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So my laptop's charger port done shit the bed. My laptop
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So my laptop's charger port done shit the bed. My laptop was just fucking dandy earlier, now it doesn't charge properly. It has to be in a different position each time, and it only charges for like 5 minutes. It feels loose -- it slides in too smoothly and it feels too unsecured, if you get what I mean.

I opened up my laptop, and saw that the actual port is like pushed back so far into the machine, and when I tried to push it back in place, it just kinda drooped down and didn't move forward.

I can't pay to have it fixed atm, got laid off a month ago, so what can I do to fix it guys?

I can't upload pics of this atm sadly.
So I got it charging now for more than it has been, and I had to push the damn thing like as far as I could. It's really pushed in there.
>so what can I do to fix it guys?

desolder it, move it back into place, solder the connections back and then seat it firmly with a hot glue gun. that should hold it.
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