all of those clones that I love: http://yumenikki.wikia.com/wiki/Yume_Nikki
The character is Madotsuki, the sleepy hikkikomori. The game is about her exploring her own mind while dreaming, 12 doors with different worlds to explore. Really symbolical and trippy, most of the fun is playing it and then read on the internet about the tiny things you missed. It's one of those rare games that gave me that "now what..." lost kind of feeling.
Getting it to work is kinda tricky, this should make it easier for you: http://yumenikkifg.wikia.com/wiki/Technical_Difficulties
It's a really peculiar game, you might like it, you might not.

The style of your picture is in my opinion the best representation of Madotsuki, made by "aosora (mizore)": http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=aosora_%28mizore%29
Her name is Madotsuki, she is the protagonist from the Japanese RPG game Yumme Nikki (which means "dream diary").

The name "Madotsuki" is not used as a name in Japan and it roughly translates to "covered with windows". In fact she wears a sweater depicting a window, often represented by a checkerboard pattern.
>The character is Madotsuki, the sleepy hikkikomori.
It's never been confirmed and honestly not one of my favorite theories due to the possible drug use Madotsuki engages in. There are drugs irl that can cause nightmare disorder and night tremors.
The fun bit about this game is that you can believe whatever you want and not be wrong, it's all vague on purpose, just choose the one you like more.
What's your favourite fangame? LCDDEM was comfy as fuck, great ost, .flow was phenomenal and creepy, the story/theories are pretty fucking great, Yume Graffiti was a little duller but still got the feeling right, the ancient japan culture tone was really enjoyable. I have others here ready to play, yume2kki is next, but I don't want to "waste" them, I fear the moment I have none left to play.
meant for
I never played any of the fangames except Yumme Nikki 3D. Thanks for mentioning those fangames though, they sound interesting, I'll check them out.
OP here, /wsr/ bros, you have done a great job. Thanks very much!
Wow I thought it's just a random cute neet picture but don't know that it's from a game, an awesome sounding one to boot. Will definitely give it a look.
Where would she get access to such drugs in japan?
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