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Hey I know nothing about pc gaming and builds but I need advice (im poor af) on what to upgrade on my pc that gets 20 fps average on cs go . After research I found out that my psu could be to blame for kak fps ingame
Specs:intel Core i3 3220 (ivy bridge)
Mb: ASrock h61m-vs
Ram: 8gb ddr3
Gpu: Nvidea geforce gt730
Psu max 350w
Psu is fine, gpu is kaka
Nope, it'll be your "graphics card".

It's criminal that they even sell these things, as they're no better than the one in the processor, yet they convince people to part with $50 for them.

The bad news is that a decent GPU would put you very close to your PSU's rated spec, so you really will need to upgrade it too.

Your best bet would, I think, be to get something like a R7 250. It's cheap, It's at least a step up from onboard graphics, it's a fuckload more powerful than the card it's replacing, and yet because of Moore's law it's no more taxing on the PSU.
This video might be useful to you, even if it's about a year old. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GJNWtUVqLI

The gist of it? A secondhand Radeon HD 5770 will beat the tar out of your GT730 in many situations, but it will require a better PSU. Coincidentally, I actually ran a 5770 for a while until I relegated it to my secondary rig in exchange for an R7 250x. Truth be told, I only got the 250x because it was a good deal, and I was worried about the 5770 crapping out as I got it from a friend whose PC went through a flood.
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