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Requesting brand name for these crackers. My work left these
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Thread replies: 26
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File: 20151221_185009.jpg (1 MB, 3264x1836) Image search: [Google]
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Requesting brand name for these crackers.

My work left these crackers out for us and they're fucking delicious but nobody knows the brand.

If needed, I can post additional pictures of the crackers at various angles.
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Here are the crackers from the top-down.
Are you actually autistic?
If someone else asks if I'm just autistic, I am going to drive to the shitty little shack you live in and beat you to death with a rolling pin.
I don't even eat crackers from low tier brands like Ritz
What do you think I am, a poor person?
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Here is what it looks like broken, if that helps identify them.
Is this what the future of /wsr/ has in store for us?
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Op, to properly determine what the crackers actually are you have to use the Physical Property Tests.

I'll enter the data into my Uni's database and I can give you a rough estimate on what brand it is.

So please describe, in detail, these following:

Chemical Reaction
But are you?
Possibly? I see yours has a wider middle but maybe these do and I can't see them?
Find out who brought them, and ask that person.
Maybe you should eat better crackers. I only eat crackers with the name clearly printed on them in gold dust.
>not having homemade crackers
Compare the holes in the crackers.
>identify these crackers

Hahaaha, holy shit OP I'm dying from how absurd this request is.

This board has a great future.
I think the biggest joke of this... is that I tried to help and yet, thirty something brands later, I can't find a god damn thing.
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snack sticks.png
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i spent literally 3 minutes in google to figure this out kirara
come on man, it's like you didn't even try
>OP asks for sauce on fucking crackers
>someone actually finds it
I don't know what baffles me more.
Long live /wsr/
Requesting best type of sauce for these crackers.
Tuna-mayo, nutela, or old fashion peanut butter.
A spicy ketchup-mayo.
Parmesan garlic sauce, Hummus, Nacho cheese, or jelly.
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Take your pick.
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I'm gonna be sick

You might just have to make do with Club Minis, anon.
>is autistic
you're like the man of my dreams, wanna fug? :-DD
Thread replies: 26
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