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Recommend me good seinen romance? I'm talking about things
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Recommend me good seinen romance?

I'm talking about things like Hetakoi where people actually get together, have sex, etc. instead of the shounen romance 150 chapters to hold hands
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Natsu no Zenjitsu
thanks! I'll check it out
Itoshi no Kana
Molester Man
Koharu no Hibi
Koibana Onsen
Umi no Misaki (had some buildup, but if I recall it had quite a bit of 'action' too)
Sundome and Nana to Kaoru are alright if a perverted relationship is preferred at the start.
Nozoki Ana is that one that seems to be going ok to start, but drags it out a fuck ton similar to Hetakoi.
Futari Ecchi starts under the premise of a newly established couple, but it just kinda devolves from there.
Minamoto-kun Monogatari has many relationships, but where I left off so far he hasn't reached the end and is still in boyfriend bootcamp.
Of course there is haremshit like KissxSis and ToLove Ru Darkness, but I don't think that was what you were looking for?
Whether or not these were what you are looking for, I am not the best judge of quality.
They are just the ones I've read.
I would suggest for continued search to look under tags "seinen" "romance".
Good luck and enjoy (maybe)!
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