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Maga Recomendations for a young girl
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File: yotsuba& 3.jpg (60 KB, 337x501) Image search: [Google]
yotsuba& 3.jpg
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Hey /wsr/ My Nieces birthday is about to come up.What manga do you think an 11 year old girl would like?
She loves yotsuba and I wanted to try introducing her to something else.
So ones that have been published in English and I can easily get from a store or amazon .
Try to keeps the recs age appropriate and mention anything questionable.
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Girls und Panzer: Little Army
Chi's Sweet Home
azumanga daioh
by the same author who did yotsuba, he did this manga first so the art isn't as polish as yotsuba but still good and familiar.
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Shōjo manga isn't really my thing... "hana yori dango" perhaps?
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Any of rustle's work.
I don't know how easily you can get Tokyo Mew Mew, but there's always K-On!.
Azumanga Daioh is a fairly fun read. You can get the complete omnibus from amazon for less than $20.
I only watched a bit of it but I thought I remembered a few jokes about the male teacher being a pedo
I might be wrong it been awhile

Not a bad suggestion

It does not have to be Shojo yotsuba isnt after all

I thought about tyoko mew mew
Has any one read shugo Chara it looks interesting but I'm not sure about it
Going to second Chi's sweet home and Tokyo mew mew. Also Yokai Watch, if she's either played the 3DS game or watched the cartoon.
yeah the male teacher says he is only teaching cause he likes high school girls. He can come off as a bit creepy but he never does anything other than being that somewhat creepy guy. I don't think he even is in the mango for that long.
Ichigo Mashimaro
As you've already been recommended, Azumanga Daioh. It's got nothing inappropriate.

You won't find anything else that is as clean as Yotsuba. Hell, not all Yotsuba chapters are pristine. The one at the pool, for example, has Koiwai and Jumbo perving over Fuuka... because Pretty Neighbor is canon.
Nichijou and Tonari no Seki-kun
Can't believe these haven't been-recommended yet
Land of the Blindfolded may interest her. Through her ability to foresee people in danger, a girl actively tries to save them from their fate.
>Tonari no Seki-kun
Ive been meaning to read/watch that myself
I read I few chapters just now I think the tone and style would appeal to her
I didn't realize it was being published now
thanks for the suggestion

>Azumanga Daioh. It's got nothing inappropriate.
I would get it is she was my kid I just don't want any angry phone calls from my sister
Every young girl likes Shugo Chara, she will surely likes it.
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